Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) (17 page)

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This isn't good
, I sent.
Most people won't see them and can go right through with no warning

Exactly what we're thinking. Most people won't see them. We figure the Elemaiya will recognize them, however

Merrill was right, and I figured he and Lissa had already discussed this at length before contacting me about the Elemaiya living at SouthStar. While they might not be willing to help Lissa for obvious reasons, if I or someone else they respected asked, that answer could change.

I know several who will likely help, no questions asked,
I said
. Because Breanne will save them by taking them through a gate and landing them on Avendor with me in the future

The half-Elemaiyan children
, Merrill acknowledged.

Edward is with Reah, or I'd ask him as well. I'll speak with Breanne about this and we'll get the ball rolling. Tell Lissa I'll contact you when I know more

Thank you
, Merrill said.

This is more than frightening
, I said.
I have word from another source, too, that one who shouldn't be resurrected may have been.

You're not talking about Saxom, are you?

Not Saxom. His brother, Moxas. The Khos'Mirai. If not the original, then one of his clones, which is just as dangerous

This is so much worse than I ever imagined
, Merrill replied.
I'll take this information to Lissa, but she is worried enough as it is.


* * *

Le-Ath Veronis—present

Lissa's Journal

Merrill came to deliver the news himself, without bothering to send mindspeech. I was glad he did.

"Ashe is willing to ask the Elemaiya to help us," he said. "He believes the half-Elemaiyan children from Earth will volunteer, regardless."

"That's wonderful," I said.

"He said he'd let me know when he has a definite answer from the others," Merrill said.

"You don't look happy that some of them might help us," I said.

"That's not the unhappy part," Merrill stated. "Ashe also said he had information on another possible resurrection."

"Oh, no," I muttered, watching his face. Merrill seemed unusually pale to me.

"He says that Moxas may be among the living again. And if not the original, one of his clones."

At first, I didn't recognize the name. Never knew he had a name, actually. The moment Merrill said the word clones, however, I knew. "The Khos'Mirai?" My breaths stilled and I stared at Merrill in alarm.

Chapter 10



Breanne's Journal

I only knew of the Khos'Mirai from reading Lissa. A tragic character, but still capable of creating so much harm. His talents spelled trouble for our side, no doubt about that.

Ashe asked for a brief meeting with Hank and me after he'd gotten the news, so Hank and I were attempting to digest what the Khos'Mirai's reappearance might mean in the long term.

"I believe it is a clone," Hank said. "Nevertheless, the trouble will likely be the same. He can see many things, and we may be helpless to block many of his visions. We have no Sirenali on our side, while they seem to have them in abundance."

"You don't think there were ever any good Sirenali?" I turned to Hank.

"They attacked the Larentii homeworld, in an attempt to control Larentii. Imagine what that act might have accomplished—had they commandeered the most powerful race ever created by the Three."

"That is so messed up," Ashe shook his head. "I suppose it's a good thing Larentii are immune to them."

"Can Larentii see gates?" I asked.

"What?" Ashe stared at me.

"Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? That they might see them?"

"Kalenegar?" Hank said to empty air. Kal appeared in a blink.

"Can Larentii see gates—similar to the ones the Elemaiya used to travel through?" Hank asked.

"Of course, but they are such an inelegant method of traveling," Kal said. "We knew where all of them were located—Nefrigar had them mapped for the archives. The gates are seldom used, now, so the information is for historical reference only."

"Can we get to this information—those maps?" Hank asked.

"Yes," Kal said cautiously. "Why?"

"Because a gate has been located on Frithia, and it's open for anyone to walk through," Ashe said. "We believe the enemy's agents may be waiting on the other end of it, to ensnare or kill the ones who accidentally stumble into it. We want to know if it's a new gate or if the enemy warped an existing gate."

"Nefrigar?" Kalenegar said to empty air. I blinked when another Larentii appeared. This one was mated to Reah. I knew that when I read him.

"Ah. I never thought to see two at once," Nefrigar nodded respectfully to me and to Ashe.

"May we borrow copies of the old maps to the Elemaiyan gates?" Kal said.

"Of course—I have several copies," Nefrigar said. "Which format?"

"Paper will do," Kal said dryly.

"As you wish it." Nefrigar held out a large, blue hand and a huge book appeared there. "These are written in Alliance common, so those from this planet will not be able to decipher them."

"Good enough," Ashe accepted the book from Nefrigar. "Thank you. I'll send this back when we're done."

"Even if you cannot return it, it is nothing but a copy. We have the originals still in the archives."

"Is Frithia in here?" Ashe asked, opening the huge book. The cover was thick, rigid cloth, in black with a gold spine. The language on the spine was in the Larentii language, and the title proclaimed the book
Maps of Elemaiyan Gates, a Pictorial Reference, with Illustrations and References in Alliance Common

"Here," Nefrigar held out a hand and pages flipped until they fell open in one particular place.

"Do we know where the gate was found?" I asked, rising to look at the map, which indicated two gates.

"Merrill said here, in the capital city," Ashe replied, placing a finger over a portion of the map. Neither of the previous gates was in that place; that was easy enough to see.

"They're creating new ones instead of changing old ones, then," Kal said. "That requires a great deal of power. Even the Larentii do not do this."

"Kifirin borrowed power from his parent, one of the Al'Riyu, to create the Dark Realm and everything in it, including the gates from world to world," Hank breathed smoke. "It was not discovered until later that the gates connecting the Light Realm to the Dark were also created. That means it requires the power of the Al'Riyu or above to create gates."

"Well, I know what I stared down, and he was definitely stronger than that," I huffed.

"Very true," Ashe agreed.

"Are there any Larentii willing to help the ASD and CSD?" I asked Nefrigar.

"Only if one or more of the Three ask or command," Nefrigar inclined his head to me.

"I'm asking some of the Elemaiya to cooperate, so we should only need a few. Do I ask you or should I approach Ferrigar?"

"You may ask me," Nefrigar smiled. "I am connected with Ferrigar at this moment, so your message will be transferred to him through me."

"How many should we ask for?" Ashe turned to me.

"Let's ask for five volunteers," I said.

"Sounds good," Ashe agreed.

"Ferrigar says that he will call for volunteers, but he is likely to get many more than five," Nefrigar's smile widened.

"Tell him we'll keep the extras in reserve, in case they're needed," Ashe said. "And thank you. Very much. This will make our work easier."

"Ferrigar says he is happy to accommodate the Three."

* * *

Le-Ath Veronis—present

Lissa's Journal

Reemagar and Connegar appeared in my study together. "We have news," Connegar began.

"Ferrigar has given permission for a few Larentii to assist the ASD and CSD in recognizing gates during their investigations. Ashe is also approaching some of the Elemaiya to do the same."

"How many?" I stood—this was almost unprecedented—that the Larentii might help in mundane, humanoid affairs. Well, almost mundane. Anything that might involve the God Wars was certainly not so mundane.

"Ashe asked for five to start," Connegar said. "Ferrigar asked for five volunteers. He received many more than that, but he chose those who have the most experience dealing with humanoids."

"Do I know any of them?" I asked.

"I am one," Reemagar smiled broadly. "Lenigar is another, as is Jerigar. Nefrigar's oldest sons have also been chosen—Serrigar and Valegar."

"Does Norian know yet?" I asked.

"Ferrigar requests that you pass this news to him. Ashe will let you know which of the Elemaiya have volunteered."

I sent mindspeech immediately.

He sounded surprised to hear from me.

Nori, the Larentii and a few Elemaiya will be helping your investigation teams—they'll be able to recognize the gates so your agents don't fall into them
, I said.

Deah-mul, what if we send something through the gate we found already?
Norian responded.
I've been studying this. Wouldn't it be prudent to try to send a sensor or spybot through?

Let me ask Reemagar if we can borrow some of their technology. They're famous for their microscopic cameras, and none of them ever shows up on anybody's radar.

Are you joking? You think they might do that?
Norian's mindspeech sounded breathless with excitement.

"Reemagar," I said to my Larentii mate.

"I have already sent the message to Ferrigar," he smiled brightly. "Ferrigar gives his permission, provided the Larentii remain in charge of their technology."

"Suits me, I'll just tell Norian that," I smiled back.

Norian, they say as long as the Larentii volunteers have control over their technology, we can use it.

Cheah-mul, that is outstanding!
Norian crowed in mindspeech.

Nori, you don't order the Larentii. Keep that in mind. You ask, and ask politely. Okay?

I know
; he deflated just a little.
How many do I get, and how many does Jett Riffler get?

Jett Riffler was Director of the CSD, and he'd have to be brought into the loop as well. Jett was Avendoran, and I had a feeling that Ashe had been instrumental in getting him hired as the Director. He'd been in charge of the Avendoran CSD office for five years before his promotion after his predecessor retired.

I'm hoping that Ashe can come up with five as well, so you'll have some Larentii and some Elemaiya. I'll ask your five to meet you here, and I'll contact Teeg to inform Jett
. It irked me whenever I was forced to refer to Tybus as Teeg, but there was no other way around it. To everyone else, he

Let me know when you've spoken with Teeg. I'll contact Jett, too
, Norian said.
We need to coordinate teams
. He sounded worried after I told him to look for unusual disappearances.

Nori, we're all worried. I don't have any knowledge of how these gates are created to begin with, or whether they have to be in the appropriate place to create one. I sure as hell don't want one in the middle of my palace.

I never thought about that
, he replied, his sending thoughtful.
Keep me informed; I have to talk to Lendill about this

I shut down our mental conversation with a sigh and turned back to Connegar and Reemagar. "We have to visit Tybus and Jett Riffler," I sighed.

* * *

Tybus smiled when I walked into his private study flanked by two Larentii. Jett was there, waiting with him.

"Queen Lissa, how are you?" Tybus rose and offered his hand. I took it and managed to control most of my trembling.
Daughter, do not be afraid
, he sent mindspeech. "I hear you have welcome news for us," he continued aloud and released my hand. "Please, sit. Is there anything we might offer you? Food or drink?"

Yes, I'd been informed that he was my father in his previous life. I did and didn't find that comforting. Honestly, Tybus seemed more at ease with the concept than I did.

"Wine?" I asked. It was almost the dinner hour, and a little wine might not hurt. Connegar was transporting me home, after all.

In less than five minutes, I had a glass of chilled white wine in my hand while I explained, with help from my Larentii, what the plan was.

"I'm putting teams together now. It appears that we need five. Norian is researching unusual disappearances, as well as any new religions. I'll ask my agents to question their priests and leaders," Jett said. "If our volunteers can see these invisible gates, I will be most grateful for their help."

Jett was perhaps six feet tall, with dark skin and a black ink tattoo covering the left side of his face. It resembled images of animals, leaves and vines, marking him as a member of the Southern indigenous race of Avendor—the Fi'Gu.

Much like the Falchani, the more elaborate the tattoo on a Fi'Gu, the more important the man or woman. Jett had an extremely elaborate tattoo, which likely ran down the entire left side of his body. The tattoo indicated the respect due the person wearing it. The right side was never tattooed—they left it bare in deference to their gods.

"The Larentii will be pleased to work with you, Ku'Ri," Connegar nodded to Jett.

"I should have known the Larentii would recognize me as such," Jett smiled.

Ku'Ri is Warrior Chief to the Fi'Gu
, Reemagar silently supplied.

He's the Chief of the Fi'Gu?
I responded in surprise.

There are two. The Ku'Ri and the Ku'La. The Ku'La is the Chief of Law for the Fi'Gu. You should see her—she is amazing

I'll bet she is
, I acknowledged.

"How soon will your teams be placed in the field?" Tybus asked Jett.

"Tomorrow. I've already briefed them. There will be two of my agents, plus a volunteer on each team. We're going through potential targets now, so we'll have a plan in place by tomorrow morning."

"We will be most pleased to work with you," Serrigar and Valegar appeared inside Tybus' study and nodded respectfully to Jett.

"You know where my office is?" Jett grinned.

"We do."

"Meet me there at eight bells, local time, then."

"We will." Serrigar and Valegar disappeared as easily as they'd appeared.

"This will be an amazing and welcome experiment," Jett observed.

* * *


Breanne's Journal

Ashe bent time to find out whether any Elemaiya might be willing to work with the ASD and CSD. The ones who answered his call didn't surprise me in the least.

Macy, Luanne, Keith, Philip and Elizabeth waited for us inside Ashe's massive study. Philip and Elizabeth were still ghosts, but that was about to change—provided I had the strength to do it.

"Elizabeth, are you willing? Philip, what about you?" I turned to the ghostly mountain lion.

"I am," Elizabeth replied.

I certainly am ready
, Philip's words were accompanied by a growl.
Ashe has explained the God Wars to us in the past. I wish to serve with him

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