Celebutards (21 page)

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Authors: Andrea Peyser

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Lee, Vernita


Leon, Carlos

Leon, Lourdes Maria Ciccone

Letterman, David

Lewinsky, Monica


“Like a Prayer” (video)

Limbaugh, Rush

Lohan, Lindsey

Lindzen, Richard S.

Live From Death Row

Live Nation

Live with Regis and Kelly
(TV show)

Living History

“Livin’ In the Future” (song)

Locke, Gary

Lohan, Dina

Lohan, Lindsay

Lohan, Michael

Los Angeles Citybeat

Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Zoo

Lyman, Howard

Lynch, Gregory

Lynch, Jessica

Lynch, Patrick


McCain, John

McCarthy, Carolyn

McCarthy, Joseph

McCartney, Stella

McGraw, Phil

McInnerney, A. J.

Mad cow disease, and Oprah

Maddox, Alton

Madison Square Garden


Britney and

Jolie and

Penn and


Mahathir bin Mohamed

Maher, Bill

Malibu Chamber of Commerce

Malvo, Lee Boyd

Mandela, Nelson

Mangum, Crystal Gail

Mapother, Mary Lee

Mapother, Thomas Cruise, III

Marburger, John

Mariel boatlift (1980)

Marijuana Users Association of America

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Martin, Chris

Martin, Steve

Mashaal, Khaled

Mason, C. Vernon

Matalin, Mary

Matrix Awards

Meet the Fockers

Men’s Journal

Michaels, Patrick J.

Mickey Mouse Club, The
(TV show)

Miller, Jonny Lee

Miller, Judith

Million Little Pieces, A

Minnelli, Liza

Mintz, Elliot

Miscavige, Dave

Miss Black Nashville

Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible
3 (movie)

Miss Tennessee

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Monaghan, Tom

Monroe, Marilyn

Moore, Frank

Moore, Michael

Moore, Veronica

Morton, Andrew

Moscow Olympics (1980)


Mother Jones

Mount Kilimanjaro



MTV Video Music Awards
(TV show)

Mubarak, Suzanne

Muhammad, John Allen


Munich Olympics (1972)

Murdered by Mumia

Murray, Della

Murrow, Edward R.

Muskie, Edmund

My Life

Mystic River


Nader, Ralph

Nashville Electric Service

Nashville Tennessean


National Action Network

National Enquirer

National Public Radio (NPR)

National Resources Defense Council

National Review Online

National Rifle Association (NRA)

Moore and

O’Donnell and

Naval Academy, U.S.

New Republic


New York

New York Newsday

New York Police Department

New York Post

New York Times

Baldwin and

Carter and

Crow and David and

Dowd and

Springsteen and

New York University


Nifong, Mike

9/11 terrorist attacks (2001)

Baldwin and

Chomsky and

Clooney and

Couric and

Maher and

Moore and

O’Donnell and

Sarandon/Robbins and

Sheehan and

Sheen and

Springsteen and

Nixon, Richard M.

Nobel Peace Prize

Carter and

Gore and

North Korea

National Rifle Association



Obama, Barack

Obama, Michelle

Ocean’s Eleven

Ocean’s Thirteen

O’Donnell, Edward

O’Donnell, Norah

O’Donnell, Roseann

O’Donnell, Rosie

O’Grady, Marilyn


Olbermann, Keith

Olmert, Ehud

100 People Who Are Screwing Up America

“Oops, I Did It Again” (song)

Open Society Institute

Oprah Effect

Oprah’s Book Club

Oprah Winfrey Show
(TV show)

Cruise and

Madonna and

O’Reilly, Bill

Organization of the Islamic Conference

Ortiz, Paul

Oscars (Academy Awards)

Gore and

Moore and

Spielberg and

Streisand and


Pagones, Steven


Paltrow, Gwyneth

Paparazzi, and Clooney

Hilton, Paris

Paul, Henri

Peacemaker, The

Pegg, Regina

Pellicano, Anthony

Pelosi, Christine

Pelosi, Nancy

Carter and

Couric and

Pelosi, Paul

Penn, Leo

Penn, Robin Wright

Penn, Sean


People Are Talking
(TV show)

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Peron, Eva

Peters, Ralph

Petroskey, Dale

Pfeiffer, Michelle

Phillips, Julianne

Pitt, Brad

Pitt, Jane Etta

Pitt, William Alvin


Polar bears, and Gore

Politically Incorrect
(TV show)

Popular Mechanics

Presidential elections







Previn, Soon-yi

Prince of Tides

Proposition 10

Proposition 82

Protect America Act

Publisher’s Weekly


Quagliarella, Fabio

Quantum Fund


Rabinowitz, Dorothy

Rainbow/PUSH Coalition

Raines, Howell


Rather, Dan

Reagan, Ronald

Real Time with Bill Maher
(TV show)

Redford, Robert

Reichert, Dave

Reiner, Rob

Rev. Als Productions

Rice, Condoleezza

Richie, Nicole

Right-wing celebs

Ripa, Kelly

Rising, The

Risky Business

Ritchie, Guy

Ritchie, Rocco John

Rivers, Joan

Robbins, Gil

Robbins, Mary

Robbins, Tim

Robinson, James G.

Robinson, Noah Louis

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rodham, Dorothy

Rodham, Hugh

Roger and Me

Rogers, Mimi

Rolland, Kayla

Rolling Stone

Ronson, Samantha

Roosevelt, Eleanor

“Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)” (song)

Rose Law Firm

Rosenbaum, Yankel

Rosenberg, Liz

Rosenberg, Max

Rosie O’Donnell Show
(TV show)

Rove, Karl

Rush, Geoffrey

Rutgers Women’s Basketball

CITADEL PRESS BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2009 Andrea Peyser

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

CITADEL PRESS and the Citadel logo are Reg. U.S. Pat & TM Off.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008936725

ISBN: 978-0-8065-3384-1

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