Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2) (8 page)

BOOK: Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2)
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    “What wolf? The one from Friday night?” Colin asked.

    “Yeah. I tried to run him down but he got away. When I called I was panicking. I’m sorry I scared you, but the only thing I could come up with was that he’s working for Orleans. He wouldn’t be working for the Vamps. Would he?” She asked. Adam didn’t know whether to be worried or impressed at her ability to twist the truth. She had barely told a lie during her whole recap of the events of last night.

    “I don’t know. It’s possible. What about yesterday afternoon? The meeting, how did that go? You obviously didn’t get kidnapped.”

    “You’re not going to like it,” she answered softly.

    “Tell me,” he demanded.

    “It was Cora,” she said. There was an intake of breath. This woman must mean something to the Scot.

    “What did she want?” He said after a moment.

    “She says she knows what we’ve been doing, and if we want to succeed we need to move fast. She wouldn’t tell me anymore than that. I got the impression she’s not thrilled with you. Does she know about us?” Adams blood froze in his veins at her question. Did she mean to infer that they were still together?

    “Of course not. No one knows. If they did, I would be a rug on you know who's floor right now.” There was a squeak as Colin sat down. “If she knows about the Beta it means she saw something. Heard something. He must be slipping if it’s getting down to the lower levels now. Do you trust her?”

    “She believes what she told me, I know that much. It’s coming soon”

    “I’ve feared as much. Columbus was just a practice run.”

    “Right. So, what’s the game plan now? We wait on Devin to round everybody up?” Victoria asked.

    “Yes, I suppose. All he said was to stay here and wait on you.”

    “I’m not just going to sit around. I can run out and grab some supplies. Or I’ll help look for the others. I have Matt's phone still, you can call if Devin shows up while I’m gone.”

    “No. It’s not a good idea to split up again.”

   “I wasn’t asking your permission, Colin. You forget that I don’t always have to listen to your suggestions.” Her tone demanded no argument.

    “We don’t need supplies, Vic. Please? I would feel better if I could keep an eye out on you.” He tried.

   “Sorry babe. That stopped working years ago. I’ll be back, I promise.” He could hear her coming for the exit, so he turned and left through the front door faster than any human eye could catch. He didn’t know what to think about this. Was she playing both sides? Was she playing him? He was going to demand answers and he had better get them, or Victoria Brown was going to get up close and personal with Chris’s dart gun.

   She soon as her slender wrist showed pushing open the glass door, he snatched her up and spun her into the brick wall beside it. She couldn’t have looked more shocked if he had tasered her.  Her heart beat a mile a minute and she was staring up over his shoulder, as if to check and make sure it was
still the sun lighting up the sky.

    “What the hell? How?” She stammered. Her breathe smelled like pepperoni. She must have snagged a slice of pizza on the way in.

    “Never mind how. Why did you come here? I thought we agreed I was your backup on this project?”

    “You think I was really going to abandon the people that have helped me this far? You’re crazy. Colin asked me to meet him here last night on the phone, I couldn’t say no.” She tried squirming out of his grasp.

    “And when were you going to tell me about it?” He demanded.

    “I couldn’t risk you trying to stop me, or trying to follow me.” She looked around. “You can’t be here. He’ll kill you if he sees you.”

    “I’d like to see him try.” He growled at her, baring his fangs. She glanced down once and looked away.

    “I mean it. He’ll never let the Vamps willingly help on this. It’s Were business. He’s very territorial. They all are. And so are you, apparently.” She shrugged him off when his grasp loosened. “I’ve had enough over baring men in my life. I don’t need another. You either let me do this my way, or get out now. I won’t have you telling me how to run my own plans. They’re too important.” She stood, staring at him, waiting for a reply.

    “Come on. I don’t know how far you were planning on getting on foot, but I have a ride.” He grabbed her arm and tugged her to the “borrowed” vehicle.

    “You steal this?” She asked.

    “I borrowed it.” He gritted through his teeth. “I hadn’t the time to get mine out of the garage.

    “I take it you followed me here. That’s a bit creepy, you know?”

    “I didn’t know where you were going. You might have been rushing head long into an ambush for all I knew.” He started the car and pulled back out, heading towards the hotel.

    “Heading into a testosterone ambush maybe.” She mumbled. “How are you even awake right now? It’s 4:30. Why aren’t you sizzling like bacon in a frying pan?” She asked. He ignored the visual she was conjuring. 

   “Don’t worry about how I’m doing it.” He wasn’t about to let that secret slip to the Weres. He shouldn’t even have taken the damn potion at all, but he hadn’t been thinking clearly when she left.

    “Is it because you’re super old?” She asked.

    “Super ol….” He wasn’t going to rise to the bait. Damn infuriating wench. She stared at him, waiting for him to answer. When he didn’t, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned to stare out the window.

    “You’re breaking the steering wheel,” she muttered. He loosened his grip, but didn’t say another word.


    Vic had no idea how Adam was out at this time of day, but it just figured with her luck she would be shackled to the one Vamp that wasn’t restricted by the sun. At least she hoped he was the only one. She had told herself as she was slinking off that she would be back before he even noticed. Apparently he noticed right away. She made a mental note not to underestimate him again. He headed back to the hotel, dropping the stolen car off at the pickup zone. He must be controlling the humans around them, because there was a police cruiser parked behind them questioning people about the stolen vehicle, and no one looked up as they pulled in. He still hadn’t said a word as they went up to his room.

    “I was coming back, you know?” She tried. He didn’t even turn around. “You didn’t have to go all He-Man on me, it’s not like we’re going steady now or anything.” He glanced at her, but still said nothing. As they reached his room, she had decided that two could play the silent treatment game, and if he wasn’t going to talk than neither was she. As she walked into the room, she turned to tell him so, but before she could he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. He grasped the back of her head and bent to crush his mouth down to hers. All thoughts fled her mind at the touch of his tongue seeking entrance past her lips. It hadn’t even been half a day since they had last tasted each other, but their passion flared just as bright as the night before. He eventually stopped the kiss, and when she assumed he was going to walk away, he instead wrapped his arms around her and just stood there holding her. She didn’t know how to respond, so she just stood there. It felt nice actually. Just to be held. She reached up and put her arms around his waist.

    “I’m sorry. I understand why this mission means so much to you. I shouldn’t have tried to tell you how to go about doing it. Please, just let me know what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. Or to the best of my ability.” He said over her head. She pulled out of his grasp enough to look up at him.

     “Are you for fucking real?” She asked, incredulous.

    “Of course I am. I let the fear over your leaving talk me into thinking I had some say in what you do, and that was wrong. I’m truly sorry.” He was staring at her dead in the eyes as he said this. Eventually he had to reach up and close her mouth for her again.

    “Did you have some bad blood this morning?” She wasn’t near ready to believe what he was saying. Despite the fact that she could tell he was telling the truth. Men never said they were sorry for acting like asses
. Ever.

    “Only yours,” he said in a deep voice and she shivered. She backed out of his hold and walked to the window overlooking the street far below.

    “So, Adam, what exactly is going on with us? Is this a thing, or was last night a fluke?” She had to know.

    “I was hoping that maybe after this mission is settled, we could…” A pause. “I don’t know, go steady?” He looked so cute, unsure of her answer. She was going to say something smartass to freak him out, but then there was a knock at the door. “Oh shit! Get down behind the couch!” He whispered.

    “What?” She asked, and he gestured wildly for her to get down. So she crouched down behind the couch while he opened the door. This was ridiculous.

    “Yeah, Dom, what is it?” Adam said to whoever was at the door.

    “Can I come in? I think I figured out some of what Pauly was talking about last night,” a man said. He had a light Caribbean accent.

    “Didn’t you write up a report like I asked?” Adam asked him.

    “When did you tell me that? And why the hell would I? I’m right down the hall. Like I was saying, he rambled most of the night, but I managed to…” He trailed off.

    “What?” Adam asked.

    “You had a girl in here last night,” Dom said.

    “I did not,” Adam said, and she held in a snort.

    “Yes, you clearly did. I can’t believe you, Adam. Can’t you keep it in your pants for one day? I mean, it’s one thing to sleep around while we’re in New York, but to pull that shit while we’re on a case! Christ man!” She had to dig her nails into the palms of her hands to keep from jumping up and asking what the hell he meant by all that.

    “Where are you getting your evidence of this supposed interlude?” Adam asked him.

    “Buttons on the floor by the couch, the smell of steak and potatoes, women’s underwear hanging from the lamp in the corner…” Damn it. She'd looked for those earlier and couldn’t find them. Now Adam knew she wasn’t wearing anything.

    “Good investigative eye. But there are reasonable explanations for all of that.”

    “Uh huh, you eating food and cross dressing now?”

    “Look, I swear on Stellan’s life, I didn’t have a girl in here last night.” And then Matt's cell phone went off in her pocket. She grimaced and fumbled around to silence it.

    “I hope that was Stellan calling to say he’s on his way to the infirmary,” Dom said. She knew the damage was done so she stood up and waved to Dom. He was a good looking, light skinned black man with beautiful green eyes. He didn’t look happy.

    “She’s clearly a full grown woman, Dom.” Adam gestured to her.

    “Hi, we haven’t met yet. I’m Vic.” She walked up to Dom, hand out for him to shake.

    “Vic Brown?” He asked.

    “Mmhmm.” She still had her hand out.

    “You slept with the lead suspect in a terrorist case?” Dom asked Adam. He had his eyes closed and he was pinching the bridge of his nose like he had a headache. Vamps didn’t get headaches, did they? She put her hand down.

    “Let me explain, Dom.” Adam tried, but Don threw up a hand silencing him.

    “This is beyond your usual pranks, Adam. I can’t believe you. Any pretty face.” He turned to leave.

   “Dominic, wait. It’s not like that.” Adam called.

    “If you think I’m not reporting your ass to the King, you’re sourly mistaken.” Dom pointed at Adam as he walked away.

    “Shit! I have to go take care of this,” Adam implored.

    “Yes, of course. I’m going to hop in the shower. You go explain to him what’s going on,” she said.

    “Shower you say?” He leered. She pushed him out the door.

    “Go. Fix this.” She shoved him until he started walking down the hallway towards Dominic’s room. “We’ll talk about the 'Any pretty face' comment later.” She called out to him. He flinched, but kept on walking.


Chapter Seven


    As Adam approached Dominic's door he could hear Dom, Brandon and Chris discussing what Dom had found in his room.

    "I'm sure he does have a good explanation," Brandon defended him. He could have kissed the man.

    "No, there is no other explanation. Trust me when I say he plowed the girl. I don't know how or why but he got her in here last night and shagged her right under our nose. Not only are we on a job while he pulls this shit but he does it with the lead suspect! He's finally snapped."

    "Are you saying he's Breaking?" Chris asked quietly. Adam held his breath at the question.

    "It's possible. He's well over due as far as I can tell. The man is eight hundred years old at least." Dom pointed out. "I wouldn't have thought it five years ago, but he's been missing work, been too easily distracted by women. I think it's his clutch," he said. Adam fumed as they calmly discussed his apparent descent into madness. All Vampires eventually Broke. It was a term they used when a Vampire couldn't stand eternity any longer. Some could go for a thousand years, some only a hundred. It just depended on what a person did with their infinite amount of time. Yes, perhaps lately he had been a little distracted by shagging, but he was just in a rut. He wasn't breaking. Hell, after his vacation he would be good as new.

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