Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) (10 page)

Read Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8)
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“Good evening, Sir Davis,” the diminutive but commanding Dom said when he opened the door.

“Mr. Gallant,” Sir replied, shaking his hand firmly.

Mr. Gallant turned to Brie and smiled. “And welcome, Miss Bennett. It’s a pleasure to have you join us tonight. The other guests have already arrived and my wife is currently seeing to their needs, otherwise she would have met you at the door as well.”

Mr. Gallant led them to a formal dining room. Brie was thrilled to see who was seated at the table. “Captain!”

The older gentleman with the misshapen face and sexy eye-patch stood up. “Miss Bennett, it’s good to see you again.”

The submissive sitting next to him was even more of a surprise. “Candy, I didn’t expect to see you here!” Brie asked Sir, “May I go and hug her, Sir?”

Mr. Gallant corrected Brie. “In my home, we do not adhere to strict formalities. Consider it a vanilla setting and behave accordingly.”

Brie was surprised by his request, but honored it. She looked at Sir, who gave her a slight nod.

She scooted around the table to give Candy a big hug. There was no missing the fancy pet collar gracing the girl’s neck. Brie grinned. “Seeing you again is like getting an extra birthday present, Candy. I’ve often wondered what happened to you after you finished training.”

Candy’s cheeks colored an adorable shade of pink when she looked at Captain. “The night of my graduation ceremony, I was introduced to this gentleman. I have been captivated by him ever since.”

Captain patted her chair, giving a silent command for her to sit back down. After Candy had taken her seat and Brie had returned to hers, he explained, “If you remember our night together, Miss Bennett, you may recall how I believed your blonde classmate was better suited for me.”

“I remember the night well, sir, but not for that reason.”

He chuckled politely. “Kind of you to say, Miss Bennett, but I was rather blunt. It turns out that you were correct. The outer shell of a woman does not matter. It is the heart that defines her.” He looked at Candy thoughtfully. “I have never encountered such a loyal or tender-hearted creature.” He petted her hair lightly. “She just happens to be a comely little thing as well.”

Candy closed her eyes and leaned into his caress. It was easy to see she was equally enamored with him.

“To be honest, Candy,” Brie explained, “when I saw you scening with Tono at The Haven a while back, I wondered if the two of you were a couple. I never suspected the Captain would be the one to capture your heart.” She suddenly realized that sounded rude and added, “But he is a most wonderful choice.”

Candy’s eyes sparkled when she told Brie, “Captain wanted me to be certain, and allowed me the pleasure of many Doms before he consented to collar me as his pet.”

“Youth should not be wasted on one as old as me,” Captain stated.

Candy shook her head, smiling at him. It was a tender way to disagree with his statement. “Fortunately, Captain eventually came to the same conclusion I did.” She touched his deformed face and said with confidence, “I was born to be his pet.”

“Did I miss the formal collaring ceremony?” Brie asked, concerned her hectic life had prevented her from being at such a momentous event.

Captain answered for Candy. “No, Miss Bennett. I have no need for such pomp and circumstance. A commitment between us in private is as binding as any communal ceremony.”

“I quite agree,” Sir interjected.

Brie looked at Candy again, marveling at her youthful, glowing appearance. “You know, you don’t even look like the same girl I met on the bus.”

. My whole life has changed since my training.” She glanced at Captain again. “I never dreamed a Dom could love or care for me so well.”

Captain lifted her chin up, gazing into her eyes. He stated proudly, “I enjoy spoiling my pet.” It was sweet to see their blossoming connection.

Mr. Gallant guided his wife over to Brie and said, “Miss Bennett, I feel remiss. I have not introduced you formally to my beautiful wife.”

Brie faced the exotic Amazon, whose dark brown skin contrasted beautifully against Mr. Gallant’s pale skin. Their difference in height contrasted with equal and complementing severity.

“Miss Bennett, this is Ena. My wife and companion of fifteen years.”

The submissives bowed to each other. Brie almost felt she was in the presence of royalty because of how elegantly Ena held herself, and how respectfully Mr. Gallant treated her.

Ena’s voice was warm and dignified. “It is an honor to have you grace our home tonight, Miss Bennett. My husband has spoken fondly of you on numerous occasions.”

“Truly, the honor is mine,” Brie replied. “Your strong marriage is an inspiration to me.”

Brie noticed Sir looked at her strangely. Had she spoken out of turn?

Ena’s smile was enchanting. “That is kind of you to say, but it is my husband I must thank. He cares for me well.”

“Nonsense, Ena,” Mr. Gallant corrected. “Your intelligence and grace cover any inadequacies I bring to the table.”

The beauty blushed and looked at Mr. Gallant coyly.

“And she remains modest to this day. Is it any wonder I cherish her?” He took his wife’s hand and kissed it.

Her eyes held a look of such intense love that it touched Brie deeply. To still have that much respect and passion for one another after fifteen years together… She sat down beside Sir, feeling warm from their happiness.

“Should I get the girls now, Husband?” Ena asked Mr. Gallant.

Brie blurted out, “You have children?”

Ena smiled. “Yes, two young girls, aged eight and twelve.”

Brie returned the smile, surprised and pleased by the revelation.

“Miss Bennett, it is the reason we keep to an informal protocol in our home. What looks informal to the outsider is actually formal between the two of us. We have transformed everyday phrases, titles and actions to have personal significance to us.”

“That’s ingenious,” Brie complimented. “You can go anywhere and still remain as formal as you desire, even in public.”

Mr. Gallant nodded. “It was born out of necessity. Raising two girls, it was important to us to keep our D/s life separate from them.”

“But why?” Brie asked, intrigued.

“We both believe that someone who chooses this lifestyle should do it because it is an inner calling, not simply because they were exposed to it as children. I will be fine if my girls grow up and do not venture into this lifestyle. As long as they find mates who treat them with respect and love, I will be satisfied.”

Sir inquired, “And if they decide to seek D/s?”

Ena replied with a pleased smile, “Then they couldn’t have a better teacher than their father, could they?”

Brie was curious. “Is it difficult living this lifestyle with a young family, Mr. Gallant?”

“It takes careful planning and constant communication. Just like any marriage, children are a huge commitment. At times, their needs must supersede your own. However, that cannot be allowed to consume the marriage itself. For a D/s relationship—for any relationship, really—the partners must cut out time to care for and support one another. It’s essential.”

Captain put his arm around his pet. “Luckily, that is not something the two of us must worry about.”

“Yes, Captain. We have many years to play,” Candy agreed, fingering her new collar.

Brie lightly touched her own, and smiled to herself. She remembered when it used to rub against her neck, reminding her of its presence. Over the months, it had become a part of her. The only time she noticed it now was when Sir took it off for certain scenes. Those times that he did made her realize how safe she felt when the collar was securely around her neck, and how vulnerable she felt without it.

“So should I get them, Husband?” Ena politely asked again, with a slight bow of her head.

“Please do, my wife. I am certain they will enjoy meeting our guests.”

When the two young ladies entered the dining room, they instantly ran to Mr. Gallant. “Daddy!”

The honest affection was endearing. Brie noted that the girls had an exotic beauty common with the mixing of races. Incredibly, the two girls were even more striking than their mother.

After formal introductions, the girls sat down on either side of Mr. Gallant. As Ena was placing the first of the dishes on the table, Candy suddenly said, “Oh, wait!”

Everyone stared at her.

“Um… You see, I have something for Miss Bennett.” She quickly slid a business card over to Brie.

Brie picked it up with trembling fingers. It was worn at the edges, but still intact.

Candy apologized, “It isn’t in the same shape as when you gave it to me. You see, I held it many times those weeks before training.”

Brie looked down and smiled when she read:

The Submissive Training Center

25 Years of Excellence

Sir looked at its ragged condition and offered, “I have several in my wallet if you would like a new one, Brie.”

Brie held it to her heart and closed her eyes in contented bliss. The card had made it back home…

“I meant to give it to you sooner,” Candy explained, “but I kept forgetting. I knew how special it was to me and assumed by the wear when I got it that you might want it back.”

Brie opened her eyes, suddenly feeling a little foolish. “No problem. It was yours to keep, but I’ll admit I’m thrilled to have it in my hands again.”

Sir chuckled. “All this sentimentality over a business card?”

“This is the one you gave me, Sir.”

“Is it now?” he said, taking it from her. “Well, if that’s the case, maybe we should frame it.”

She had been thinking the same thing. “That would be lovely, Sir.”

He laughed, kissing the top of her head. “I was only joking, but if it means that much to you, I’ll frame it myself.” He tucked the card in his wallet, which he then placed back in his suit jacket. When he glanced back at her, he gave a private wink.

Her heart did a flip-flop. Could she love the man more?

Dinner with Gallant

rie had been working long hours with Mr. Holloway’s best film editor, Fehér, as well as his graphics team. The progress they were making was encouraging—so much so that Mr. Holloway had started contacting select theaters, offering them exclusive rights to the initial release. He explained to Brie, “Because it’s a documentary, we pick a few key theaters and let word of mouth, as well as carefully placed press releases, draw interest. If I’ve done my job well, the bigger chains will start asking to show the film in their own theaters once it begins to build steam. Although documentaries are not an easy sell, they’re not impossible,” he said with a cunning smile. “And I like a good challenge.” He exuded the confidence of a Dom, giving Brie pleasant shivers.

The prospect of the upcoming release was exciting, but equally overwhelming. The relentless schedule was starting to wear on Brie. She counted herself lucky when Fehér came down with food poisoning and they all went home early one afternoon. She phoned Sir, who instructed her to take advantage of the break and set up the belated birthday dinner with Mr. Gallant.

She was thrilled to finally be dining with her former teacher and his elegant wife. Brie had never had the chance to get to know the statuesque woman because Mr. Gallant was a private man, mixing his personal life with work as little as possible.

But tonight, as a special gift to her, she would be allowed into their personal lives. It meant the world to Brie. She greatly admired the man who’d been her teacher throughout her six-week training.

Brie undressed except for her beloved collar and waited for Sir at the door, following the ritual greeting he had assigned her at the Training Center. She smiled as she knelt, remembering his command: “Legs closed, arms behind your back so that your breasts are presented for my pleasure.”

She bowed her head when she heard him. Sir entered and slowly shut the door behind him. He placed his keys on the counter before putting his hand on her head. Brie felt the familiar jolt of electricity her Master’s touch inspired.

His low, commanding voice warmed her spirit. “Stand and serve your Master.”

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