Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6) (7 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

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She closed her eyes, dreading sharing the hurtful truth with him. A truth even Sir did not know.

With renewed determination, she opened her eyes to face Faelan. “At the collaring ceremony, I planned to ask Tono to be my Master. If his father hadn’t scorned the match, I would have become his submissive that night, not yours.”

Faelan shook his head in disbelief.

Brie didn’t even dare to glance at Sir when she continued, “It’s true, Todd. Although I have lusted after you, I realized at the ceremony I could never partner with a man I did not love.”

The room went deadly silent. “I don’t believe you,” he finally stated.

“I was always upfront with you about how I felt.”

It was as if Faelan hadn’t heard her. “How could you love that one-trick pony? It was painfully obvious to everyone but you that you wouldn’t have been happy with Nosaka.”

Brie’s hackles went up. How dare he ridicule Tono by calling him that? She took a deep breath, refusing to start an argument with Faelan. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. At the collaring ceremony, I realized it could not work between us with his father being against the match. Which was a good thing, because it pushed me to do what my heart truly wanted.” She glanced at Sir and smiled. “Sir is the only man whose collar I ever want to wear.”

Faelan snarled and then turned on Sir. “Why the hell did you train me if you were planning to steal her away?”

Sir met his anger with equal level of calm. “When you approached me about training as a Dom, I recognized your potential. Despite my better judgment, I took you under my wing because I understood your pain and knew this was a healthy direction for you to pursue. Unfortunately, I did not appreciate how immature you were, and am glad to hear you are getting professional help now.”

“Is that supposed to be meant as an insult?” Faelan demanded.

“No. It’s a simple fact that you cannot guide a submissive well if you are unable to control your own emotions.”

Faelan threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, like you? What right do you have to tell me what to do? Answer me that, ‘Headmaster’!” Faelan looked earnestly at Brie, reaching out for her across the table. “Did you catch what he just said? Your ‘Master’ admitted that he can’t guide you properly. At least I’m doing something about it. It’s not too late, Brie. Get out while you still can, in front of both of these men, so there’s no question it came from you.”

Brie took his outstretched hand and squeezed it. “Todd, I am content with my choice of Dom. I love Sir. Loving him makes me happy—far happier than I’ve ever been.”

Faelan snarled. “It’s not right! He’s too old for you,
too arrogant.”

She answered quietly, “‘Arrogant’ is a word I would use to describe you.”

“Confidence, Brie. Not arrogance. I am confident we are good together and confident that we were meant for each other.”

Brie smiled sadly. “You claim to love me. If that’s true, then you should
me to be happy. I am happy, truly happy with Sir.”

She saw him swallow hard, even though his confident expression never changed. “You’ve been brainwashed.”

That flippant statement pissed Brie off. “Don’t belittle my feelings like that. I love Thane Davis. You have to accept that.”

“Brie, ‘Headmaster’ can have any girl he wants, but I

She felt his desperation, but refused to give in to it. “As much as I care about you, Todd, I would never wear your collar.”

His eyes narrowed. “So you will turn away my love without any thought or consideration.”

“I know my own heart,” Brie answered.

“And you’re condemning me to a life without love?”

“No.” An image of Mary instantly came to mind. “I know of at least one person who cares about you, but you are oblivious to it.”

His blue eyes flashed with vehement anger. “There is something you should know about me, Brie. I run either hot or cold. I am a passionate man and cannot be lukewarm like Nosaka. I will
be your ‘friend’ after this. If you tell me it’s over, I will not acknowledge you when our paths cross again. For me, you will cease to exist.”

His declaration hurt. The idea that Faelan would cut her out of his life completely had never occurred to Brie. “Does it have to be that way?” she asked, shocked.

“If I’m to keep my sanity, yes.”

Brie looked at Marquis Gray, hoping he would impart some wisdom to Faelan, but he remained silent. She closed her eyes then, trying to keep back the tears that threatened to fall.

Faelan pleaded with her one last time. “Brie, I know you have feelings for me. Don’t let this be the end of us. Don’t.”

There was no question what her answer must be. She opened her eyes and gazed into those beautiful ocean blues of his. “If that’s how you want it to be, then I guess this is goodbye.”

He stared at her as if he hadn’t heard.

Marquis Gray spoke up. “Before we conclude this meeting, there are several things we need to go over.”

Faelan’s voice was hollow when he answered Marquis. “It is unnecessary. Everything listed there has just been taken care of.”

He stood up slowly, as if in a daze, and left the room without another word. The sound of the door closing made Brie’s heart sink. Her bottom lip trembled, even though she willed herself to remain composed.

“I don’t think the meeting could have gone any better,” Marquis stated.

Brie nodded, even though she hated how it had ended. The pain in Faelan’s eyes would haunt her forever.

“So what was on that list?” Sir asked Marquis Gray.

“We were going to set boundaries, but he’s right. It is unnecessary now.”

“Come here, Brie,” Sir said with compassion. She melted into his embrace, needing his love to combat the ache in her heart. “You did what was required to set the boy free.”

She nodded against his chest without looking up.

“Go ahead and cry, téa,” he added softly.

The tears began to fall as she let out a deep sob. Sir held her tight as she released the pain and guilt. When Brie was finally quiet again, she lifted her head and noticed that Marquis Gray had gone.

She felt bad and automatically apologized. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

He smiled as he dried her tears. “For what? I know you are an emotional creature. It is something I value and choose to nurture.”

As they prepared to leave the room, Brie stopped him and asked, “Sir, do you need me to clarify anything I said during the meeting?”

“Nothing you shared came as a surprise to me. Have you forgotten that you wear your heart on your sleeve, téa? It is something I find reassuring.” He swept her hair back and kissed her tearstained cheek.

She laid her head against his broad chest and sighed. “That was hard, Sir. Harder than I imagined.”

“Wallace’s response was unusual, but in the end it may be the healthiest way for him to deal with it. I cannot fault him.”

Brie nestled into Sir’s embrace, feeling heartbroken for Faelan, but hoping that he was finally and truly free.


hings became more settled after the meeting. Brie had met Faelan once already in public and, true to his word, he had not looked at or spoken to her. Although it was disconcerting for Brie, the new arrangement had freed Sir as well. Their relationship no longer carried the weight of Wallace’s obsession, and he became more lighthearted as a consequence.

Brie knew something was afoot when she walked into the apartment and found a note beside a package. She picked it up and read:

Buy the items on the list and make a rainbow roll for your Master.

Leave it on the kitchen counter.

Retire to the bedroom.

She smiled as she opened the package. Inside was a sushi-making kit with a cookbook. During her stay with Tono, he had instructed her in the basic skills of making sushi rolls, but she had no idea what a rainbow roll consisted of. Flipping through the colorful illustrations, she quickly found it and grinned. It looked like beautiful art. Thin slices of uncooked tuna, salmon and avocado were laid over a California roll. She quickly wrote down the ingredients and headed to the store.

Brie loved it when Sir gave her tasks like this—simple assignments that were completely vanilla in nature, but the outcome would be anything but. She shopped with a secretive smile on her lips, her sexy mission giving a sense of intrigue to the whole shopping experience.

When she returned home, she was surprised to find that the apartment was still silent. Brie speculated that Sir might be off with Master Anderson again. It inspired a vision of Sir cracking the bullwhip against the pole. Goosebumps covered her skin as she began working on the sushi roll.

She was determined to impress Sir with what she had learned under Tono’s tutelage. Although her roll ended up being somewhat lopsided, the slices of raw fish and avocado covered up that fact. She stepped back to admire her handiwork.

Brie added a note of her own next to the plate:
I love you, Master.

She skipped down the hallway to their bedroom, wondering what he had planned next for her.

The bed itself had been prepared for her with a new bedcover, golden handcuffs at the headboard and leg restraints at the bottom. On the pillow, she saw another note.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as she reached over to pick it up. In his precise handwriting, she read:

Take the hood on the nightstand and put it next to the pillow.

Brie glanced at the nightstand and saw an unusual hood of silk. It was black with golden thread woven in a striking floral pattern. As beautiful as it was, a shiver ran down her spine as she put it beside the pillow and handcuffs.

Undress, leaving only your panties on

Brie quickly stripped down, folding her clothes and laying them on the nightstand before climbing onto the bed to read her next order.

Lie on your back and restrain your legs so they are open wide for me

Brie’s heart beat fast as she bound her own legs for Master. It felt deliciously wicked. She lay back on the bed to read the final instruction.

Secure the hood around your head and cuff yourself to the bed.


Brie was not a fan of hoods, but she dutifully put the silken material over her head and secured it loosely around her neck. Then she lifted her hands to the cuffs and tightened one around her left wrist. It was a bit of a struggle to secure the second, but she felt a sense of satisfaction when she heard the metal clink as it locked into place.

Now she was bound and ready for Master.

She lay there in a state of sexual arousal, waiting for him to claim her. The thin material of the hood allowed Brie to hear clearly. She caught the faint sound of movement in the kitchen and felt a thrill of excitement, knowing Sir had been there the whole time, silently observing her actions without her knowledge.

Brie waited with bated breath, the anticipation of his taking driving her wild with desire. When he finally entered the bedroom, she could
his presence. Sir stood there for several moments in silence. She imagined him at the door, admiring her body, enjoying the scene he had created.

She found it alluring that he had chosen a different cologne to wear for the evening. A simple alteration of scent gave a whole new feel to their encounter.

She felt the bed shift when he sat down next to her. Brie gasped when he placed a piece of the cold sushi roll on her stomach. With thoughtful precision, he decorated her body with the meal she had prepared for him.

He stood back up, and a few seconds later she heard the click of a camera. Brie smiled under the hood, grateful she would be able to see his artwork later.

Sir returned to her and blew on her stomach before retrieving a piece of sushi with his mouth. Her heart fluttered at the contact.

How she loved being Sir’s vessel…

Brie heard his low grunt of pleasure and wanted to burst with pride. Another culinary success! Sir ate the piece he had placed on her nipple. The slow, sensuous way that he picked it up with his lips could make a girl come.

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