Chaos Mortalitus (23 page)

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Authors: Mark LaMaster

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chaos Mortalitus
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"What can be done?" Jason asks. "What can we do Tyler?"


"Nothing. The wheels of destiny are turning. Revelations are coming, day by day, year by year, the hour approaches. Nothing can stop it."


"God help us." Jason says taken back by the cryptic overtone.




General Raithus makes haste as he heads for the royal throne room of Lord Erazux fumed with rage. Thankfully he was able to dock with a quantum teleportation ship to make it back to Edoxus in record time, a small advantage he hopes. Marching down the winding hallways of demonic alien architecture, dark shades reveal a dismal presence far different from the beauty that once dawned these grounds as he nears his destination. A feeling of anxiety surrounds him as he goes to meet his own Lord of all things and bad news never goes well with Lord Erazux.


Raithus begins to pass the many Xxirian guards keeping a watchful eye over all the areas that surround their king. Coming to the large throne room doors, a messenger is sent to notify Lord Erazux of the General's arrival. General Raithus is granted an audience as the doors open and he walks into the throne room. Quickly, he takes a knee in front of Lord Erazux who sits atop his throne staring back at his military Commander. "Sire, I come with word of an attack from a new enemy!"


"Yes, I know General." Lord Erazux replies not seeming agitated. "I've been well informed at this point."


"Our forces were no match for the aggressor General Raithus?" Veorix asks.


"No sire, we were completely eradicated. Returning fire did little to slow the creature's approach."


"Do not worry General Raithus." Lord Erazux says. "I don't think even you could have seen this one coming."


"Sire?" General Raithus questions. "You are not angry my Lord?"


"Not this time. I am honored that you survived this epic series of events and you will be rewarded appropriately for such courage. I now know our enemy, I know what must be done to visualize this Ashton Mortal's defeat."


"Ashton Mortal? Who is this you speak of sire?"


"The figure Mortalitus is known as Ashton Mortal, the human you met on the planet Seithux. The human that destroyed your entire military unit." A mysterious voice from General Raithus' backside says.


Raithus turns away from his king hearing the mysterious voice from behind him as a sudden chill shoots down his spine traveling deep into his bones. This is a voice he's heard before, the only to ever strike fear into his heart but for a moment. His eyes lock onto the mysterious figure that has revealed the identity of the human known as Ashton Mortal and his connection with the creature Mortalitus. Instantly General Raithus begins to panic, unsheathing his Xxirian blade, he lunges into the air toward the mysterious figure with death in his eyes.


The hidden figure raises his hand somehow causing Raithus to freeze in mid air. Frozen there, he stares back at the mysterious figure unable to comprehend how this can be, why does Lord Erazux do nothing?
Does he not know who this creature is, how can this be happening
? Confusion fills the mind of the General as he prepares for anything when the figure suddenly releases him, causing a fall to the floor.


"I am not your enemy General Raithus." The mysterious figure reveals.


"He speaks the truth General. We are friends against this common enemy we now share." Lord Erazux explains.


"SIRE! THIS MAKES NO SENSE!" General Raithus yells terrified at the possible responses. "HOW CAN THIS BE?! DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHO THIS IS?!?!"


"Yes General Raithus. He is brother to all Xxirians, and the Monarchy of Chaos."




The histories of creation turn page by page with the days that pass between the celestial bodies setting the stage for the beginning of this final battle. These moments that will define all eternities in all places, the ones that give meaning to the truism of freedom. Each being scattered through the ongoing stretch of infinity feels this truth, each knows deep down the inner want to be free. This story will be left for those from every corner of the vast possible futures that await the embrace of fate. A message locked within the stars from the honorable beings that fought and died within this universe to preserve the essence of truth, and once again be free.


Seithux, a planet once known as a death camp, the mere name could shake the foundation of any free being's soul and now only a pile of rubble that waves the flag of death no more. Crippled by the figure known as Mortalitus, broken by the awesome power this individual wields as wreckage still burns brilliantly late into the evening. Panic and disarray chip away at the sanity of the once slaves, now liberated souls free to do what they will. Some carry this sense of freedom with uneasiness; for they know not the intentions of this figure Mortalitus and for some the death camp walls have been the only home they've ever known.


I remember the hours after the attack on Seithux, I remember the slaves liberated in that ambush and the terror within their hearts. Hope had faded for most long before my day, long before I knew anything of this genocide as questions race from creature to creature trying to understand the course of these events. Most gossip among each other, terrified at the idea of a counterattack from the Xxirian hordes and the majority know they need to be leaving this planet soon. Standing atop the red mountain where I met the small Mezarian boy, the brother Tikik Ranklix has been frantically searching for. I buried the child, under his last words.


Staring for a while in the late evening at the gravesite, I step forward and retract from Mortalitus. The cool evening air hits my face, sending chills down my spine. It feels like I haven't been just me for some time, with Mortalitus and I usually remaining symbiotically bonded most times. In these moments of reflection I like to face my friend, the only one who knows my truth. Mortalitus does fine just by himself, although he seems a bit quieter these days. "How did you feel about our approach today?"


Mortalitus hesitates for a moment before responding. "We cannot fight this entire war for them Ashton. They must find inner strength to rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs."


"Some are weak Mortalitus. We are few in strength."


"Yes my son, but we are many in pure heart."


"I thought this was our intention, to free those bound by tyranny and injustice, to finally put an end to the Xxirian reign of terror."


"Yes, but we are merely the foundation Ashton Mortal. We are the symbol they look upon. They must learn to unite as one common force of goodness, an impenetrable unit of decency." Mortalitus explains. "Dazzling spectacles on the battlefield do little to yield these oncoming storms. The truth is within them all, the same truth that brought you here to lead them from this place to a new home."


"I understand your point, it seems more than valid. Its just difficult to possess such power and not just take them all out at once." I reply.


"With that, there is no lesson to be had, merely a dramatic play fictional to the core. There is no true reality without free will. This is the essence of life, to choose goodness for the sake of goodness, not for prize or status."


"Your points are very straight forward Mortalitus. I sometimes wonder why you ever chose me to lead this fight."


"You are my creation Ashton Mortal, this is your choice alone. On the side of truth, your end result will always be victory. The choice is truly yours."


"Am I still Ashton? Does he even exist anymore? Sometimes I can't remember if he was just a dream of a life I wish I had."


"This is no dream. The events that have taken place are designed to align your purpose."


"I know. Just embracing the personal tragedy of this whole thing." I reply with a sarcastic tone.


"You will carry on through this victory Ashton. You will be remembered for all time, that much is guaranteed. To what end remains to be revealed to us all."


"What do we do next?" I ask. "What do I tell these creatures?"


"They must leave here and you will guide them, for they have no leader. They are in need of a new home and most of all, inspiration."


"I can see that. Where do you suppose we go Mortalitus? Where should I lead them?"


"To a place without the reminder of this vicious death camp. A lush habitable planet, free from the destruction of civilization, an undiscovered system in the Neshuza Galaxy. The planet called Avothina, once home to an amazingly advanced race that discovered the true essence of liberation. Their entire civilization came together as one people and left their home world long ago to spread a message of freedom and goodness throughout the universe. They like many float among the stars unaware of the dangers that wait, unaware of these dark events."


"Avothina? I'm confused. We're just going to take over their old planet?"


"Not at all, but contribute to it once again as those before us did. We will build a society on principles of peace and freedom for all beings calling this universe home. Avothina will be the new home of the reformed sect known as the Imperial Nations of Siivech. You and I will take the place of king of this universe, rallying support from the furthest reaches against this common enemy and then we will take back Edoxus. Together Lord Erazux will meet his end and this genocide will be finished."


"Know this Mortalitus. I only long for a quick end to this fight for the sake of my family. So much time has already passed and I know they need me. Like I said, I'll do what is needed of me, but my reunion with those I love is my only true motivation. Till then I will remain focused on the task at hand."


"As you wish, my young friend."


Paintbrushes stroke canvas slowly as they dance in the creation of art with sunrays breaking through the high skylights above. It's the early morning on April 9
, 2030 A.D. for Kalden Skamar, world renown at this point, a talented visionary in the art revolution. Since the disappearance of his dear colleague and trusted partner, his life has changed drastically. Kalden would feed off my ideas and inspirations the same as I fed off his brilliant technique and creative expression. Now the once lively art studio where we worked day in, day out is silent with the subtle sounds of running water from a small fountain.


Kalden continues his work for the sake of his masterpiece collection and the memory of a brother who shared the same vision in this beautiful world. Unknowing to the true fate of the man he knew as Ash Mortal, he feels the crack in his heart of hearts, for his routine way of life is no more. Now the man that once inspired him so scales the mountains of greatness far away from the dream the two shared together, from the simple life they sought to preserve. Lately life has been hard for Kalden as he has become worrisome, for the recent evenings have held nothing but nightmares.


He remembers the talk of nightmares long ago in his deepest conversations with his partner, conversations about the nightmares that led him to art in general. Kalden now paints with no explanations as well and the infamous black-cloaked figure has returned once more. Now he depicts these epic struggles through his eyes at the swipe of a paintbrush. A figure he has only seen in the works of his faithful partner and now his own dreams, for these dreams seem to have some hidden meaning. The silent setting abruptly breaks as a door to the large art studio opens and a small bell rings at its movement.


Kalden pulls the brush from the piece of art and turns his body toward the figure that has entered, squinting his eyes a bit to help them focus. Painting for hours can cause your vision to distort, or so he has found over the years. Smiles are exchanged as he welcomes the company on this particularly lonely day at work. "Good morning Mr. Mortal. What a pleasant surprise. How are you today?"


"I'm doing alright Kalden." Daniel Mortal replies. "I was in the neighborhood, just thought I'd stop in and say hi, see what you're up to these days."


"Well glad to have you. How's Grace?"


"She's good, been spending a lot of time over at Angela's. Trying to help out with Seth as much as possible. Angela's been working hard, selling prints of Ashton's work worldwide now. I wanted to thank you personally for all your help with everything she's trying to do. Your artwork and contributions have been a blessing." Daniel humbly says.


"Nothing need be said dear friend, I consider your family my own. Anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask."


"That is very kind of you Kalden, you were always a great friend to my son." Daniel says turning to look at his son's old workstation from so many years ago.


Kalden has always kept my workstation the way I left it, a mess for the most part. An unfinished painting sits atop my favorite easel waiting for finishing touches, many years in the making. A detailed view of the solitary black-cloaked figure remains untouched. Kalden dusts the station regularly, in hopes that maybe somehow I could create art with him once more. Pictures of friends and family litter the workstation, along with odd trinkets I've collected over the years, most gifts from Kalden. My father holds for but a moment taking a deep breath, reminiscing on visits to this studio to watch me paint.


He would always try and spin some amazing science fiction story from my paintings,
an underlying meaning to their existenc
e. "That's good of you Kalden, to keep his station all these years. You're a good man."

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