Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters) (5 page)

Read Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters) Online

Authors: Sondrae Bennett

Tags: #Romance, #Shifters, #Paranormal Romance, #Fantasy Romance, #Alpha Male

BOOK: Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters)
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“That’s the problem!” She paused at the far end of the room, turning to face him. When he didn’t respond, she gestured between them. “Mating!”

“Yes, mating. That’s what we came back here to do.” He spoke slowly, his brain still stumbling. What had her so upset?

“No! No, we came up here for sex.”

“But you’re my mate.” What wasn’t he getting? Laurie was his mate. He’d never been more certain of anything in his life. They were meant to be together.

“We don’t even know each other.” He heard it then, the thread of panic in her voice. Panic that had his leopard wakening with the need to protect. But protect from what?

“I know that you’re my mate. That’s all I need to know. Everything else we can learn,” he placated, approaching her as he would a frightened wild animal.

“Okay?” When she nodded, he reached out and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. The feel of her skin, soft and smooth, made him hunger for more. But he had a feeling everything hinged on the next few moments. He wouldn’t let lust get in the way of what he sensed was one of the most important conversations he’d ever have in his life.

Laurie was right about one thing. They barely knew each other. He knew she was from a pack in Colorado, but couldn’t remember the name. If she disappeared now, how long would it take him to find her again? He
find her again. He’d search every house in the whole bloody state if he had to. But it would take time. Too long. He couldn’t spook her. Now that he’d found her, he was keeping her. Making what he did now vitally important.

Heat entered her eyes as she stared back at him. Her gaze dropped to his lips, her tongue darting out to lick her own. An involuntary invitation.

Max tried to resist. He really did, calling on every ounce of willpower he possessed. But it didn’t do any good. Pulled by an invisible string, he closed the distance between them and covered her lips with his. When he met no resistance, he swept his tongue inside her mouth.

As her tongue tangled with his, all reluctance left her. Her body leaned into him, starting fires along his skin everywhere she touched.

The lace of her bra scratched his chest as she breathed, reminding him that she was still partially clothed. Something he planned to remedy soon. Trailing kisses down her neck, he reached behind her and pulled one bra strap off her shoulder. His lips skimmed over the skin of her shoulder as the strap fell away.

Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him towards her as if silently telling him to continue. Not that he had any intention of stopping. He glided his lips along the edge of lace until it dipped into her cleavage. The scent of honeysuckle intensified as he placed a gentle kiss between her breasts.

Unable to wait any longer, he slid his hands up her back to reach the clasp on her bra. The lace fell away, and he leaned back so he could see all he’d revealed. He groaned at the sight of her completely bare before him. Her nipples were a dark pink, almost purple in color, already beaded into hard peaks jutting upward as if begging for attention.

So Max did they only thing he could do in such a situation. Leaning forward, he took the closest nipple in his mouth. The startled noise Laurie made quickly turned into a moan. Reaching up, he rolled the other peak between his fingers. Pinching with his hand as he gently bit the other with his teeth. Laurie twitched, and the scent of her desire intensified in the air around them.

Max released her breasts and stood, taking her mouth once again. Deepening the kiss, he walked forward until she fell backward onto the bed. He contemplated the sight before him. Her eyes were half closed, a film of passion clouding them.

Even though she had given him the control, she didn’t appear weak. The muscles, evident in every line of her body, kept her from appearing too skinny or frail.

Good. He didn’t like women he had to worry about breaking. Laurie had already proven she could take as much as he could dish out.

“Are you coming, or do I have to do this by myself?” she asked, a hint of a growl deepening her voice as her hand skimmed the top of her breasts. For just a moment, his brain sputtered to a complete stop as the image of Laurie pleasuring herself played in his imagination. Oh yeah, that idea intrigued. He shook his head to dispel the image.

revisit that.” But not now. He was too close to the edge, the need to be inside his mate unbelievably stronger than before.

He ran one hand up the inside of her thigh, stopping with his fingers barely tickling the sensitive flesh at the juncture of her legs. A smile creased his face as she squirmed, trying to get closer. Her legs fell farther apart. Her chest rose as she arched.

“Damn, you are sexy,” he said as he watched her.

What was it about her that he found so irresistible? Everything she did fascinated him. Was it simply the mating hormone? But then, it wasn’t just him. The faceless men tonight who had been captivated by her at the bar and in the hotel flashed through his mind. Laurie exuded a sexy confidence that attracted others to her, leaving them unable to resist her draw.

And she was his. The fierceness of his leopard’s claim shook him. The certainty astounded him. He’d heard how strong mating could be, but still he hadn’t anticipated it. Not this intensity. This
for her that penetrated every cell in his body.

He slid his hands up to thrust a finger inside her. Her soft, wet sheath clenched around him. He added a second finger and watched her rock her hips against his hand. He fingered her harder, watching as her body writhed against his invasion. Her wetness coated his fingers, beckoning him to fill her with his cock.

Removing his fingers, he gripped her hips and took her with a powerful thrust, his body acting with a will of its own. He looked down to be sure he hadn’t hurt her, but saw only pleasure reflected on her face. He locked gazes with her, drawn to the pleasure in her eyes.

“More,” she whispered, and he felt the thin string of control snap. Conscious thought fled as he kneeled between her legs and plunged inside her to the hilt. Her heat surrounded him. Her sheath squeezed him.

His groan joined hers as her fingers gripped his hair in a punishing grip. Happy to oblige her unspoken plea, he rocked deeper.

Sweat trickled down his spine as he pulled out until only the tip remained, before sinking into her welcoming heat once more. In and out, he altered his rhythm between hard and fast, and slow and deep.

He paused inside her to stave off the first stirring of his orgasm. He wanted to feel her come around him before letting himself go. He sucked on her neck, sliding a hand between them until he found her clit. Rubbing it in time with his thrusts, he felt her grip harden in his hair, and he knew she was as close as he was.

She bit his neck. Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to send a coil of fire straight to his cock. The part of him still aware of his surroundings wished she had bitten harder, broken the skin, and given him a mating bite of her own. But before he could think too deeply about what it meant that she hadn’t done just that, she screamed out his name. Her body seized as she clenched around him, milking his release from him. A grunt slipped from his lips as he joined her over the edge.

He collapsed on top of her, drained from two monstrous releases in so short a time. He breathed in the scent at her neck, again reminded of wild honeysuckle blossoms. Was it something she wore? The soap she used? Maybe a perfume? If so, he’d buy her a whole case of the stuff. The scent drove him crazy.

“Oof, heavy,” Laurie complained, her voice breathy. Her breasts rapidly rose and fell against his chest as if she’d run a marathon.

With a smile, he rolled to the side. His breath escaped in pants as well. He frowned, staring at the ceiling. His leopard was restless, anxious about something, but damned if he knew what it could be. Max was utterly, completely satisfied.

Yet, something about his current situation rankled the beast inside him. The longer he lay staring at the ceiling, the antsier his other half became. Reaching out, he pulled Laurie against his side. She still struggled to catch her breath, but she nestled against him, one leg sliding between his and curling around his calf. A soft bundle against his side.

Like that, his shifter half eased, settling inside him in satisfaction. Now it made sense. His leopard had been unhappy about losing contact with his mate. With her snuggled against him, he was content to rest his eyes and go to sleep. Yawning, Max decided to join his other half in slumber. He turned to his side, cocooning Laurie in his embrace, and let the world fall away.


Chapter 3


Dear God.
Laurie’s breath exploded from her lips as she opened her eyes. For just a moment, she’d hoped last night had been a dream, but seeing the man sleeping beside her proved otherwise. What had she done? She’d just…and it had felt really good…but oh God.

Laurie concentrated on breathing, frantically trying to calm her racing heart. Of course, concentrating on her breathing only made her erratic breathing more noticeable, which only made it more erratic.

This wasn’t working.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Max fast asleep. Typical male. All they needed was a rub on their head, either head, and they’d shut down like the tin man without oil. She studied him in the predawn glow from the window. He really was a textbook example of male beauty.

Last night she’d been so focused on the fact he was her mate, she hadn’t taken the time to really
at him. Now, she examined him without mating lust clouding her vision. His hair was jet black, obviously his natural color judging by the morning stubble darkening his cheeks and chin. He was thin, but not so skinny that he’d give her a complex about her weight, and he had enough muscle for her not to worry about his strength.

His long black eye lashes rested against his cheeks. She envied him those lashes. If they were hers, she’d never have to wear mascara ever again. They should have made him appear feminine, but instead, they were perfect frames for his piercing cobalt eyes. The man oozed masculinity. Definitely drool worthy.

Staring at him, she realized her breathing had evened out, the panic receding. How had she let things get to the point where the mere sight of him calmed her? The thought almost sent her back into a panic attack. But she took a deep breath and got control.

Careful not to wake him, Laurie crept out from under his arm. Her breath caught in her throat as that arm reached out to pull her back against him, but he slept on, grabbing her pillow instead and clutching it close.

With a sigh of relief, Laurie crept toward the bathroom, picking up items of clothing that were scattered across the room as she went. Shirt, check. Jeans, check. She glanced at the torn scrap of lace and satin that used to be her underwear. Beyond repair. Leaving them on the floor, she continued her trek. Guess she’d have to go commando until she found her luggage, presumably in the room with Danny, wherever that was. The ridiculousness of her situation would have made her laugh were the need for silence not so prevalent.

Reaching for her left shoe, Laurie winced at the thought of her family. How was she going to explain this to them? They’d all taken their time getting to know their mates before tying themselves together forever. Well, except for Ethan and Gwen. At least she had one person who might be on her side. She remembered how surprised they’d all been when Ethan came back from vacation mated. Sure, they all loved Gwen, but Gwen was easy to love.

How had she let things go so far? She could almost hear her siblings.
Once again Laurie jumping into something without looking ahead

She shook her head at her maudlin speculation. Before yesterday, she never would have thought her family anything but supportive. The fight with Danny had rattled her more than she’d thought. Hearing him say he didn’t trust her to watch his back…

No, she couldn’t think about that. There were bigger concerns right now. Like the mess she’d gotten herself into. She gripped the handle on the bathroom door and quietly closed it behind her before turning on the light.

She didn’t even know where Max lived. Or what he did. Would he move to Alpine Woods with her, or would she need to go to…wherever? Since he was at the convention, he most likely held a high position in his pack. Pride? She didn’t even know
he was. Some kind of feline, but they all smelled like cat to her. Laurie bit out a panicked laugh. The whole situation was completely ridiculous.

Most of the shifters here were leaders in their communities. Laurie was only here because her other brothers couldn’t be. An exception to the norm. The pack wouldn’t suffer with her absence. Which meant, more likely than not, her whole life was about to be upended.

The thought of leaving Alpine Woods, and Books ’N’ Crannies, the bookstore she’d worked so hard to create, sent a fresh wave of panic surging through her. She clenched the edge of the sink and stared into her reflection in the mirror.

Was that her? Jeez. Shock glazed her eyes, and her skin was pale and clammy. She had to get control of herself. No one could see her like this. She might not be a leader of the pack, but right now, she
represent them. No way would she embarrass them more than she already had. She would
be seen as weak. She was an alpha wolf, sister to the Premier of the Alpine Woods Pack. No matter what trouble she found herself in, she would prove up to the task.

Turning on the sink, she splashed cold water over her face. What she wouldn’t give for a hot shower. But she couldn’t risk waking Max up. The flight-or-fight response rode her hard, but she pushed the urge away.

She was
running. She needed time. A little bit of space. Just until she gained some perspective and had her emotions under control. Everything had happened so fast: fighting with Danny, meeting her mate—who was a cat no less—and then actually mating with him. Too fast. She needed space so she could breathe and sort through the panic that kept clawing at her throat no matter how hard or often she pushed it down. So she’d wash her face, which would have to be enough for now. Once she was ready to face Max, she’d find him, and they would have a nice, long chat.

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