Captivated (18 page)

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Authors: Deb Apodaca

Tags: #David_James

BOOK: Captivated
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“There…” he paused, “…you truly are beautiful.” Dean’s husky voice was low and so kind. I wanted to hear more. I yearned for more.

“Tell me why you look at me the way you do,” I pleaded.

Dean inched closer. “Every time I look at you…” he paused again and his eyes wandered down to my quivering lips. His breathing was hard, but he continued “…every time I look at you…I want to kiss you.” He said it so softly that I was lucky enough to make out the words.

My whole body started to quiver. The rushes burned inside of me and I was utterly dumfounded by his close presence. I had forgotten how to talk, how to breathe. All I could do was anticipate what I believed was going to happen next.

Then, I felt his lips touch mine.





ean’s lips were gently plush against mine, and I knew he had been eager to kiss me for a while by the way he kept looking at my lips. But for some reason, all he did was kiss me softly without even parting my lips-a simple peck. He was getting just a taste. When he slowly and painfully pulled himself away from me, he left the intoxicating taste of himself dancing on my lips. He didn’t say anything, but he did smile. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear his eyes were brightening as we sat there, looking at each other. He forced himself to look away from me and out through the waterfall. I didn’t realize it had gotten late. The sun was already going down. He turned back to me with irritation on his face, as if cursing whoever was responsible for the darkness.

“I better get you home,” Dean said.

“Yeah.” I regrettably agreed. “I haven’t seen my mom since this morning. She’s probably worried.” I didn’t want to leave. I could have stayed here forever with him. And if he was a vampire, I wouldn’t care at this point.

Dean stood up and walked to the edge before the waterfall. Him standing against the pouring water was truly a sight to see-he looked like he stepped into a painting. As he turned to face my way, he spread his arms out in a flying motion and started leaning backwards. Backwards!

“What are you doing? Are you crazy?!” I yelled.

Dean gave me a dangerous grin and closed his eyes before he fell out of my sight. I crawled to the edge to peer down at him, but saw only the crystal liquid cascading below me. Then, he popped out of the pool at the bottom.

I exhaled in relief.

“Jump!” Dean dared me.

“Yeah, and how about I do a three sixty.” Sarcasm escaped me. “I’m climbing down.” I said. I crawled over to where we had climbed up. It was steeper then I had remembered. I was sure to slip and hit myself against the rocks. I looked back at Dean. He shrugged his shoulders and held out his arms in front of him. For years, Dean had been this mysterious, scary guy, but right now, at this very moment…there was nothing scary at all about him. He was adorable as he pleaded with his face for me to join him. And I couldn’t believe that I was the girl he was with right now. I was the girl he had chosen to bring to this magical place. And I was the girl that he just kissed.

I had to choose between climbing down the slippery rocks or jumping into his arms. Naturally, I chose his arms. I stood close to the edge looking down at what I thought was my death. But, somehow, I ignored the water and saw only him. He looked like a dark angel on a cloud of mist, holding his arms out to me. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Then I jumped. I held my breath and prepared myself for the impact, but I landed right into his arms, even causing him to sink a little with the landing. Immediately, though, he brought us back up above the surface. My heart was banging inside my chest. But it wasn’t the water that did it to me this time, it was Dean’s touch. Every part of him that touched me burned despite the cool water that covered me.

I laughed out loud. I was stoked that I was finally having fun in the water and that it was all because of him. I held onto his shoulders as he swam to the edge. He gently guided me to it and even lifted me a little so I could get a good grip. Once out, I tried to wring as much of the water out of my clothes as possible as I slipped on my flip-flops. My hair was so wet it looked blood red. When I was finished with my failed attempts of drying myself, I turned to look at Dean standing beside me. He was scanning the forest around us.

“Let’s go,” his tone turned serious. He set his hand on my back guiding me out of the forest. He was walking pretty fast, rushing me along with him. And Zeke followed without me having to hold his leash.

“What? Do you have a curfew or something?” I asked him. But he only stared at me. More like drilled his gaze at me. “Will I see you at school tomorrow?” I asked in hopes that he would say yes. But he shook his head with regret on his face. We slowed down as we finally approached the street in front of my house.

“Lina…” he softly called.
. He hadn’t called me that since before his parents died. It was a nickname for my middle name, Melina. But I didn’t turn to him. I wanted to hear that word come from his mouth again, so I pretended like I didn’t hear him even though he was so close to me.

“Lina.” This time, his tone was serious.

I stopped and turned to him.

“Don’t invite any strangers in,” he quickly said.

“Oookay?” I said, holding back the rolling of my eyes.

“I mean it.” he said sternly.

“Hey! Watch the attitude!” I barked back.

He took in a huff. “Please…” he said in a much nicer tone.

“That’s better.” I said while throwing him a grin of accomplishment that I couldn’t hold back.

The look Dean gave me was the kind you give off when you can’t believe that just happened. Maybe I’d been the only one to snap back at his rudeness. His green eyes smoldered at me and he looked like he was in some kind of trance. Then, he leaned in while gently putting his hand on the back of my head and he kissed me again. But it wasn’t on the lips where I was expecting it to be, he kissed me on the forehead and kept his lips there as if it was something he’d longed to do. I couldn’t understand why, but the kiss seemed very intimate.

When he pulled away, he gestured me towards my house. I unwillingly turned my heel and walked the stone pathway that led to my front door. When I reached it, I turned to look at him, but he was already gone. I raised my hand up to feel where he had kissed me, something I didn’t want to do in front of him.

I smiled in complete bliss and went inside. I shut the door behind me and leaned my back on it, melting to the ground.

“There you are! Where have you been? You left your bag and phone in front of the house. I thought something happened to you!” my mom hysterically said to me. “Markus has been driving around looking for you. I was about to call the police!”

“I’m okay mom. I just… when I got home, Zeke ran off and I dropped my stuff and chased after him. I found him at a spring and… went swimming.” I blurted out.

“Swimming? You?” she asked, so surprised at the fact of me swimming that she dropped the hysteria.

“I know. Well…Dean was there. And, so, we went swimming.” I said, meekly. “He held onto me the whole time so I wouldn’t freak out.”

“That explains it. Mindy, you need to leave a note or something next time. I really was worried about you. And you should call Markus before he reports you to unsolved mysteries.” she said.

I called Markus immediately.

“Red!” he said, surprised. “Where have you been? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I went after Zeke because he ran off. Then I-” Bumped into Dean? I couldn’t tell him that. Markus thought Dean was a murderer or a vampire. Ugh…what a mess. “-then I hung out for a while when I found Zeke.” I said quickly.

“Okay. So everything’s cool?” he asked.

“Yeah, it’s cool. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said before he hung up.

I ran upstairs and put something dry on before coming back down to eat with my mother.

“Why did you lie to Markus?” my mom asked.

“Oh.” I cut the lemon chicken into even pieces. “I don’t think Markus likes Dean. I didn’t want to bring him up.” I said.

“Is Dean bad news?” She asked with concern.

“No…I don’t think so. You know how guys are. Not all of them click.” I said while aiming a piece of chicken in my mouth.

“So, how is Dean? I thought you two weren’t friends anymore.” she asked.

“We weren’t, but things are different now. I don’t know how it happened, but it did.” I said trying not to sound too excited about it.

I had a lot of homework to do, but I couldn’t focus on any of it. I could still feel Dean’s lips on mine and the warmth of him hovering against me. It felt good to think about him, too good. Then, for an unknown reason, I stood up and went to my window. I wasn’t sure why, maybe in hopes that I would see Dean standing outside.

But he wasn’t there.

Zeke came to the window with me and looked out. A deep growl erupted in his throat. And in that moment, I saw a figure, a human figure, moving very fast in the distance. I was lucky to even catch a glimpse. An unsettled feeling sank in my stomach and I locked my window and went around the rest of the house locking everything that could be used as an entrance.

And that’s when what Dean said popped into my head. ‘Don’t invite any strangers in,’ he said. I didn’t even ask him what he meant by that. I wished I could call him, to hear his voice so that the nice feelings could return and I wouldn’t have to be so paranoid. But I didn’t have his number. I would have to wait until school to talk to him again; that was if he went tomorrow. I went back upstairs and looked out the window again. Zeke followed, but he didn’t growl this time. And I saw nothing outside.

Another day without him showing.

“What’s wrong?” Markus asked as he plowed a Twinkie in his mouth.

“Nothing.” I said. A lie that Markus was sure to catch once the Twinkie was all gone.

“Yeah, Mindy. You’re quiet.” Tanya flipped her phone shut. “You’re never quiet.”

“Have you seen Dean? He hasn’t been to school.” Markus asked while scanning the area.

“Jennifer hasn’t either. Do you think they’re getting acquainted?” Tanya jokingly asked.

“No!” I lashed out, unintentionally. “Ummm…Dean doesn’t like her. I saw him turn her down. And it wasn’t gently.” I said, hoping to cover up my reaction.

“No, but seriously, no one has seen or heard from her since Friday night. Remember we saw her at The Impulse?” Tanya asked.

“That’s right. She was outside with Shane.” Markus remembered.

“I know. I heard that the cops asked him about her. He told them she left early but that they hadn’t gone there together. They just bumped into each other.” Tanya said.

“But she’s only been gone a few days,” I added.

“I know, but people have been trying to get a hold of her and…nothing.” Tanya said as she waved her phone around before she set it down.

“I bet Ashley is freaking out.” I smirked. “I don’t think it’s a big deal. I mean…she sleeps around, right? Maybe she went away with some guy and just hasn’t cared to check in.” I said.

“I’m still sticking with my theory. Dean and Jessica ran off together.” Tanya teased.

I felt my stomach churn just thinking about what Tanya said. I didn’t think it was true, but then again, Dean didn’t give me a reason why he hadn’t been to school either. Jealousy started to boil inside me-a horrible feeling I’d never felt for a guy before. I was now determined to ask him why exactly he hadn’t been coming.

“Did you do the homework for sixth hour?” Markus asked.

I picked at my mashed potatoes and gravy with no intention of eating. “No. I didn’t understand it.” I said without thinking about how much sense that didn’t make. It was an easy assignment–time-consuming, but easy. I didn’t want to tell him that I spent the whole night replaying the waterfall kiss in my head.

“I think I can finish it up after lunch.” Markus said. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need to talk to me?” he asked.

“No.” I faked a smile on my face. “I’m cool. I just didn’t get much sleep so I’m out of it.” I said.

“Okay. Just making sure.” he said.

I still couldn’t help thinking about what Tanya said. It bothered me more then I would have liked it to. Maybe it was a coincidence that they had been absent on the same days. And that they had both been at The Impulse. At least I didn’t see him there with her.

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