California Romance (50 page)

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Authors: Colleen L. Reece

BOOK: California Romance
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It changed the course of the service.

Lord, everyone here needs to hear of Your great love, but none more than the children. Give me the courage to do what I feel I must

Luther stepped forward, exuding importance. He cleared his throat. “Most of you know that as chairman of the church board, I’ve been in charge of the services since our former minister moved on to new pastures.”

Josh fought the insane desire to howl.
New pastures
. Bad choice of words. After today’s sermon, Luther would be more careful how he used that phrase!

Luther continued. “Reverend Joshua Stanhope is here with us today. I ask for him your kind attention. But first we will sing ‘Bringing in the Sheaves.’ ” He added, “Our Lord told us the harvest is white but the workers are few. This has never been more true than now.” Luther droned on and on, louder and more emphatic, until Josh wondered if there would be time for a second sermon.

Luther didn’t stop expounding until Tim gave a loud cough and muttered, “Sorry.” The chairman nodded at Abby and said, “Let’s stand for the opening song.”

Josh didn’t dare look at Tim. He concentrated on the hymn. Bayview Christian never sang it, but “Bringing in the Sheaves” had been one of Uncle Marvin’s favorite songs at the rescue mission. It brought back memories. The down-and-outers had sung it as fervently as this congregation, now on the last line of the refrain: “We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.”

God, grant that the harvest may be great
, Josh prayed.

The song ended. Luther offered a long prayer before directing the congregation to be seated. He returned to his chair and Josh relaxed. Having Luther behind him was a blessing, considering what “Reverend Joshua Stanhope” was going to do.

Blood pounding in his ears until it threatened to deafen him, Josh walked to the front of the platform but didn’t step behind the pulpit. “I’m glad to be here with you.” He took a deep breath. “Will the children please come forward?”

Eyebrows rose. A gasp from Luther echoed through the church. It did not deter Josh. In all the time he’d been preaching, he’d never been more sure of himself.

At first, no one moved. Josh saw Caleb look at Matt for permission before heading toward the front of the church. Gideon followed; then a whole flock of children surged forward. Josh seated himself on the shallow steps leading up to the platform and motioned for the children to join him. “I have a story for you. Your mothers and fathers are welcome to listen, too.”

Luther’s chair tipped over with a bang. “Really, Reverend, I must protest.”

Josh turned. “Please be seated, Mr. Talbot.” Their gazes clashed and held. Then to Josh’s relief, Luther gave a loud
and resumed his place.

Third round. Stanhope, 1. Talbot, 0

Josh swallowed a chuckle and turned back to the children. “How many of you live on cattle ranches?” he inquired. Several hands shot up.

“How many of you go riding in the hills with your daddies?” Other hands raised.

Josh leaned forward and said in his most mysterious voice, “Do you know that God is a cattle rancher?” He thrilled at the interest in the children’s eyes. “God says in the Bible that he owns the cattle upon a thousand hills. I saw a lot of cattle yesterday but not that many!” He kept his attention on the children. “Even though God owns all those cattle, His Son, Jesus, is called the Good Shepherd. That’s funny, isn’t it?”

The children nodded, but Luther mercifully kept still. Josh went on. “A long time ago Jesus told a story that shows how much God loves everyone. We call it the story of the lost sheep.” Josh glanced at the congregation. A small group sitting near the back wore broad smiles; Josh suspected they were the sheep owners. Others in the congregation scowled. Even Tim looked doubtful, but Ellie’s blue eyes sparkled.

“A certain man had a hundred sheep. One day when he counted them, one was missing. The man left the other ninety-nine and went to find the sheep that had wandered away from the flock. The story says the shepherd was really happy when he found his sheep and brought it back where it belonged.”

“I bet the sheep was happy, too,” Caleb piped up.

Josh laughed and rejoiced when the congregation joined in. “I’m sure you’re right, Caleb. You may all go back to your parents now.” He stood, waited until they scrambled back to their places, then crossed to the pulpit and opened his Bible.

“Isaiah 53:6 says, ‘All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.’ ” Josh closed his Bible and leaned forward. “You probably wonder why I chose to preach about sheep here in cattle country.” He waited for a murmur to die. “I don’t know much about cattle and sheep, but I know one important thing: You can herd cattle. Sometimes the ornery critters object and sometimes the herd stampedes, but cattle can still be driven.”

Josh leaned forward, aware of quickening interest in the congregation. “Sheep can’t be driven. They have to be led by someone who understands them and cares about them. Someone who is willing to give his life to save the flock.” He paused. “The biblical account of the lost sheep doesn’t list details, but the fact that the shepherd left the ninety and nine in the wilderness shows us the search couldn’t have been easy.

“I’ve asked Miss Sterling to sing a song that tells what the search may have been like. In 1874 a man named Ira Sankey was on an evangelism tour in Scotland with Dwight Moody. Sankey tore a poem from a British newspaper, put it in his pocket, and forgot about it. At a service later that day, Moody asked Sankey for a closing song.

“It caught Ira by surprise, but the Holy Spirit reminded him of the poem. He took it out, said a prayer, and composed the tune as he
. ‘The Ninety and Nine’ was Sankey’s first attempt at writing a hymn tune.” Josh nodded to Ellie. “Miss Sterling.” He went back to his chair.

Ellie stepped to the front of the church. Abby played a few notes. Ellie began singing. The first clear note laid a hush over even the smallest child. Josh sat spellbound. Where had this rancher’s daughter learned to sing like this? Ellie’s voice surpassed the finest soloists who held highly paid positions at Bayview Christian. The words filled the sanctuary:

“There were ninety and nine that safely lay
In the shelter of the fold.
But one was out on the hills away,
Far off from the gates of gold.
Away on the mountains wild and bare.
Away from the tender Shepherd’s care. ”

The song continued, painting unforgettable pictures of the obstacles the shepherd encountered in his quest to find the lost sheep. The congregation sat transfixed. When Ellie reached the final stanza, her voice swelled with joy:

“And the angels echoed around the throne,
‘Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!
Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!’”

Ellie took her seat. Tears crowded behind Josh’s eyelids. He rose and slowly walked to the pulpit. He struggled for words to match the triumphant ones lingering in the sunlit air. Finding none, Josh bowed his head and said, “Let us pray.”

Chapter 9

hen Joshua Stanhope called the children to the front of the church and courteously but firmly squashed Luther Talbot’s attempt to interfere, Ellie Sterling wanted to stand up and cheer. Tim’s wide grin showed he felt the same way.

The children crowded close to Josh. A sunbeam from the window behind the pulpit bathed the little group with golden light and glorified the young minister’s face as he began the story of the lost sheep. Ellie clasped lace-mitted hands and glanced around her. Josh’s rich, deep voice and simple retelling of the timeless parable held the congregation spellbound…except for Amy Talbot. Face lifted toward Josh, her fingers toyed with the ruffles on her white dress. She coughed behind a dainty handkerchief, then dropped it and made a show of picking it up.

Ellie raged at the disrespectful, obvious attempt to attract the young minister’s attention. Relief surged through her when Josh paid Amy no more heed than if she were a bug on the wall. He finished his story, sent the children back to their parents, and continued with the service.

Ellie drank in every word, finding new meaning in the familiar Bible story. Then Josh nodded to her. She slowly walked to the front of the church.
let me sing to Your glory
. Abby struck the opening chords. Ellie’s earlier apprehension vanished. She opened her mouth and poured her heart into the song. Her heart thrilled at the look of understanding she saw in the faces turned toward her. Cattlemen and sheepmen alike knew every obstacle the Good Shepherd had encountered when He searched for His lost sheep. They, too, battled the elements of an often harsh land. Wild, bare mountains shaken by thunder. Steep and rocky trails and canyons. The desert. Flood-swollen rivers. Starless nights so black they hid dangers that threatened them. Thornbushes that tore into man and beast.

The expressions on the girls’ and women’s faces reflected their knowledge, as well. In spite of stern warnings, children sometimes wandered away from home. What agony mothers and sisters experienced until they heard the glad cry that showed a child—a lost lamb—had been found.

Never had Ellie felt the effects of a song so strongly. She closed her eyes and sang the final stanza with a power far beyond her own ability:

“There arose a glad cry to the gate of Heaven,
‘Rejoice! I have found My sheep!’
And the angels echoed around the throne,
‘Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!
Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!’”

The triumphant proclamation lingered in the sunlit air. Ellie returned to her seat, as exhausted as if she’d traveled every foot of the way with the Good Shepherd. Memory of the faces turned toward her and the glistening tear tracks on work-worn faces filled her with humility. Her heart swelled, and she silently thanked God.

Tim patted Ellie’s hand, as if aware of her feelings.

Then Josh said, “Let us pray.” Heads bowed. “Father, we thank Thee for this day and these, Thy beloved children. May the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen.” Josh smiled at the congregation. “Now if you’ll give me time to get outside, I’d like to meet you all.”

Luther Talbot pushed forward, protest written all over his disapproving face. “Our minister always greets people
the church, not out,” he announced.

Josh’s easy laugh stretched Ellie’s lips into a smile. She poked Tim when he showed evidence of wanting to let out a
after Josh replied, “God has given us such a beautiful day, I’m sure He won’t mind if we step outside to enjoy it.” He strode down the aisle, leaving Luther huffing behind him in hot pursuit, with Amy at their heels.

Before they reached the door, her clear treble floated back. “Oh Reverend, your sermon was
! I don’t know when I’ve been so touched.” She giggled. “Please forgive me. Father said you don’t like being called Reverend, but it doesn’t seem fitting to call you Josh. How about Preacher Josh?”

Although Ellie couldn’t see Amy’s face, she could visualize the fluttering eyelashes and trademark innocence that were the finest weapons in the tiny blond’s arsenal of charm. How would Josh respond? The first pang of jealousy Ellie had ever known attacked her.
Don’t be foolish
, she told her wildly beating heart.
Josh is nothing to you

Is that so?
a second voice
whispered. You’ve cared for him from the moment you met

Josh’s amused voice broke into Ellie’s turbulent thoughts and silenced the nagging voice. “I was called Pastor in San Francisco, but Preacher Josh will do. Now if you’ll excuse me, we need to make way for others coming out.”

“Bravo!” Tim whispered in Ellie’s ear. “The Royal Canadian Mounties may always get their man, but I bet Amy Talbot won’t. She seems to have met her match.”

Ellie stifled a laugh. Yet as she and Tim followed the crowd surging outside to greet Josh, she wondered why Tim’s comment should fill her with glee. Was it Christian to be glad Amy was getting the comeuppance she deserved? Besides, what was Joshua Stanhope to Ellie Sterling, or she to him?

She and Tim reached the doorway and stepped out into the sunshine. Sarah’s laughing remark about the female population trying to attract Joshua Stanhope’s attention had already come to pass. Girls and women in billowing summer dresses encircled him. High-pitched voices praised the sermon, the story, and Josh.

Don’t set your cap for him
, Ellie told herself.
Josh showed a clear preference for you at the fiesta, but look at him now
. Sarah’s reminder that she had a running start didn’t silence Ellie’s doubts. She turned her attention to a group near her and concentrated on their comments.

“He’s a likely young feller. Lookit the way he put ol’ man Talbot in his place.”

“Yeah, but he didn’t preach much. Just told stories.”

“That’s the way I like it,” someone approved. “Short ’n’ sweet. Preachers that rattle on and on usually just keep repeatin’ themselves.”

“Wonder what the church board will do? Talbot looks mad enough to send Stanhope packin’.” A laugh followed.

“I don’t take much stock in what the Talbot girl says, but I kinda like the name Preacher Josh. It’s friendly sounding.”

“Pree-cisely,” another drawled. “I figured he might be uppity, being from a big city and all. He ain’t a bit like that.” The speaker lowered his voice, and Ellie had to strain her ears to hear. “I hear tell his folks live in a swell mansion. Funny he’d leave all that an’ some big church to come to Madera.”

“Not funny at all,” a crisp voice argued. “I wouldn’t live in San Francisco if they gave me the place. Madera’s good enough for me.”

A murmur of agreement rose before the first speaker commented, “I shore vote for this new man. I aim to tell Talbot right now.” He broke away and headed for Luther.

“Hey, wait for us!” A general exodus in Luther’s direction followed. A moment later, Ellie saw the group of men surround the dour chairman. Her heart skipped a beat when they maneuvered him away from the crowd and under a large oak tree. Ellie couldn’t hear what they said, but their jutting chins showed they’d met with strong opposition. What if Luther convinced them Josh wasn’t worthy to be hired?

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