Captivated (15 page)

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Authors: Deb Apodaca

Tags: #David_James

BOOK: Captivated
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I shook my hand to loosen the slimy grip Ben had on it. I didn’t want to know why his hand felt so gross. Even trying not to think about it made me cringe.

“Thanks.” I quietly said regretting that I had to say it. I looked down at my stupid feet.

“No problem. I trip all the time and there’s nothing fun about it. Most of the time people trip me and laugh. But there’s no shame in falling. Gravity is one of the marvelous things about life!” he said.

“No shame here. I’m okay,” I insisted, mentally shaking it off.

“You look a bit nervous,” Ben mentioned. A small smile formed on his face, exposing his abnormally large front teeth.

“What makes you think that?” I asked. I reached up to my forehead. There was no sweat.

“Because it looks like you’re trying to drill a hole in your hip. That would be considered a nervous tick. For instance, I tend to stutter so much that no one can make out what I’m saying. Isn’t that crazy?” Ben said. “We have something in common.”

“Yeah. Well I’m going to go sit down now.” I replied, ignoring that last part.

“It’s best that you do. You might have banged something when you tripped over your foot.” Ben said again.

“I know, Ben!” I snapped back. How many times did he have to remind me? I shamefully walked over to my desk and slouched down into the seat. After all this time of wanting to be in the exact spot I was in, after all the daydreaming of how this period would go about, I was now wishing it was all over. I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the desk. I was so afraid to look over at him.

The warning bell rang, only one minute left until class started. I opened my eyes to find Dean walking over to the entrance. He knelt down and picked something up. As he rose up, I noticed my notebook in his hand. I didn’t realize that I had left it there when I fell. Great.

He didn’t move from that spot. It looked like he was trying to figure out if he wanted to give it to me or not. Finally, he headed toward me. As he sat the notebook down on my desk, his hand was quivering. When he released it, he didn’t say a word and went back to his desk next to me. Students started pouring in about a minute after the last bell rang. This period’s teacher was always late, and because of that, so were the students.

The teacher gave us a book to read today and threatened us with another quiz at the end of class. By the time class was almost over, I had gotten over my nervous breakdown. Through my mind, I played the events of that night. Well, everything that happened after Ayden’s part. I couldn’t believe that Dean’s shirt was folded in my closet and that he had given it to me to wear that night. Wait a minute…he put it on me to cover me up even though I was passed out. Then it dawned on me, the way his heart was pounding when he was carrying me. And the way he quivered as he held me in his arms; he took care of me that night. Not the way a stranger would, it intimate.

Dean was focused on reading when I planned to interrupt him. I wanted to give him a hint, some kind of clue that I was on to him. That I knew it was him that saved me that night. Courage took over and I turned to him with a grin and my eyes narrowed.

He hesitantly looked at me.

“I know.” I silently mouthed at him. His face was expressionless. He turned to the front of the class in an attempt to ignore me, but I blazed my stare at him. He had to have felt it boring into him, I was shouting at him with my eyes. Slowly, he turned to me again. But this time, with his eyebrow slightly raised. Dean studied my face intently. My eyes stayed narrowed as I slightly nodded my head. He must have thought I was crazy. What now? I got his attention! I tore my gaze away from his hypnotic green eyes. Those deep green sea eyes always managed to pull me in.

An epiphany came over me. Not an amazing one, but it was still a great idea. I would give him a note! I tore a square piece of notebook paper from my binder and placed a book on it. I looked up to see where the teacher was. She looked like she was reading as well. But her eyes didn’t meet her book; they were more towards her lap. It looked to me like she was texting. I hurriedly started jotting words down on the note…

Meet me in the forest. Same time as yesterday. You know the spot.

I crumpled it and quickly tossed it on his desk. It rolled and stopped against his hand though he made no movement. Then, he looked down at the paper and paused. His hand twitched a little and finally grabbed it. Everyone started zipping up their backpacks, loud whispers spread through the room as the end of class was approaching. Then the bell rang. I stared at him waiting for him to open it up and tell me if he was going to meet me there or not. But he was still. Frustrated, I threw my things together and walked to the door. Before I left the room, I turned to him. His head was down, reading my note and I could have sworn he was grinning.





stared at the digital clock next to my bedroom door, expecting it to jump to six forty five, but it seemed that every time I glanced at it, time froze. The numbers didn’t change. It was playing with me, playing a sick, sick game. It knew that I was going crazy just waiting for the time to meet Dean and it wasn’t dark out yet, not even close.

A picture of that arm passing inches in front of my face reeled through my mind. It had to be Dean’s.

Wait a minute…why didn’t I smell him? He was carrying me, I should have smelled something. Then I remembered the shirt. I scurried to my closet and flung the door open. I stared up at the smoky shirt I found myself wearing the morning after the attack. I had folded it up without washing it and made a section for it on one of my shelves in my walk-in closet. I reached up and carefully picked it off of the shelf, like a precious souvenir I didn’t want to ruin. I didn’t need to put it up to my nose to be able to smell the amber that enveloped it. Immediately the warm tingling I got every time I smelled Dean hit me. I stumbled back dropping to the floor. As I sat there, I gripped onto the folded shirt pressing it up against my nose so that I could savor the smell better.

I shrieked out in excitement and threw myself on my back with the shirt still connected to my nose. It was him! It really was him! There was no denying it. He couldn’t deny it. I knew he was still a sweetheart. He literally took the shirt off his back to cover my exposed area. I sighed and took another glance at the clock, still an hour to go.

After what seemed like hours of staring at the wall, I jumped up and looked out the window. The sun was setting! It was FINALLY time to go! “I got to go! Love you mom!” I called out.

I grabbed Zeke’s leash and clipped it on his collar. My heart was rapidly bouncing inside of my chest. Dean’s handsome face was engraved in my mind. No time to stretch. I began to jog to the meeting spot. Before I knew it, I was running. Zeke ran beside me, making sure to stay at my pace when I yanked at his collar. The sky was pink but I could barely see the sun because of all the trees around me. Earlier it was blazing and humid, now the fresh, clean air brushed against my face and arms as I ran. I wished I would have worn shorts so that I could feel the air all over.

From a distance, I could see Dean. He was here!
He actually came!
I was about to faint to the floor from pure excitement. He was sitting on the grassy grounds against the same tree Shane was leaning on before. His arms were resting on his knees with his head back against the trunk. I wasn’t sure, but it looked as if his eyes were closed. As I approached him, I slowed down to a creep, yet he didn’t move. I was somewhat glad. It gave me a chance to enjoy the tantalizing view he presented-a perfectly chiseled masterpiece. I felt my heart pounding against my ribs. In a way, he scared me. There was some kind of darkness that lurked in his aura, but I couldn’t help feeling lured to him.

“What are you doing? Meditating?” I jabbered trying to break the silence.

He said nothing. I tied Zeke against the tree and plopped in front of Dean. Strange. When his long dark lashes revealed his eyes, they were already focused on mine, as if he were already gazing at me through his closed lids. Chills ran throughout my body, warm rushes crashed and swirled inside my chest. His eyes looked softer than usual, but the darkness around them looked worse than ever. He couldn’t sleep, that had to be the only explanation I could put behind the dark circles.

Dean’s expression was serious. “What did you drag me out here for?” his husky voice demanded.

“Geeesh! Your stick must really be up there!” I barked back.

He took a deep breath. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he rephrased with his eyes still on mine. He hardly blinked.

“I know who you are.” I accused with a wide smile. I couldn’t help it. This was riveting!

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said bitterly.

“You’re a hero, you know. That’s what I’ve been calling you.” Glee escaped me. I felt like I was telling a famous person how big of a fan I was.

“What are you talking about?” he defensively shot out. I’ve never seen a face so serious. I liked it.

“That night in the forest, when Ayden tried to-”

“Stop.” Dean interrupted. Fury masked his face.

“The tattoos on your arm. What do they mean?” I asked while reaching out to touch them.

“That’s none of your business.” he retorted, drawing his arm away from my reach.

“Was it you that night? I know it was you.” I accused.

“Enough with the questions.” he demanded.

“Then why did you come? What did you think I wanted to meet up for? I know it was you that night. You can’t deny it. Why would you deny such a noble thing? What the heck is your problem?” I blurted out hoping I wouldn’t scare him off.

“Any more questions I could deny to answer? Or are you just going to keep wasting my time and throwing them at me?” he icily responded.

I stared at him, aggravated. I couldn’t believe he didn’t want to admit it. Nothing was going how I had planned.

“You’re really not going to tell me, are you?” I came to realize.

He jumped to his feet and stared down to me, the movement made my heart skip a beat. Any movement from him was beginning to affect me in the strangest ways.

He began to walk away without saying a word.

I jumped to my feet. “Let me guess...going off to suck some blood?” I boldly said.

He froze.

I froze.

I couldn’t believe I just blurted it out. There was no proof! I felt like such an idiot. I was accusing someone of being a freakin’ vampire. I wished the ground below me would just swallow me already.

“What did you say?” he asked without turning to look at me.

“Nothing!” I lied.

“I heard you say something. Please clarify.” he commanded in a surprisingly nice tone.

“It was a joke.” Another lie.

“A fraction of what you believe to be the truth always lies behind a joke,” he informed.

“Not when they’re just meant to be funny.” I answered back, unsure if it even made sense.

“Then what is the humor in your joke?” He quickly spun around and stepped up to me, his body almost touching mine. ”Enlighten me.” he dared.

I gaped up at him. He was so tall and scary. I was speechless.

“I know you and your friend have been following me around.” he said.

“Well I know it was you that saved me that night! So why don’t we talk about that!” I said in a huff.

“Just go back to your normal life and forget about what I do.” he warned.

“And what do you do exactly?” I continued, “what is it that you do at night?” I spat out.

He stayed silent. His eyes were magnetized to mine. I became very aware that his body inched a little closer to me. In fact, he was so close I was afraid he would feel my heart thudding against my chest.

“Yeah. We know what you do. I didn’t believe it at first, but now it’s all clear to me. You chop heads off and the bodies disappear. You’re strong enough to punch holes in brick walls. Yeah, I saw that. And-”

“And what?” he demanded.

“And. Well…that’s all I know so far.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Then you don’t know everything. You and your friend should forget about me and continue on with your perfect little lives.” he ground out irately.

“Gosh! Why are you so harsh? Maybe if you were nicer you could have some friends.” I pointed out.

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