Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2) (9 page)

BOOK: Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2)
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    "Reguardless of how he decides to spend his days, he can't sleep with a fucking terrorist. I'm calling the King," Dom said. Adam panicked.  He tried the door but it was locked.

    “Dominic! Open the God damn door and let me explain!” He pounded on the door. He was fighting Dominic’s power, trying to unlock the mechanism holding the door closed, while Dom held it shut. In the end Adam won. He was simply older and stronger. He shoved the door open and strolled into his room. Dom was seated at the couch, glaring daggers at him. Chris and Brandon stood in the corner looking guilty.

    “Oh, would you knock it off. You all look like children. We’re all grown ups here. Give me a chance to explain," he tried. Chris starting slinking towards the door. Brandon opened his mouth but must have changed his mind. He followed Chris out the door.

    “There is nothing to explain. You deliberately dipped your wick in prisoner ink. There’s no coming back from that. I hope she was giving up secrets while you were giving it to her.” Adam growled at Dom, but held himself back from snapping the younger Vamps neck.

    “She isn’t our prisoner. She isn’t even a terrorist. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. She’s part of a group trying to stop Beta Orleans from over throwing the Master and exposing the Weres to the humans. He was behind the attacks in Columbus,” Adam explained.

   “Uh huh. Did she tell you this while she was high tailing it out of the Pub last night, or maybe right before she was shouting your name in bed?” Dom said, and Adam took two steps towards him, ready to tear his head clean off his shoulders. Before he could reach him, there was a knock on the door.

    “Dom, it’s me. Open up.” It was Claude. Adam bared his teeth at Dom but still turned to let Claude into the room.

    “Oh good, Adam, you’re up. I think I figured out some of what Pauly was babbling about last night.”

    “Beta Orleans is behind the attack in Columbus, he’s been trafficking females Weres to other packs for loyalty and favors, and he’s planning to overthrow Master Orleans and Out the Weres to the humans.” Adam explained, still glaring at Dominic.

    “Ummm….” Claude looked down at his notes and back up, clearly confused.

    “I found Victoria at her apartment last night. After I explained why we thought she was a terrorist, she explained to me what was really going on. She’s in the shower right now, but when she’s done she can explain it all to you in detail. That reminds me. Claude? Could you run down to the shopping area around the corner and pick up some women’s clothes? Jeans size three I’d say and a long sleeved t-shirt, small. Maybe some socks and some underwear. Something nice.”  Adam asked. Claude just stared at him.

    “He forgot to mention the part where he tupped her last night. That’s the best part in my opinion,” Dom told Claude.

    “You know, I am about two seconds away from severing your head from your shoulders,” Adam growled.

    “You slept with a suspect?” Claude asked, incredulous.

    “Lord give me strength. No, I did not sleep with a suspect. She is no longer under question.”

    “You don’t even have proof she’s telling the truth! You were just swayed by a pretty face and a nice body. Again, I might add!” Dom declared.

    “Keep talking about her like that. I’m coming up with ways to display your skull in my apartment.”

    “Dom, I think he likes her,” Claude said quietly.

    “Of course he likes her. He wouldn’t have slept with her if he didn’t,” Dominic said.

    “No, I mean like
'Likes her'
likes her. I’ve never heard him get so emotional about a girl before. Or anything, really.” Claude was staring at him like he was a bug under a glass.

    “You two will stop speculating about me, and you will do your jobs. Dominic, what did you think you discovered about Paulys testimony?” Adam asked. Dom stared at him before answering.

    “He believes himself to be an avenger of some kind. Devin Keller was the chief guard for Master Orleans until five years ago he was fired and shunned from the Pack. Colin MacDonnell was a top ranking guard that left when he did. They went to ground and haven’t been heard from since. Not by Colin’s wife or by Devin’s children. Pauly believes they are rounding up stolen merchandise and it’s somehow tied into bringing down the Pack order. That’s what I got,” Dom said.

    “Yeah, that’s pretty much what I got. I think he thought since he was doing something good this time that he wouldn’t be arrested. But I wasn’t able to figure out what he thought he was doing that was okay.” Claude put in.

    “Don’t you see? He’s talking about stealing back the females that Beta was kidnapping. That’s why he’s convinced he’s doing something good for once, because he was. The part about taking down the pack was obviously about the Beta and Master Orleans,” Adam explained.

    “Or, he was a part of stealing the girls to begin with, and it’s all a plot to take down the Master himself. Or more likely, for Keller to take him down. He’s pissed about being shunned from the Pack. It’s obvious now.” Dom was really starting to piss Adam off.  Claude must have picked up on Adam's mood. He changed the subject.

    "You asked me to check out Gloria's phone records, I have them right here,"he said, pulling the files out of his folder. Adam looked over them.

    "There's nothing here."

    "Yeah, I know. She hasn't called anybody in days. If she's spying for her Father, she hasn't reported in yet."

    "Alright. Keep an eye on it I guess," Adam told him, a little baffled. He was sure Gloria was answering to Jones.  “I’m going to go downstairs and get Victoria some new clothes. You two are going to round up the three Weres and meet in my room in a half an hour.” Adam stormed out of the room without a backwards glance. He went back to his room to tell Victoria he was picking her up something new to wear, when he caught her talking to someone. He stopped just outside the bathroom door to listen, but she was speaking Inuit again. Most likely talking to Colin. He was going to have to learn the language so she couldn’t trick him. It sounded like she was placating him but he was still angry that she was talking to him. He slid into the room silently. She looked delicious with the big bath towel wrapped around her tiny frame, wet hair slicked back and dripping down her back. He walked silently up behind her and put his mouth to the ear that wasn’t pressed to the phone.

    “I was going to pick you up some new clothes, Darling. Do you want me to grab you some new under things?”  He said against her throat. She squeaked and turned around, wide eyed. Then she glared at him. A “what are you doing?” glare.

Colin yelled into the phone. “Who the hell is that?!”

    “Thanks.” She whispered at him, covering the phone. Then she gave Colin some line in Inuit and clapped the phone shut.  “What the hell is wrong with you? You have a death wish?”

    “I was just trying to be nice. I figured you might want something new to wear when you got out of the shower.” He couldn’t not grin at the look she was giving him.

    “Yeah, I don’t see any new clothes. And don’t pretend you don’t know why I’m mad.” She walked away from him, headed for the bedroom. He sped past her, flying out the door, down the stairs, outside, to the clothing store. He picked up a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved black t-shirt, black panties, and a pack of socks, and was back up the stairs to the room before she sat down on the bed.

    “Sorry, I’m not good with bra sizes, so you’ll have to make do with the one you had on,” he said, holding the clothes out to her. She stared at him suspiciously.

    “You pay for those?” She asked.

    “Of course! I threw $300 at the counter before I left. Here. I hope they fit.” He set them down on the bed. Then he waited. She watched him.

    “You trying to watch me get dressed?” She quirked an eyebrow. He knodded. She shrugged off her towel, it dropped gracefully to the floor. He stood transfixed. He had seen her body a thousand different ways last night, but it still made his breath catch. She bent over the bed to pick up the scrap of cloth that made up the panties he bought for her. She held them up.

    “Not my usual, but nice. Thanks.” She bent all the way over to step into them.

    “You’re welcome.” He managed to croak. She pulled them up slowly, sliding them over her ass with a snap. She pulled her bra on next. It had never occurred to him how erotic watching a woman putting clothes back on could be. She was stripping in reverse. As she stepped into her jeans, he took a step towards her. As she started to zip them he reached a hand out to stop her.

    “The boys won’t be back for another twenty-five minutes,” he whispered into her ear. She turned and smiled.

    “Well why didn’t you say so? I’m almost done dressing now,” she teased.

    “I’ll just have to help undress you, since you went to all that work for nothing,” he said logically.

    “That seems fair.” She reached up to pull his lips to hers. He picked her up by her ass and threw her backwards onto the bed. She giggled as he fought to pull her jeans off her still damp skin.

    “Damn this expensive cotton,” he growled. She wasn’t helping by kicking at him either. When he finally got them off, the minx did a little back flip on the bed and ran away out the door to the living room. “Oh no you don’t.” He ran after her, caught her around the middle, and flung her onto the couch. She was laughing so hard by the time he landed on her, he had to laugh with her. She kissed him until his heart felt like it would burst from his chest. When he was thoroughly distracted she shoved him hard in the stomach, and rolled off the couch, clear under the coffee table and out the other side. He knelt on the floor. She grinned ear to ear and she feigned left, then took off to the right. He intercepted and rolled her back towards the couch. She wasn’t having it. She jumped over it and backed up towards the window. He stalked forward.

    “I’m going to get you, Lassie,” he teased.

    “Uh oh. Not Lassie. That was Colin’s pet name for me, you know?” She teased back, and it worked. He snatched her by her hips, spun her to the back of the couch and ripped her brand new underwear clean off while he simultaneously pulled himself out of his jeans.

    “There goes another perfectly good pair of underwear,” she sighed.

    “Yep.” He murmured before he bent her over the back of the couch and slid all the way inside of her in one stroke. “Ahhh…” They both sighed. He wasted no time pounding into her from behind. She pushed back, giving it her all. Her hands grasped the couch and he distantly heard fabric tearing. She was whimpering, making the most incredibly sexy noises and it was driving him crazy. He thought he heard voices, but they were far off, and not near important as the sounds coming from the woman in front of him. Until the locking mechanism on the door gave a click and the door started to open. Adam had to slam it shut with his thoughts. Victoria looked up but he grabbed a hand full of her drying hair and pulled her back until her throat was exposed.

    “Hey! You almost broke my nose asshole!” Dom exclaimed.

    “I said thirty minutes!” He yelled back. He licked the back of her neck where it met her shoulder.

    “Yessss,” she hissed.

    “It’s been thirty minutes. Let us in.” Dom kept at it.

    “Come back in ten! Get away from the damn door,” he roared. Then he swept down and sunk his fangs into Victoria’s sweet skin. She exclaimed and pushed back harder at his cock. He couldn’t stop the moans coming from his own throat as he was filled with her essence. It was like living his pleasure and hers at the same time.

    “Ah, for crying out loud! He’s at it again! I quit after this job Adam! I’m done, I swear.” Adam ignored Dom’s threats. He was so close. She was too. So close. He pulled out of her neck and slammed into her so hard the couch was sliding across the carpet. She bent down again to scream into the cushion. Her muffled cries were still loud enough to set off his own climax, and they went together again. It had been the same almost every time they had been together the night before. He collapsed over her on the back of the couch. They huffed for a full minute before either made a move to get up.

    “You think he’ll really quit?” She asked brushing the hair from her eyes.

    “No, he loves bossing me around too much. Go get dressed though. I don’t want to hear any more of his mouth about this case.” He slapped her ass as she walked by, and she gave him a wicked grin.

    “By the way, if it ever comes up, I wear a 32B.” She said as she walked through the bedroom door. He fervently hoped it did come up in the future. He walked to the door, stopping to pick up the ripped underwear lying on the floor. He stuffed them in his pocket, ran a hand through his hair and opened the door to let the guys in. Dom came in first, glaring at him.

    “Not a word. Not a single word from you until you hear her out,” Adam said as soon as Dom opened his mouth to comment.

    “You mean she can still speak after that?” He mumbled. Adam made a move for him, but Victoria came out of the bedroom dressed and toweling off her hair.

    “Adam! Don’t.” She put the towel down and stood in front of Dominic. “You ready to be civil to me?” She asked up front.

    “I’m not sure. I haven’t decided if you’re lying to him yet or not,” he answered honestly. She nodded her head.

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