Branded (8 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #multicultural, #anthology, #sex, #contemporary, #sex toys, #bdsm, #collection, #tattoo, #bondage, #interracial, #western, #ir, #montana, #mnage, #multiple partner, #mc, #piercing, #branded, #mnage a trois, #tilly greene

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“What?” Molly asked for
clarification because there were a few things she couldn’t believe
they were actually doing. “Driving ourselves around rural America,
a foreign country neither of us ever visited before? Or are you
more surprised your parents actually said yes?”

“It’s work,” Sakura claimed, and
eventually finished the thought. “I was the best person for the
job. Besides, the idea of me starting a satellite consultancy
company helped bring them around. Dad liked it when I explained I’d
be doing the same thing I do now, only in America. Even though it
wasn’t specifically said, I’m sure he believes I’ll set it up, hand
it over to someone he recommends, and return home.

“It would suit him fine to have a
foothold over here. He thinks the more ranches brought in line with
the Japanese government’s import requirements, the more quality
beef will be made available,” Sakura added. “As a result, the
prices will be kept down. No matter how he looks at it, more
business will appeal to him.”

“True, although I know you hope our
time here will be much more than work, or have you changed your
mind about the personal bit?” Molly was her best friend and knew
what was in her mind sometimes better than she did.

Memories and fantasies filled with
passion and lust flooded Sakura’s head. They were always there,
making her horny, but right then she vividly remembered every bit
of detail. The heat of need exploded inside her, making her squirm
in the front seat. She squeezed her legs even closer together in a
bid for comfort.

There was no doubt in her heart or
body she wanted more of Matt. She had to discover what her feelings
for him actually were, and she also wanted to meet Ted, very much.
They’d spoken quite a few times over the past couple of months, and
she believed she already knew him.

However, she didn’t know if she was
ready to delve into a relationship with him and his brother. She
needed more time to discover what was between them, if anything,
before they took the next step.

Lust alone wasn’t enough to keep
her on their ranch.

“No, I haven’t, nor will I. But…”
Sakura wasn’t sure how to finish what was in her head. There were
no second thoughts, which was odd. No, what she felt was nervous.
Excitement and one big question raced through her mind: what if
Matt didn’t want her as Sakura as much as he’d claimed, but
preferred her as Yuki, the prostitute geisha?

“Look, the GPS says we aren’t too
far away from their ranch. Why don’t we stop at the next place we
see, get something to eat? They don’t have an exact time of when to
expect us. We’ll call when we’re ready and tell them we’re here.”
Molly always knew exactly what to do to make a situation easier to

Sakura decided if she ended up
staying, then she needed to find a way to keep her best friend in
America as well. It may have seemed selfish, but she’d be lost
without the other woman. Who knows, maybe the men in this rugged
state would appeal to her since none had in England or

“Good idea.”

They’d driven for at least an hour
without seeing anyone or anything except mountains in the distance
and cows—miles and miles of bovines walking, eating, drinking, even
lying down and doing nothing. She wasn’t bored, but the repetition
allowed her mind to sink into places full of nothing but

It wasn’t long before they passed a
sign stating they were entering Gardiner, and Sakura was giddy with
excitement. She was in Matt’s territory this time and had no idea
what to expect. Anything could happen and she was ready…okay,
almost ready.

“Over there, on the left, looks
like a diner. I’ve grown to adore these icons of Americana. How
many dishes do you think we’ll find with both cheese and potatoes?
I’m going for twelve, unless they have breakfast, lunch, and dinner
on one menu, then I’ll say over thirty.” Sakura laughed with her
friend as they made their usual wager.

It had started out as a way to make
the different food easier to understand. Over time it became the
way they figured out who paid. The money came out of the same
expense account, but added an interesting element to their

“Darn, you’ve picked what I
would’ve said. Okay, I’m going low. Seven and, if all three are
there, then eighteen.” Molly slowed down and pulled into the
parking lot surrounding a tidy building with lots of big windows.
They both breathed a sigh of relief as she turned off the

“I knew this country was big, but
down here on the ground it feels massive. I didn’t realize how much
time it would take to drive from one place to the next, and we’re
not even near the West Coast.” Every hour they’d spent in the car
had solidified each joint and muscle in her body.

They stepped out of the car and
stretched their arms and legs, seeking some relief and ability to
move normally. They were used to small towns, but knew not everyone
in them were comfortable seeing strangers invade their

While neither Sakura nor Molly
dwelled on what they looked like, it wasn’t long before they
realized what a unique picture they presented when together. She
was a Japanese woman with black hair, brown eyes, and light brown
tinted skin, and her best friend was an Englishwoman with blond
hair, blue eyes, and whiter than white skin. They also spoke with
different accents.

During their trip to America,
starting in North Carolina, there had been no threats made against
them, although a lot of people silently stared. A couple of times
they’d been uncomfortable, but learned to ignore it. They
understood there were people everywhere around the world who didn’t
like to be faced with something new and different, at least not
without a warning.

“I imagine it would take at least a
week of straight driving with little sleep, minimal food, and
bathroom stops to make it from one side to the other. Wouldn’t that
be a great way to explore this wonderful country?” Molly shared the
thought, but didn’t sound sure she could actually do it.

“Honestly, anything having to do
with sitting in a car doesn’t sound like fun. Maybe it will after
I’ve eaten and slept in the same place for at least two days in a
row. Come on, let’s go inside and not think about

They locked arms and walked inside,

“It looks like you two ladies are
having a great day,” a pretty woman greeted them with a wonderfully
open smile.

Sakura was pleased to find someone
who represented the image she had of Americans. Happy with life,
which she believed meant they were open to meeting new and
different people.

“We’ve spent hours, days, driving
here and couldn’t be happier to have finally made it.” Sakura
smiled back as she shared what they were doing. She enjoyed talking
about their adventure with others and it was still

“Sounds like a long and tedious
trip. Where have you come from?” The waitress slipped out from
behind the counter with menus in one hand and a big glass filled
with what looked like a cola in the other. With a subtle nod, she
led them to a comfortable booth overlooking a green patch leading
to a river. “I’m curious because of the accent I hear.”

“You answer, Sakura. I need to use
the bathroom.” Molly looked at the hostess for help.

“Sorry, you’ll find it over in the
corner. Go down the hallway and the ladies’ room is the first door
on the left.” The woman pointed in the direction Molly needed to go
and she made quick work of going. “Now, I must know because you two
ladies sound different.”

“Well, I’m from Japan and my friend
is an Englishwoman who lives in Japan. We drove from Chicago, but
started this trip in North Carolina. It’s been a beautiful drive.
Each state seems different from the last, but we are

“My goodness, you two have traveled
quite a distance. Are you here to explore Yellowstone or passing

“We hope to see the park and
everything else Montana offers, but we’re actually here for

“Well, my name is Sunny and I’m
here most days. Come find me and I’ll give you ideas on what you
must see and do around here. Many of them aren’t listed in any tour

“We’ll definitely come to you for
information, although work comes first. We’re actually here to meet
with Matt and Ted Wilson, of the Big W cattle ranch. Maybe you know
them?” There was an aura of ease and comfort in being with this
woman. Unfortunately, the ridiculous question slipped out of her
mouth before she could stop it. America was a massive country and
Montana a big state. Because they were close to their ranch didn’t
mean everyone knew each other.

“What a small world. I know

“Really? I’m surprised. I never
expected to meet someone who knew the only people we actually know
in the entire country.”

A busboy came up and Sunny reached
out to load up the table with glasses of water before sitting down
with her.

“By the way, I’m Sakura and my
friend is Molly. We both work for Nakamura Enterprises and are here
to help set up the new cattle tracking program at the Big

“I see Matt and Ted all the time.
One or both of them come in for lunch most days. Back when Matt
first returned from his trip, I remember him mentioning something
about some new stiff regulations the Japanese government placed on
imported beef. Specifically beef coming from here.”

“The fallout from the last mad cow
scare in America was big overseas. These new measures were
necessary in order to bring it back to the world market. Japanese
people want American beef and we’re happy the Wilson brothers
weren’t scared away by all the checking and cross-checking now

“You’re beautiful and smart, like
Matt told me. I think the brothers are in serious trouble if you
ever want to leave.” Sunny smiled sweetly after setting that
ticking bombshell on the table and took a sip from her

Sakura was speechless. Did this
woman know why she was there in Montana? It certainly sounded like
it, but surely they hadn’t told everyone about them both wanting to
be with her. Then again, she had to be realistic. If she stayed,
she’d be living with two men. There was no way to hide the fact
from everyone, especially from people they considered friends. She
had to figure out if it mattered to her what others thought about
how they conducted themselves in private.

“You’re close with them, aren’t
you?” It was her turn for curiosity to push forward.

“I’ve known them since the day I
showed up in Gardiner as a kid. They’re both as nice and genuine
today as they were then. Good honest guys who, even at their
kinkiest, will always treat you with care. They are gorgeous, big
and strong, and lean toward the intense side, but remember you
control them, not the other way around.”

Kinkiest? With one word spoken
there was no doubt in her mind the other woman knew them, or at
least Matt. The man was beyond handsome, thoughtful of others, and
rather kinky in an adorably sexy way. Even if Sunny was a past
lover of one or both men, Sakura didn’t feel jealous. Instead, she
looked at their conversation as an opportunity to learn more about
Matt and Ted from someone who knew them well.

“Do you mind my asking you a
question, Sunny? A personal question?”

“Of course not, ask away. I have no
secrets,” she answered with an aura of authenticity surrounding her
that Sakura quite enjoyed.

“Were you ever their lover?” Sakura
wasn’t sure she wanted to know the truth, but at the same time
didn’t think it mattered either way. She started to have doubts
about letting her inquisitiveness get the best of her. Before she
could take it back, the other woman calmly responded.

“Yes, although we were never lovers
in ‘connected forever by the heart’ kind of love. No, my heart and
soul belong to Court. When it comes to sex, as long as we’re both
enjoying ourselves, he and I are open about how it plays out. Yes,
I have been with them intimately and love them as good

“Oh,” she murmured.

“There’s no need to worry about
competition. Our activities have toned down quite a bit. We haven’t
been together since Matt left for Japan. Now it’s my turn to ask a
question. Are you into kink like bondage and multiple

She looked up and smiled as Molly
sat down on the other side of the table.

“Everything was clean, crisp and
fresh in there. The water was too good not to take advantage of to
wash my face. I feel like a new woman.”

“You look great, not like you spent
five hours driving. I want to do the same thing and come back
feeling fresh.” Sakura looked at Sunny, who had already stood up,
giving her room to slip out. Once she was standing in front of her,
she asked, “Please, have lunch with us? We’d enjoy the company and
talking with you. I think there’s much you can tell me about the
Wilson brothers.”

Someone coughed, politely
interrupting their conversation.

Ready with an apology on her lips
for keeping Sunny from her work, she turned around and looked up
into a powerful hazel gaze and her stomach fell away. The tanned
face and dusty work clothes said the man had spent many hours
outside, maybe on a horse, and the wide welcoming smile labeled him
a Wilson.

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