Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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“I’m fine. It’s probably my blood pressure. I got another love note from yours truly. She has become my biggest fan.” I handed the note to Sam.

She read the note. Then she ripped it up and threw it on the floor. Then she stomped on it. “Let’s squash this shit, because we are going out.” She hugged me tight. “Can’t let these hot bodies go to waste. Am I right?”

“You are,” I agreed. “I am ready. Oh yeah, my new friend Nicole can’t make it. She left me a message.”

“That’s okay. I will meet her some other time,” Sam said. Then there was another knock at the door.

“That’s Kat.” Sam ran to the door. “Hey sweetie, come in and meet my bestie,” I heard her say.

“Hi. I’m Ava. It’s nice to meet you,” I said.

“Hey Ava, I’m Kat,” she replied in her sweet voice. She was a little bitty tiny girl, and so cute. She had short brown hair, green eyes and tanned skin. “That shirt you’re wearing is adorable. You look so cute. I wish I had your body,” she pouted.

“Awwww, I love you already. You are sweet as pie. But, you really don’t want this body. At least you are not a giant.” We laughed together.

“I knew you guys would hit it off. Now let’s go,” she said rushing us out the door.

When we arrived at the game, my stomach went crazy.
I feel you here Zen. Where are you?
I looked around for him as we walked up the bleachers. We immediately caught the attention of the players. They were whistling and yelling, typical all American boys. Sam smiled and waved of course. She was eating up all the attention. I felt over dressed and uncomfortable. Go figure. Somehow going out with Sam always made me feel this way.

I was scanning the players trying to find him. There were so many of them, and some had their helmets on. When I finally spotted him, he nearly took my breath away. 
There you are. Number eighteen, looking hot in that uniform.
“I found him, and he looks so good,” I leaned over and whispered to the girls.

“Where is he?” Sam asked.

“He’s number eighteen.” I pointed in the general direction. With my finger pointed at him, he turned around and caught me. I pulled my hand down quickly, and he winked at me. I nearly melted in my seat. He stared for another long minute, and I could not look away.

“Ohhh, he is good. You are in so much trouble sister.” Sam laid her head on my shoulder.

I laid my head over onto hers. “I’m good. Zen, who?”  I questioned. She wasn’t buying it for one minute.

“He’s cute,” Kat said to me.

“What did you say?” I snapped at her. I nearly growled. I felt like I wanted to claw her eyeballs out, and for what reason, I didn’t know.

“Umm…I was just saying. I didn’t mean….” She paused for a moment. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

“Gosh Kat, I’m real sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to snap at you, honest. I don’t know what came over me.” I reached out my hand.

She took it instantly. “It’s okay, sweetie. Sam told me you’ve had a rough couple of days, and I understand.” She smiled at me. “I think you do have a fever.” She moved her hand to my head. “Are you sure you are feeling okay? You feel warm.”

“I’m fine, thanks. I think I will go get something to drink. You guys want?”

“Yes, please,” they both said.

“Right on,” Sam and I said together and touched fists.

I walked down the bleachers to find the concession stand. I bought three bottles of water and headed back to the stands. The scrimmage had already started. “What did I miss?”

“Well for starters, Princess, your little lover boy is an awesome quarterback.” Sam was waving her hands around. Sometimes she could get carried away.

“Huh. Of course, he is,” I replied shaking my head.
What next?

“And the other team has their heads up their butts. She yelled out really loud.

“Why don’t you tell them how you really feel?” I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. She smiled back at me.

The game came to an end, and our team had mopped the floor with them. The final score was 31-3. We had three interceptions and Zen played amazing. The Fallentown Falcons were awesome.

“All right lady’s, it’s time to crash the party. Let’s go.” Sam motioned for us to follow her.

I shook my head at Kat. “She is unstoppable,” I said. We followed her out across the campus, taking our time not to get there too early. We didn’t want to be the first ones there, and look like losers. We must make an appearance or at least that is what Sam always says.

The party was on the back lawn of the Jameson Hall, the all boys dorm.
I hope I get to have a little fun. It’s crucial.

When we got there, it was already crowded. There were people all over. Tiki torches glowed everywhere, lighting up the lawn. It looked similar to a luau. I thought,
I’ve never actually been to one, but I do remember watching one on TV
. They also had a great dance floor and DJ. I was actually hoping for an out of control time, but with the number of coaches and faculty around, I decided it would be a well controlled party.

I peeked around the crowd looking for Zen. I was trying to be inconspicuous, but he had already spotted me.
Great, here he comes. Why do you do this to me?
Just his sexy walk was making me go weak in the knees.
Is “stay away” too hard for you to comprehend? And why do you have to look so good? Ugh.

“Hey, Sam, here comes Zen and he is bringing friends,” I whispered in her ear.

“Yummy,” she said, raising her eyebrows.

“Hey, Avery,” Zen said.

“Hey,” I replied but I was fidgeting like crazy. “Umm… Good game.”

“Thank you,” he replied. “I thought that I would introduce you guys to some of my teammates. This is Lucas, Kyle, and the big guy on the end is my older brother Zander.” Everyone smiled and said hello.

Zen leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You look amazing. You really should not wear that outfit and then expect me to stay away.” I could feel the heat from behind my ears. I had to be the darkest shade of red. He somehow knows exactly what to say to me, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.

It looked like I wasn’t the only one blushing. Zander was checking out Sam. I’m not sure if he said something or if it was just the look he was giving her. It didn’t matter. I was glad I was there to witness because no one had ever seen Sam blush. This was a first.

The music started to play in the background, and we all just stood there. Nobody was talking. It was an awkward moment, to say the least. But as usual I could count on Sam to lighten the mood. No boy would keep her down long.

“Well, boys, we’d love to stay and chat, since you are all so good at it. This is just way too much excitement for us girls to handle. We are just going take our hot asses to the dance floor. There is less excitement there, you know?” The boys were all smiling at her. I was certain they had never met anyone quite like her. It was a gift that she had, a sort of way with words. We started walking toward the dance floor, and she couldn’t resist. Sam yelled back, “Hey, Zander.” She was looking directly at him. “Tell your pants, it’s not polite to point.” Then she winked at him.

Everyone around was cracking up. They were all laughing so hard, even Zen. I shook my head. Zander didn’t laugh. Not out loud anyway. He nodded his head at her and winked back, giving her a little side grin. It was so cute. Her words didn’t seem to bother him at all. This boy would go down in the history books as a Great; someone who did not falter at her attempts to embarrass.

Sam turned around and led us onto the dance floor. “Oh, Girls, that boy is so hot and sexy. I am in trouble.” She nearly melted right there beside us. I have never seen her act like this. She could barely take her eyes off him. I couldn’t blame her; the boy was super cute.
These boys know how to charm the pants off of you, literally

“I got to say it; I have never seen anyone handle you so well. He didn’t even laugh. That boy has got skill,” I said shaking my head and pointing my finger, like she would have done.

“And he hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he met you,” Kat added.

“I know,” Sam said excitedly. “He’s my Chicken Noodle, mmm… mmm… good.” We laughed. “Let’s dance,” she said.

“I love this song.” I started to dance. It was Bruno Mars singing, “Just the Way You Are.” It was blasting through the speakers on both sides of the dance floor. We were dancing, singing and having a great time.

We sang together, “You’re amazing, just the way you are.” Everyone was staring at us, but we didn’t care. Kat seemed to fit in great. She knew all the words and sang along with us.

I had to excuse myself from the dance floor when a slow song came on. It reminded me so much of Zen. I stood on the side of the dance floor and watched Sam and Zander dance. He wasn’t shy at all.
They look so cute together. I wish I had that.

“Hey you,” Zen said as he tapped me on the shoulder. “Would you like to dance?”

I really do. But I can’t, I promised my mom
I thought.
“I’m sorry Zen, but I can’t.” I looked up at him.

“I understand.” He reached down and touched the necklace around my neck. I closed my eyes as his fingertips touched my skin. The back of his hand lightly brushed my neck, as he was running his fingers along the chain. I realized I was holding my breath when I let out a deep sigh.

My eyes were still closed when he said, “Thank you for wearing the necklace. You look beautiful in it.”

I opened my eyes. “I really have to go. I am sorry.” I walked away quickly, and didn’t look back. A part of me wanted to turn around. I wanted so badly to run right into his arms, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t risk it.

I walked over to the refreshment table to get some water. I had to remove myself from the situation. While I was there I bumped into Zen’s friend Lucas.

“Having fun?” he asked.

“I guess so. Are you?” I asked in return.

“No complaints,” he smiled. “Would you like to dance?” He held out his hand. I hesitated. “It’s just a dance. I won’t try anything funny,” he grinned.

“Sure, why not? I placed my hand in his. I was immediately caught off guard because his hand felt so hot, just like Zen felt. I didn’t know how to react, so I brushed it off. I pretended it was just a coincidence as we made our way to the dance floor.

Lucas was a great dancer. I felt very comfortable with him. I also had an empty feeling inside like something was missing. When Lucas held me close, I felt so guilty for not accepting the dance with Zen. I found myself losing focus in the dance. My eyes kept wandering around looking for him. I knew he was close because of the butterflies.

“You really like him, don’t you?” Lucas was looking down at me.

“Is it that obvious?” I stopped and starred back at him.

“Uh huh,” he smirked. “I see you looking for him. He’s behind you dancing.”

I turned around and nearly puked when I saw him dancing with Kat. My entire body started to tremble, my breath was very heavy, and I felt my face heating up to my boiling point. I’ve never been so mad. Then Zen looked over at me.
What are you doing with her? Don’t you see what you are doing to me,
I thought.
I want to leap over this crowd and rip her skanky head off.

Lucas touched my shoulder. “Are you okay, Avery,” he whispered.

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