Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) (12 page)

Read Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8)
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t had been a month since her birthday party, but what had happened between Ms. Clark and Rytsar still bothered Brie. Sir had always maintained that no questions were off limits, so one morning while she was straightening the kitchen, she inquired casually, “Sir, may I ask what happened between Rytsar and Ms. Clark? It was shocking to see her bow in front of him.”

Sir gave an irritated sigh. “Durov knew you would eventually ask. He’s given me permission to speak about it, because he was upset that your special night had been tainted by her unseemly display.”

“But it wasn’t his fault, Sir. I don’t blame Rytsar. If you feel it’s best I remain in the dark, I trust your judgment and will not ask again.”

“It was for his sake that I have kept silent. I can only give you minimal details, but not one word can be repeated.”

“I give my word not to tell anyone, Sir.”

His eyes narrowed with anger when he started speaking. “I’m furious that she put him in that position in front of so many. It was inappropriate and manipulative. All these years I have supported her, but she pulled that even after I warned her not to.”

“It seems she still has deep feelings for Rytsar.”

“You may be surprised to know it was mutual in the beginning. The sexual attraction between the two was tangible. I remember how surprised I was, as they are both uncompromising personalities, but Dominants have been known to partner up. It’s not unheard of, simply unusual.”

Brie was more than a little startled to hear that Rytsar had once been attracted to the stern Dominatrix. “Hard to imagine either of them being willing to submit to the other.”

He nodded. “Rytsar was an uncompromising Dominant even then, having been raised since he was a child to indulge in his sadistic ways.”

“What do you know of Ms. Clark’s background, Sir?”

Sir was curt with his reply. “It’s irrelevant to the conversation, Brie. Suffice to say she took pride in her skills as a Dominatrix. Durov had failed to pursue her in the manner she was accustomed to and she felt slighted. It was her misplaced pride that caused that night.”

Brie was almost afraid to find out—afraid that knowing might break her heart.

Uninterrupted, Sir continued, “I wasn’t there when it happened, so I can only speak to what I witnessed. I knew Durov had gone off to celebrate the end of semester finals, so I was unconcerned I hadn’t seen him the entire night.

“But around two in the morning I passed by his dorm room and heard muffled screaming. It was low and masculine—men were not something Durov was known to indulge in. When no one answered the door, I was forced to break the lock. I found him bound to his bed, gagged and tortured. His angry screams indicated it had not been consensual.”

Sir looked away. “What had happened had scarred him as a man. It came as a shock when I discovered who’d done it.”

When he turned back to Brie, his mouth was a hard line. She could tell it was difficult for Sir to speak about it, but he continued anyway. “After taking care of his physical wounds, I went seeking justice.”

“I found Samantha crying in a corner of her room. Two things quickly became evident: she was drunk, and she was horrified by what she had done.

“In no way did it excuse her abuse, but she explained how she’d found Durov passed out outside his dorm when she was stumbling home after her own overindulgence. She’d helped him to his bed, where he’d passed out again. Seeing him helpless like that had done something to her. She’d suddenly got a wild hair up her ass to prove she was Domme enough to take him, convincing herself that if he experienced one session with her she’d win over his affections once and for all.

“After tying him up and gagging him so he couldn’t resist, she woke him. According to her, Durov had remained unyielding the entire time, unwilling to give in to her dominance. In her drunken state, she’d become fixated on breaking his resolve. They’d fought a battle of wills where neither had come out the victor. She had left, furious she hadn’t been able to break his ironclad will. What she’d failed to realize was that she had broken him in the worst way possible.”

Brie stopped her work in the kitchen and sat down, horrified, imagining a myriad of reprehensible scenarios.

“Although he had every reason to press charges, he refused. He fell into a deep depression and almost quit college. Thankfully, that fierce Russian spirit kicked in and he eventually crawled out of his darkness and continued on with his schooling.”

“What happened to Ms. Clark?” Brie asked, hoping for some kind of retribution.

“Samantha begged Durov to forgive her. She spent time in extensive counseling, gave up drinking and, per my suggestion, submitted to a well-known Domme for several months to experience submission for herself. She wanted to prove that she was repentant. Although it came as no consolation to my friend, it molded Samantha into an exceptional Domme.”

“I take it he never did forgive her.”

“None of her actions fazed Durov. As far as he was concerned, she was dead to him. He continued on as if it had never happened. When the two met in public settings, he simply ignored her. We all assumed he had moved on, but one night he flipped out for no apparent reason and pushed Samantha to the ground. He wrapped his hands around her neck and tried to squeeze the life out of her. I was barely able to break the stranglehold he had.” Sir closed his eyes. “I came close to losing them both that night.”

The pain Sir still carried was apparent to Brie, but she couldn’t understand why he felt responsible.

Sir finished his account by stating, “Durov went back to Russia the next day. He claimed that time and distance were the only things that would prevent him from killing her.”

Brie looked at Sir and dared to ask, “I don’t understand, Sir. Why did you remain friends with Ms. Clark after she hurt Rytsar so seriously?”

He gave a long sigh of deep regret. “I was her mentor, Brie. I introduced Samantha to BDSM.”

It would be difficult to keep such a shocking revelation to herself when she met with Lea and Mary the next day, but Brie refused to betray Sir’s or Rytsar’s trust. Instead, she planned to concentrate on discovering what was going on between Lea and Tono. She also wanted to find out what had happened to the note Sir’s mother had tried to deliver through Faelan during Brie’s birthday party. Mary should be able to satisfy her curiosity on that count.

Brie decided to meet the girls at the bar they had frequented when they had been training. It brought back a flood of enjoyable memories.

John, the head bartender, sidled up to them, looking Mary over with a flirtatious grin. “Long time no see, gorgeous.” He turned to Brie and asked, “What happened to the long trenchcoats, Brie? I kind of miss the Goth look on you fine ladies.”

Mary, who loved to torment members of the opposite sex, out-and-out lied. “I insisted we come here today. I missed…” she gave him a breathtaking come-hither look, “…the place.”

“Well, I’m honored. Just for that, your drink’s on the house.”

Brie rolled her eyes. Mary was a ruthless user and abuser of her looks, but for some reason men just ate it up.

Once the drinks had been delivered, Brie asked, “So Lea, out with it. What the heck is going on with Tono?”

“Before I spill the beans, I have a joke for you.”

Mary groaned. “No, not another one of your lame-ass jokes.”

Lea smiled eagerly at Brie. “You know you’re kinky when you keep Christmas lights up in your house to hide the real reason you have all those hooks in your home.”

“That wasn’t bad,” Brie said, giggling as she noticed the small white lights over the bar. She poked Lea in the ribs as she asked, “Hey, John, why do you still have Christmas lights up?”

He gave her a goofy grin. “Eh, too lazy to take them down.”

“I bet,” Lea replied with an exaggerated wink.

“I don’t know these two,” Mary exclaimed as she moved to a seat farther away.

Lea turned her back on Mary in silent protest and smiled mischievously at Brie as she took a sip of her drink. “So Brie, you’re the one who set Tono and me up. Why are you surprised we’re together now?”

Mary scooted back over, shaking her head. “Something’s not right here. You can’t go from lusting over Ms. Clark to cozying up with Jute Freak.”

Lea gave her a superior look. “I’ll have you know we’re living together, Miss Smarty Bitch.”

Brie choked on her merlot and started coughing. “Wait. What?”

Lea just grinned and took another drink. It was obvious she was enjoying herself and had no plans to hurry her explanation.

Mary set her rum and Coke down. “Let me get this straight. Not only are you working with Tono, doing Kinbaku demonstrations, but you have partnered up and are living with him?”

“Why is that so shocking?” Lea asked, sounding offended.

Brie’s coughing had ceased and she was finally able to speak. “This is the same girl who wants to explore everything while she’s young and unattached? Seriously, Lea, how can you go from
to settling down with one Dom?”

Mary laughed unkindly. “I think I hear a little jealousy. You know you can’t keep them all, Brie.”

“It’s not jealousy you hear, Mary. It’s utter disbelief.” Brie turned back to Lea. “What’s the real story, girlfriend?”

Lea pouted. “You guys are no fun. I should have been able to run with this for weeks.” When neither girl responded, she sighed. “Fine. Tono thought our sessions would go smoother and be more indicative of a genuine Kinbaku partnering if we got to know each other. He insists that Kinbaku is best showcased when the couple is in sync.”

Brie lifted her glass. “I’d drink to that.”

“So…kind of going along the lines of what you did with Tono, I suggested a temporary contract. I’ve been kind of curious what full-time subbing is like.” She shrugged and smiled. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to be trained by the sexy jute Master?”

“Me!” Mary stated emphatically. “I hate that weird rope crap.”

“I take it Tono was agreeable?” Brie asked, still adjusting to the fact Lea and Tono were living together.

“He was hesitant at first. But after a couple of days he came up with a contract for me to sign.”

“How long is it for?” Brie pressed, wondering if Lea was pulling her leg.

“Until the end of our classes together.”

Mary snickered. “Just look at Brie trying to act all calm, but inside she’s boiling over with jealousy. Admit it!”

Brie said coolly, “I’ll admit no such thing. I’m surprised, yes, but jealous? No. I want Tono to be happy.” She slid her hand over and squeezed her best friend’s. “And, of course, I want Lea happy as well. It’s just that I don’t see you two as a match. I would hate either of you to get hurt by this temporary partnering.”

Lea giggled. “Not everyone falls in love with the Doms they work with, Brie. You’re just a hopeless romantic. I see it more as a business transaction. He gets a devoted sub— who can cook, by the way— and I get to be trained by a true master of the art. It’s quite exciting, actually. This twenty-four seven stuff is really demanding, though. It’s like you said, Brie—I’m learning new things about myself on a daily basis.”

Brie nodded. “Isn’t that the truth…”

Lea clicked her tongue at Mary. “You should give it a try. Might mellow you out some.”

Blonde Nemesis snarled. “Me, tied down? Not going to happen even for a month. This is the time to fly free, girls. To experience the world while you can. No one controls me unless I want them to. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are both idiots, but Brie’s the worst.”

Brie huffed. “Just because you can’t commit doesn’t make commitment wrong. Stop belittling my choice.”

Mary’s nostrils flared as she built up to an ugly outburst. John stopped by to check on them and noticed. “Looks like you could use another drink there, gorgeous.”

Mary flashed him a fiery glare.

“Yep,” he said nonchalantly, unfazed by her venomous stare. He hit the counter twice with his fist. “Looks like you could use a double.”

As he walked away, Brie called, “You’re the best, John.”

Mary’s ugly stare landed on her. It seemed like the perfect time to ask, “So Mary Quite Contrary, whatever happened to that note?”

Surprisingly, Mary’s countenance completely changed and she smiled. “Faelan and I decided to have a little fun and froze it in a block of ice. We sent it back to that Elizabeth woman with a message. ‘Will deliver when hell freezes over.’”

Lea laughed. “Funny, but harmless. Good one, Mary.”

“Know what the cow did?”

Brie suddenly got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What?”

“She sent it back nestled in an ice chest, still encased in the cube of ice.”

Brie frowned, sensing there was more. “Was that all?”

“No. She included her own little note. ‘Hell may come sooner than you think.’”

“Whoa…” Lea exclaimed. “That’s an ominous threat if I ever heard one.”

Brie’s heart started racing as the hairs rose on the back of her neck. She imagined Ruth’s cruel but beautiful face, and felt a protective surge shoot through her veins. She would do
to protect her friends.

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