Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6) (6 page)

Read Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Discerns Master's Heart (After Graduation, #6)
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Both men looked in her direction. Brie realized she must have made a noise and blushed. To cover it, she announced with a respectful bow, “Lunch is ready, Master.” She hoped it wasn’t obvious how much she was trembling.

“We’ll join you in a minute, téa.”

Brie bowed again and shut the door. She made her way back to the kitchen to finish setting the table, but her mind was not on her task.
Sir is practicing the bullwhip.

He knew her feelings about the bullwhip. He had asked her the night she’d scened with Master Anderson at The Haven. It frightened her, the thought of being whipped again…

Maybe it was simply a way to relieve his stress. Men often bonded over physical activity. Typically it was over a game of basketball, but considering their kinky inclinations, chatting over a bullwhip seemed perfectly natural, right?

The men walked in, both sweaty from their workout. Brie looked at Sir through hooded eyes as he sat down. He winked at her before looking down at his plate. “I see you went with an American classic, téa.”

Master Anderson pulled the bread apart to examine it more closely. “But with a uniquely Brie twist to it,” he added with a smirk. He reassembled the sandwich and took a bite, announcing afterwards, “You went with a blend of three creamy cheeses. Good choice. The outside is nice and toasted, the cheese properly melted, but I can’t say I care for the selection of meat. I think a slice of tomato would suffice.”

Sir took his own bite. His face showed little expression as he chewed. After he had finished, he glanced at Master Anderson as he informed Brie, “Naturally, I disagree with the addition of tomato. I believe by replacing the bacon with pancetta you would have a fine sandwich, téa.”

Brie wanted to burst with pride. Her first culinary success with Sir! He had eaten what she’d served him ever since she’d become his submissive, but this was her first real triumph. She wanted to squeal with happiness and struggled to keep quiet. It was only a grilled cheese sandwich, after all.

It seemed that Sir was more relaxed after his practice session with Master Anderson. He was more like himself during the meal, but insisted on leaving shortly after.

“I thank you for your time, Brad. As always, talking with you gives me a healthy perspective.”

“Think nothing of it.”

“Now you can go back to teasing the neighborhood.”

Master Anderson grinned. “Think of the thrill you would cause if both of you joined me in weeding the front garden. Two bare-chested men and a little sex kitten in a miniskirt. I’m sure we could get the entire neighborhood out for the show.”

Sir shook his head. “You need to get a permanent sub.”

“Gardening has a calming effect, Thane. Maybe you should look into it.”

Sir scoffed and walked out through the front door. “Come, téa.”

Master Anderson said to Sir as he left, “Don’t forget what I said about Wallace.”

Sir stopped and turned to address him. “I’ll set up a meeting tomorrow. It will be a relief to Marquis, who has been pushing for it since Brie’s encounter with him at the Training Center. Personally, after yesterday’s trouble I need to tie up those loose ends. The beast alone is enough for me to deal with.”

“Good luck. Give me a call afterwards. In fact, why don’t you drop by, and you can practice some more?”

Brie’s eyes widened when Sir agreed. He was serious about learning the bullwhip! That could only mean one thing—he meant to use it on her. A cold chill ran through Brie, but there was an enticing shudder that accompanied it. The knowledge that she was
and that this was an area he was going to push her in was…exhilarating.

The Wolf Howls

he meeting with Todd Wallace took place at The Haven. Faelan had refused to have it at the Training Center, stating that it should be on neutral ground.

Sir had been puzzled by his assertion that it was not neutral ground, but Brie understood. Both she and Faelan had been students at the Center. No matter how much experience they accumulated, they would always be pupils of the school.

The owner of the club had set aside a quiet room in the back for the meeting, away from the playful chaos. When they arrived, Sir turned to Brie. “At all times, be open and honest with him. If he sees the slightest hesitation, he will read it as you hiding your affections for him. Although Wallace is unusually talented, he remains emotionally stunted.”

‘The death of the young man in the car crash…” Brie said softly.

“Yes, it is the reason for his immaturity, but not an excuse to behave dishonorably.”

“I will remember that, Sir.”

“Look him in the eye.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Tension filled the air, but it immediately dissipated the moment Sir touched her, just before he guided her into the room. “You are an exceptional person, Brie. Beyond being a submissive, beyond your film talent, you are a kind soul,” he said, brushing her cheek with his hand. “A true rarity.”

Brie pressed her cheek against his hand, closing her eyes in contentment. “You make me a better woman.” She opened her eyes and gazed into his. “I love you, Thane.”

He returned her smile. “I love you.” Sir kissed her then, their connection born of love and admiration.

When Brie entered the room, she knew with certainty that not only could she do this, but she could do it with the purity of love Tono had shown her. She noticed that there was only a single table with four chairs in the room. Faelan was seated directly in front of her, with Marquis Gray sitting on the right.

Faelan stared at her from across the room. Despite the situation and the people involved, she was irresistibly drawn to those deep blue eyes.

“Welcome,” Marquis Gray said, directing Brie to the chair across from Faelan, and Sir to the one directly opposite him.

They all sat down in uncomfortable silence. But Brie followed Sir’s orders and looked Faelan directly in the eye, despite her natural inclination to stare at her lap.

“Well, isn’t this quaint? It’s like I’m in jail. Here we have my lawyer, sitting next to me,” Faelan said, pointing to Marquis Gray, “and there, you have the warden.”

Brie smiled to herself at the comparison.

Marquis spoke up. “He has a few things to go over with you, Miss Bennett. Both Sir Davis and I will remain silent unless we can add clarification to the discussion.”

Faelan looked down at a piece of paper in front of him and snarled. “No!” He swept the paper aside. “I am not going down a list.” He stared at Brie. “You and I are going to have a genuine conversation, with no pretenses.”

Brie noticed that Marquis discreetly slid the paper back over to him.

“That’s acceptable to me, Mr. Wallace,” she replied.

“To begin with, you will
call me Mr. Wallace. That just sounds wrong.”

Brie looked in Sir’s direction for guidance. He did not speak, but nodded slightly.

“Okay… Todd.”

Faelan sat back in his chair and snorted. “That’s only a slight improvement.”

She wasn’t willing to argue the point, so she forged ahead. “The reason we are here is to—”

“No, that’s not how this is going to play out,” he stated firmly as he took over. “As you know, I have lived in darkness most of my adult life. The guilt of killing someone has eaten at me like a cancer.”

Brie replied compassionately, “But it was just an acciden—”

He held up his hand. “There’s no point in continuing that line of thought, Brie. I’ve talked to a counselor and I’m not about to rehash it with you.”

She looked down at her lap but immediately looked back up, realizing she was subconsciously falling into the submissive role with him.

“That day… The day you fell into my arms I finally saw a spark of hope. You were a light in the suffocating darkness consuming me.” Faelan grinned at her. “I can’t explain why, but there was an instant connection made I’ve never felt before.” He leaned forward and asked her, “What did you feel that day?”

Brie took a deep breath before she began. Sir had instructed her to be honest, so she kept that her primary goal. “I was grateful that you saved me from a bad fall and I thought you had nice eyes. Honestly, I felt nothing more than that.”

Faelan sat back and nodded. “When I saw you tied up later, while I was jogging on the beach, I almost lost it. I thought you were being kidnapped and raped.”

Brie blushed. “That was an awkward moment for both of us.” She looked upon Faelan with empathy. “But I appreciate that you were trying to help.”

“I will never forget the sight of you, Brie. Knowing that you were naked under that robe when you came to the door. Seeing you caress the collar around your neck… The possessive way the Russian lorded over you.” Faelan paused. “That was the beginning of a new life for me.”

Brie interjected, “I didn’t feel that way, Todd. In fact, I didn’t realize who you were until the cops were about to leave.”

“You felt no connection, not even then?”

She shook her head. “Not even when you formally introduced yourself the next day. All I could think was that you were the last thing I needed.”

He looked at her intently. “You needed a Dom, that’s why I fell under the radar. As soon as I realized what you were, I understood what you required. Since that day, I have endeavored to become the man you needed.”

Brie felt a twinge of guilt. “I never asked you to.”

“You say that, but I know the first time we scened together you felt the connection, Brie. Don’t deny it. Don’t you dare deny it in front of these two men.”

She gazed into his blue eyes, not shying away from her answer. “Yes, I admit it. You surprised me that day. I was impressed by you, despite my reservations.”

“That’s because I understand who you are, Brie. Yet, it’s more than that. You and I are cut from the same cloth. We’re both young and adventurous. We both hide an animal that no one else sees.”

This time Brie looked away. It was true; there was a side of herself that only Faelan seemed to bring out. It was a side that was wild and dangerous.

He continued, “After our scene, with every interaction you were playful and inviting. Especially when I had to punish you and your two girlfriends.”

It was embarrassing to have him bring that up in front of Sir. Brie shifted in her seat, remembering quite well the night he’d commanded she use her vibrator for a half hour without orgasming. It had been a long and frustrating night, which had only served to make her desire the young wolf more. “It was an unfair punishment,” she responded.

His eyes sparkled mischievously. “I thought of you that night, Brie. Thought of your glistening, wet pussy struggling not to come because
commanded it.”

Brie shivered under the power of his domineering confidence and broke their gaze again.

“Such descriptions are not necessary,” Marquis Gray warned quietly.

“Brie,” Sir said.

She forced herself to look into her Master’s eyes, embarrassed by the feelings Faelan evoked in her—feelings she knew were obvious to both Sir and Marquis Gray.

“Remember what we talked about,” he reminded her.

Brie bowed her head in response and turned back to face Faelan. “It was an order I completed because I was in training and it was my duty, Todd.”

He smiled at her knowingly. “It drew you closer to me so that you were ready when I won you at the auction. There, you gave yourself over with no reservations. Do you remember that night? You opened up and released the animal that lay buried deep inside. That’s when you finally understood, as I did, that we were meant for each other.”

Brie’s heart constricted. She knew her next words would wound him. “As much as I enjoyed our time together, I never loved you.”

Faelan dismissed the unwanted truth. “You’ve said that before, but I still maintain you can’t know that for certain. You and I were never given the chance to explore our feelings for each other because of the Headmaster.” He gave a slight nod towards Sir without looking at him.

Brie smiled sadly. “I suppose you’re right. You never had a chance because I love Sir. I have loved him from the very beginning.”

Faelan growled. “Which is completely against school policy, I should point out. I’m sick and tired of being lectured by the trainers of this school about protocol when the very man who ran the Training Center desecrated it.” He leaned forward and said in a low voice, “I know for a fact you chose him at the collaring ceremony because he manipulated you.”

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