Boy Meets Girl - Say Hello to Courtship (26 page)

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Authors: Joshua Harris

Tags: #Christian Life - General, #Spiritual Growth, #Spirituality

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served me tirelessly. I am so grateful for your help.

To my assistant at New Attitude, Debbie Lechner-a friend and sister in Christ who serves behind the scenes to make what I do possible.

To Don Jacobson, Kevin Marks, and the rest of the team at Multnomah who cared more about the content of this book than its release date. Thanks for enduring all my delays.

To my editor and partner in prayer, David Kopp. God smiled on me when He gave you to me. Thanks for never doubting that I'd come back with something when I wandered off into the "woods." To Heather Kopp, for your timely and helpful memos. To Judith St. Pierre and Jennifer Gott, who heroically copyedited.

To Rebecca St. James. Four years ago I asked you to write a forward for a book. This time around I asked you for a song. Shannon and I are so grateful for your friendship and for your taking the time to pen
Wait for Me.
It is perfect.

To our care group at church who took care of us as a couple.

To the pastors of Covenant Life Church who have led me, supported me, and prayed for me during this project. And to the people of our church. I dedicated this book to you because the fruit of your lives proves that its principles are true.

To C. I. Mahaney Your vision and confidence in the importance of this book have sustained me many times during the past year. Your influence has touched every part of it. Thanks for being my pastor and my friend. To Carolyn, for caring for my wife.

To my parents, Gregg and Sono, for reading the first draft and telling me that it stunk. It really did. Mom, your prayers and thoughtful calls encouraged me so much. Dad, thanks for all your wisdom and for dropping everything to read chapters.

To my baby, Emma Grace, the wonderful gift from God who

arrived in the middle of writing. Looking into your eyes has made the difficulty of this project seem worthwhile. If one day a young man reads it and as a result is better prepared to be a loving husband to you, my time will not have been wasted.

To Shannon, my lover and best friend. Darling, only God knows the ways you sacrificed for this book. Thank you for your humility and your willingness to be a trophy of God's grace. Countless lives will be blessed because of it. I love you!

Lord Jesus, how can I thank You? You answered every prayer and rescued me in every moment of anguish. With every chapter I can tell a story of Your mercy. The words of friend and poet Kevin Hartnett express what's in my heart:

O higher let my praises reach;

Make loud His great acclaim!

Extol Him rightly King of Grace,

And Lord o'r every name.

Toward Him, my soul, let praise mature',

Let no thought stand aloof;

Excel thee as a worshipper

In spirit and in truth!

O higher let my praises reach;

What cause could greater be?

The fierce regard of holiness

Directs no wrath toward me.

A righteousness that's not my own,

My refuge makes secure.

He ever lives before the throne,

My access to assure.

O Higher Let My Praises Reach! 2000 Kevin Hartnett. Used by permission.


About the Author

Joshua Harris directs New Attitude Ministries and is in pastoral training at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He and his bride, Shannon, have a baby daughter named Emma Grace.

For more information about Joshua's ministry and the annual conference for college students he hosts, visit his Web site at:

To contact Josh about speaking and/or to give him feedback on this book, write:

Joshua Harris PO. Box 249

Gaithersburg, MD 20884-0249 [email protected]

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