Bluebeard's Egg (23 page)

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Authors: Margaret Atwood

BOOK: Bluebeard's Egg
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The major flaw, however, was that even when things worked and escape and survival were possible, Alma found that she couldn’t just go off like that and leave other people behind. She wanted to include Mort, even though he’d behaved badly and they weren’t exactly together, and if she let him come she could hardly neglect Theo. But Theo could not come, of course, without his wife and children, and then there was Mort’s girl friend Fran, whom it would not be fair to exclude.

This arrangement worked for a while, without the quarrelling Alma would have expected. The prospect of imminent death is sobering, and Alma basked for a time in the gratitude her generosity inspired. She had intimate chats with the two other women about their respective men, and found out several things she didn’t know; the three of them were on the verge of becoming really good friends. In the evenings they sat around the kitchen table which had appeared in the root cellar, peeling carrots together in a companionable way and reminiscing about what it had been like when they all lived in the city and didn’t know each other, except obliquely through the men. Mort and Theo sat at the other end, drinking the Scotch they’d brought with them, mixed with bottled water. The children got on surprisingly well together.

But the root cellar was too small really, and there was no way to enlarge it without opening the door. Then there was the question of who would sleep with whom and at what times. Concealment was hardly possible in such a confined space, and there were three women but only two men. This was all too close to real life for Alma, but without the benefit of separate dwellings.

After the wife and the girl friend started to insist on having their parents and aunts and uncles included (and why had Alma left hers out?), the fantasy became overpopulated and, very quickly, uninhabitable. Alma could not choose, that was her difficulty. It’s been her difficulty all her life. She can’t draw the line. Who is she to decide, to judge people like that, to say who must die and who is to be given a chance at life?

The hill of the root cellar, honeycombed with tunnels, too thoroughly mined, fell in upon itself, and all perished.

When Alma has dried herself off and is rubbing body lotion on herself, the telephone rings.

“Hi, what are you up to?” the voice says.

“Who is this?” Alma says, then realizes that it’s Mort. She’s embarrassed not to have recognized his voice. “Oh, it’s you,” she says. “Hi. Are you in a phone booth?”

“I thought I might drop by,” says Mort, conspiratorially. “That is, if you’ll be there.”

“With or without a committee?” Alma says.

“Without,” says Mort. What this means is clear enough. “I thought we could make some decisions.” He means to be gently persuasive, but comes through as slightly badgering.

Alma doesn’t say that he doesn’t need her to help him make decisions, since he seems to make them swiftly enough on his own. “What kind of decisions?” she says warily. “I thought we were having a moratorium on decisions. That was your last decision.”

“I miss you,” Mort says, letting the words float, his voice shifting to a minor key that is supposed to indicate yearning.

“I miss you too,” says Alma, hedging her bets. “But this afternoon I promised Carol I’d buy her a pink gym suit. How about tonight?”

“Tonight isn’t an option,” says Mort.

“You mean you aren’t allowed out to play?” says Alma.

“Don’t be snarky,” Mort says a little stiffly.

“Sorry,” says Alma, who isn’t. “Carol wants you to come on Sunday to watch ‘Fraggle Rock’ with her.”

“I want to see you alone,” Mort says. But he books himself in for Sunday anyway, saying he’ll double-check it and call her back. Alma says good-bye and hangs up, with a sense of relief that is very different from the feelings she’s had about saying good-bye to Mort on the telephone in the past; which were, sequentially, love and desire, transaction of daily business, frustration because things weren’t being said that ought to be, despair and grief, anger and a sense of being fucked over. She continues on with the body lotion, with special attention to the knees and elbows. That’s where it shows up first, when you start to look like a four-legged chicken. Despite the approach of the end of the world, Alma likes to keep in shape.

She decides to take the streetcar. She has a car and knows how to drive, she can drive perfectly well, but lately she’s been doing it less and less. Right now she prefers modes of transportation that do not require any conscious decisions on her part. She’d rather be pulled along, on a track if possible, and let someone else do the steering.

The streetcar stop is outside a health-food store, the window of which is filled with displays of dried apricots and carob-covered raisins, magical foods that will preserve you from death. Alma too has had her macrobiotic phase: she knows what elements of superstitious hope the consumption of such talismans involves. It would have been just as effective to have strung the raisins on a thread and worn them around her neck, to ward off vampires. On the brick wall of the store, between the window and the door, someone has written in spray paint:

The streetcar comes and Alma gets on. She’s going to the subway station, where she will get off and swiftly buy a pink gym suit and two pairs of summer socks for Carol and go down the stairs and get onto a subway train going north, using the transfer she’s just stuck into her purse. You aren’t supposed to use transfers for stopovers but Alma feels reckless.

The car is a little crowded. She stands near the back door, looking out the window, thinking about nothing in particular. It’s a sunny day, one of the first, and warm; things are too bright.

All at once some people near the back door begin to shout:
Stop! Stop!
Alma doesn’t hear them at first, or she hears them at the level of non-comprehension: she knows there is noise, but she thinks it’s just some teenagers fooling around, being too loud, the way they do. The streetcar conductor must think this too, because he keeps on going, at a fast clip, spinning along, while more and more people are shouting and then screaming,
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Then Alma begins to shout too, for she sees what is wrong: there’s a girl’s arm caught in the back door, and the girl herself is outside, being dragged along it must be; Alma can’t see her but she knows she’s there.

Alma finds herself jumping up and down, like a frustrated child, and screaming
“Stop! Stop!”
with the rest of them, and still the man drives on, oblivious. Alma wants someone to throw something or hit him, why is no one moving? They’re packed in too close, and the ones at the front don’t know, can’t see. This goes on for hours which are really minutes, and finally he slows down and stops. He gets out, walks around to the back.

Luckily there’s an ambulance right beside them, so the girl is put into it. Alma can’t see her face or how badly injured she is, though she cranes her neck, but she can hear the noises she’s making: not crying, not whimpering, something more animal and abandoned, more terrified. The most frightening thing must have been not the pain but the sense that no one could see or hear her.

Now that the streetcar has stopped and the crisis is over, people around Alma begin muttering to one another. The driver should be removed, they say. He should lose his licence, or whatever it is they have. He should be arrested. But he comes back and pushes something at the front and the doors open. They will all have to get off the streetcar, he says. He sounds angry, as if the girl caught in the door and the shouting have been someone else’s fault.

They aren’t far from the subway stop and the store where Alma intends to do her furtive shopping: Alma can walk. At the next stoplight she looks back. The driver is standing beside the streetcar, hands in his pockets, talking with a policeman. The ambulance is gone. Alma notices that her heart is pounding. This is how it is in riots, she thinks, or fires: someone begins to shout and then you’re in the middle of it, without knowing what is happening. It goes too fast, and you shut out the cries for help. If people had shouted “help” instead of “stop,” would the driver have heard them sooner? But the people did shout, and he did stop, eventually.

Alma can’t find a pink gym suit in Carol’s size, so she buys a mauve one instead. There will be repercussions about that. She makes it onto the subway train, using her spurious transfer, and begins her short journey through the darkness she can see outside the window, watching her own face floating on the glass that seals it out. She sits with her hands clasped around the package on her lap, and begins looking at the hands of the people across from her. She’s found herself doing this quite often lately: noticing what the hands are like, how they are almost luminous, even the hands of old people, knobby hands with blue veins and mottles. These symptoms of age don’t frighten her as a foretaste of her own future, the way they once did; they no longer revolt her. Male or female, it doesn’t matter; the hands she’s looking at right now belong to a middle-aged woman of no distinction, they’re lumpy and blunt, with chipped orange nail polish, they’re clutching a brown leather purse.

Sometimes she has to restrain an impulse to get up, cross the aisle, sit down, take hold of these alien hands. It would be misunderstood. She can remember feeling this way once, a long time ago, when she was on a plane, going to join Mort at a conference in Montreal. They were planning to take a mini-vacation together after it. Alma was excited by the prospect of the hotel room, the aroma of luxury and illicit sex that would surround them. She looked forward to being able to use the bath towels and drop them on the floor without having to think about who was going to wash them. But the plane had started to lurch around in the air, and Alma was frightened. When it took a dip, like an elevator going down, she’d actually grabbed the hand of the man sitting next to her; not that it would make any difference whose hand you were holding if there really was a crash. Still, it made her feel safer. Then, of course, he’d tried to pick her up. He was fairly nice in the end: he sold real estate, he said.

Sometimes she studies Theo’s hands, finger by finger, nail by nail. She rubs them over her body, puts the fingers in her mouth, curling her tongue around them. He thinks it’s merely eroticism. He thinks he’s the only person whose hands she thinks about in this way.

Theo lives in a two-bedroom apartment in a high-rise not far from his office. Or at least Alma thinks he lives there. Though it makes her feel, not unpleasantly, a little like a call girl, it’s where she meets him, because he doesn’t like coming to her house. He still considers it Mort’s territory. He doesn’t think of Alma as Mort’s territory, only the house, just as his own house, where his wife lives with their three children, is still his territory. That’s how he speaks of it: “my house.” He goes there on weekends, just as Mort goes to Alma’s house. Alma suspects he and his wife sneak into bed, just as she and Mort do, feeling like students in a fifties dorm, swearing each other to secrecy. They tell themselves that it would never do for Fran to find out. Alma hasn’t been explicit about Theo to Mort, though she’s hinted that there’s someone. That made him perk up. “I guess I have no right to complain,” he said.

“I guess you don’t,” said Alma. It’s ridiculous the way the five of them carry on, but it would seem just as ridiculous to Alma not to go to bed with Mort. After all, he is her husband. It’s something she’s always done. Also, the current arrangement has done wonders for their sex life. Being a forbidden fruit suits her. She’s never been one before.

But if Theo is still sleeping with his wife, Alma doesn’t want to know about it. He has every right, in a way, but she would be jealous. Oddly enough, she doesn’t much care any more what goes on between Mort and Fran. Mort is thoroughly hers already; she knows every hair on his body, every wrinkle, every rhythm. She can relax into him with scarcely a thought, and she doesn’t have to make much conscious effort to please him. It’s Theo who’s the unexplored territory, it’s with Theo that she has to stay alert, go carefully, not allow herself to be lulled into a false sense of security: Theo, who at first glance appears so much gentler, more considerate, more tentative. For Alma, he’s a swamp to Mort’s forest: she steps lightly, ready to draw back. Yet it’s his body – shorter, slighter, more sinewy than Mort’s – she’s possessive about. She doesn’t want another woman touching it, especially one who’s had more time to know it than she’s had. The last time she saw Theo (here, in this apartment building, the impersonal white lobby of which she’s now entering), he said he wanted to show her some recent snapshots of his family. Alma excused herself and went into the bathroom. She didn’t want to see a picture of Theo’s wife, but also she felt that even to look would be a violation of both of them; the use, by Theo, of two women to cancel each other out. It’s occurred to her that she is to Theo’s wife as Mort’s girl friend is to her: the usurper, in a way, but also the one to be pitied because of what is not being admitted.

She knows that the present balance of power can’t last. Sooner or later, pressures will be brought to bear. The men will not be allowed to drift back and forth between their women, their houses. Barriers will be erected, signs will go up:
. Rightly so; but none of these pressures will come from Alma. She likes things the way they are. She’s decided that she prefers having two men rather than one: it keeps things even. She loves both of them, she wants both of them; which means, some days, that she loves neither and wants neither. It makes her less anxious and less vulnerable, and suggests multiple futures. Theo may go back to his wife, or wish to move in with Alma. (Recently he asked her an ominous question – “What do you want?” – which Alma dodged.) Mort may want to return, or he may decide to start over with Fran. Or Alma could lose both of them and be left alone with Carol. This thought, which would once have given rise to panic and depression not unconnected with questions of money, doesn’t worry her much at the moment. She wants it to go on the way it is forever.

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