Chase 'n' Ana (12 page)

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Authors: Ciana Stone

BOOK: Chase 'n' Ana
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was so proud every time she won. They were inseparable and had an unspoken

language all their own, like souls joined beyond mortal comprehension.

According to the brothers, Chase blamed himself and had never forgiven himself

for her death. Upon his sixteenth birthday he petitioned the court to change his name

from Chase Hawks Russell to simply Chase Hawks, his mother’s maiden name. Charlie

did not oppose the change. There was a rift as wide as the desert between he and Chase

and neither of them knew how to bridge the gap.

Charlie had remarried a year after Charity’s death to a woman from a wealthy

family, DeAnna Morgan. She and Charlie had trouble conceiving, and she lost three


Chase ‘n’ Ana

babies, a year apart, all before full term. They had been married five years when the

twins were born. Five years later, she died giving birth to Caleb.

Charlie had never remarried after that. The boys had all been raised by Clara

Mahoney, an Irish-American woman who had gone to school with Charlie and had

come to work for him and Charity when Chase was born. It was clear that all the

brothers, including Chase, loved her like a mother and referred to her Mama C.

Ana could not help but think how ironic it was. For all their wealth and power, the

Russell family had seen more than its share of tragedy and heartbreak. Her own heart

went out to all of them, most particularly Chase.

She let herself out of the house and went to the pasture to sit on the fence rail and

stare up at the sky. The smell of the new body products Chase had purchased for her

wafted around her. It was a sensual dark smell, like night-blooming flowers, humidity

and stolen kisses. She loved it.

Chase had seemed embarrassed by the gifts when he gave them to her. She had

been touched beyond measure that he would take the time and energy to try and find a

scent for her. That he had selected something so blatantly sensual and romantic thrilled


But then everything about Chase Hawks thrilled her. She felt like the old country

song, that spoke of a woman’s soul being invaded by a man and her losing all control,

becoming a prisoner to him. And sure enough, she was. Even sitting here alone under

the majesty of the night sky, she was a prisoner to him, enveloped in the scent he’d

branded her with, victim to the wanting he evoked in her, captive to a love she’d never

expected to feel.

Chase walked up behind her as quiet as a breath, put his hands on either side of her

waist and lay his cheek against the bare skin of her back where the thin cotton shift

drooped low. He inhaled deeply. The scent he’d bought smelled nothing on her like it

did in the store. Now it was a heady mixture that spoke to him of sweat-tangled sheets,

damp skin and the smell of flowers drifting in through an open window in a lush

tropical retreat. Sweet, seductive and just a little dangerous.

“Hmmm.” He kissed her skin. “You smell good.”

“Thank you again,” she said softly. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“You like it, don’t you?” Suddenly that was very important to him.

“I love it.” She executed a nimble maneuver so that she was facing him, the vee of

her legs at the level of his chest, completely uninhibited of the fact that she wore

nothing beneath her shift and the position offered him an intimate view of her sex. “I’ve

never had anything so…decadent.”

“Decadent?” He smiled up at her.

“Well, maybe that’s the wrong word. It’s so…sensual.”


Ciana Stone

“Then it’s a perfect match.” He put his hands on her legs, his thumbs stroking the

soft skin of her inner thighs.

“Thank you.” She reached down to caress the side of his face.

Chase’s world collapsed in on him at that moment, the past receding into

unimportance in the face of the powerful emotions swelling inside him. “I want you,

Fancy. More than I’ve ever wanted a woman. And either you’re going to give yourself

to me now or I’m going to have to take you. Either way, I intend on having you.”

“Then have me, Chase.” She leaned down to kiss him, her lips soft and gentle.

Chase’s need was too great for gentle. His mouth slanted across hers, his tongue

pillaged her mouth, hands moving up to cup and squeeze her breasts, palming the


“Christ, Ana.” He pulled back from the kiss to bury his face in between her legs. “I

want to take you slow and easy, feel and taste every inch of you, but I need to be in you

too much.”

He fumbled at the button of his jeans. In a moment they were puddled around his

feet. He gripped her by the waist and lifted her off the fence. Ana felt between them,

taking hold of his hard cock and rubbing it against her wet channel.

Chase pushed at her, trying to penetrate the tantalizing warmth of her sex, but she

moved his dick so that it slid along the length of her pussy. “You’re killing me, Fancy,”

he rasped, his voice rough with need.

“You feel pretty alive to me,” she teased, and when his eyes met hers she rewarded

him with a slow sexy smile that had him close to throwing her on the ground and

burying himself in her.

Her eyes drew him in, their golden depths urging him to lose himself in their

mystery. And so he responded to the call and let himself dive into that golden heat, the

connection of their minds nearly as erotic as that of their bodies when she eased his

hard length inside her.

It was almost too much. The fire in his body was matched by an inferno in his mind,

his entire being enveloped in her.

Chase groaned and started to pump into her, but she stilled him. “Wait. Wait. Be

still. Just stand there and hold me.”

With her legs wrapped around his waist, and supporting herself by her hands on

his shoulders, she began a slow steady pulse inside, her inner muscles squeezing and

releasing him in ever-strengthening pulses. Her hips swiveled and rolled.

Chase gripped her ass tighter, overwhelmed by the sensations created by her

incredible body. He’d never experienced anything like it. His entire body felt electrified,

arcs of sensation dancing through his veins. It was more than the heat of her pussy

squeezing his dick and making his balls burn. It was as if every inch of his skin had

become supersensitive. Even the whisper of breeze on his back was an aphrodisiac.


Chase ‘n’ Ana

It took every ounce of his control not to buck against her, drive deep inside her. It

was, he realized, an act of surrender, something he’d never known, and something he

was quite certain he’d never have been willing to give. Until now.

Ana leaned in to run her tongue along his neck to his ear. She took his earlobe into

her mouth, sucking and biting, the warmth of her mouth and the feeling of her breasts

pressed against him making him nearly weak with wanting. His own breath sounded

harsh and hurried, the dominant male inside urging him to take. But the torture of

wanting was too sublime, making him all too aware of the smell of her, the feel of her

skin against him as they both grew hot and wet.

Ana’s breath was fuel to an already out-of-control fire when she whispered into his

ear. “Are you ready for the fire?”

“Christ, yes!”

She put both hands on his face and whispered, “
Deflagrate muri tempi et intervallia

just before she claimed his lips.

Chance spiraled into a realm of pure sensation. Pure sexual, erotic, supreme

pleasure spiked through every cell of his body. In pounding wave after wave, the

sensations washed over him, another beginning before the previous had finished. It was

like fire in his veins, his mind incapable of any thought aside from her wet pussy

squeezing him, and the sharp thrills of her hard nipples raking his chest as her body

rose and fell and rolled on him.

“Ahh…Ana,” he groaned as her lips met his once more.

“That’s it,” she whispered against his lips, riding him harder. “
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Chase’s body jerked under the force of sexual energy that coursed through him. He

felt his control slipping away, felt himself sliding toward that freefall. Tingling tension

streamed through his body. His hands tightened on her and his breath hitched.

He was going to come and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to stop it. He was

sliding over the edge of a cliff with nothing to prevent the fall. “Fancy…ahhh…can’t…”

His harsh whisper spoke testament to his struggle to hold back.

And then she stilled. His dick throbbed inside her, the need to come so intense that

he groaned in protest, clenching his eyes closed against the wave that threatened to

wash him into release.

When his eyes opened, they locked with Ana’s. In those golden depths he saw an

awareness more powerful than he’d ever known. There was no doubt in his mind that

she was completely in tune with his need, that she knew he was about to explode. All

he needed was one small movement from her, one more of those delicious pulses from

inside her, caressing his dick and he’d be a goner.

Ana leaned close, her breath warm and sweet as her tongue flicked out over his

bottom lip, her eyes never breaking contact with his. Chase tried to capture her lips in a

kiss. Just one kiss and he’d take the plunge. And he was past the point of wanting. He

needed it with an intensity that bordered on desperation.


Ciana Stone

Deflagrate muri tempi et intervallia
she whispered against his lips then pulled back.

He saw it in her eyes at the same moment the unfamiliar words emerged in a sexy

whisper from her lips. She was going to take him over the edge. And then it happened.

Chase’s mind exploded into millions of shining shards of light and he plummeted

into a well of pure sensation, pumping deep into her, his body quaking in the onslaught

of an orgasm that lasted long after his seed had spilled.

Ana felt his climax as her own and joined him in the spiraling dance into bliss.

When at last they were returned to reality, she drew her head back to look at him.

Chase released her and she slid down his body, their combined juices running down

her leg.

Chase braced one hand on the fence, searching for words to describe what he was

feeling. He felt as if he’d just been awakened. What he’d just experienced was more

than just an orgasm, far more than physical. It was something that had touched every

part of his being. Something profound and almost spiritual. But try as he might he

could not find the right words to describe what he felt.

“That was…” He shook his head. “I don’t know what that was…but damn…when I

get my knees back can we do it again?”

Ana laughed and hugged him. “Absolutely.”

Chase returned her embrace. “Ana…”

She pulled back to look up into his eyes and found a tenderness shining in their

dark depths that made tears well in her own eyes. “Yes?”

“Fair warning, Fancy. I don’t know that I’ll ever get my fill of you.”

It was the closest to a proclamation of love he’d ever spoken and they both knew it.

Ana smiled up at him, reaching up to stroke his face. “I hope not, Chase. More than

anything, I hope not.”

“Then maybe we could take this inside?”

“With your brothers asleep in the den?” she teased, giving him an exaggerated look

of shock.

“You planning on being noisy, Fancy?”

“Hmmm, that depends. You planning on making me noisy, Hawks?”

“Oh yeah.” He grabbed her hand and started for the house. “Before the night’s over

I plan on having you screaming, yelling, moaning, groaning and singing glory


“Promises, promises,” she laughed and ran eagerly with him to the house.


Chase ‘n’ Ana

Chapter Nine

No one was awake as they crept back into the dark house. Like teenagers avoiding

getting caught by their parents, they hurried to Chase’s bedroom. Ana entered ahead of

him and stopped, closing her eyes to breathe in her surroundings. Intoxicating textures

of scent danced with her desire and played in the recesses of her mind. The sensation of

maleness enveloped her, passionate, strong, willful and wild.

She heard Chase close and lock the door, shutting the world out and their passion

in. He walked up behind her, lifting her long hair to run his tongue along the side of her

neck. His smell filled her, speeding her pulse.

He lowered the straps of the thin shift and it slithered down her body to pool

around her feet. His hands moved around her, over her flat belly and then up toward

her breasts, his lips moving on the skin of her shoulder, leaving trails of fire in their


Her nipples tightened beneath his touch, the palms of his hands warm and

calloused. Her own palms grew moist in anticipation. Chase turned her to face him, his

eyes raking over her naked form then back to her face.

“By all that’s holy, Fancy, no woman has ever moved me the way you do.”

His head ducked down to take her breast into his mouth, soft then demanding,

flicking her nipple with his tongue. Ana pressed forward, arching her back. Chase

raised his head long enough to give her a sexy smile then began a journey down her

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