Bound to You (7 page)

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Authors: Bethany Kane

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #erotic romance, #Contemporary romance

BOOK: Bound to You
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She longed to touch him, to grab on to his hard, pumping buttocks and encourage his forceful possession, but he’d bound her. She began to push and rotate her hips as he fucked her—around his cock, up and down, around, in and out, feeding the friction that grew and expanded in her sex and her belly. Jennifer heard a low grunt of arousal and felt the increased power of his downstroke and knew he’d noticed. His cocked filled her to the limit, but she was adjusting to his size. She tightened her muscles around him as he plunged into her and was rewarded with a surprised growl.

He paused and popped the side of her buttock and she started.

“You dare to tease me with that little pussy of yours?”

She shivered uncontrollably at the sound of his half-amused, half-dangerous tone.

“Yes,” she whispered cautiously.

“Then you’ll have to take the consequences.”

Her eyes went wide again. The moment was so full, so incendiary, it never even occurred to her that she stared into nothingness.

* * *

John gritted his teeth in preparation for an unpleasant experience and slid out of the tight clasp of her pussy. Her moan of protest echoed his own discomfort.

“Shhh, I’m sorry,” he mumbled. He rose and inched forward on the ground, so that his knees were on his coat. “I’ll hurt your back on that hard ground in that position,” he explained as he held her hips and gently turned her over. “Come up on your knees and put your bottom in the air. Just keep your hands over your head,” he instructed, using his hands to make sure her knees and cheek rested against his insulated coat. She whimpered when he stroked her right ass cheek, and he leaned over and placed a kiss on her lower spine. She was so smooth and soft everywhere.

His cock raged for her.

“This will be better. I plan to take you hard,” he said quietly.

He drove his cock into her, pressing his balls tightly to her damp hilt, grunting in pleasure. She mewled and began to bob her ass. He palmed her buttocks and gripped her hips, using his hold to serve her pussy to his cock. They crashed together for several tense, heart-pounding moments, the sounds of their moans and slapping flesh filling the dark, underground hole until the chamber itself seemed to pulse with life. The feeling of Jennifer’s tight, warm body squeezing his cock became his entire world.

He thrust into her with concentrated strokes.

“John . . . oh,
,” she cried out, sounding crazed with lust and a little disbelieving.

“Come for me,” he ordered tensely as he rocketed into her. He smacked one of her taut ass cheeks for emphasis, and she complied.

He grunted savagely as he felt her convulse around his cock in orgasm.

“Ah, Jesus,” he whispered desperately as her muscles squeezed him and her heat flooded his senses. The pleasure was so sharp, so singular, he wished the moment could stretch forever. He reached beneath her and rubbed her clitoris briskly. She shrieked and shuddered harder, anointing him with more of her warm juices.

With her scent filling his nose, and her heat taunting him, he knew he’d reached his limit. He grabbed her hips and began to pound into her. The muscular, tight walls of her vagina tormented him. Every time he moved out of her she pulled and sucked at his cock, demanding that he sink back into her depths. He raced now, seeing the finish line, stretching for his bliss.

Orgasm slammed into him. He held her against him, his cock jerking high inside her as he came. Pleasure scalded him from the inside out, shaking and rattling his body—his very spirit—in its wake.

He blinked his eyes open, realizing his biceps were still rigidly contracted. He mumbled an apology—his climax had ripped at him so violently, he wasn’t sure how long he’d kept her with her bottom suspended in the air as he shuddered and tensed and emptied every last drop of himself into the condom. He drew his cock out of her and set her knees on the ground, wincing at the feeling of leaving her snug warmth.

“No . . . don’t,” she mumbled hoarsely.

, he loved the sound of her voice.

“I had to,” he said, rolling the rubber off his sensitive cock. “I filled the condom. I didn’t want it to spill.”

His head came up when she moaned.

“Just a second and I’ll untie you,” he assured. He quickly knotted the condom and came down on his hands and knees over her. He worked open the scarf, freeing her wrists. “One second . . .” he muttered. He reached for her pants, shirt and jacket, and carefully draped and tucked the garments over her nudity. She put a hand on his shoulder as he tucked her jacket beneath her ribs.

“Come here,” she whispered, but he was already coming. He lay on his side and reached beneath her, tilting her into his arms. She snuggled next to him as he smoothed her jacket over her naked hip. Her soft hair brushed his lips, and he landed a kiss on the top of her head. For a stretched minute or two, they just lay there, attuned to one another as their heavy breathing slowed.

“I’ll be able to start a fire in a little bit,” he said after a while.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said against his chest. “You did an excellent job of keeping me warm.”

He smiled and pressed another kiss to the top of her head. Her hair smelled like crushed flowers. “I thought you might like the light, though.”

She nuzzled his chest with her lips, and he felt her small smile. “You did an excellent job of keeping back the darkness, as well.”

Chapter Four

John’s embrace kept the darkness at bay, but she felt it encroaching, slowly and steadily. In the distance she heard the eerie sound of an owl’s screech and then the small, indefinable cry of what she suspected was an animal’s last utterance on this earth. She shivered.

“Are you getting cold?” he asked her as he snuck his hand beneath her jacket and stroked her hip with a large, warm hand.

“No. You’re like a furnace.”

He chuckled. “I won’t stay that way forever.”

She heard several sticks popping and a whine coming from directly above them, then the sound of something dropping several feet away from their heads. It seemed like a bomb going off in Jennifer’s brain. A tiny squeal of alarm escaped her throat, and she flung herself into a rigid sitting position.

“What the hell was that?”

She sensed John stretching next to her. “Don’t worry. That was Enzo.” John chuckled a second later. “He sent us supper.”


“Rabbit, from the feel of it. Yeah. Definitely a rabbit. Thanks, Enz,” he called in the direction of the hole above them. Jennifer heard a soft growl. John shifted next to her.

“Why don’t you pull on your jeans and jacket while I build a fire and cook us up some supper?”

She just sat there for a second as the meaning of his last few words soaked into her brain. “You know how to clean and cook a rabbit?” she asked as she fumbled for her jeans.

“Sure. I spent every summer with my father. He taught me all sorts of things about hunting and the woods.”

“What did your father do?”

“Worked in the mines. My mother left him because she didn’t want to see the mines claim him, like they had her brother and father. One of them died in a mine collapse in Pennsylvania and the other from lung cancer. Dad refused to move to St. Louis with her, and she refused to stay here in the hills and watch him slowly fade away.”

“How old were you when she left him?” she asked as she stuck a sock-covered foot into her jeans.

“Three. My mom knew we had to move, anyway. There weren’t any schools for the blind around here.”

“Were you mad at your dad? For refusing to leave and go with you to St. Louis?”

“Not until I was a teenager, but teenagers always feel like they need a reason to be mad at something,” he said mildly. “I got over it quick enough. It never kept me from living with him every summer. It never kept me from loving every minute of being in this forest. I wouldn’t have missed coming to these hills for all the teenage angst in the world.”

She smiled.

There was a pause.

“I’m going to start a fire now, honey.”

“Okay,” she said, sounding a little breathless to her own ears. Something about the way he’d said the last alerted her to his underlying message—he was going to have to leave her in the dark for a bit. She did her best to ignore the building pressure in her chest and came up on her knees. The air in the cave felt cool on her naked skin. Her nipples tightened as she poked around for the armholes of her jacket.

“Were you and your mother all alone when you went to St. Louis?” she asked, eager to hear his voice when he moved away from her.

“We moved to my grandmother’s in St. Louis. That’s where I grew up. My mom went to school too. She got her nursing degree,” he said, the location of his voice informing her that he’d stood and moved several feet to the right of her. She heard the sound of his boots scraping in the soil. She heard a familiar metallic sound and went still when a tiny flame pierced the darkness, illuminating the cave to an amazing degree. John squatted next to the stacked wood he’d prepared earlier, his elbows resting on his spread knees.

Jennifer paused, her opened jacket parenthesizing her bare breasts, and just stared at the unexpected vision of him in wonder.

The flame caught on some of the dried leaves, amplifying the light. His features were cast in a golden glow. She knew he couldn’t see the flames, but she had the impression from the way he positioned his face that he waited for the heat to strike his skin. He’d pulled up his jeans but only partially buttoned his shirt. She could see his chest in the opening and the dusting of dark hair. Her gaze dropped to his crotch. The details of his powerful possession and their frantic mating swamped her consciousness in a rush.

He looked up at her suddenly, and she would have sworn he saw her just as clearly as she saw him. Her fingers strayed to the soft skin of her breasts. Her fingertips traced the crown of her beading nipples. The wood snapped as the fire caught hold and flared. John wore an intent expression as he tilted his head.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Dressing,” she said in a tight voice. She pinched at her nipples lightly. His nostrils flared.

“What are you
?” he repeated as he stood slowly, his eyelids narrowed. It was like he knew she hadn’t answered him . . . not really.

Excitement mounted in her as he took several steps toward her. The growing fire outlined his form from behind as he came to a halt. His shadow towered over her.

“I’m touching my breasts while I look at you.”

Her hoarse whisper seemed to echo around the cave, not diminishing. The sound of the trickling water throbbed in her ears. She saw the gleam in his eye.

“And does it feel good?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “The nipples feel especially sensitive after the way you sucked on them.”

“Are you touching them now?”

“Yes. I’m pinching them, very lightly.”

He grew so rigid, she paused in playing with her breasts. She couldn’t quite read his expression.

“Have you been with a blind man before?” he asked.

Her fingers paused. “No. Why did you ask that?”

He turned and walked toward the fire again. Disappointment flooded her. Had she offended him in some way with her impulsive dirty talk? He bent and picked up the dead rabbit.

“Because you’d be a smash hit at
Porn for the Blind
,” he muttered.

“Is that a bad thing?” she asked him uncertainly.

He paused and turned. “No, I’d say it’s a very, very good thing. I just want to get some food in you, and you were distracting me. But I guess you already knew that,” he said dryly.

She swallowed and began to button up her jacket.

“You’re not putting all your clothes on, are you?” he asked sharply.

“No . . . just the bare essentials.”

“Good. I’m going to be getting you out of them soon enough,” she thought she heard him mutter thickly under his breath. She smiled, warmed to know she hadn’t offended him.

“Do me a favor and reach into the inner zippered pocket of my coat and give me that little box you find in there,” he said.

Jennifer scrambled up from the ground, hopping when she stepped on a stick in her socked foot. She lifted his coat and shook off the soil.

“You mean the first aid kit?” she asked a few seconds later, lifting a small plastic box free of the pocket. She was glad she hadn’t flattened it during their lovemaking.

“Yeah. Just take out all the contents and zipper them back in the pocket. Be careful not to get things too dirty. Then bring me the plastic container.”

She did as he asked, then located her hiking boots, sliding them on without lacing them. She handed him the plastic box a few seconds later.

“Do you want some help?” she asked, looking doubtfully at the limp body of the rabbit dangling next to his knee.

“Do you really want to?”

“Well . . .”

“I didn’t think so,” he said, his mouth tilted into a smile. He disappeared into the shadows. She knelt by the fire.

“I’m not that prissy, you know. I grew up in the hills, too.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said, his deep voice resounding from the distance. “Kentucky, right? If I hadn’t already read it somewhere, I would have known it from the accent that creeps into your voice once in a while. They always made out that you were a rags-to-riches story. Do you really know anything about hunting or preparing game in the wild?”

“Well, no. I actually lived in a subdivision and my father was an accountant. But the hills and woods were just a stone’s throw away,” she added quickly. “I ran around in the woods with my friends every day, and I knew plenty of people who did eat things like rabbits for dinner.”

“Yeah, you can get a real mix of people in northern Kentucky,” he said, surprising her by not laughing at the truth behind the sensational allegations that she’d gone from hillbilly to Hollywood princess overnight. Jennifer had corrected the press ad nauseam. The public seemed to adore that particular trope, however, and the media had perpetuated it.

She sat for several minutes in silence. Despite her assurances that she wasn’t unused to the ways of the woods, nausea swelled in her belly when she considered what John was doing at the periphery of the cave. A vision of shockingly scarlet, spattered blood flashed into her mind’s eye.

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