Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2)
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“Fuck. So good.” She rocked back and forth, her eyes closed and head tilted back.

“Open your eyes, baby. I want you to see whose fucking you. When I’m done, there will be no mistake who you belong to.” He gripped her hips, squeezing with enough sting her eyes popped open and she met his gaze. “Good, girl. Now, tell me who this pussy belongs to.” Yo Neg reached down and stroked her clit, coaxing her to answer. When she didn’t answer, he stopped.

“He asked you a question. Answer him. Now.” Tonka’s voice vibrated around her. When she still didn’t respond, Tonka’s hands wrapped around her and pinched both nipples with enough sting she gasped. Her resistance was fading. What had started as merely playing along to pacify her inner most dark desires was now turning into reality with no turning back. They’d somehow taken control, and she was loving every naughty second of it.

“You,” she whispered in a tiny voice. Her body trembled. Never had anyone had this effect on her. She could come right now just at hearing their voices.

“Yes. I’m going to fuck you in this tight little ass tonight, Abi. This ass is mine. Say it.” Tonka squeezed a dab of lube on his fingers and trailed it down her crack, coating her bud. She didn’t tense up, which was good. If she’d been new to anal sex, they’d have to reconsider their game. He moved his mouth right beside her ear and whispered again, “Say it, baby.” He licked and sucked up her neck, nibbling a path down her shoulder. At that moment, she knew. She’d met her match with these two. Yo Neg may have only came close to seeing this side of her but he’d come up short. Tonight, he showed her his true self and it was exactly what she’d been afraid he could give all along that made her walk out that night they were together. Now, she had not one, but two alpha males worthy of her submission. It was almost better than she’d ever dreamed it would be. Tomorrow she might regret it, but tonight, she was going to get what she’d craved for so damn long, but never figured to find.

Yo Neg thrusted in and out of her a few times, holding her hips with enough grip she couldn’t move. When he stopped, she tried to ride him unsuccessfully. “You,” she finally gasped out.

“That’s right.” Tonka rewarded her by slipping a finger in her ass, circling it around until he was entirely penetrated. She hadn’t resisted, so he inserted another, finger fucking her ass in contrast to the motion Yo Neg fucked her pussy. When she was ready, he added another. The third finger had her fighting for control. She was close.

“Suit up, brother. She’s getting ready to blow, and if she milks my cock too much longer I’m not going to be able to hold back.” Yo Neg groaned when her cunt locked around him, her body tumbling over into another orgasm. “Fuck! Her cunt is so good.” He gritted his teeth, shoving up in her with more force for a few jerks. He pulled her chest down on top of him and kissed her, holding her in place while Tonka worked his cock in her ass.

“Ahhhh! So full!” she screamed.

“Push against him, Abi. Let us fuck you like you deserve.” Yo Neg tried to occupy her thoughts with his kiss and thrusts against her G—spot. In and out he fucked her, slowing only when Tonka was seated in her ass.

“You feel that, Abi? That’s me and Yo Neg, filling you with cock. We’re gonna make you come so hard.” Tonka smiled at her position. She had yet to protest to their demands, and couldn’t take the reins even if she wanted to. Her body was being held prisoner between them with nowhere to go but exactly where they wanted her. He slowly began to move, pulling out in contrast to Yo Neg’s moves. Together they seesawed in and out slowly, building her to the point she wanted to beg. She squirmed between them, desperate for more.

“Faster! Fuck me, dammit!” Her outburst made Yo Neg chuckle.

“You heard the lady. She wants to get fucked hard. We’re going to make you come so much you’ll be begging us to stop, baby.” Yo Neg held on tight and shoved upwards, his pace hard and fast as Tonka did the same. It wasn’t long before she went wild, her body clamping down on them so tight it was hard to move.

“Y-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-sss!” she screamed. Her teeth clamped down on Yo Neg’s chest, biting hard enough to have his balls loading up but not to draw blood.

“Fuck yes! Milk my dick, bitch!” Yo Neg pounded into her harder. Tonka’s hands fisted the globes of her ass for leverage and he roared. They would change up their motions to keep her wondering what would come next and punishing her body with one orgasm after another. They didn’t give her time to float down in between because where one left off, another started. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She floated into a subspace where nothing existed but the sensations they gave her. It was a place she didn’t ever want to leave. Here, she didn’t have to think…didn’t have to take responsibility of what came next. She wasn’t in charge…wasn’t in control. They’d taken that burden from her without her realizing it, and it was exactly what she needed.

Yo Neg’s movements grew choppy, his muscles strained. In a few violent strokes he exploded with a growl. “Fuckkkkkk!” He triggered Abi’s orgasm and she screamed out, clenching down on Tonka hard enough he blew with them. The trio of moans echoed through the bedroom. When all the ripples had subsided, they pulled out carefully and took care of the condoms. Tonka brought her back a washcloth and wiped her up as she lay, lethargic, back against the mound of pillows half asleep.

“Damn she’s something,” he mumbled.

“Yeah, I think I’m in a load of shit with this one, man. I finally met my match,” Yo Neg snickered.

“You mean, you finally had the balls enough to make her give you control…” Tonka joked.

“Yeah. Shoulda done it the first time, then maybe she wouldn’t have ran. I didn’t think she was the kind of girl who could take what I have to give. Now, I’m thinking I can’t wait to see what else she can handle.” He slid her under the covers and climbed in beside her, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. Tonka grinned in agreement and snuggled up to her other side, feeling things he hadn’t ever felt before. In such a short time, this little hellcat had done a number on them both. Her fighting spirit and strength was a promise to keep them on their game and fighting for dominance.


Chapter S


The guys had kept Abi up most of the night, working her body into exhaustion each time. It was late in the morning when she’d woke to start the day and reached beside her. Her hands swam through the covers, feeling for them but the mattress was cold. She groaned and opened her eyes, looking around expecting to see them watching her but they weren’t. The bathroom door was ajar and the light off. As she looked around, that sinking feeling settled in her stomach. Had last night been some sort of sick revenge for before? She didn’t expect breakfast in bed and a trip to the chapel, but even those two dick holes were capable of showing a little bit of emotion. It took her all of ten minutes to shove it down where it belonged and head off to the gym. She had a lot of training to do before the upcoming fight and didn’t want to waste any more time. This was her life, and despite her
Tonka and Yo Neg to have control last night, she was the only one who was in charge, or she could see herself getting lost between the two men.

Yo Neg and Tonto had been called before Abi had woke. There had been some shit go down last night in the wee morning hours and Sledge and Digs had taken out four of the Diablos members. One of their informants had called with information on a huge drug deal happening in the south side of town next to the Fight Club. They’d uncovered their newest drug house when they followed the remaining survivor. With the hit now on their heads, the Savages needed to prepare for retaliation. The unrelenting bastards were coming.

“I’ve added extra security at all of the businesses. Now, when they come, we make a statement,” Sandman growled. He took it personal when a threat was made to his brotherhood, as they all did. Heads would roll.


The next two weeks flew by. The guys were pre-occupied with plans against the Diablos, which actually worked to Abi’s benefit. She spent day and night at the gym, hitting the mats and working on her techniques.

Yo Neg and Tonka had been off with Sledge day and night, gracing her with only a snide nod or bullshit comment in passing. The one moment she’d been alone with Tonka had been him barking orders at her. The guys had entered the room before she was able to respond, leaving her insides twisted and blazing with anger.
Damn them for using her
. No, using her for a piece of ass would have been fine. The way they worked at breaking her and staking a claim on her was what drove her insane. Yo Neg’s pride had taken a hit the first time she’d been with him, and he’d done a hell of a job getting revenge for it. Never again. The only problem was getting her body to agree. Night after night, she fought dreams of them taking her repeatedly, waking soaked in sweat and so damn horny she wanted to scream.

With her nosey, overbearing brother hovering over it was impossible to confront either of them and it burned her ass that much more. It was almost like they were hiding from her under her brother’s skirt tales. Little bitches. There hadn’t been a single night they’d been in their rooms, which pissed her off more. Night after night she woke in a dead sweat, her body craving their touch. It was different each time but the same in the sense moments before they’d brought her to a mind blowing orgasm, she’d wake up, trembling and needy. Her lip was ground hamburger from biting it to avoid screaming out in frustration. If she didn’t get relief soon, she was going downtown to the adult novelty shop and purchasing a vibrator—or two.

She hadn’t ever allowed a man, let alone two, break down her barriers enough for it to matter before. This was a one—time mistake she’d never let happen again. Everything she feared was happening, she let them in, she let them control her, and now a part of her was missing. The two assholes were held it. Instead of beating her aggressions out on them like she wanted, she fueled it in to her training. Tonight, hopefully it’d pay off.


Yo Neg and Tonka walked in to Tonto’s office, their faces drawn. “You called?” Yo Neg asked.

“Yeah. I’ve called the others and got them up to speed. We didn’t have time for a Rumble for this but I wanted to talk to you two separately. We’ve gotten word that Sledge is their next target.”

"Why they after him?" Tonka asked.

"When they took the small group down a couple weeks ago, well one of the little slimy bastards got away but not before seeing Sledge do a number on he brother, actual brother by blood." Tonto glanced down at his hands, hating he was going to have to go against his word.

“Which means Abi is in the line of fire,” Tonka continued for him.

“Yep. I want you two guarding her. I told her I’d make sure she had privacy where she went and what she did, but it can’t be helped. Her safety comes first, even if it will piss her the fuck off.” Yo Neg and Tonka looked at each other, their questioning looks turning to Tonto. It wasn’t like him to be cryptic. He was as straight laced as they came, which sometimes wasn’t a good thing…especially where Rose was concerned. Maybe he was learning to think before he spoke. Damn she was one hell of a woman if this was her handy work.

“Where is she?” Yo Neg retorted, his shoulders squaring. If she was with another man, her privacy would be the least of her worries or the poor fucker with her. One more body to bury wasn’t a problem.

“She’s at the Fight Club.”

Tonka and Yo Neg stared in disbelief. Finally, Tonka growled, “You let her waitress at the fights? Why the fuck would you put her there? It’s a fuckin’ meat market. She’s better than that, man!” Tonto held up his hands, pausing the rest of his disapproval.

“No. She’s on the fight card. Now, you can see why this staying between us is imperative,” Tonto stated.

“She’s fucking fighting! What the fuck?” Yo Neg ran his hand through his hair, pacing.

“Her idea?” Tonka asked, already knowing the answer. Tonto may be a tough son-of-a-bitch, but he’d never put a woman in danger. Which only meant…

“She’s a fighter?” Yo Neg couldn’t believe it.

“Yep. A damn good one too. It came up when I dug in her background. Sledge doesn’t know, and doesn’t need to until she wants to tell him. It’s her life. I presume you both will respect that?”

It wasn’t an option. They knew there was no telling her what to do. Not outside of the bedroom anyway, and they’d been lucky she’d finally given in to what she desired.

“Damn. Well, that answers a lot," Yo Neg said, shaking his head, looking at Tonka and watched as he too started putting the pieces together.

"Well, fuck us. The damn bruises and lumps. The staying away from Sledge like he had the damn plague," Tonka stopped his rant when Tonto smirked. Tonka knew Yo Neg noticed the smirk too when he spoke.

"You've known all along about us, haven't you? Don't answer that," Yo Neg just stared at Tonto until the smirk turned into a full grin.

"Okay, boss, we’ll call if we need back up. Where’s Sledge?” Tonka had a pretty good idea, but hoped Sledge’s dick wasn’t calling the shots right now. Not with the Diablos knocking on their back door.

“The last I heard from him he was at that bitch’s house. That boy needs to either pull her in or cut ties and satisfy his cock with one of our girls. She may be innocent in all this, but she’s going to be his downfall.”

“Fuck. Yeah, from the way he’s been acting she must have some magical golden pussy. Someone going to check on him?” Tonka flipped open his phone to see if Sledge had returned any of his calls. Still nothing.

“Yeah. Colt and Road are out looking. Go get Abi. We’ll meet back up here after if the Diablos haven’t made a move yet and go find the motherfuckers.”

“You got it.” Tonka and Yo Neg walked out, hurrying to their bikes. If Abi was in danger, hell was going to rain down.


Abi waited for her fight in the locker room, going through her moves. All of her frustrations and thoughts were turned off, her full focus on each breath and jab. This was it. She would finally make it to the top of her league and defeat the champion to move on to the pros. As the announcer’s voice mumbled in the background, she taped her hands before putting on her gloves. This was the moment in every fight when everything disappeared—leaving her, her opponent, and the victory. Her last fight had pushed her to up her boxing training and she was confident it would end in the TKO she hungered for. The announcer called her name and her entrance song, “The Game” by Triple H raged through the air. The electricity from the crowd and the lyrics seeped in through her pores, and she jumped with adrenaline. “Showtime.” She glanced down the walk to the ring, the lights blinding.

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