So Whitey is going over to his studios and his mom says to Sylvia, "Could you take us over for the interview? It's 2:30 or so."
And my mom says, "I would love to, but what am I gonna do with Frankie?"
My mom is one of the few people to call me Frankie. I am Frankie to her because of Frank Sinatra. My mom loved Frank Sinatra. So did I until I found out what a nasty man he is. My grandfather was named Frank Bank and he was a bootlegger, a really cool bootlegger, although not a very succcessful one, and I'd have rather been named after him, actually, than a jerk-off like Sinatra.
But anyhow, Sylvia says what-to-do-with-Frankie.
And Mrs. Haupt says to my mom, "Just bring Frank along."
Over to the Ben Hecht Studios on Cahuenga.
The four of us are sitting in the little reception roomWhitey, Mrs. Haupt, Mom and me. And a guy comes walking through the door toward the office and sorta looks around, then looks at me.
Then he says to me, not my mom, or anyone else, but to me: "What are you doing here?"
I'll never forget, they have at this time, Wheaties boxes where they put masks of, like, bears and rabbits and chipmunks on the back of the cereal packages.
And I had this mask, this racoon maskyou took a string on each side and put a hole in there and tie the string, and you put the mask on your face.
I sorta had the mask in my lap, but when this guy looks at me, I draw the mask up close to my face, because I was a little bit scared and a little bit shy.
And the guy looks at me some more and goes, "I said, 'What are you doing here today?'"
I didn't answer, but my mom says, "Well, we're here to have Whitey talk to Mr. Hecht."
And the guy points to me and says to my mother, "Bring him back tomorrow. He's not supposed to be here 'til tomorrow."
Hey, I was never supposed to be there.
So I said something like, "I'm not an actor."
He looked right back at me and said, "You are now."
That's how it happened for so many kids those days in the movies, when you got right down to it. There was no factory somewhere, spitting out child actors and actresses. There weren't tons of schools you sent kids to, to be actors. No insightful institute where they scoured the countryside for talent