BOMAW 1-3 (54 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

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"Let go of me!" She panted as he pushed her face down over his desk, shoving her down and pinning her there with his forearm, pulling her skirt up and ripping her panties aside, followed by freeing himself. "...I can fuck you... any time... I feel like... like now....Uhhhh - like now...." He groaned thrusting deep into her, finding her to be ready as it were, pumping hard as he held her down, Georgiana's eyes rolled back as she gasped from the shock of him forcing himself into her and began panting. His taking her as he did thrilled her, drove her lust meter clear to the ceiling. She had been randy for days, but interference of Deidre's problems had blocked her usual routine of finding a suitable male to satisfy her rioting needs. Now this, "Yes... harder... emmmm, harder... oh yeah!" She panted, he pulled back and turned her over, pulling her legs up and grabbing her knees to spread her as he went on to re-enter her, pounding out his aggressions with gnashing bared teeth.

"Yeah... you'd forgotten hmmm, forgot what a good fucking I could give... yeah... you forgot..."

"OH! YES - Ooo - ooo - oooh, emph!"

He went on, rubbing her with his thumb, pounding away at her until she exploded, then doing the same himself.

Sweating he backed away from her, his legs shaky - a smile on his face. Georgiana sat up and stared at him. Yes, she had forgotten about him. She'd been so busy trying to humiliate him she'd lost all memory of the pleasure she once found sharing his bed. Way back when - before all the facts came to the fore and they started hating each other.

"Yeah... I still got it baby! So while you're out chasing Tom cats for a hot shag... think about that."

She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "Hmph... think about what? I've forgotten already. As far as I'm concerned, you've done nothing but fire me up for someone else to finish me off." The changed expression on his face made her laugh. She stood, dropped her skirt back into place covering herself and walked toward the door. "Good thing I ordered a bath, hm?" She murmured nastily stopping at the door to leer back at him, then smiling asked, "By the way, who's the new chauffer? And where is Craig?"

He knew what she meant asking that in that tone, she'd gotten the last reaction from him with her cutting tongue. He answered cool and detached, adjusting his clothes, "Something must have happened to him. He didn't show up for work, I needed a driver... hired the new guy." Oscar informed her, swallowing down his hatred of her, he'd pack it away in that tight, hot spot to fester with all the other reasons being married to her had emotionally castrated him.

"I sure hope you checked his references." She finished smartly, leaving him standing in the doorway as she made her way up the stairs, a smile of satisfaction on her face.
'Oh life is wonderful.'
She grinned to herself. Oscar stood peering up the stairs as she disappeared. "

Yes... I checked, I checked alright... he's just right for the job... believe me he is." He declared softly.




Deidre lay back on her bed with her eyes filling with tears. Sniffing as the images in her mind would not let go. Shawn with adoring loving eyes, cast toward another woman. "My god, he's really in love with her." She muttered with one hand resting at her forehead, holding a hanky, and the other at her stomach, she felt sick with heartbreak. She knew Shawn, the way he was - and she knew when he was well and truly smitten. She lay trying to purge her body, her mind of him - but it was harder than she'd ever imagined it would be.

'How did a woman get over losing a man like him?'
She wondered. "There should be something to take to help with this." She whispered to herself. It was the ache within. It was so hard, so unrelenting. All the things she remembered about him added salt to the wounds. How it felt to be adored by him. To be the recipient of his smile with eyes that would twinkle devilishly. The smell of him that was distinctly his when they kissed. And when he kissed, all the power and passion that was the man came with his tender, and sometimes powerful kisses. His laughter was like a heady wine, that went to all the right places, making one wish to hear it again and again. She turned over in the fetal position. Suffering from the memory of him making love to her. Filling her and riding her endlessly. He was an amazing lover and that too she missed, there was no sense in lying to herself. He had been her one and only lover. No other man had touched her. She feared no other man would give her the absolute fulfilment he had. If that were so, she was doomed. Because she knew that she must find the strength to move on. To let it go. To let him go. He was happy. He deserved to be happy. He deserved a woman by his side who would give him all the things he'd longed for. If she had the chance to do it all again, she would do it all differently. Starting with leaving California from the moment they said their vows.

"Stop thinking about it Deidre! Its time to move on!" She chastised herself, gripping her hair, pulling it back from her face. Her mind went to Sylvia. With a deep sigh and softening expression, she hated to admit it, "She's beautiful Shawn. You always did go for the very best. What are you like Sylvia? My daughter is with you. How are you treating her? She's a good girl...really she is." She sat up in her bed and looked around her. Things, expensive things were everywhere. "They mean nothing. Nothing at all. You're just like your daddy Angela, it meant nothing to him either." She sniffed and pulled her knees up folding her arms and dropping her head there. "Is there a GOD?" She wondered out loud. "Are you real? Really real? If so, could you please...please... give me a little help here. Should I let my child go? I do love her...I do. And yet, I don't know how to." She sat thinking quietly for such a spell that the knock at her door startled her, lost as she was.


"Its me, can I come in?" Oscar called from outside.

Deidre rolled her eyes toward the ceiling, wishing he would just go away.

He knocked again. "Are you decent?" He asked.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Obviously to talk to you." He answered opening her door carefully to look in. She was sitting in the center of her bed looking as if she'd been dunked in misery. A pang of conscience struck him, he squashed it.

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now." She returned staring at him with hostile eyes.

"Considering the moods you're often in, can't wait around for the right one to suddenly strike, now can I?" He replied walking in. "Your mother has mentioned that you all plan to fight McPherson for the girl. Do yourself and her a favor, leave her -
to him
. You need to focus on the business and getting your life in order. Hanging on to her will only lend you the silly notion of hanging onto him."

"She's a human being! She's my flesh and blood! My CHILD! I had her! She should be with me!"

"Since when does giving birth to a child automatically mean you must have her? Visit her, provide for her, leave her a legacy - but leave it to others to rear her. She wasn't happy here anyway, nor are we inclined toward young people."

"I'm leaving here." She informed him discarding all that he'd said. Granted, just seconds ago she was contemplating leaving Angela to Shawn, but anything that fell into agreeing with Oscar or her mother automatically made her wish to rebel.

"What do you mean, leaving here?" He asked taken aback by her announcement.

"Moving out. Getting my own place. Setting up my own life! I should have never returned here, doing so has cost me everything!"

"Nonsense! Your life lacks nothing! If it's a man you need, get yourself one, there's nothing wrong with you, but this ridiculous pinning for that trailer trash you married."

"If you're going to start insulting him, that will draw a conclusion to this discussion!"

"How in god's name can you go on defending him after seeing what a low and despicable character he is! The man has no morals, no self-respect or values!"

"Oh certainly you're not going to stand here and tell me you're in any position, you or mother for that matter, to point out another persons short comings!"

"He slept with your mother!"

Deidre stopped and stared at him, certain that she'd heard wrong.

"Yes... you heard correctly. He used to be her lover! You see while I was trying to break you up from him for your own sake. Your mother's motives were because she wanted him back. I have all the photographs of her constant trips to your place when you were out - she knew that Shawn was there alone. I'm not fooled by her. Angela... you think she wants to help you get her back for you?! For Angela?! HA! She wants her back here to get her away from him...McPherson! So here you are, angry with me for telling you the truth - angry with me because all I've tried to do was protect you - from him! Count your blessings! You're better off without him!"

Deidre sat staring in disbelief. She could not wrap her mind around it. "Are you telling me that my mother carried on an affair with my husband? While we were married?"

"Oooh, I'm certain she would have loved to. Problem is, I don't think McPherson was interested."

"Then what are you talking about!? How else would it have happened if he weren't interested?"

"I'll leave that to your mother to explain."



Chapter 44

With a towel wrapped around her naked body, Georgiana tested her bath water dipping her toe, about to drop the towel and step in when she heard a commotion in her rooms. Her daughter's voice was raised, asking Charlotte of her whereabouts. Georgiana walked to the bathroom door and looked out to see her daughter charging towards her and Oscar standing with his arms crossed at the door, leaning in the frame of it with narrowed green eyes and a look of satisfaction on his face. He was back to a calm cool collected look after their study office encounter, not a strand of his blonde hair was out of place, blonde that was slowly switching over to grey. Soon his hair would be pure white. He wasn't a bad looking man for fifty-seven, in a blood sucking, vampiristic, con-artist sort of way. He stood 5'10 while maintaining good health with a slim body. He wasn't your classic looking handsome, but there was something about him that attracted women to him. He might not be able to brag about his size - but there was nothing for him to be ashamed of either, he was a good average and he knew how to use it. All those years ago, he'd certainly pulled the wool over her eyes, Georgiana thought. She'd certainly spent the last thirty some odd years getting back at him for it. Her eyes passed from him back to her daughter who stood before her boiling. He'd done something to get back at her, he was such a,
'Sore loser.'
she thought.

"I was about to take a nice relaxing bath, what is this-..."

"You had an affair with Shawn!? You slept with my husband?!" Deidre demanded to know.

Georgiana lifted one brow as she looked beyond her daughter to Oscar. "Could this not have waited for later?" She asked.

"Don't talk to him! Talk to me! I asked you a question?! Did you sleep with my husband!"

"As much as I really would love to stay and watch this mother and daughter bonding, I'm afraid I have other more important matters to see to. Good day to you ladies."

"You go to hell you bastard!" Georgiana spat with his exit.

"Wrong dear... I'm leaving hell now - but I'll be back later." He leaned back to inform her.

Georgiana turned to stare up at her daughter who stood two inches taller. "Look. It's been a long couple of days. Do the decent thing and let me-..."

"Decent thing?! DECENT? What would you know of decency? How dare you use that word at me!"

"What exactly did he tell you?" Georgiana asked afraid she was going to have to endure a boorish argument.

"That you and Shawn had been lovers! Is it true!?"

"What do you care!? He's not your husband anymore!"

"He was my husband and now its become abundantly clear why you expended so much energy in splitting us up!" Deidre argued hotly.

"Trust me darling, I expended no energy. You want a real man - learn how to be a real woman!"

"You BITCH!"

"Hmph, I can live with that! And first of all...back up out of my face! Bitch or not...I am still your mother! Second of all, what we shared was long before he met you! In other words, he'd been mine first!"

"YOURS FIRST!?!? YOU WERE A MARRIED WOMAN! OH MY GOD! I can't believe I came from you!"

"Oh Deidre really! He's not even yours anymore! ITS OVER! GET IT!? NOW GET OVER IT!!!"

Deidre felt tears come to her eyes as she stared at her own mother feeling as though she'd like to claw her face to ribbons. That was the problem, hate it or not, this person before her was her mother, and nothing would change that one ugly fact in her life.

"Where?" She couldn't help herself, she just had to ask. "When did you meet him? In his porn days? That where? Saw him screwing the day lights out of someone and thought, 'Ou, I think I'll try a bit of that.' Is that how you met him?"

"What do you mean his porn days?"

"Oh don't play stupid mother! I've seen the tapes! So I know you have too! Down in daddy's little office safe, where you two hid them to drop the bomb on me!"

"For your information, I never knew of any porn tapes! However, considering how he's hung, it figures ... we both know how he can go, and go and go...don't we. Yeah, porn for him, easy." She grinned licentiously.

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