Chicken Caccia-Killer (A Jordan McAllister Mystery) (5 page)

BOOK: Chicken Caccia-Killer (A Jordan McAllister Mystery)
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“What are you talking about, Tina?” Emilio nailed Marco with an icy stare as he cradled his daughter in his arms.

Tina sniffed and pulled away, swiping at the tears running freely down her cheeks with the sleeve of her obviously expensive blouse. “I heard him talking to someone on the phone a little while ago, Daddy. He told her he couldn’t quit thinking about her body against his, his mouth on hers.”

Emilio turned to Marco, a stern look on his face. “Is this true?”

Marco shook his head. “She misunderstood me, Emilio. I swear. I love Tina and I haven’t cheated on her.”

Emilio studied Marco’s face for a few minutes before he bent down and whispered something in his daughter’s ear. Straightening up he gave her a nudge toward the living room. “Get yourself cleaned up, baby girl. The party’s just getting started.”

She stole a final look in Marco’s direction, and then walked back into the hotel, still sniffling.

When she was gone, Emilio wrapped his arm around the man’s shoulder and pulled him close.

“This is my future son-in-law, Marco Petrone.”

Without warning, Natalie Moreland reached out and slapped the other side of Marco’s face. “You’re a lying bastard.”

The silence following that statement was finally broken when a stunned Marco recovered enough to confront Natalie.

“And who exactly are you?”

Her eyes flashed anger. “The whore’s mother.”


Marco’s face registered the surprise before he glanced toward Emilio, whose eyes held the same questions the rest of the gang was thinking. He ignored Natalie and focused on his future father-in-law. “Tina’s mistaken, Emilio. It all started when she overheard me on the phone earlier. Before I could explain, she threw a fit.”

If looks could kill, Marco would have been six feet under as Natalie glared at him. Without a word, she sidestepped Emilio and stomped off.

Alex put a hand on Jordan’s shoulder and bent down to whisper in her ear. “I need to find out what’s going on. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He hurried to catch up to his mother.

As soon as Alex was out of sight, Emilio spun around to face Marco, his eyes narrowed into angry slits. “I thought after you and I had our little talk last month that you’d made some changes in your life. I don’t have to tell you how upset I’ll be if I find out this is true, do I?”

Marco’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “It’s not true. If I’m guilty of anything, it’s that I’ve neglected Tina lately. I’ve been so busy planning this festival, and it all came to a head the past few days. But I’ll make sure she gets the attention she deserves. I promise.”

“That’s my boy!” Emilio exclaimed, slapping Marco on the back. He sounded more like a proud papa whose son had won a gold medal at the Olympics than a father who had just witnessed his daughter in tears. “Women are like African violets, Marco. They need a lot of care and attention, and when they don’t get treated like the delicate flowers they are, they wither. Now go make things right with my daughter. I’ll find Natalie and make sure she’s okay, too.” He grabbed Marco’s arm and led him toward the entrance before he stopped. “Oh, and Kate tells me the liquor hasn’t arrived yet. I hope you’ll take care of that little problem immediately.”

“There was a glitch at the warehouse. I’ll make sure it’s on the way.” He allowed Emilio to nudge him inside where the band had already begun to warm up.

Too stunned to speak, Jordan and the others stood at the railing watching the men walk away.

Finally Victor spoke up. “Holy cow!”

Jordan shook her head. “Yeah. Someone’s lying. My money’s on Marco.”

“No kidding,” Lola agreed. “I hope the two-timing jerk gets what’s coming to him. Emilio doesn’t look like the kind of guy I’d want to tick off.”

“I hope Kate’s okay. I don’t see her anywhere in there.” Michael cocked his head to rescan the living room. “Do you think what Tina said is true? That Kate really was fooling around with Marco?”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Ray said. “We don’t have all the facts.”

“Spoken like a true ex-cop, Ray,” Victor said. “But you’ve got to admit, it does look like Alex’s sister had some kind of relationship with Marco. From her reaction, though, I don’t think she had a clue that he was engaged.”

“She didn’t.”

They all turned to see Alex walk up.

“Is Kate okay?” Jordan asked,

He shrugged. “She’s holed up in the bathroom and won’t come out. Even my mother can’t talk her into unlocking the door.”

“Who is this Marco guy?” Rosie asked, moving over to stand beside Jordan.

“All I know is what Kate told us earlier. His family owns a huge vineyard in southern Italy. They export the wine along with a slew of other things from China and sell the goods all over the world. Apparently, he’s got more money than he knows what do with and divides his time between New York and Matera.”

“No wonder Emilio tried to smooth things over with him. Having his daughter marry into that kind of wealth has to be a strong motivator to overlook a few of his bad habits,” Victor said. “Even if one of them is womanizing and making your daughter’s life miserable.”

“Victor! Why do you always want to believe the worst about people?” Michael scolded.

Victor rolled his eyes. “Please. Where were you a few minutes ago when that little scene played out? Marco is definitely a player.”

“We knew there was someone special in Kate’s life,” Alex explained. “All she talked about today was how excited she was that we were finally going to meet him. I hope to God she wasn’t talking about Marco.”

Jordan reached for his hand. “I hope so, too, but I saw the hurt that flashed across her face, Alex. Hearing that Marco was engaged totally caught her by surprise.”

“Where is that rat? Surely he’s got enough decency to leave the party after all the trouble he’s caused,” Rosie said, clucking her tongue.

“That’s not going to happen,” Alex said, matter-of-factly. “This is his suite.”

Ray looked around the room. “He must be rolling in some serious dough to afford this place. And without sounding cruel, I have to point out that Emilio’s daughter looks way out of her league.”

“Ordinarily, I would holler at you for saying such a thing, darling, but in this case, I have to agree.” Lola patted his shoulder affectionately. “And I’m not only talking about the looks department. Emilio’s daughter seems more like the type who’d rather be at home baking cookies for a house full of little Marcos than flying all over the world jet-setting with him.”


They all turned when Natalie approached, concern written all over her face.

“Kate finally came out of the bathroom, but she’s still really upset. She’s waiting on a cab to take her back to your place. I wanted to go with her, but she said she needed to be alone. Said she’d explain everything when we get back.” Natalie sighed. “Do you think I should have insisted she let me go home with her?”

Alex shook his head. “Kate has always handled her disappointments internally. Remember the time she made it to the final cut at cheerleader tryouts and then lost out to another girl at the last minute? She didn’t talk about it for a week—acted like it didn’t bother her, even though I heard her crying in her room several nights in a row. Anyway, a week after she was cut, she got angry and put all her energy into making the girls’ volleyball team.”

Natalie bobbed her head, the beginning of a smile crossing her face. “I do remember. She could spike the ball better than most of the guys on the boys’ team. Ended up making All State three years in a row.”

“My point exactly. Getting pissed off made her an all-star at Sugarland High School,” Alex said, pulling his mother closer to him. “But if memory serves, she got her revenge. While she went off to Texas on a full athlete ride, most of the cheerleaders who snubbed her were lucky to get into a junior college.” He kissed the top of Natalie’s head. “Kate is a survivor, Mom. She’ll get through this like she always does. We just need to give her time.”

Natalie stepped back. “I know you’re right, but I wish she’d let me help her through it. I feel so useless. Out of all my children, she’s always been the most stubborn, and tonight won’t be any different. I’ll have to do exactly as she asked and give her some space. In the meantime, I have to pretend like I’m having a good time and hope she’ll let me in when she’s ready.”

Michael stepped forward. “I’d be honored if you’d show me how they dance in Houston.”

Smiling gratefully, she reached for his extended hand. “You’re on, cowboy. Get ready to see my old lady moves.”

Jordan choked up. Michael had a way about him that could make anyone feel better. He’d used it on her a few times in the past. Now watching him work his magic on Natalie, she wanted to show her appreciation and kiss him.

Victor grabbed Rosie and followed Michael and Natalie inside. The food table had been removed, and people were already two-stepping to a Willie Nelson classic.

“My lady?” Ray offered his arm to Lola, and the two of them meandered in that direction, too.

When they were alone Jordan turned to Alex. “Was that pep talk about Kate just for your mother’s sake, or are you worried about her, too?”

Alex’s brow furrowed. “Yes and yes. The talk was for her, but I am a little concerned. You should have seen her today talking about the new love in her life. Apparently, she met him last year at the Italian Festival in San Francisco, and unbeknownst to any of us, she’s been seeing him for a year now. We assumed all those trips to New York were business-related, and probably, some were. But it’s clear to anyone who watches her face light up when she talks about her special guy that there are deep feelings involved.”

“Do you think that special guy is Marco?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I sincerely hope not, but I’m not blind. Like you said, she was genuinely crushed when Emilio introduced Marco as his future son-in-law. Marco was lucky it was my mother who reacted first instead of me. I was ready to deck the guy.”

“He would’ve been in big trouble if you had decided to avenge your sister’s honor.”

Alex laughed. “Dealing with Kate and my mother—and even me—is the least of Marco’s worries. Trust me when I tell you it doesn’t even compare to what will happen if Emilio turns against him.”

“What do you mean? It looked like Emilio’s willing to overlook a few things to have his daughter marry into all that money.”

Alex laughed again. “I’m not talking about money, and FYI, Emilio probably has ten times more cash lying around than Marco ever will.”

Jordan’s eyebrow shot up. “Emilio’s rich?”

Alex snorted. “He’s definitely rich, but if I were Marco, I’d be worrying about more than that right now.”

Jordan moved closer. “Yeah? Like what?”

Alex studied her face for a moment as if he were trying to decide whether to tell her something or not. Finally, he shrugged. “Ever hear of the Calabrese family from New Jersey?”

Jordan’s eyes widened. “He’s Mafia?”

“No one calls them that anymore, Jordan. Let’s just say he’s connected and leave it at that.”

“Holy crap! Marco must be freaking out right about now and doing some fast talking to Tina.”

“He didn’t look too worried to me. It was like he knew Emilio wouldn’t turn on him. Wonder what he has on the old man that would make him look away while his daughter’s fiancé is obviously carrying on with another woman.”

Just then the band ended the first song and went right into a slower one.

Alex tousled Jordan’s hair. “Come on, curly, show me how good you can make an Italian guy look on the dance floor.” He grabbed her arm and led her into the living room.

Jordan had missed being in Alex’s arms and reveled in the sensation as he held her tight. With his body pressed into hers and swaying with the melody, all sorts of romantic fantasies danced in her head. He was wearing his favorite cologne—hers, too—and for a few minutes, she closed her eyes and let her body relax.

It didn’t matter that Loretta Moseley was standing in the corner of the room shooting daggers her way, or that the Italian Festival might be the last event she covered as the culinary reporter for the
. She was with Alex, and the rest of the people in the room didn’t matter in that moment.

Tomorrow, she’d deal with writing the best article she could about the festivities. And she’d take Kate up on that lunch offer and hopefully help her work out her feelings of being betrayed by her lover. If there was anyone with experience at being dumped, it was her. She’d been there, done that, and had the T-shirt to prove it, and she was anxious to use that wisdom to somehow help Kate.

Jordan looked over Alex’s shoulder to see if she could spot Marco or Emilio’s daughter in the room. When she didn’t see them she assumed they’d worked things out and were probably off somewhere private making up. Laying her head on Alex’s shoulder she wondered if maybe she should pick a fight with him for no other reason than the make-up sex.

“Oh my God!” a feminine voice shrieked.

Both Alex and Jordan stopped dancing and looked toward the patio where a middle-aged woman was bending over the railing and screaming. They ran in that direction along with everyone else on the dance floor just as the woman backed away and began frantically shouting. The only words Jordan was able to pick up were “man” and “dead”. Alex guided her through the crowd toward the stone rail.

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