Blood Wicked (40 page)

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Authors: Sharon Page

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

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You mean a demon
. She said the words flatly. Adder was watching them, trying to fathom the words they were exchanging privately in their thoughts.

No, I don’t believe that. Not of a woman who healed others. I believe Nikolai chose her because she must have been like you—beautiful, good, strong—and he knew those qualities would make you irresistible.

Vivienne stared helplessly at him.
You know Nikolai told me my mother had a glow inside her. Could it have been … true? Heath, I must tell you: your wife looked exactly like my mother did, when she was young. Nikolai had fallen in love with Ariadne, and that was why he chose you for the curse.

“Stop!” Adder roared the word. “You will stop speaking in your thoughts or I’ll destroy Blackmoor where he stands.”

Heath knew he had only moments to figure this out. Had it been a broken heart that had turned Vivi’s mother to gin? Had Nikolai compelled Rose to destroy herself, because he no longer needed her? Or had she been drinking because she had realized she was not human, that she had strange powers, and they frightened her?

Was it possible Rose had been just as strong as Nikolai, but her powers had been those of good and healing, whereas his magic was dark and evil?

There was one thing Heath knew about men: the thing they wanted most was usually the most dangerous thing they could have. He had fought his love for Vivienne, his desire to have love and family, because it meant he had to open his heart and risk not just death, but also pain and heartbreak. Was it possible Adder wanted Vivi because
held the power to destroy him?

Vivi had stopped him from becoming a demon. Did Vivi have some kind of power that could kill demons—or possibly the power to heal and save them? Could she save vampires?

Had he destroyed her power by turning her into one? Obviously Adder wasn’t certain, because he still wanted her.

The council had power only because they were vampires. If Vivi could heal the Nosferatu, if she would return them to their human state, she could end the undead world and leave men like Adder as ineffectual mortals.

Hell, had Dimitri known? No wonder the elder vampire had told him not to bring Vivienne to the vampire queens. If Vivi could “heal” the queens, she would destroy them. They would want her dead. He had to pray he actually had ended her powers by turning her into a vampire. He had to hope Sarah had not inherited the same power. Otherwise they would be hunted for eternity. They would never be free.

But he had to worry first about the here and now. He grinned cockily at Adder, his confidence surprising the other vampire. “I will help you kill Nikolai if you guarantee freedom for Sarah and Vivi. I don’t care what happens to me.”

What are you doing?
Vivi whispered desperately.

I have to ensure they won’t pursue you. That you and Sarah will be free and safe. Once Adder gives his word, he will honor it. He has no reason to go after you.
He was lying to her now, when she trusted him. When she had faith in him. But he had to, because he was not going to fail Vivienne.

But what about you? I love you. You are going to risk everything for me. I can’t lose you.


ivienne tried to stand at Heath’s side, but he firmly propelled her back. Then, in front of her eyes, Adder tipped his head back and shouted an incantation of magic. The door seemed to tremble in its frame, it glowed red, then it flew open. Light flashed on blades and Vivienne watched in horror as the two guards charged at Heath with scimitars drawn.

Now she knew why he’d pushed her back. But she had the fireplace poker in her hand and she ran forward. One of the vampire council grabbed her and stopped her.

Heath swiftly dispatched the first servant—he chopped his hand into the man’s neck and the body flopped limply to the carpet. The second guard sliced Heath’s arm so deeply blood spurted. But Adder pulled the turbaned man back and broke his neck by swiftly jerking the man’s head. The snapping sound was unmistakable.

She could hear the slow breathing of the guard Heath had attacked. Heath had spared a man’s life; Adder hadn’t. The blood on Heath’s arm stopped flowing. Before her eyes, the wound healed. More proof the curse had been thwarted.

Suddenly she realized the guards had not come in when the window had smashed. She whispered that into Heath’s thoughts.
Didn’t they hear anything?

He shook his head, looking grim.
No, the council must have cloaked their minds. The servants here are not vampires. And it means Adder is stronger than I’ve given him credit for.

What are you going to do?
She whispered it fearfully.

Use arrogant men against each other,
came his cool reply.

They had traveled only a few yards down the hallway when more of Nikolai’s servants attacked. The vampire council attacked these men. The guards had treated Heath viciously, but it still broke her heart to see how easily the vampires could kill.

Heath clasped her hand. Was there a way out? Could they escape while Nikolai and the council fought each other? Was that Heath’s plan—?

Vivienne, you will come to me. You have failed me. And I have Sarah.

Nikolai’s voice, in her head, froze her on the spot. She stared helplessly up at Heath. “Nikolai just spoke to me. He knows what I’ve done, and he’s going to hurt Sarah.”

Heath kicked open the drawing room door and ran in, with the council members behind him. Vivienne followed, and the sight before her eyes turned her blood to ice. Sarah stood facing Nikolai. The tall, blond-haired vampire held Sarah’s chin and he slowly tipped her head, then brushed her blond hair back to expose her neck.

“No!” Vivienne screamed.

Heath launched forward and slammed his fist into the side of Nikolai’s face. The blow would have knocked a mortal man unconscious. Nikolai merely lifted his hand and a blast of white light sent Heath sprawling backward.

“Stop,” Sarah gasped. “I—I’ve agreed to do this. I am willing to become a vampire, because my grandfather will bring
Julian back to me. This way I will be the same as Julian. I can be with him. And Nikolai has promised”—tears welled in her blue eyes—”he’s promised he will let you and Heath go free, Mother.”

She didn’t believe it. And Heath jumped back to his feet, just in time to grab Adder as the vampire ran at Nikolai.

“Bloody hell, don’t attack him.”

“Very good, Blackmoor,” Nikolai sneered. “You don’t want me to accidentally hurt my granddaughter because of the council’s stupidity.” He glared at Adder. “They will want both Vivienne and Sarah dead, because that will keep the council safe.”

“I know,” Heath said, but Vivienne had no idea what he was talking about. How could she or Sarah hurt the vampire council?

“I have waited a long time to take the blood that was meant for me. In Rose, it was not strong enough. Vivienne has made it stronger; the blood absorbed her courage and fire. And now, in this beautiful child, the blood is filled with the strength of love and courage, and the passion of youth.”

“Y—you want our blood?” Vivienne had no idea what he meant. She edged toward Nikolai. He had his attention on the men.

Sarah tried to back away. “You said you would change me.”

Nikolai grasped her daughter’s wrist tightly. “And I must take your blood first, to do it. I must bring you to the brink of death.”

Vivienne saw Sarah’s welling fear. Was she now realizing the horrible deal she had made? Vivienne had to prevent him from turning Sarah. She didn’t want Sarah to give up mortal life for any reason, even love. Sarah was too young to make such a choice—

A sharp pain shot through her jaw. Startled, Vivienne stumbled back. A knifelike tip almost punctured her tongue. She had

But she didn’t hunger for blood. Strength rushed through her body. She was a mother, and it was a mother’s duty to protect her child. Suddenly she rose off the ground and she flew at Nikolai. Grasping his shoulders, she pulled him away from Sarah and they both slammed to the wood floor. But she didn’t feel the pain of impact.

She pinned Nikolai.

His gaze locked with hers. “How?” he howled. “How did you break the curse?” Then he saw her teeth and his black eyes went wide with shock.

“I broke it with love. And I will save my daughter with every weapon I possess. Including this.” She bent and plunged her fangs into Nikolai’s throat. She had no idea how to take blood; instinct was guiding her. Blood surged into her mouth. The thought of what she was doing revolted her.

“Mother, no! He was going to bring Julian back. He can’t die.”

The horrible fear and pain in Sarah’s voice stopped her. Her hesitation was enough. Nikolai threw her off and she slid back across the floor. She crashed against Heath’s legs and, of course, he paused to help her. In that moment, Nikolai leaped up. Blood flowed from his neck. It wasn’t a normal rich red; it was so dark it was almost black.

Heath ran for Sarah, but Nikolai reached her first. Eyes burning with fury, the ancient vampire dragged her terrified daughter hard against his chest. Light from the fire glinted on a blade. Nikolai held it poised over Sarah’s throat.

Heath moved forward slowly. In her thoughts she also heard the warning Heath sent to the council.
Don’t move. I’ll finish him for you. If you attack, you’ll kill her. And then I’d kill every one of you. I now know how to do it.

What did that mean? But she was too sick with fear to care.

“Stop there, Blackmoor,” Nikolai barked.

Heath did. But he said softly, “Vivienne made me open my
heart to love. Your curse was not very powerful after all, Nikolai. All I had to do was realize I wanted love more than anything else. That Sarah’s love and Vivienne’s were worth risking my heart. I had my eyes opened to the real treasure of the world: not power or glory or wealth. But love. And you, damn idiot, have thrown away any chance of love and redemption.”

Nikolai hissed like an angry snake. She knew what Heath was trying to do—appeal to the human in Nikolai. But Vivienne saw the blade press to Sarah’s throat and she doubted the old vampire had any human emotion left.

Sarah’s eyes met hers fearfully. Her thoughts suddenly flew into Vivienne’s head.
He lied and I’ll never get Julian back. I’m going to die. But I didn’t want to be a vampire. I didn’t want him to do it. I was too weak and afraid, and I’ve lost Julian forever.
Heavens, she could read her daughter’s mind.

Nikolai had barked a command in a foreign language and the doors burst open. More servants rushed in and his winged demon filled the doorway.

There was no way out.

Heath kept his eyes on the blade Nikolai held to Sarah’s throat. He had to be cautious and careful. Behind him, Vivi’s heart thundered like cannon fire, and her body quivered in terror. He had to ensure she didn’t do anything rash to save her daughter.

He could hear the labored breathing of his maker. Nikolai’s face had a blue tinge, his lips almost purple, even though the blood had stopped flowing and the wound had healed.

Nikolai was still growing weaker. Why? Was it because Heath’s curse had been broken?

Heath prayed the damn council would wait. But he also noticed the members of the council were moving slower. Laboriously. And suddenly Heath pulled Vivi forward into his arms. Love had given him the strength to break the curse. It had to
give him the strength to free Vivi from her servitude to Nikolai. His sire, the vampire council—they were not just ordinary vampires; they thrived on darkness.

He had to keep making them weak. “Don’t worry,” he whispered to Vivi’s startled face. “Sarah will be safe. That is how it will end—with you both safe, free, and living happily ever after.”

“With you.” She answered, but her voice wavered.

He kissed her. Her lips were hard and unyielding against his, which he expected. She was terrified. But Nikolai let out a growl of frustration. And the members of the council let out howls of pain.

He kissed Vivi’s neck, trailed his lips down her throat. Nikolai was shaking now, and Adder had beads of sweat—rare for a vampire—on his head. “I love you,” Heath said, over and over, each time he gasped a breath. “I love you, Vivienne, and I always will.”

“I love you, Heath. But this isn’t—”

He silenced her with another kiss.
. He had been so afraid to hope for it, but it was going to save them all now.

The point of Nikolai’s blade had fallen away from Sarah’s throat. Heath released Vivi, ran to her daughter’s side, and pulled Sarah back. Before her eyes, Nikolai’s huge powerful body began to shake. It twitched and writhed, the way Heath had done when he was transforming into a demon.

But suddenly, Nikolai’s body began to change. His skin dissolved away from his face, exposing his white skull, with the jaw wide in a grimace of pain. A blinding white light exploded from Nikolai’s chest. An explosion rocked the room. And dust flew up into a stream to the ceiling, where it vanished.

“He—he’s gone,” Vivienne gasped. “How?”

“Because you bit him. Your goodness, your glow began to destroy the darkness in him. But he had nothing but a black heart.”

Sarah began to sob, and Vivienne left Heath to hug her daughter. It meant Julian was gone, too, didn’t it?

“I couldn’t do it, Mother.” Sarah sobbed. “I tried to fight my grandfather. I didn’t want to be a vampire, but if I hadn’t been so scared, Julian would have come back.”

Another howl came, this time from the doorway. The winged demon began to melt, then light shot out of its chest, and it burst into sparkling dust and ash. Nikolai’s servants dropped their blades and they collapsed to the floor. They were alive, but it was as though they were caught by a magic spell, and Nikolai’s death had freed them.

Out of the corner of her eye, Vivienne saw Adder. He was moving unsteadily, like a drunken man, but he managed to pull a wooden stake from beneath his cloak. He jumped toward Heath.

Protective fury took control. She flew through the air, just as she had done to Nikolai. She plunged her fangs into his neck. And an intense warmth passed through her to Adder. His body glowed with a golden light from the inside out. She let him fall, and stumbled back.

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