Read Chase of a Lifetime Online

Authors: Ryan Field

Tags: #ryan field, #gay sex, #gay, #gay cowboys, #mm romance, #gay ebook, #male male, #gay romance sex, #gay fiction, #gay western, #cowboys, #gay erotic romance, #gay love, #mm love story, #gay erotic, #gay romance

Chase of a Lifetime (11 page)

BOOK: Chase of a Lifetime
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Len reached for his hat and set it on top of
Jim’s head. He shoved Jim’s head and the hat between his legs. “Just be quiet
and calm and start sucking my dick. They can’t tell you’re a guy. It’s too
dark. All they can see is a glimpse of your ass and it’s so smooth and soft
they’ll never know. With you in that position, they’ll think my girlfriend is
giving me head. Shit like that happens all the time in parking lots like this.
I’ll bet these guys have had girls blow them plenty of times in a truck.”

Without lifting his head, Jim said, “I hope
you’re right.” His voice sounded muffled beneath the cowboy hat.

“Here they come,” Len said. “Put my dick
back in your mouth. Start sucking fast and make a lot of noise and they’ll get
out of here right away. Guys will never ruin another guy’s blow job. Trust me
on this. It’s one of the silent rules men share between men. Guys encourage
guys to do things like this.”

Well. This was news to Jim. Evidently, he’d
lived a more sheltered life than he thought he had. Even the goddamn straights
were sneaking around at night while he’d been missing all the fun.

But he couldn’t ask any more questions. He
had to trust Len. As Jim took Len’s dick back into his mouth and he sucked, he
heard deep, throaty voices approach the truck. One guy said, “Hey, asshole. You
owe me twenty bucks. Pay up now, dude.” The other guy said, “Fuck you buddy.
You owe me twenty from last week. We’re even, faggot. Now suck my dick.” Then
they both laughed and one of them said, “Suck
dick, faggot. I got a
big fat one for you.” The other said, “You suck my dick first, pervert.”

While all this was going on outside the
truck, Jim continued to suck, with his head hidden beneath the cowboy hat and
his bare ass exposed. There was something unusually arousing about hearing the
two big cowboys speak this way and he wound up sucking harder and faster on Len
than he’d planned. The next thing Jim heard the men say was, “Fuck me,
asshole,” and then there was complete silence. After a moment of hesitation, as
Jim continued to suck, the last thing he heard was one cowboy whisper to the
other, “Damn, look at that bitch go to town on that dude. She’s gonna suck the
head right off his dick.” Then Jim heard two doors slamming, the truck next to
them starting, and then tires screeching out of the parking lot.

When it was safe, Len removed the cowboy hat
from between his legs and glanced down at Jim. For a moment, Jim was terrified
to move. He looked up, with the head of Len’s dick protruding through the left
side of his face and opened his eyes wide. Len smiled and caressed the back of
his head. “It’s okay now, they’re gone.”

Jim sucked one more time and lifted his
head. “Are you sure? Did they see what was happening?” He tried hard not to
think about what could have happened. He was worried they’d come back with
baseball bats.

Len laughed. “They’re just a couple of good
old boys out having a little fun, is all. The guy who was driving walked up,
looked down at the way you were giving me head, and blinked. In less than a
second, he stared at your ass. He winked at me, lifted his thumb, and jumped
into his truck with his buddy. He had no idea who was down there. All he knew
was some guy was getting head from some girl and he didn’t want to spoil it. I
told you: guys like that never tell. They stick together.”

Although Jim’s heart was still racing from
the encounter, he couldn’t stop thinking about Len’s dick. He grabbed the shaft
again and rubbed it against his cheek. He’d always wanted to rub a dick all
over his face; he took advantage of the opportunity. “Maybe we should go
someplace safer,” he said, as he rubbed the shaft against his nose with his
eyes closed.

“We’re okay here,” Len said. “It’s probably
safer here than anywhere else.” Then he reached down, guided Jim’s chin toward
his dick, and rested his head back against the seat.

This was a clear sign…an open invitation…to Jim
that Len wanted Jim to finish him off that way, so he took him back into his
mouth and started sucking and jacking again. In less than ten minutes, Len’s
body tightened and he grabbed the back of Jim’s head, harder this time. When he
started pulling and pushing, Jim sucked with such intensity his neck started to

Jim didn’t complain once; he didn’t break
the rhythm. A minute or two after Len grabbed his head Jim felt the head of
Len’s dick expand inside his mouth. This time he didn’t ask Jim to stop
sucking. It only took a second for Len to blast a load down his throat. While
Len moaned, Jim took all of him without gagging or choking. He swallowed
without missing a drop. Though taking another man this way was new to Jim,
eating come wasn’t a novelty. Since he’d been in his early teens he’d been
licking his fingers and cleaning up his own messes. He enjoyed the taste, the
bleachy aroma, and the silky texture. And for some reason, Len’s come tasted
sweeter to him than his own did. But what he loved most was having a part of
Len inside his own body forever. He truly felt as if they’d become one that

As he continued to suck out the last drops,
Len forced Jim’s head down between his legs and he begged him to continue in a
stage whisper. While Len’s body jerked slightly, Jim sucked and jacked his own
load out on the black leather seat. It landed next to his left leg, not far
from the center console. Jim wished he had a camera for what happened next.

Jim stopped sucking Len for a moment and
licked up the mess he’d made off the seat. While he did this, he glanced up and
saw the stunned expression on Len’s face. His mouth was open, his eyes were
wide, and his right hand was pressed to his throat. When Jim cleaned the seat
and went back to sucking, Len slapped Jim’s ass hard and said, “That is the
hottest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do. And I never expected to see
do it.”

Len’s dick finally grew flaccid in Jim’s mouth, he grabbed the back of Jim’s
head and laughed. “You’d better come up for air down there. Those cowboys were
right. You’re going to suck the head right off my dick if you’re not careful.”

Jim lifted his head. Before he sat up he
kissed Len’s dick one last time. He wiped his puffy bruised lips and said,
“Thanks. I liked that.”

Len’s eyebrows went up. “
You’re thanking
? Hell, I should be thanking you. All I did was sit here.” Then he
grabbed Jim by the back of his neck, pulled him closer, and kissed him so hard Jim
had to hold the steering wheel for support.

After they kissed, Jim reached beneath the
seat to search for his pants. “I’d better get home. It must be late.”

Len glanced at his watch and said, “It’s
almost three in the morning.”

Jim pulled up his jeans and said, “I wish we
could actually sleep together; just once.” He had to admit all this sneaking around
was interesting, in a creepy clandestine way he found hard to describe. But it
would have been nice to slide into Len’s arms and close his eyes. It would have
been even nicer to wake up the next morning in those same strong arms.

The corners of Len’s lips turned down. He
shoved his dick back into his pants and pulled up his zipper. “I wish we could,
too. But we have to take this one step at a time. You’re really young. I don’t
want to be responsible for doing anything that might alter the course of our

Jim put on his shirt and turned to face Len.
He shrugged and said, “It’s too late for that. The damage has already been

Chapter Eight

Before Jim exited the truck, they made out
for a few more minutes. They couldn’t separate no matter how hard they tried.
Jim would make a move to leave, Len would agree and say goodnight, and they
would wind up in each other’s arms again.

When they finally parted, Len offered to
walk him to his car. But Jim said he would be fine alone. He did ask for one
thing before he got out of the truck. He reached down, grabbed Len’s crotch and
said, “Can I wear your hat home?”

Len laughed and ran his hand down the side
of Jim’s face. He reached for the cowboy hat on the dashboard and placed it on
top of Jim’s head with a slight tilt. He kissed him one last time and said,
“You look good in it. Better than I do. Now get out of here before I rip your
clothes off again.”

Jim opened the door and said, “I’m going to
wear this hat everywhere. I might even wear it to bed. And thanks for the
present, too.” Then he climbed out of the car and closed the door with a gentle
push. As he crossed the parking lot, he heard Len start the engine. He sent him
a backward glance, tipped the hat down over his eyes, and smiled.

He wore the cowboy hat home that night. When
he quietly slipped into his bedroom and removed his clothes, he set the hat on
the pillow next to his and climbed into bed. For the next three weeks, he met
Len almost every night and they had sex. Len fucked him in motels, hotels, and
in the back of the pickup truck. He fucked Jim in the barn one night when his
wife was out having a tennis lesson, and he even fucked him in the swimming
pool at Jim’s house when Jim’s parents went away for a long weekend. When Len
wasn’t fucking him, Jim was sucking Len off. He blew him while they drove down
the highway, he blew him in the woods, and he blew him one time in the bathroom
of a fast food restaurant. Jim experienced his first facial from a man behind a
small shed at the back of Len’s property.

During the day, when Len was at work, Jim
spent his time lounging around the house, riding horses or sunning himself near
the swimming pool. He’d been home from college for weeks and he’d barely spoken
to his mother or father for longer than fifteen minutes. He didn’t eat with
them or watch TV with them. When they asked if he wanted to go out to dinner
with them, or to a movie, he politely declined and said he had plans with his
friends. They never asked why they never saw his friends. They would smile,
exchanged glances, and nod.

One night, they asked if he wanted to play
miniature golf like they used to do as a family when he was a little boy. They
joked about how fun it would be and they weren’t taking it seriously. He smiled
and thanked them. Part of him wanted to go. But he told them he had plans and
couldn’t get out of them. That particular night he was planning to sit on Len’s
lap and ride his dick in the barn on Len’s property. He was planning to wear
the cowboy hat and Len’s boots, too. Len seemed to like it when he wore nothing
but the old boots and hat. Earlier that week, Len had decided to tell his wife
he was seeing someone regularly and she had agreed to give him certain nights
alone in the house while she met her tennis instructor. His wife asked no
questions and wanted no details, which was part of their original arrangement.
Len didn’t tell her the guy he was seeing was Jim Darling, his son’s best

Then one hot afternoon while Jim was
floating on a raft in the pool, his father came home from work early and went
outside to talk to him. The conversation began with a civil tone. His father
smiled and said he deserved a little time off after working so hard in
. Jim barely glanced up him, which made his
father’s tone drop. He clenched his fists at one point and told Jim it was time
to get up off his ass, start acting like an adult, and get busy working on
getting accepted in law school.

Jim squinted through the afternoon sun and
glanced up at his father. “But we decided I’d take some time off first. If I go
to law school I’ll begin next year in September.” He still hadn’t taken
entrance exams or been accepted anywhere. He hadn’t even started to study for
the entrance exams. His father made going to law school sound so simple and Jim
knew it was anything but that.

His father’s eyebrows went up. “What do you
you go to law school? I thought you’d decided you would go. I
was assuming when you said you’d take a year off you’d spend that time trying
to get accepted into a good law school, taking entrance exams, and doing some
kind of part time work at the firm. I didn’t expect you to lounge around the
house for a year doing nothing. We need to discuss this further, Jim. I’m getting
the feeling you’re living in some kind of a fantasy world.”

Jim thought for a moment: his world at that
point revolved around Len Mayfield. He wiped cold water across his hot face. “I
was thinking I might move to Los Angeles and take a job there. I have a friend
from school who does public relations work out there. I’m just thinking about
all my options. Law school isn’t out of the question.” He couldn’t tell his
father all he wanted to do was suck Len Mayfield’s dick for the rest of his
life. He couldn’t tell his father he wanted Len to get divorced so he could
marry him and become Mrs. Len Mayfield. He’d fantasized so often about marrying
Len in a gay wedding he’d even scribbled the name Jim Mayfield all over a
notebook in his desk. He threw the notebook out right after he’d scribbled this
because he didn’t want anyone to find it.

When Jim’s father heard about Jim’s
confusing plans, his face grew so red he turned and headed back to the house.
They didn’t discuss it again. And Jim made no definite plans to do anything. He
continued to lounge at the pool and ride the horses during the day. At night
he’d sneak out and meet Len somewhere private and they would make love until
the muscles between his legs ached from being stretched too far apart. Then he
would sneak back into the house, wearing Len’s cowboy hat, and fall into bed
and dream about what Len had just done to him.

Two weeks after Jim and his father talked
about his future, Jim was in the pool when he heard people approach. He was
floating on the raft; he didn’t bother to look up to see who it was.

When they moved closer to the pool, Jim’s
father looked down and said, “I hope we’re not disturbing you. Len and Janice
Mayfield came over to play bridge. It was very impromptu. Your mother got it in
her head to play and she called them up.” Radcliff spoke with his overly
friendly fake tone he used around his friends.

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