Branded (4 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #multicultural, #anthology, #sex, #contemporary, #sex toys, #bdsm, #collection, #tattoo, #bondage, #interracial, #western, #ir, #montana, #mnage, #multiple partner, #mc, #piercing, #branded, #mnage a trois, #tilly greene

BOOK: Branded
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When he finished coming, he rolled
them to their sides, facing each other, and dropped a gentle kiss
on her lips. She found it difficult to hold back the tears such
closeness inspired in her heart. After what just happened between
them, her heart opened and reached out to him.

“Thank you. You’re one heck of a
sexy geisha. That was short, but so good. Give me some time to
recoup and we’ll see if we can make it last longer the next time.
Oh, man, once I tell my brother about you and your painted nipples,
he’s going to kick himself for not coming on the trip with

“Why?” She was curious to know what
he meant, but had to be careful not to ask too many questions. They
were face-to-face and she needed to be sure to mask her voice as
much as her face was with the makeup.

“Normally we share our women, fuck
them together or watch the other play, and he’s missing out with
you.” He started to put his finger where his cock couldn’t go. “Can
I put my finger inside your cunt?”

“Hai.” After she agreed and he
slipped the digit into her pussy, she squeezed him as tightly as
she could.

“Hot, wet, and tight. You’re every
man’s dream come true to fuck.”

There was a compliment in there
somewhere, except when he pushed two into her, all sanity flew
away. After he added a third finger, she started thinking about the
possibility of entertaining two men. The idea sounded so out of her
reality, but interesting. She wanted to know what it was like to be
the center of their attention. Would another partner have eased the
need she’d had a few moments earlier for more, or had it simply
been her need for him inside her? The businesswoman that resided in
her needed details before she decided whether or not she was the
type of woman who could handle two men. Unfortunately, the more
pragmatic side reminded her it wouldn’t matter what she wanted
because Matt was leaving in a few hours.

Not liking remembering his upcoming
departure, she purposely ignored the information and instead worked
on appeasing her curiosity about his sexual preferences.

“Futatsu?” She held up two fingers,
“same time?”

“Yes, and sometimes we join a
friend of ours and the three of us take his woman until she screams
with pleasure. That really is hot, but it’s only when she wants all
of her filled. The last time she was hanging from the ceiling in
their barn and she took one cock in the mouth, another in her cunt
and the third riding in and out of her ass making her quake,
quiver, and come. They’re fun times with sex.”

“Loved woman?”

“Sometimes it’s about getting down
and dirty with sex, but what we want is one woman to pamper and
love, and for her to want us both. What’s mine is Ted’s and what’s
his is mine.”

While he talked, she pulled off the
used condom, took the tip of his rod into her mouth and started
sucking. The flavor of his seed was tasty and she wanted much more.
She’d had a little hint of it earlier, only then it sent tingles
rushing through her body. Without looking at what she was doing,
since she was occupied with something better, she tied the rubber
sheath off, tossed it to the floor, and forgot about it. Sakura was
too busy trying to make the man beneath her come to find a

What he’d said hadn’t disturbed
her, just the opposite, and she wanted to hear more. He turned her
on by what he’d described doing to the other woman. She wanted to
be the one between the brothers, pleasured by them both until she
couldn’t take any more.

“Go grab a condom from your bag and
ride my cock like a cowgirl would,” he said as he put his cowboy
hat on her head.

In ways she couldn’t understand,
even though he hadn’t filled her pussy with his rod, he’d still
made sex more fun and enjoyable than she’d ever experienced before.
Maybe it was the naughty factor his personality added, although
none of it mattered. Sakura had wanted him before that side of him
had been revealed, and was thrilled to see it. Already she knew
more about him than she had, and all of it made him even more
enticing for her.

Feeling the tears of separation
once again gather in her eyes, she pulled her mouth away and went
in search of her silk purse. She wouldn’t allow the sadness of
their parting take away from the pleasure she found in his arms.
There’d be plenty of time for that later.

Coming back to him, holding the
condoms her friend had supplied, she looked at his nude form and
gave a little smile. All sorrow that had been ready to spill was
dashed away. Along with the boots and fierce hard-on shining from
her mouth’s attention, there were random splashes of her makeup all
over his chest, abs, and groin. She’d take the image and remember
how she’d marked him as belonging to her.

After taking a moment to adorn his
rod with protection, Sakura set out to seduce the cowboy between
her legs. Shifting her hands up to her breasts, she teased the
excited nipples and watched his eyes flare. Slowly, she rubbed her
slit along the length of his cock and back again.

“Shit, you are so fucking hot.”
Taking over pinching her nipples, he nudged her back until she was
sitting in a straight back position.

She loved the focus he paid to her
small breasts. They weren’t much to look at, but the way he played
with them gave her pleasure a big boost. Putting her hands on his
stomach, she slid over his steely length. The faster she moved, the
tighter he gripped on the hard points. The further back she moved,
occasionally covering his balls, the more her nipples were
stretched, ensuring her pussy tightened even further with need. A
deep desire to be filled and completed by him was what she

“More,” Sakura looked down at him
and begged. There was no denying how much she wanted from him or to
do to him. She needed his cock inside her body, his hands and
fingers doing erotic things to her. She wanted so much and had not
nearly enough. She was frustrated until he came to her

“How about this?” he whispered as
he reached between her legs and pinched her clit. She held her
breath, waiting for whatever was next and lost it when he pulled on
the tender flesh.

“Oh, oh yes!”

“Such a tender clit, you should
have it pierced,” he suggested as his thumb stroked over the
exposed tip. “Then you’d always be ready for some serious sex

The fingers holding her nub captive
tightened further and she groaned in need as she almost stopped
moving entirely. She was intrigued by the piercing idea. To walk
around excited and eager was a concept she’d revisit.

While she was prepared to do
whatever necessary to make him come, apparently he wasn’t able to
wait. Matt wrapped his hands around her waist and took over the
pace. She wanted the same connection they’d had the last time and
focused on his face. There was an almost pained looking expression,
and it took a few heartbeats for her to realize he was in the same
position as she. Eager and hungry to climax, and thankfully it
wasn’t long before he pushed her over the edge.

Collapsing over him, she breathed
heavily and let out a half-hearted giggle when he groaned. She
sighed lovingly when he wrapped his arms around her and told her
something she’d wanted to hear from him. One problem, it wasn’t her
name coming through his lips, although she’d accept it as she
considered it her nickname.

“You’re a keeper, geisha girl.” He
said and pressed a kiss on her neck. “I’d definitely enjoy sharing
you and your sexy red nipples with my brother.”

The man held her heart in his
hands, and she knew he’d treat it carefully, just as he had her
body. Only he thought she was a prostitute and not the woman he’d
come all the way to Japan to work with. What would happen if she
told him everything that was in her heart? Would he push her away
or claim her for him and his brother?

Unwilling to take the chance, she
gave him her abbreviated truth.

“Anytime, cowboy.”


Someone getting into bed and
shifting her backside up against his groin woke Matt. Not fully,
but enough for him to feel the soft, tiny woman in bed with him.
His cock hardened. He slid a hand from her hip to stomach and then
further down until he cupped her pussy. Enjoying how good her bare
mound felt in his hand, he pulled her a little closer and smiled as
he heard a little groan fill the quiet room.

Opening one eye, he lifted his head
and looked at the clock sitting on the bedside table. It was five
in the morning and he was in a hotel room. Laying his head back
down, he dipped a finger into her heated slit and slowly circled
the tip around in the opening. The details of what happened the
night before were slow in coming back to him, and that was fine. At
that time, he was happy letting his lust take

Slowly, he started to wake up and
remembered he was in Japan, fulfilling a long held fantasy about
taking a geisha. Ever since grade school he’d been interested in
the ladies who wore robes and exotic makeup. In his young mind,
there’d been so much mystery and seduction attached to the women.
He wasn’t sure why, but the makeup and dress still turned him on.
When he learned he was going to Japan, he’d hoped to find a chance
to spend time with one. Then, after speaking with the concierge
who’d been so helpful to him throughout his visit, he found out
geishas weren’t sex workers like he’d thought. After a few
questions and a couple hours, Hiedo had told him a prostitute
dressed as a geisha was available for him and he couldn’t be

More awake, he thought about how
there was no steady woman waiting for him back home and yet, for
some odd reason, it felt right to wake up with this one in his
arms. It wasn’t just the sex that he’d liked with Yuki, although it
had been much better than he’d thought possible without entering
her pussy with his cock. No, if he was honest with himself, and he
always was when it came to sex, then he had to admit it had more to
do with how she’d made him feel inside that left him thinking
they’d made a good fit.

The more he thought about the night
before, the more he kept going back to the first time they’d come
together and she’d told him to pretend she was Sakura. It hadn’t
felt right to do that, and he hadn’t planned to kiss her until his
impending release helped him take things possibly further than he
should have. He wasn’t sure why, but it had been an easy thing to

Matt had wanted to wake up with the
sexy and intelligent consultant in his arms since before he’d
arrived in Japan, which made it even easier to pretend it was true.
There was no way to know what his geisha actually looked like, not
with all the makeup she had on. The only thing that made it more
difficult to think of Yuki as the woman he wanted was her thick
accent. Sakura had wonderful command of the English language,
better than him, and the geisha didn’t. When she spoke, and if he
remembered correctly it hadn’t been much, there was a distinct
difference between the two women.

He rubbed his nose gently around
Yuki’s ear and shifted her hair away enough for him to place a kiss
on the soft skin. Keeping his hard-on pressed against her ass, he
moved and looked at the back of the woman he held. In the room’s
dim lighting, he saw Sakura because he wanted to. Yuki’s hair was
longer and currently a mess, but they both had straight, silky
black hair. There were two other physical things similar about the
two women that made it easy to pretend they were the same person.
They were both small-bodied and favored a sweet flowery

No, there was nothing substantial
he could use to separate the two women in his mind and decided to
leave it alone. It hurt no one for him to keep pretending he spent
his last night in Osaka with the woman he’d wanted, and that was
what he’d do with another instead. There was not much more time for
him before he left, and adding more memories to his special night
seemed the right thing to do.

Once he’d settled the issue in his
mind, Matt let his need rise up and push forward for her attention.
He could tell she was awake in his arms, so he set out to seduce
her into playing some more. The way she moaned and eased the way
for his fingers to play between her legs told him she may want
another round of sex as much as him.

“Are you up for another go before
it’s time to get up?”

The only verbal response he
received was a hum, with the more complete and enticing answer
delivered by her body. She pushed her ass even more firmly against
him and reached between her legs to move his eager hard-on to rest
against her pussy lips. Their hands were there between her legs,
together, both manipulating her body to stretch ever closer to

Not wanting to wait another minute
before he slipped inside her tight body, he moved his hand away
from her pussy to the bedside table for another condom.

“Good thing you came prepared for a
serious bout of sex games.” Rolling over onto his back, he wasted
no time in putting the rubber sheath over his prick.

Thinking about Sakura made his need
even more urgent. He gently rolled her onto her belly, helped her
up onto her knees, and eased a finger into her moist slit from
behind. Yuki’s pussy gripped him firmly, and he wished it was his
cock he pushed inside her. He tilted the tip of his middle finger
and nudged against a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves he’d
hoped to find. There was no need to search further for her G-spot.
He’d somehow located it on the first try.

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