Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6)
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Brie Discerns Master’s Heart:
After Graduation

Red Phoenix

Kindle Edition

Brie Discerns Master’s Heart

Copyright 2013 by Red Phoenix

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

[email protected]

Edited by Amy Parker

Book cover design by Erin Dameron-Hill. Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs.

Big thanks to Marla Thalassinou.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Adult Reading Material

Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.


Title Page

Copyright Page

The Beast

Girl Chat

Tender Revelation

Master Anderson’s Influence

The Wolf Howls


Wicked Game


About the Author Red Phoenix

The Beast

n a fluid motion, Sir moved Brie behind him as he stepped forward to face the threat alone. “You have no business being here.”

Elizabeth smiled easily, as if she had expected such a negative response. “It’s a free country, Thane.”

“Who is she?” Brie asked, stunned at Sir’s odd behavior towards the woman, suddenly afraid she knew exactly who it was but not able to believe it.

“No one,” he answered angrily, taking Brie’s hand and turning to leave.

“Are you really such a coward, Thane? I had expected you to grow into a man by now.”

The entire gym was now focused on the scene being played out before them.

“Come, Brie,” Sir said with forced calm, guiding her towards the door.

Brie was shocked to feel him literally shaking with rage, the air around him rife with hostility. She kept up with his long strides. They were both desperate to get away from the situation as swiftly as possible.

From behind her, she heard, “Don’t walk away from your mother, boy.”

Sir didn’t break his stride as he pushed through the door and shouted, “I have no mother!”

Brie stole a glance back at Elizabeth. The woman lifted her chin and smiled at Brie condescendingly. A cold chill coursed through Brie’s veins as she realized how easily she had played into Elizabeth’s hands. But she could not fathom how the woman could be Thane’s mother. She looked far too young.

“Keys,” Sir snapped.

Brie dug the keys out of her pocket and handed them to him. “Sir, I didn’t kn—”

“Not now, Brie.”

He slid into the driver’s seat and she automatically slipped into the passenger side, grabbing onto her flowerpot and clutching it to her chest.

“Seat belt,” he barked.

Brie belted herself in as Sir revved the engine loudly and took off with a squeal of tires and black smoke.

He drove like a man possessed, going above the speed limit for the foggy conditions, which were normal that early in the morning. At all times he remained in control, but he drove with a dangerous focus that unnerved her.

Sir did not proceed to their apartment. Instead, he headed for the California hills that overlooked the city. The atmosphere inside the vehicle was alarming. She had never seen Sir so upset. He stared at the road, his jaw set, his eyes narrow—a seething mass of tension. Brie was afraid that if she dared to touch him, he would explode.

She buried her face in the flowers and said a silent prayer.

Sir suddenly pulled off to the side of the road and jumped out of the car. She scrambled out too, unwilling to leave him alone.

He stormed to the edge of a steep embankment and held his arms out wide in the swirling fog, screaming with his fists clenched towards the sky. The sound of his cry broke Brie’s heart. It was full of pain on a level she had never experienced. His screams of agony were swallowed up by the surrounding mist.

Sir roared again, but it was full of a rage that frightened her. He looked around wildly and then focused on the hard trunk of a large tree. He began punching the rough surface in blind anger, not caring about the damage he was doing to his fists.

Brie cried out, wanting to stop him but understanding, on a deeper level, his need to unleash the furious wrath within him. After countless sickening thuds, he fell to his knees and slumped against the base of the tree.

She ran to him then, wrapping her arms around Sir, trying to impart every ounce of her strength to him.

Sir wept—a deep, raw release of emotion that had been buried for years. She didn’t say anything as she held onto him, needing him to know he was not alone in his grief. Finally the sobs ceased and he became silent. Time stood still in the white mist, silent and cold, while he struggled with his grief and pain.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Sir responded by pulling her to him and tucking her into his arms. She lay on the ground, her head buried in his chest. He held her in silence, words unnecessary as he took comfort in her presence. But it wasn’t enough to fill the emotional abyss. Sir pulled at her clothes, removing them hurriedly until his fingers met the resistance of her jewelry. He grunted and looked down for a second, ripping it from her and replacing it with his cock.

Sir climbed onto Brie, like a drowning man climbing into a boat. She became his means of survival as he filled the cavernous void in his soul with her feminine offering. Brie opened herself to him, willingly accepting her role. Sir’s groans were subdued as he took her deep and hard. Brie looked up at the swirling mist, tears streaming down her face as she cried for Thane the young adolescent and Thane the man.

All that pain, held inside for years, was now exacting an excruciating toll as it erupted with violent force. The desperate coupling seemed to go on forever, his anguish too great for him to find release. Eventually he stiffened inside her and cried out in painful relief.

Sir pushed off her and lay beside Brie on the ground, watching the swirling mist as his breath slowly returned to normal.

When he finally turned to Brie, his anguished gaze penetrated the depths of her soul, causing her to shiver from the chill of it, but she did not flinch.

“Seeing that woman,” he said hoarsely, “it’s as if it happened yesterday. I see him on the floor, struggling for breath, blood everywhere.” Brie felt him shudder beside her. “She just stood there and did nothing, cold as ice.” Sir growled as he looked back up at the sky. “It should have been her on the ground. To this day, I wish it had been her.”

Brie put her arms around him, but remained silent.

“She wants something from me…”

She pressed against him, wanting to bring comfort and assurance. “Maybe she needs to make amends.”

He frowned. “She never showed remorse, never asked for forgiveness. There would be no reason for her to seek it now. I can only think of one thing that would motivate her.”

Brie was afraid to voice the obvious question.

Sir continued, speaking his thoughts. “She knew I wouldn’t have given her permission to see me…so she went through you.” He snorted in anger. “As devious and selfish as I remember.”

The mist had slowly given way to the warmth of the sunshine. Sir stared up at the sky as the sun broke through the haze. “It’s time we head over to Ren’s.”

He gently dressed her, as if she were breakable, like china, and then picked up the jewelry and placed it in his pocket. Sir helped Brie to her feet, holding her close for several minutes.

She understood that this had been a significant victory. Sir had survived the unexpected encounter with his mother.

The drive to Tono’s was silent but reverent.

Brie wondered if her Asian Master had been told of Sir’s early return. Tono’s calm expression when he opened the door hinted that Sir had already forewarned him.

“Welcome to my home, Sir Davis,” he said.

Brie was technically still Tono’s sub and was unsure how to behave with both Masters. She looked at Sir, who nodded towards him.

Brie bowed. “Tono, how may I serve you?”

“Go change into your normal clothes and pack, toriko, while I speak with Sir Davis.”

She bowed again before leaving the men. She was excited to be packing to rejoin Sir back at home, but there was a sense of sadness as well. The thought that Tono would face a lonely house after they left hurt her heart.

Brie returned to find them engaged in lively conversation.

“I asked Marquis about Wallace when you told me what happened at the gym. The boy claimed he was nowhere near the workout center the morning Brie saw him.”

“Do you believe him?” Tono asked.

“I didn’t until this morning.”

Brie knelt down at the end of the table between both men.

Sir turned to Brie. “How close were you? Are you certain it was Wallace?”

Brie thought back to that morning and shook her head. “No, Sir. The man looked like Faelan, but I cannot say with one hundred percent certainty it was him.”

Sir’s face contorted in anger. “Knowing her, I’d be willing to bet it wasn’t.”

The idea that it hadn’t been Faelan blew Brie’s mind. “I’m sorry, Sir. I
suspected Elizabeth was anything but a kind acquaintance.”

“One who now has your business card.”

She lowered her eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

He lifted her chin. “I do not blame you, Brie. She is a cobra, beautiful to look at but deadly to handle.”

Tono sounded appalled. “I was not aware of a business card exchange.”

Sir growled angrily. “In a normal world, it would mean nothing. Had I known she was on the prowl again, Ren, I would have insisted you keep Brie with you twenty-four seven.”

To Brie he said, “You will have to change your cell phone number and email account immediately. I can assure you, the woman will not leave you alone after this. I may have thwarted her plans, but she will not deviate from her primary goal. She is a tenacious beast.”

Brie was disheartened she would not only have to change a phone number she’d had for years, but she would also have to inform everyone of the changes to both accounts. She felt like an idiot.

“What does she want?” Tono asked Sir.

“It’s simple—money.”

Tono was silent. When he spoke next, his voice was full of compassion. “It is unfortunate that you must deal with such a creature.”

Sir’s nostrils flared. “Yes, but I will
allow her to ruin my life a second time. I would prefer it if you would not mention her to anyone. The fewer people involved, the better.”

“It shall remain between us.” Tono glanced up at the clock on the wall and informed him, “I do not know if you are aware that toriko has a meeting in four hours, with Ms. Taylor and Miss Wilson.”

Brie quickly assured him, “I will reschedule it, Sir.”

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