Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) (26 page)

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Sal, are you hungry?
Ashe teased.

Dude, you ought to know the answer to that already
, Sali declared.
I can hear Trajan's stomach growling from across the room.

You know this isn't the same Trajan?
I asked.

Just like I know it's not the same Bill. So do Mr. Thompson, Bear Wright and Mr. Evans. We've been briefed
, Sali replied dryly.

So you wore underwear today. Big deal
, I teased back. I wasn't prepared for Salidar DeLuca to start laughing.

"He loves underwear jokes," Ashe muttered.

"A werewolf ninja who laughs at juvenile humor?" I shook my head at Ashe.

"We all have our weaknesses," Ashe replied. "That part of him just never grew up."

"I like it," I said.

"Awesome," Sali walked over and draped an arm over my shoulder. "Let's blow this joint. I'm starved."

* * *

"A Ra'Ak has never stood upon the Larentii homeworld." Ferrigar, Head of the Larentii Council nodded to Ildevar Wyyld. "I am pleased to welcome you as the first."

"You called me, Father?" Kalenegar said. Ferrigar had greeted Ildevar first before turning to his only remaining child.

"Yes. Pheligar informed me that security is required to protect Kiarra in the past. I have offered the services of four Larentii for that task. We will blend in with the humanoid population of Earth's past and place shields should they become necessary. We will be prepared to send information to the Mighty should Kiarra be attacked. She is a member of the Larentii Council, after all, and is deserving of our protection."

"You say we, father, as if you include yourself in that number," Kalenegar observed.

"That is because I do include myself in that number. I have chosen three others, and together we will provide hidden security in the past. The Khos'Mirai cannot see us, and neither can rogue gods. It is the way we were made."

"Father, are you sure this is wise?" Kalenegar had his differences with Ferrigar, but he couldn't hold back the concern he felt for his parent.

"It will be easy, and I have not left the Larentii homeworld for any length of time in millennia. I grow somewhat bored, child. I hope you understand that."

"I do." Kalenegar nodded.

"I must say, you are not as cold toward me as you usually are," Ferrigar said.

"Father, I recently observed one whose last words with his father were unkind. He grieves for the loss of his parent, now."

"Understood. I will be leaving before the sun sets at my home," Ferrigar said. "The Wise Ones will be in charge in my absence."

"Good choice," Kal said. "They will inform you, should your assistance be required."

"Of course," Ferrigar replied.

* * *


Breanne's Journal

I'd been to NorthStar before; the last time for the biggest barbecue ever. This time, only Grace, Devin, Kevis, Karzac, Graegar and Barrigar were there, in addition to Kiarra, Adam, Merrill, Franklin and Shane.

"You're kidding," Jayson swore as he stared at the miles of gishi trees below the enormous house.

"SouthStar is bigger," I sighed.

"Four times this size," Kevis agreed, handing a drink to Jayson. "SouthStar covers a third of the Southern Continent on Avendor."

"I can't see the end of the trees," Jayson said.

"They're lost in the mists," Ashe said, clapping a hand on Kevis' shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a few minutes?" he asked.

"Sure." Kevis walked away with Ashe. Hank took his place. He already had a drink—an old fashioned. No surprise.

"How did you get addicted to those things?" I asked.

"When I fought in World War II, somebody introduced me to it," Hank said, chewing on red drink straws. "I like it. It takes a lot of alcohol to even give me a slight buzz."

"You fought in the second World War?" Jayson stared at Hank.

"And in the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan—had an assignment and things to learn. Drank old fashioneds the whole time. Come on, let's sit on one of those porch swings and enjoy the day. Someone will bring food out as soon as it's ready."

Others joined us as if called. Kevis and his parents, Grace and Karzac. Devin. Graegar. Barrigar. Trajan and the others from Earth. Dan Kelsey, who'd been included, was seeing things he never imagined he might see, including Larentii in their natural form.

Sali removed his sheaths and blades to sit on the deck nearby. Werewolves tend to be graceful when they move, but Sali's movements were works of art. I knew it was the blade master's training, but it still fascinated me.

Kiarra, Merrill and Adam joined us and small talk occurred all around me. I was happy just to listen while we waited for the meal to be served.

* * *

Ashe's Journal

"She'll let me hug and kiss her, but when I get a little past those things, she freezes up," I huffed.

"I believe Bree will tell you what I'm about to tell you—that Kay was virgin when she died, and that's who you're dealing with. Kalia is asleep, and even if she were awake, she'd be more nervous than Kay." Kevis shook his head and emptied the glass of bourbon he carried. I'd folded us to SouthStar for our talk—I didn't want to take the chance that Kay might come looking for me. Dad and Mr. Thompson were keeping an eye on her while I was gone.

"I've never been to bed with a virgin," I said. "Now what?"

"Talk to Hank. I believe he has made an extensive study of sex," Kevis ducked his head to hide the grin.

"Of course he has," I tossed out a hand in helpless surrender. "Do I really need to consult the dark side?"

"Breanne will go to Hank before she'll go to anyone else—have you noticed? If he crooks a finger, she's there."

"There is that," I nodded. "Don't you have any idea what he might suggest?"


"Fine. There's something else, too."

"What's that?"

"We're sort of in the same boat, you and I," I began.

"What do you mean?" Kevis had no idea.

"Kay keeps asking me to let Bree live with us. She wants her close. Even suggested that we bring Breanne into the room with us a couple of times."

"And you don't want Breanne?"

"No, that's not it. I do. I just had no idea what was in front of me when I hurt her. Now, every time she comes close, she's uncomfortable. Both times she's bitten me, it was the best sex I ever had and my clothes were still on."

"Yeah. I heard that from Jayson, too. Several times." Kevis was grumpy about that fact.

"Kevis, don't wait. Don't be an idiot like I was. Tell her. Tell her she makes you harder than a titanium rocket."

"I didn't say that," Kevis said.

"It's true, though, isn't it? I think Sali has the hots for her, too, and I have no idea what she'll think about that. Although she did say she liked his preference for juvenile humor."

"How does Trajan feel about that?"

"He doesn't know, yet, but he and Sali get along pretty good. The big question comes back to Breanne."

"And Kay. Talk to Hank—I'm serious. See if he has any ideas."

"Let's talk to him together, then," I said.

"Feeling uncomfortable?" Kevis probed. He was his father's son, all right, as well as being the best psychiatrist in either Alliance.

"You know it," I said. "Come on, I'll send mindspeech to Hank."

Chapter 16



Hank's Journal

"I never expected to be asked for advice on sex by one of the Mighty," I said. I covered the smile in my voice—Ashe wouldn't take it well. At least I doubted that he would.

"You seem to know a lot," Kevis picked up the conversation. I'd found myself cornered by both of them shortly after we'd eaten.

"I do."

"Then what's your suggestion—for Kay? To make her comfortable with this?"

"Let her make the moves," I said.

"That sounds great, except I don't think she'll ever do that," Ashe said.

"How comfortable are you being naked?" I asked.

"Comfortable enough. I'm a shapeshifter," Ashe shrugged.

"Good. Show her the bumblebee bat. Tell her all about it. Tell her about shapeshifters being comfortable in their natural state. Sit beside her naked, or get in the pool with her naked. Don't be bothered if you have an erection the size of a baseball bat. Trust me, it makes them curious."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Look, what will it hurt? If she says she's uncomfortable, then cover up. It's a simple fix. Talk about sex if she asks. Tell her it feels good. Hell, maybe she'll ask Breanne or somebody else about it."

"I want to talk to Breanne, anyway. I think Kay is uncomfortable about her scars. Bree can fix that."

"Then do that first. She won't get naked with you if she's ashamed or embarrassed about her body."

"Yeah. Good point."

* * *

Breanne's Journal

"Bree, we need to talk to you," Hank said. He, Kevis and Ashe stood beside my chair as I was about to doze off in the afternoon sun at NorthStar.

"Huh?" I jerked awake.

"Baby, we didn't mean to scare you," Hank said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "We need a favor. A big favor."

"What's that?" I rubbed my eyes—the brightness of the light was a little painful at first.

"Can you take care of Kay's scars?" Hank asked. "I think they're preventing her from having sex."

"Oh, yeah. I wanted to do that anyway," I leaned forward in my chair, preparing to rise.

"You, ah, have to go by yourself, and uh, make it seem like your idea," Ashe said.

"Seriously? I thought she was asking," I said. "Never mind," I said after getting a good look at Ashe and Hank's faces. "I'll see what I can do." I stalked away from all three of them. I knew where Kay was—sitting on the flagstones and soaking her feet in the swimming pool.

* * *

"Bree!" Kay was definitely glad to see me as I sat beside her and folded my jeans up to put my feet in the water.

"Hey." I put an arm around her. "How are you? Seems like we hardly see each other."

"I'm good. Probably better than I've ever been," she said, pulling a leg up so her toes would stick out of the water. Even her toes were perfect.

"Great. I have a question for you," I said.

"What's that?" Bright-blue eyes studied me carefully, wondering what I might ask.

"I know you have those scars, and I know you don't like them," I said. "I can get rid of them, if you want."

"Really?" Kay stared at me, now.

"Yeah. That way, you could wear a bikini if you want. You'd look amazing in a bikini. A blue one—to match your eyes."

"Yeah," she breathed. "Will it hurt?"

"Nope. All I have to do is
Change What Was
just a little, and presto, you'll be perfect."

"Can we do it here, or should we go somewhere else?" she asked.

"We can do it here, but I shine pretty bright when I do this, so maybe you ought to close your eyes."

"Oh, yeah." Her eyes closed immediately. I gathered power and light shone around me.

* * *

Hank's Journal

"I think Breanne could ask for anything, and Kay would do her best to get it," Ashe breathed as we watched from a distance. Ashe had to shield us; Breanne's light is blindingly bright.

"Breanne never asks for anything," I muttered. She didn't and hadn't.

"What are we discussing?" Opal approached us. "What's Bree doing now? I need sunglasses around her."

"She's fixing Kay's scars," Kevis said.

"Oh. Kay has scars?"

"Let's talk," Kevis took Opal's elbow and led her away.

Ashe and I watched as Bree's light faded. Then, to our surprise, Kay lifted her top to examine her stomach. She squealed with delight and hugged Breanne. "There it is. It's done," I said.

* * *

Breanne's Journal

Kay was so excited, she squealed and hugged me. If we'd been standing, she might have danced, too.

"Bree," her eyes became huge, "tell me what it's like."


"Sex. Tell me."

"You don't want to tap into Kalia's," I began. "Wait. Never mind. That's not sex."

"Yeah," her joy dimmed for just a moment. "Please?"

"Look, as long as you're with somebody who cares about you, and who you care about, it doesn't matter," I said. "It's nice if you can have a climax right away," I added, "but that doesn't always happen."

"But the way Hank looks at you," she said shyly.

"Huh?" I blinked at her in surprise.

"Well, when you're not watching, he sometimes looks as if he'd like to grab you up and haul you away. You know. Like that."

"Uh, okay. That sounds like how Ashe looks at you, sometimes."

"Really?" She was definitely interested now.

"Oh, yeah."

"Wow. Uh, what should I do about that?"

"Well, you can invite him to go swimming. Or get in the hot tub. Have you kissed him—you kissing him, and not the other way around?"

"He's so tall," she sighed.

"Yeah. He's that, all right."

"I know he wants to go farther, but until now, I didn't want him to see the scars and well, I just feel nervous. I'm afraid I'll do something wrong and he won't like it."

"Trust me, you won't do anything wrong," I said. "He knows what to do—let him guide you. I had no idea what to do when Hank and I had sex the first time. I told him that's how it was, and he wasn't shy about explaining everything as we went along. He made sure I enjoyed it as much as he did."

"You think Ashe will do that?"

"I don't know. Everybody's different, and nothing seems to embarrass Hank."

* * *

Hank's Journal

I wasn't aware of Ashe's hypersensitive hearing until he eavesdropped on Kay's conversation with Breanne. He linked me in on the conversation, too. I didn't care that Breanne explained things—I came out of it in a very positive light. I found myself smiling, in fact.

"Breanne's doing all the work," Ashe breathed beside me. "Kay wants me. Is that amazing or what?"

"Breanne has done more for you than you can possibly imagine," I reminded him before walking away.

* * *

Ashe's Journal

"I want to go back," Sali informed me. "When you do. I can help."

"Are you sure?"

"I want to."

"It could be dangerous, Sal."

"I know. I'm willing to take the risk."

"You know," I motioned for him to sit with me in the arboretum at NorthStar, "we still ought to take the car out for a spin—on a real highway."

"I know." Sali sat across from me, his dark eyes searching my face. "A lot of things came between us back then. It was stupid. I was stupid. I can't say I'm not still stupid, because I manage to make mistakes. I just try to think them through before I choose stupidity."

"Is that Falchani wisdom?" I grinned at Sali.

"I paraphrased," he grinned back. "Three syllables." He laughed, then. That was an old joke between us.

"Did Caylon really enter your name on the rolls as a Falchani warrior?" I asked.

"Yeah. If you fight in a war and come out a hero, that option is made available. I hear it was offered to Queen Lissa, too. She refused."

"Are you the only werewolf on their list?"

"I think so." Sali was back to grinning. "If I wanted, I could get a full set of tattoos. I'm entitled. Obviously, I'm listed as a member of the Wolf Clan."

"I can't imagine you'd belong to the flamingoes," I said.

"I don't think there is a flamingo clan," Sali chuckled.

"Probably a good thing. I don't think pink bird tattoos will instill fear in anybody."

"Chewie was a shapeshifter," Sali said. We both burst into laughter.

* * *

Breanne's Journal

"Baby?" Hank's arms slipped around me as I stood on the highest balcony of the NorthStar mansion.

"Hi." I turned in his embrace and put my arms around his neck. He leaned in to kiss me. How happy was I he'd finally decided to do that? Hank's kisses are mesmerizing. Maybe he knows that. I didn't care. All I cared about was his mouth on mine, his tongue exploring, his teeth nipping my lower lip gently before pulling away. Somewhere along the way, Henry Hank Bell had learned how to kiss—in addition to learning how to fuck.

"So, where did the Henry come from?" I asked. That was the name on his driver's license, after all—he just went by Hank.

"Reverse nickname," he grinned before rubbing my nose with his. "I wanted to use Hank, but that's a nickname for Henry."


"Yeah." He bent his head and nipped my neck before placing a kiss there. A hand slipped down and unbuttoned my jeans. Fingers made their way inside. I gasped when they made contact with a sensitive area.

"I'm gonna fuck you against that wall back there," Hank backed me up. "I don't care who sees or hears it."

At that moment, I didn't care, either. Some people might call it passion. Some might call it the heat of the moment—or an inflamed desire. It was a dance as old as time itself, and might take something stronger than both of us to stop. That's when Kalenegar arrived with Graegar and Barrigar. Hank and I were about to be included in energy sex—while having actual sex. I had no idea how that might turn out. I didn't care, either.

* * *

Ashe's Journal

All he'd said was
bring Kay
. That's it. I realized soon enough as we landed on the high balcony at NorthStar. The Larentii were joining in and I stared—Hank already had Breanne against the wall and she was holding onto him with all her strength, her legs wrapped around his hips.

"Are they?" Kay began before gripping my hand.

"Yeah. Sweetheart, the Larentii are about to join in, and that's the best and most intense sex you can ever have. Say you'll do this with me."

"I," she hesitated. "Yes. Let's do this. I will." Kay seemed determined, suddenly.

"I won't hurt you. I won't ever do that," I promised, lifting her top over her head. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I leaned in to kiss her. Her hands gripped my face as she deepened the kiss. To hell with clothing. I made it disappear with power.

* * *

Adam's Journal

Pheligar stalked into the room and lifted Kiarra into his arms. That's when I felt it—the building of power toward a climax that might touch anyone at NorthStar. Ashe had us shielded, and I imagined that shield would protect the rest of Avendor from energy sex.

Too bad—they'd definitely enjoy it. Pheligar added his power to the rest, and it was customary to provide power in return. Kiarra and I did so.

* * *

Hank's Journal

In later years, it was known as
the earthquake that rocked the Southern Continent
. Nothing was destroyed, but it was described as a great jolt followed by a quick series of intense aftershocks. If Ashe hadn't already had shields in place, it likely would have destroyed the planet in a climax felt by other worlds light-years away.

* * *

Kay's Journal

I won't ever forget my first time. It wasn't Kalia's first time, but it may have been the first time her body felt pleasure. Ashe's eyes opened shortly after mine did, and he smiled. Our bodies were still connected, although spent.

"That was amazing," I whispered. His smile widened.

"That was more than amazing," he replied. "I'm not sure there are words to describe it properly."

He was right—there were no words. Anything that might be written or said would fall far short of the reality. Only the lingering sensation and the memory of it remained.

"Ready?" Ashe asked.

I didn't want his body to leave mine, but eventually it had to happen. "We'll do this again?" I asked.

"You and me for sure—whenever you want. We have to invite the Larentii, or they'll have to volunteer," he added while his body disconnected from mine. "I know a place," he said, and before I could blink, he'd transported me elsewhere.

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