Chaos Mortalitus (20 page)

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Authors: Mark LaMaster

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chaos Mortalitus
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Cynthia places her hand on Angela's shoulder, so proud of her daughter's strength. "Well if Ash were here, I know it would once again be a birthday he wouldn't forget." Cynthia says.


The date is April 8
, 2030 A.D., my human birthday yet these traditions do not hold the same value they once did. If I can't be with my family and those I care for most, what does a birthday matter? Even worse, birthdays are human celebrations and more and more I feel less human, embracing this new role. "Everybody ready." Angela shouts to her guests from the kitchen of her home.


Exiting the kitchen, Angela enters the dining room as the lights slowly begin to dim. Daniel and Grace Mortal sit with Seth at the dinner table awaiting the celebration. At the head of the table, a framed picture of the family member they all miss so much. These days have become easier for the family who lost so much five years ago, but it's the sense of unity in this family that keeps the memory of Ashton Mortal alive. The Mortal family begins to sing for their lost member; in remembrance of the man they all loved so much.


Seth sings his heart out for the father he's never known, reaching forward to touch his picture. A few solitary tears fall from Angela's cheek as she sets the cake on the table. Many candles burn on the surface of the cake, in heavy contrast with the dim lighting as Cynthia takes a seat next to her grandson while they finish singing. "Ok Seth, blow the candles out for daddy." Angela says. "Don't forget to make a wish for him."


Seth leans forward on the table, takes a deep breath and exhales it toward the candles as most go out immediately. A few stragglers remain as the small boy continues till all the flames are extinguished. "What did you wish for Seth?" Grace asks her grandson.


"For daddy to come home and play with me." Seth replies. "Then we could build a fort and he could stay with us forever."


The Mortal family sits silently for a moment glancing at one another, swallowing hard for Seth has a way with tugging the strings of their hearts.
To my son, I hope one day you can forgive my sacrifice


This is a moment like many I've shared lately with no definition of description, no explanation, nor poetic manipulation, all this in the name of conservation. I unsheathed the blade of Edoxus as I plummeted toward the large central tower on the planet Seithux. The Xxirian defensive artillery firing everything they have as pulse cannons discharge large energy bursts in my direction, every available weapon firing for dear life at this intruder high in the sky, to no avail. The moment I struck the building I could instantly feel it melt away as I passed through its heart.


The massive release of explosive energy spreads deck by deck as the structure begins to explode, the whole Xxirian base camp crippled in a singular attack. Just as quickly as I entered, I found myself punch through the opposing side of the tower and plow into the desolate red terrain below. Rising to my feet, I find frightened creatures surrounding me, staring above at the wreckage that now falls from the heavens, like an avalanche of twisted metal and wires. The massive fireball of death inches closer and closer in its freefall toward the prisoner holding area below.


All creatures in close proximity lift their limbs to shield themselves from the oncoming debris as if that might save them. Fearing the presence of death, save one, a creature standing silently watching my every move as I stare back in his direction. Panic engulfs the slaves of this world in these heart-pounding seconds and then I focus. Lifting my hand toward the sky, I quickly shed an energy pulse that vaporizes the debris's downward approach. Those sharing in this vision stand in awe at this force that defies all comprehension.


Many questions race through the minds of these alien slaves, how could they have survived? The slaves of Seithux still remain in shock and the fact of the matter is, things are finally changing here and now. I may have destroyed the central tower, yet the Xxirian defenses are still organizing. I speak to the minds of those I seek to liberate and them alone as the enemy prepares a counter engagement. "Brothers and sisters of the revolution, your time has come. Go now, seek refuge, I will finish this. Your fight is not here, not this day. Rejoice, freedom has finally come to claim you."


The slaves find truth in my words as they rush to find hiding positions, heeding this mysterious warning. They can see the Xxirian military regrouping to mount an offensive. Once ready, they'll attack these innocents without mercy, no hesitation using all forces at their disposal to the very death. A few moments pass when I notice one of the prisoners walking toward me yet remain cautious, for this is an Xxirian and I wonder his purpose among the slaves. "You've come to save us?" The Xxirian asks. "Why?"


"Far too long have the powerful controlled the weak. Today is a new day, the beginning of the end for all who seek the chaos."


The Xxirian slave is hesitant with this mysterious figure that wears the black cloak. "How can we trust you?"


"You don't have a choice. The true question Xxirian, is how can I trust you? Why do you stand with these slaves?" I reply.


"My name is Xenom Bairix, once a decorated General to the Monarchy of Chaos and Lord Erazux. Now, an exiled traitor with no future, sent to this camp till my last days, dishonored. I want no part in the crusade of my brethren, no part of the pain they seek to inflict."


"Do you seek to end this lunacy? This genocide? Will you face your own kind in this fight?"


"Yes! I seek to reclaim my honor, to defend my weak brothers and sisters from world's elsewhere. I seek to stand against the chaos." Xenom replies with a warrior's spirit.


"Then so you shall Xxirian. My name is Mortalitus, Lord of all creation. I've come here to free you and all who share your burden."


"My hand is extended to you as a fellow warrior of the stars as a friend, Lord Mortalitus." Xenom says standing at attention.


Xenom knows not the feeling of a meaningful friendship, yet longs for a feeling of brotherhood, a feeling of purpose. His instincts tell him to preserve his own cause, yet his gut reaction knows this powerful creature speaks in the many shades of truth. Xenom walks over, standing taller than myself, staring down at me. The large native Xxirian studies his reflection in the metallic armor I wear as the ambers from the burning wreckage not far from us dance through the air. The central tower mostly engulfed in flames is now a pile of rubble, the remains of a once colossal enemy monument.


From our vantage point I watch the Xxirian hordes mobilize, so I decide to take this fight away from the innocents that are in no position to defend themselves. "Xenom, I have something to ask of you."


"What do you require Lord Mortalitus?"


"Defend the weak, protect them as best you can. I will deal with the soldiers."


"They are many, you would face them alone?"


"With my last breath, for those I love, I'll face anything." I reply.


"It will be done, my Lord." Xenom replies without hesitation.


A half-mile away or so, the Xxirian coalition begins to form lines, planning to corner the mysterious defiant creature that has provoked them. They plan to push him back against the red mountains in hopes of claiming his head. Aware of his willingness to help the slaves of Seithux, they see a sign of weakness, hoping to exploit it in any way possible. Reinforcements and the majority of the Xxirian fighting force on the planet line up to begin their charge. General Raithus Bairix leads these creatures as he quickly organizes his own strategy.


Rows and rows of alien super soldiers line by line they take their positions, some truly embracing the hatred for the enemy, others merely doing what is needed to preserve their own existence. Whatever the cause, fate has brought us all to this open desert valley, now littered with flaming wreckage. Hard crimson granules below our feet with no growth possible as thousands walk these grounds daily. The enemy target walks slowly toward the massive Xxirian coalition as their lines begin to close in on both flanking positions.


Xenom does his best to help the slaves of Seithux get away from the oncoming carnage, to get those weakened by bondage to safety. Through the flames that litter the surrounding area, he watches the one mysterious figure challenge the entire massive enemy force assembled before his very eyes. Alone this creature stands, facing the certain doom yet remaining motionless, allowing the Xxirian army to surround him, giving them a glimmer of victory. Incoming battle cruisers land in the combat zone as General Raithus emerges from one, his patience now pushed to its limits. Fortunately most of the Xxirian officers escaped the destruction of the central tower in the nick of time.


"Trivusk! Make sure the air strikes are synchronized with my orders to attack! You're going in first, our forces will storm the area at your backside! The honor is yours to take from the field brother! Understood?" General Raithus asks.


"Yes General! Understood!" General Trivusk replies to the great honor bestowed upon him. "I will wait for your signal."


"Honor yourself brother. We will crush these fools here and bring news of our victory to Lord Erazux himself."


"For the Monarchy of Chaos! For the everlasting pages of Xxirian history!" Trivusk says to his brother with a warrior's salute.


General Trivusk returns to the Xxirian battle cruiser that delivered General Raithus and once again lifts off the battleground. He joins countless other war ships and cruisers to the rear of the assembled Xxirian army. "Orders have been received fellow Xxirian warriors! We are to attack this singular enemy first head on with all aerial forces. General Raithus has made it clear to go in and hot blanket the entire area, terminating all creatures. Primary target is the lone creature called Mortalitus that attacked the central tower. Focus all fire power on this creature, our ground units will take care of the rest." General Trivusk says relaying orders to his aerial units.


"Yes General!" The pilots respond in unison.


The aircrafts begin to arrange in attack formations, arming their pulse cannons and tactical systems. Patiently hovering over the battlefield for the attack order as the feelings of overconfidence increase, an honest mistake. General Raithus walks to his front line, fully covered in Xxirian body armor with a vicious look. Facing his daunting army that will soon begin to march, he encourages the impending charge with enthusiasm and conviction. This is not his first engagement with destiny and come what may, it won't be his last.


"My fellow Xxirian brothers! The moment is at hand. Here before us is this pitiful attempt to strike fear into the heart of our empire. This one creature mocks us and rebelliously presents himself against our king, who we all hold so dear to our hearts. Xxirian brothers! We will show this defiant creature the strength of our race! We will rip this Mortalitus apart and present its pieces to our mighty king! The slaves of Seithux will be sacrificed today, in the name of Lord Erazux, ruler of all creation!" General Raithus says as he raises his Xxirian blade into the air.


The entire military coalition lets out a roar that can be heard by all, shaking the very ground. Xxirian soldiers draw their blades and weapons beginning to arm themselves. Plasma cannons with a self-replenishing ammunition source make waging war ongoing, relentless. Xenom stands in front of the many crowded for cover, this army of slaves he must now defend, the last line of defense. He holds, poised for the impending invasion, having made peace with his heart as he welcomes the honor of death in battle.


"Trivusk! Destroy this vile creature Mortalitus!" General Raithus orders. "The kill is yours brother!"


"Yes General! All units, hold back until I give the signal. I want Mortalitus for myself!" Trivusk relays. "After my first initial attack, fire at will."


General Trivusk arms all his primary weapon systems and sets his crosshairs toward the cloaked figure standing alone to face this massive military force. He begins to accelerate at lightning speed toward this cloaked figure, locking onto his position. The armies below cheer as the ships weapon systems begin to unleash hell toward the creature dressed in black. On all sides the ground explodes with flames and soil, quickly engulfing my position. I calm my thoughts; feel myself become slow, tranquil as the detonations surround me doing little to shake my focus. Try as they may, they cannot slow my approach, nor halt the imminent destruction these Xxirian warlords now face.


Trivusk feels the pride of a warrior as he plunges toward the creature that mocks his meager attempts at mounting an offensive. One after another, the explosions spread across the open valley as I feel myself engulfed in thick clouds of smoke and fire. No longer visible to my enemies, yet their celebrations unfortunately are premature. "Brother! I got him! I destroyed Mortalitus!" Trivusk radios back with excitement.


"You're honored in the eyes of all Xxirians! Our family name is held true once more!" General Raithus replies.


The battle cruiser continues toward the site of destruction to revel in the glory of battle. Xenom's focus remains acute, for he is ready to die now for those that huddle together behind him, those left for dead. The cruiser comes right up to the burning attack site when time suddenly begins to slow, the flames moving slower and slower as all things feel the shift in the moment-to-moment ratio. General Trivusk stares through the large transparent visual display in the battle cruiser as a vision unlike any imaginable begins to reveal itself. I sit silently knelt down within the fireball that consumes my surrounding environment; for this is one moment no onlooker should soon forget.

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