Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2)
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    “Well?” He asked expectantly.

    She looked at him a moment. “No.”

    “Why not?” He demanded.

    “Because despite how perfect this seems now, we really don’t know each other all that well. I want to get to know you first, before I commit everything,” she answered truthfully.

    “I understand.” He looked away.

    “I mean you haven’t even asked if I love you yet. Isn’t that more important?” She asked.

    “Do you love me?” He asked, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. She just stared back, letting him wait it out. When she couldn’t take it anymore her face split with a grin. He smiled back in relief. She nodded at him and he leaned forward, pulling the blanket from around her shoulders. He threw it behind them and pressed her back down to the floor. He covered her face in kisses and moved down her throat to her collarbone. He lifted up to look at her.

    “Was that a yes?” He asked.

    “Yes,” she answered. He continued lavishing her with kisses.

    “That’s good to hear." He lavished some more kisses down her chest.

    “So, you love me too, or what? A little to the left.” She moaned as he complied.

    "How could I not, my insanely cute ball of fur?" She giggled at his tender kisses along her ribcage and at his rediculous endearment.

     They spent the next few hours making love slowly, and sweetly. Confessing their darkest secrets in the light of the fire. When there was a lull in between, Adam turned to Vic.

    "You ever going to tell me about how Pauly got tranqed and shipped to Yosemite?" He asked. She burst out laughing at the reminder.

    "Yeah." She rolled over. "It was about three months ago. He was on assignment to Duluth and for some reason decided to shift and run through town. Dumbest guy I swear. But anyway, of course he got spotted and Animal Control was brought in. They got him leaping through a parking lot. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to ship him to Yosemite for their breeding program. He was carted off and woke up in the park. It took him three days to get home." They rolled around on the blanket laughing. "Everytime I picture him trying to hitchhike naked I laugh."

    "You would think he would have stayed, considering all the room to run and free wolf tail." Adam chuckled. 

    "I'm still not sure he didn't try for some and got run off by the other males." She flopped down on his chest after laughing so hard she had to sit up and cough. He wrapped his arms around her and she stared into his eyes. "You really don't mind that I'm a Were?" She asked unsure.

    "Of course I don't. That would be like minding that your mother was Inuit. Although I can't say I'm happy your half Scot," he teased, and she elbowed him in the stomach. He laughed.

    “If you won’t marry me, will you at least stay with me forever?” He asked. She smiled.

    "Yes, I think I will." He squeezed her and rolled her underneth him. "Although considering your advanced age, we might want to think about getting a condo in Miami, instead of New York."

    "Yes, I hear the women down there are quite lovely. Thong bikinis," he said not breaking stride in their teasing for a second.

    "I'll have to find something to keep your old ass busy then, won't I?" She reached down and grasped him in her hand. His eyes flickered shut for a moment.

    "I swear, I'll never look at another female again." He let her show him the way to the only place he would ever want to be.










                                                  About the Author

Emily Barker got her idea for The Bloody Series while she was supposed to be working. Day dreams turned into notes, turned into drafts, turned into all night writing sessions, until finally she got it all out on digital paper. Though her greatest fear is that one day print will go the way of VHS tapes, she still decided to go with digital distribution as it was cheaper. Does that make her a bad person? Let her know here at [email protected].






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