Chained In The Vampire's Dungeon (2 page)

Read Chained In The Vampire's Dungeon Online

Authors: Neneh Gordon

Tags: #Mf, #erotic horror, #bondage, #auto-erotic asphyxiation, #dubious consent, #vampire, #cutting, #erotic fiction, #kidnapping, #explicit sex, #erotic romance, #BDSM, #erotica, #blood play, #masturbation

BOOK: Chained In The Vampire's Dungeon
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“Invite me in.”

His lips didn’t move. I heard him speak inside my head as
clearly as if he’d been standing beside me. I turned the catch and pushed the
sash window up to let him in. Cold night air poured into the room. I crossed my
arms to offer some protection against the wind, but my teeth chattered anyway.
He hung in the air outside, not moving a muscle.

“Come in.” I’d forgotten. I had to say the words before he
could enter.

He rushed in through the open window with such speed and
fluidity that I didn’t see him do it. I jumped as the window fell closed by
itself, banging loudly in its frame.

I didn’t have time to recover. He spun me around and took me
into his arms. I had to look up to meet his gaze. The power in his eyes sent a
shockwave all the way through my body and started a flood of moisture between
my legs. I belonged to him. He didn’t have to say another word. I was his to
handle as he saw fit.

Standing in his embrace was like standing in front of an
open refrigerator. The cold insinuated itself into my flesh and bones, raising
prickles on my skin and making my nipples stand up hard against his chest.

With incredible speed, he lifted me, opened the window and
flew me through it.

I clung to him as the cold night air hit me and he took us
higher. My towel fell off and I watched it fall far below us, tumbling in the
dark until it disappeared from view. Only his arms stopped me from going the
same way. I tightened my hold around his neck, shivering as I clung to him.

We flew on over the streets I knew so well and out into more
unfamiliar territory. It wasn’t long before the noise of the city was behind us
and we approached a huge old house on the boundary where urban became rural. It
was beautiful. The moonlight shone down on the limestone mansion, turning it into
a shimmering dream house. It was his. I knew it as surely as I knew my own
name. I longed to see inside, to walk the corridors and study the ancestral
portraits that must line the walls. It was that sort of house.

My vampire slowed his flight and brought us lower, swooping
in through an open window just as he had at my house. It was pitch black
inside. Still holding me in his arms, he strode across the room and kicked open
a door. A shaft of moonlight gave enough light for me to see bare wooden stairs
leading down. It was musty down there, and even darker than the room we were

He half-ran, half-flew downstairs with me and set me on my
feet in the gloom. I felt cold stone beneath my feet and shivered again. The
door at the top of the stairs closed with a slow creak and the last of the
light disappeared. The vampire’s eyes glowed almost white in the dark. My heart
lurched and my pussy grew wetter. The lack of light may have left me
practically blind, but I knew he could see me. His inhuman eyes moved around me
in a predatory circle and I felt his gaze assessing my naked body.

Then his bright grey eyes disappeared. He must have closed
them. I could feel him close by. I was shaking with the cold, but his presence
gave an extra lift to the downy hairs on my skin. Without those eyes, I was
left helpless in the dark with nothing to orient myself by. Primal fear took me
over. This was his house, his cellar. No one knew where I was. When we’d flown
in, I’d seen how remote the place was. No one would hear me if I screamed for

My breathing deepened and I fought down my rising panic. He
was the vamp from my fantasies. He wouldn’t hurt me.


There was no reply, but a warm orange light came on.
A bare light bulb in the corner of the room.
The vampire stood
beneath it, tall and imposing. It was hard to look at anything but his luminous
skin. I stared
him, but details of the room crept
into my awareness from the corners of my eyes. Everything was bare brick and
concrete. My breath misted in front of me, condensing in the cold air. It was a
room with no furniture except a metal
cabinet behind the stairs we’d come down.

He took a step towards me, his eyes boring into mine.

“You are home now.”
His thoughts passed straight into my consciousness.

He meant to keep me there.
The idea made my insides liquefy. I didn’t know if it was fear or excitement.

He stepped to one side and showed me what he’d been standing
in front of. A bright metal ring had been fixed into the wall. Lengths of chain
hung from it and pooled on the floor. On top of the pile of links were four
manacles. All of it was shiny and new.

For me.
He’d prepared the room
especially for me.

He nodded and held out his hand. If I took it, I would be
submitting to his will.

I looked up the stairs at the door. He hadn’t tried to stop
me leaving. Would he let me walk up those steps and go? His face gave nothing
away. Without breaking eye contact, I took two steps towards the stairs. He
watched me, but made no move. I could go home. I took another step,

What was I going home to?
An empty house
and an empty bed.
I belonged with him. He’d been in my thoughts for more
years than I’d shared with any boyfriend. I went to him and offered him my
wrists. He lifted them to his cold lips, one after the other,
fastened them in the manacles at the ends of the
chains. He helped me sit down on the floor,
chained my ankles too. It wasn’t all that uncomfortable, but I could tell it
would be if I stayed like that for any length of time.

Arranging the chains around me on the floor, I sat back
against the wall. He kneeled beside me, stroking his fingers across my forehead
and down my cheek. I leaned into his freezing touch and my teeth began to

“I know you are cold.
I want you to be cold.”

I nodded. This was his domain.

His fingers trailed along my jawline and down my throat. I
held my
sure that he would pierce me with his
fangs. He ran his nail along my collarbone, then down my breast to my nipple. I
flinched. I couldn’t help it. He went lower, moving down my belly and down to
the top of my thigh. I wanted to feel his heatless fingers between my legs, but
he only teased me, coming close to my bikini line,
brushing his way along my inner thigh instead. I gasped, my pussy twitching
with need. His eyes told me that he knew what I wanted. But he was in charge,
not me.

“Spread your legs.”

I did as he asked, the chains clinking as I moved my feet.
Drawing up my knees, I spread them wide and he came to sit in front of me. He took
his time, bending low to have a good look between my legs. Heat blossomed under
his gaze. My cunt sent out moisture that spread along my slit.

He got to his feet and took one of the chains that shackled
my ankle. Pulling it taut and straightening my leg, he reached up to fasten it
on a hook in the wall so that my foot dangled in the air. I looked around me
and saw other hooks. My pulse quickened. What was he going to do to me? He
walked round to the other side of me and did the same with my other leg. I put
my hands flat on the floor to help me balance. The new position was already
making my buttocks ache as they pressed into the hard floor. My pussy felt
totally exposed. He’d spread me open to the cold air. He came back in front of
me for another look.

Leaning forward, he stroked his finger along the very top of
my thigh. I tensed, willing him to edge over to my pussy. He grazed his fingers
upwards instead and took my nipple between his finger and thumb. My breathing
quickened as he leaned up between my legs, his leg brushing my clit as he
pinched my nipple. He looked me in the eye as he did it, looking for some
reaction. Tingles spread out across my breast. My aching clit quivered at his
accidental touch. He stared at me and pinched harder.

I licked my lips and squirmed against him, desperate for
more pressure on my clit. He backed away from me, but kept tight hold of my
nipple. When he began to twist, a cry escaped me. That seemed to satisfy him.
He let go and bent to kiss my breast with his icy lips. I was breathing hard by
then, unsure of what would come next.

“Do you see the
rewards I can bestow?”

He stood and walked away, leaving me to ponder his words.
Fresh moisture ran from between my legs. I wanted him to take me. I wanted to
feel his cold cock moving deep inside me.

He went to the far end of the cellar, behind the stairs. I
pushed myself up on my hands, straining to see what he was doing. As he
returned, something shiny flashed between his fingers. He knelt down in front
of me again, and held a razor blade up in front of my face. His exploration of
my body had warmed me up a little, but the sight of that sharp blade froze the
blood in my veins.

“Don’t, don’t you want to bite me?” What did a vampire need
a razor blade for?

“Not yet. First I want
to play.”

He kissed me then, for the first time. My lips yielded to
his and I felt reassured. There was
a tenderness
him that he was only now choosing to reveal. He covered my lips with his and
ran a gentle hand over my breasts. This time, he treated me delicately, tracing
patterns on my skin until clung to him, panting with desire. We parted and I
immediately wanted to taste him again. He’d barely begun to fill the need in

Taking my hands, he felt his way along the chains attached
to my wrist and pulled it tight. He got up and fastened my arms out of the way
just as he had done with my legs. I sat there, spread-eagled – there was
nothing else I could do. Standing back like an artist evaluating a blank
canvas, he brought the razor blade up into my line of sight and my mouth went
dry. But he was my vampire lover. I trusted him to give me what I needed.

He got down on his knees
pale grey eyes level with mine. The hand that held the razor went to my breast.
I looked into his eyes and felt nothing. No pain. No discomfort. He lowered his
mouth and suckled at the nick he’d made. The cut began to sting as he explored
it with his tongue. I relished the sensation as much as the knowledge that I
had pleased him. I hadn’t been afraid. I’d held his gaze and let him take a
razor to me, knowing that he meant me no harm. He held on to me as he fed,
crushing his face against my bleeding chest.

After a few moments, he raised his head. The sight of my
blood on his lips sent heat rushing to my cunt. His eyes were dull – drunk with
blood and lust. I wanted more, but it was for him to decide.

He kissed me, his tongue taking my blood into my mouth. I
kissed him back, hungry for him. Straining against the chains, I tried to push
my body against his, but I couldn’t do it. He kissed his way down my neck and I
was sure that he would bite me. He lingered over the pulsing vein in my throat,
licking the skin that covered it. My pussy convulsed. I closed my eyes and
braced myself for the pain. But he moved lower, kissing the cut he’d made and
licking my breasts until I moaned.

He kept on going, licking a path from my ribs to my navel
and beyond.
Now he would eat my pussy. Of course,
he had no such intention. Stretching the skin of my thigh tight, he made three
short sweeps with his blade and descended to feast. I felt those cuts. Three
sharp slashes that flashed through my clit like lightning. I whimpered as he
drank my blood, his mouth so close to my most sensitive parts. I angled my
crotch towards him, hoping he would give me some relief from the aching need
that built inside me.

Ignoring my pussy, he made two more cuts on my other thigh
and drank from me, sucking my blood noisily as I writhed on the floor. My cries
drowned out the sounds of pleasure that he made. I groaned at the throbbing in
my swollen pussy and the frustration I felt.

When he’d drunk his fill, he slid his hand over my mound and
pressed his palm against my clit. I’d spent so long wishing he would touch me
there that I almost wept. He circled his hand, bringing all the sensations that
had been building inside me up to the surface. With his other hand, he stroked
my face,
cupped the back of my neck as he leaned
in for a kiss. I could hardly breathe. As he pressed harder on my clit, he
lowered his grip on my neck and stroked the front of my throat with his thumb.
I kissed him as hard as I could, grateful for his hand between my legs. His
hold on my throat tightened and I literally lost my breath. He was choking me
and kissing me at the same time. I opened my eyes and struggled against the
chains, but he’d fastened me securely. His eyes were calm. He kissed me with
the same tenderness as before, while I fought to get free. Even as I pulled at
the manacles, I returned his kiss. My vision dimmed and I felt my orgasm coming

My lungs felt as if they would burst and I could hardly see,
but I mourned the loss of stimulation when he took his hand away from my clit.
I was almost there. On the threshold of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.
He let go of me briefly and used his superhuman speed to reposition himself. I
wasn’t aware of him undressing, but suddenly I was on his lap and he was naked.
It took him a few seconds to guide me onto his cock and wrap his hand back
around my throat. I didn’t have time to make a sound. The strength of his hand
trapped my gasp in my chest.

He drove his erection up into me and I wanted to scream my
pleasure. My lungs burned instead and I wished my hands were free so that I
could hold him in my arms. He thrust into me, holding me by the throat and
banging his cock deep inside my pussy. He fucked me and choked me and I’d never
enjoyed anything more. He held my life in his hand and showed me what I’d been
craving for so long. I came with his hand around my throat and tears on my
cheeks. The spasms in my pussy spread through my body and made me jerk against
my restraints.

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