Branded (3 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #multicultural, #anthology, #sex, #contemporary, #sex toys, #bdsm, #collection, #tattoo, #bondage, #interracial, #western, #ir, #montana, #mnage, #multiple partner, #mc, #piercing, #branded, #mnage a trois, #tilly greene

BOOK: Branded
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Folding her hands back in her lap
and hiding them beneath the long sleeves, she sat back on her heels
and looked at his erection and taut balls with a long, passionate
gaze. She found her cowboy, the one who appeared in her mind
whenever she thought of or spoke to Matt. Wearing nothing more than
his hat and boots with a spectacular erection for her pleasure, he
was positively sexy as sin. Sitting there, taking all of him in,
she knew she’d made the right decision in coming to his

“Okay, then it’ll be with my boots
on.” Matt put his arms on his knees and ran a finger over a silk
covered breast, pebbling the tip even further. “Shall I keep my hat
on as well?”

“Hai,” she whispered with a nod to
ensure he understood. Matt laughed and sat back in his chair,
totally relaxed with being nude before her.

“The cowboy and the geisha. My
brother would love to be in on the night’s activities.”

“Brother?” Sakura muttered under
her breath as the curiosity of what he meant grew. She knew there
was another Wilson back home, one who worked more hands on with the
cattle than Matt. They’d spoken a few times, usually polite
nonsensical conversations, but she was interested in hearing why he
thought of Ted at a sexual time. She reached out and held his cock
in her hands. It took both to cover most of his length, leaving a
couple of inches poking above the clasp. Gently, she pulled his
cock more into a straight up and down position before shifting to
her knees and swirling her tongue around the shining red

“That’s good,” he muttered and held
her head slightly tilted to the side, probably so he could see her
mouth on his rod. In all his dealings with her, even during their
harmless flirtations, he’d always been a gentleman. Knowing he had
such an erotically wicked side to him, she admitted to herself, was
something she’d like to see more of and also be the one to reap the
benefits of setting that side of him free. So many ideas popped
into her head and she lost herself in the pleasure of possessing
and playing with his rod.

“Oh, yeah, that’s real

She heard a groan escape from him
and settle in his deep rasping voice as he continued to talk about
what he saw. To her, the roughness said he’d moved closer to
coming, except she wasn’t ready for that to happen yet. She wanted
him to be as wild with need for her as she was for him. Sakura
lowered her lips and engulfed the entire crown of his rod. Whether
she moved slow or fast, the bells on her comb tinkled

“That’s it, suck my

Lust and a strong desire to please
him had her sucking as if to pull the seed out of his length,
although not so hard that she’d hurt him. She used enough pressure
to make sure all of his attention stayed focused on what happened
between his legs. When she felt his hands clenching and unclenching
in her hair, she alternated between swirling her tongue around the
tip and sucking on his rod like a sugared treat. She worked harder
to send him tumbling over passion’s ledge.

She hadn’t counted on him having
much more control over his passion than she had over her own.
Sakura could feel in her mind and body how ready she was for him to
take her. To have him possess her was all she could think about.
She wasn’t a virgin and had always enjoyed sex, although she was
more excited about being with Matt than she had been with any of
her other partners. It was odd she felt that way, knowing it
wouldn’t be a complete consummation. Spending time with her cowboy
made her want to stretch her sexual boundaries further than ever

Spanking? Why not! Pinching and
twisting her nipples, maybe her nub? Yes, please, she wanted to
shout. Make me scream and beg for your pleasure, just take

Suddenly, inspiration and her inner
saucy nature came to play. After a few shifting movements, she laid
her bare chest against his groin. Their physical connection was
delicious. The differences between them were obvious and inviting.
He was hard and covered in hair, she was soft and smooth, and
together they were combustible.

“Whoa, what’s going on here?”
Gently, he pushed her back and looked at her chest. In her
excitement to have him, Sakura had forgotten she’d added some of
the bright red makeup she’d used on her lips to her nipples. Molly
told her sex workers wore it because men liked how the breasts
appeared with it on. Looking at his face and the glistening,
bobbing hard-on between them, she had no doubt he liked

“Makeup, more beautiful,” she
muttered in heavily accented broken English.

Lightly he rubbed his thumb over
one reddened tip, encouraging it to tighten even further, then
moved over to the other and teased it as well. The desire his touch
ignited made her think her breasts were somehow directly connected
to her pussy. They were easily excitable and she enjoyed having
them played with, but his fingers left much more in their wake.
With each pass he made over her nipple, the core of her passion
pulsed with a desperate need to be pleasured and

“Well, you’re right. They’re
stunning and have certainly caught my attention. I’ve never seen
anything like it before. It’s fucking hot.” Matt put his hands on
her waist and lifted her until she straddled his lap.

While she snuck a peek at his
gorgeous green eyes, she noticed the pupils had expended so much
that only a thin ring of color remained around the edges. He
pinched her nipple a little more firmly, drawing a gasp of pleasure
from her as she thrust her chest into his hold. His hands, hard and
rough from work, felt so good on her soft flesh. She couldn’t stop
from pushing her breasts out even further for more of what he
offered. There was something about him that made her feel
comfortable in letting her sexually adventurous side come forward
for attention.

“So, my geisha likes to walk on the
kinky side,” Matt told her as he twisted the trapped points more
firmly, pulling a groan from her lips.

Right when she thought they were
close to taking things a step further, he surprised her by setting
her from his lap. Before she had a chance to do anything other than
pout, he smiled and explained what he wanted.

“Take this robe thing off and let
me see all of you.”


Without waiting for him to say
anything else, she took a few steps back so he could see all of
her, then worked on stripping in a seductive manner.

As a slow, sexy rhythm played in
her head, she reached behind her and worked on undoing the obi.
Once it was loosened, she held the ends behind her, causing her
kimono to open far enough to give him just a hint of what lay
beneath. Letting the long strips of silk and stiff cotton she held
fall down to the ground, she was happy she’d decided to forgo the
plain shift normally worn beneath the kimono.

Pulling the two sides together, she
turned around and slowly shifted the heavy silk garment to slip
down one arm, then the other. Looking over her shoulder, she
watched as he reached for his cock and stroked the towering pole.
Not able to hold out any longer, she let the decorated silk drop to
her waist and let it slowly slip to the floor.

Completely naked except for the
long white socks and sandals was a tricky look to pull off as sexy,
but believed she’d managed. Sakura actually felt empowered by what
she saw reflected on Matt’s face. She knew when a need so powerful
took control of his body. He had started to stand, only to fall
back into his seat. That one move ensured she wouldn’t doubt he
wanted her, although she enjoyed it even more when she saw how much
desire there was inside him for her. He may have seen a geisha, but
wanted her.

“Turn around.”

Twirling around on her clunky
sandals, she stood with one hip cocked out and finally looked him
in the eyes to make sure he knew what she wanted. Him. To persuade
Matt to break free of the control he had over his body and take
her, Sakura bent over and held her breasts with their red tips
pointing out to him. Her need was so intense that honey gathered in
her pussy, preparing for him to take her even though he wouldn’t in
that way. In the end, stretching her thumbs up to tease the stiff
points was what it took to get him moving.

“Shit, you are so hot. Even if
fucking you is out of the question, I must possess some part of

He started toward her so quickly,
she hadn’t a chance to say anything more than yes. The next thing
she knew, he picked her up out of her shoes and carried her over
his shoulder toward the bed. Laying her down, she watched as he dug
through the pocket of his jeans and eventually rifled through his
wallet. Matt sent her a huge smile of success as he pulled a condom
out and waved it at her.

“I’m clean, but I can say that
since I never entered a woman without one of these on.”

“More in purse,” she whispered,
with thanks to Molly. He may declare he was clean and not able to
come inside her pussy, but there was always a chance of pregnancy
and STDs when a rod came in intimate contact with a woman’s slit. A
prostitute would surely be careful of both scenarios.

“There’s nothing sexier than a
woman who knows what she wants and comes prepared for it.” Tearing
open the wrapper, he pulled out the circle of rubber and started to
roll it over his cock. The men she’d been with usually handled the
protection in another room and followed it by making sure the
lights were out when they came together. She had a feeling Matt was
not a lights out kind of guy, and was pleased he left them on dim.
Even though she knew he wouldn’t recognize her beneath all the
makeup, the low lights made her feel more confident about it and
freer to enjoy herself.

Kneeling between her legs, he used
his hands to spread them further apart, then leaned over to swirl
his tongue around her clit. There was no way she could keep her
body from reacting to his touch, nor would she want to when her
hips rose to bump up against his face.

“Relax, my little geisha girl. I’ve
been without a woman for too long,” he admitted while moving around
until his thick, hard cock rested between her pussy lips. “My
horniness increased with the constant companionship of a lady I
really liked. She totally turned me on and made it hard to do
anything because I couldn’t touch her.”

After hearing him admit he’d been
turned on by her, Sakura felt her heart speed up with happiness,
then she lost her breath as he slid between her lower lips until
the tip nudged her clit. Panting with an incredible amount of
pleasure controlling her body, she looked up at him and thought
about what he’d said. She hadn’t known what was going on in his
mind while they worked together, no hint at all, and she wished she
had. Reaching up, Sakura stroked a finger over his lips and asked
for what she wanted most.

“Kiss me, cowboy. Pretend I’m your
lady.” Despite thickening her accent and lowering her voice to
almost a whisper, she hoped he understood what she’d said. It could
be seen as selfish, but she wanted to feel how he would’ve kissed

Both of his hands reached out,
clasped theirs together, and held them pressed into the pillows
beside her head. He was so powerful and she knew there was no way
she could get away, but that wasn’t what she wanted.

There was no kiss, and yet looking
into his eyes made her feel like they were more intimate than if
they had. Maybe they were linked only by his cock sliding between
her pussy lips, but the energy they created together made it all so
passionate. Neither one of them looked away from the

His smooth fucking motion sent his
hard chest moving over her breasts, allowing the hair on his to
tickle and tease her excited nipples. The brief contact encouraged
them to tighten even further. They felt like hard pebbles poking
straight at him for attention. Unable to deny their needs, she
managed to shift enough so her breasts rubbed against his muscular
chest for some relief, only there was none.

The friction and heat from their
faux-fucking created moisture and glued their bodies together. They
moved as one, but their lips remained separated. Neither of them
broke the special bond they’d created, not through their eyes or

With the bells from her hair comb
ringing and the headboard softly knocking against the wall from
their movements, they fell into a distinct rhythm. She enjoyed
knowing her passion matched so well with his. It wouldn’t make
being without him any easier to handle, although she thought it
would make their one night together all the more

Matt filled her heart, and yet
there was a part of her that wanted more, physically. Spreading her
legs wider allowed him to further taunt her clit as his groin moved
over it. The direct contact felt wickedly divine and suddenly sent
her spinning into a climax.

He caught her screams of completion
as they kissed for the first time. Her pussy pulsed uncontrollably
and he pushed them both deeper into the bed. Matt was on verge of
coming and it made him move even faster than he had been. Suddenly,
he lifted his mouth away from hers. With eyes wide and watching
him, she saw his squeezed shut, heard a fierce grunt come from his
chest, then felt his entire body tighten as he came. She wanted to
feel his seed spilling inside her, but wouldn’t. To make up for
what she was missing, Sakura closed her eyes to catch each pounding
throb his cock gave from where it rested.

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