Chicken Caccia-Killer (A Jordan McAllister Mystery) (6 page)

BOOK: Chicken Caccia-Killer (A Jordan McAllister Mystery)
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Leaning over the barrier to get a better view, Jordan stared in disbelief when she realized she was looking at the body of a man lying face down on the ground eleven floors below. The river of blood making its way over the marble hotel entranceway gave Jordan a sick feeling of dread even before the hotel workers ran over to the body and turned the man over. Staring at the dark suit she’d seen up close just minutes earlier on the very same patio where she now stood, she didn’t need to see the man’s face to know it was Marco Petrone.

Before she could turn to Alex and tell him, there was another terrifying scream coming from inside the penthouse. Alex grabbed her arm and hurried back through the French doors into the living room.

“Sweet Jesus!” he said as his eyes followed the woman’s pointed finger upward.

Staring over the balcony at the top of the spiral staircase, looking disoriented with her hair disheveled and her left eye bruised and swollen, stood his sister Kate.


Alex rushed past Jordan up the staircase to his sister’s side. Jordan followed, unable to keep up. Out of breath, she reached them just as he encircled Kate in his arms and pulled her tightly to his chest.

“Who did this to you?” His voice came out clear and calm, but Jordan knew better. When his sister didn’t answer, he asked again. “Kate, who’s responsible for this?”

Still no response. As a lone tear slid down her cheek, she shook her head, the only outward sign that she’d heard him. Her eyes remained fixated straight ahead on nothing in particular.

Alex held her at arms length. “Kate?” Panic flashed over his face. His sister was in shock. He shook her then got right in her face. “Kate, look at me. Now!”

She blinked a few times before turning her eyes to meet his. Then she crumbled into his arms. It was like watching a paused TV image suddenly coming back to life. Hearing the gut-wrenching sobs now coming from her tore at Jordan’s heart, and she swiped at her own tears that were threatening to spill over.

Natalie and the gang had watched the action playing out, and like the rest of the party-goers, had rushed upstairs to the bedroom to see what the commotion was about.

Natalie reached out for her daughter, but Alex shook his head, cradling his sister closer. Nobody spoke a word as he allowed her to cry for a few minutes. When her sobs subsided into an occasional hiccup, he handed her over to his mother who, despite the pain on her face, had somehow managed to keep her composure and her tears in check.

Even though more than half the people from the party were now crowding around, an eerie silence filled the room as everyone waited for Kate to explain what had happened. Out of the corner of her eye, Jordan looked over the crowd but didn’t see Emilio or his daughter. More than likely they were both downstairs with Marco’s body, probably taking the death pretty hard.

She glanced up at Alex, and there was no mistaking the look on his face. No longer trying to hide his rage at seeing Kate with her face badly bruised, his flexed fist and clenched teeth suggested he was ready to do serious bodily harm to whoever had dared touch his sister. Although Jordan barely knew Marco Petrone, she couldn’t help thinking that if he was the one who had hurt Kate, he was better off dead.

Her hand shot up to cover her mouth at the realization of what she’d just been thinking. Her other hand rose to her heart. Oh God, what if Marco was to blame for Kate’s black eye, and she’d fought back? Could it be that Alex’s sister had something to do with his death? Could she have shoved him over the railing in a fit of anger or as a defensive move?

“Let her sit down on the bed for a few minutes,” Emilio said, appearing out of nowhere and moving close to Natalie. “The police are on their way, and I’m sure they’ll want to talk to her. Let’s give her a few minutes to compose herself.” His eyes were bloodshot and swollen as if he’d been crying. And why was he limping?

Natalie guided Kate toward the massive unmade bed in the middle of the room. The snow white comforter was half on the bed, half off, and five or six pillows were strewn all over the bed. One was even against the wall as though thrown across the room.

Alex stepped in front of his mother, blocking her path to the bed. “That’s not a good idea, Mother.”

“Why not?” Emilio questioned.

Alex looked first at Natalie and then turned his back on her as if he didn’t want her to hear what he was about to say. “There’s a good possibility Marco’s bedroom is now a crime scene. We need to move out into the hallway.”

When Natalie cried out, Kate lifted her head from her mother’s shoulder long enough to nod. “I’ll be okay out here,” she said softly. “But I could use a drink.”

Immediately, someone handed her a glass of champagne. Alex swiped it out of her hand on the way up to her mouth. “I’m afraid a soda will have to do, Kate.” He turned to Victor and asked him to get her a soft drink before turning his attention back to his sister to explain. “You have a nasty cut above your right eye, and you might have a concussion.” He paused, as if he were weighing his next words carefully. “And it’s probably better if you have a clear head when the police question you about what happened here.”

Again, Kate nodded. For what seemed like an hour, they waited on the second floor of Marco’s suite, although it probably wasn’t more than twenty minutes before the police arrived. Jordan found herself glancing back into the bedroom and trying to imagine what had gone on before Marco plunged to his death. No matter how hard she tried, every scenario had Kate smack dab in the middle of it.

Immediately upon entering the suite, the Plainville police took charge and began to round up the crowd on the first level and corral them to one side of the room. The band attempted to pack up their equipment but were ordered to leave it as it was and join the group in the corner.

A tall police officer giving orders glanced up at the balcony, then said something to another cop before making his way up the staircase. Jordan had a sinking feeling they were not going to like what came next.

Alex stepped forward to meet the officer after he topped the stairs. Rosie and the others who were still standing around outside the bedroom separated to allow the newcomer to pass.

“Are you in charge here?” Alex asked, shielding his sister and his mother behind him.

“Yes. Captain Walter Darnell.”

“Alex Moreland, field commander of the Dallas FBI office.” He held out his hand. Darnell reached out and shook it.

A puzzled look crossed the officer’s face.

“I’m not on the job here,” he explained, still completely blocking Darnell’s way. “I was a guest at the party, and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions.” He took a step forward. “Is there some place we can go to talk privately?”

The captain studied Alex for a moment before shaking his head. “I’ll definitely want to talk to you later, but for now, I need to have a word with the young woman behind you, Mr. Moreland. I’ve been told the victim probably fell from the balcony on this floor, and she might have some information that could help us in the investigation.”

“I’d like to be there when you question her.” Alex stood his ground and did not move out of the way. “Her name is Kate Moreland—my sister.”

If Darnell was surprised by the comment, he never let on. Instead, he pulled Alex aside. “As long as you understand you have no jurisdiction in this investigation. This is my crime scene, but as a professional courtesy, I’ll allow you to stay. Keep in mind, though, you’re only an observer. If you can do that while my colleagues and I get to the bottom of this, we shouldn’t have a problem.”

“I’m staying, too,” Natalie said from behind Alex.

Darnell peered around Alex’s body. “And you are?”

“Kate’s mother.”

Darnell’s eyes shot up to Alex’s, probably looking for help. When none was offered, he said, “That’s not going to happen, ma’am. Witnesses have said they saw you slap the dead man earlier. My men will need to talk to you by yourself.”

“No way I’m leaving my daughter. I’m afraid your questions will have to wait.”

Alex bent over and kissed his mother’s forehead. “I’ll be with her, Mom. The sooner we get this over with, the better.” He turned to where the rest of the gang huddled close by. “Ray, can you stay with my mother while they question her?”

Ray took a step forward to stand beside Natalie.

Alex turned back to Darnell. “Ray Varga is a retired Ranchero police officer and a good friend of the family. I would like to have him with her at all times.”

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Darnell waved his hand to another policeman. “I’ll allow that as well, but the same goes for you, Mr. Varga. You are there only as an observer.” Then he turned back to Alex. “Now let’s you and me take your sister downstairs to somewhere private so my guys can cordon off this entire floor.”

“I won’t leave Kate,” Natalie insisted. “She needs me, Alex. You’ll be so busy with all the police stuff, you won’t be much help to her. Look at her. She’s shaking so badly, I’m worried she’ll go further into shock. Please don’t make me go.” She grabbed his arm. “I’m begging you, son.”

Alex patted his mother’s hand. “It’s not my call, Mom. You’ll be able to be with her soon, I promise. And Ray won’t leave your side.” He met Darnell’s eyes before pleading, “Please, Captain. Kate is very fragile right now. If you won’t allow my mother to stay with her, at least consider letting our friend in the room to be with her.” He turned to Jordan and tried to smile.

Darnell stepped forward. “Because it’s still just a preliminary investigation and we’re only asking questions, I’ll allow it, again as a professional courtesy. But be advised that the same rules apply. This is my investigation and I won’t tolerate interference.”

After hesitating for a moment, Natalie finally agreed to leave her daughter in Alex and Jordan’s hands. Darnell barked an order for everyone to follow him down the stairs. After they reached the first floor of the suite, a group of men wearing CSI shirts rushed up the steps, carrying boxes of equipment.

Rosie, Victor, Lola, and Michael were directed to the corner of the room where the other party attendees waited to be questioned. A young officer approached and stood beside Darnell.

“This is Officer Wiedeman,” the captain said, and then pointed to the other side of the room. “He’s going to take Mrs. Moreland over there to interview her. It shouldn’t last too long.”

Ray introduced himself to Wiedeman, and then both he and Natalie followed him. Jordan glanced over and saw that they’d already set up a table next to the bar. It seemed a shame that they were so close to all that liquor and couldn’t grab one measly drink to calm their nerves, but she knew that was out of the question.

When they were seated at the table, Natalie glanced over her shoulder, her eyes pleading one last time to be allowed to go with her daughter. Alex put his arm around his sister to reassure his mother that he would take care of her.

“I’ve had my men set up a place for us to talk on the patio. If you’ll follow me, we’ll get this over with as quickly as we can.”

Jordan, Alex, and Kate followed Darnell past the crowd of people who were now all chatting at once. Jordan wondered what they were saying and hoped they hadn’t seen Kate confront Marco earlier, although she knew that information would get out sooner or later.

Captain Darnell held out a chair for both Kate and Jordan before sitting down on the opposite side of the table. Alex took his place next to Kate, and patted her knee under the table.

“I’ll get right to the point, Ms. Moreland. I’ve been told there was a problem between you and the deceased earlier tonight. Is that correct?”

Kate looked at Alex before answering, making Jordan wonder if she had always worked in corporate law or if she had any experience in criminal cases. “Yes. I had just learned that Marco–”

“Don’t say anything else, Kate.”

They all looked up to see Emilio’s lawyer walk out onto the patio area. He pulled up a chair from another table and slid in between Kate and Jordan.

“Jeffrey Hamilton,” he said extending his hand to Darnell. “I’ve been retained by Emilio Calabrese to advise Ms. Moreland. I’d appreciate it if you would direct any further questions to me, and I will confer with my client.” He dropped his hand to his side when the policeman didn’t reach for it. Turning to Kate, he said, “You can hire whomever you want tomorrow, but Emilio wanted to make sure you had representation tonight.”

For the first time since all this happened, a smile tipped the corners of Kate’s lips, and she let out a long, slow breath. “I appreciate the offer, Mr. Hamilton.”

“Okay then,” Darnell began again. “Back to the confrontation—”

“It hasn’t been established that it was a confrontation,” Hamilton interrupted. “My client will acknowledge that she spoke with the dead man earlier, but unless I missed something, she never once said what the conversation was about.”

Darnell looked annoyed before he cleared his throat and began again. “Several people saw you speak to Petrone and then run from the room in tears. May I ask why you were so upset?” He sent a thinly-veiled look of disgust Hamilton’s way.

The lawyer didn’t flinch. “You can ask, and all she’ll admit to is a misunderstanding.”

If the cop was annoyed before, he was clearly ticked off now. “This interview will go a lot faster with just a little bit of cooperation. I’m simply trying to find out the facts here. No one is accusing your client of anything, counselor.”

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