Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (6 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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I feel free on this bike, like nothing could upset me or hurt me in this very moment. Everything feels amazing, everything feels pure. I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh salty air as we zoom alongside of the beach in LA. We ride for an hour, when finally we pull up at a massive lighthouse. A car park stretches along one side of it; packed with bikes and other vehicles. The light house sits to the left, and has a huge deck coming off the base.

“Wow,” I say, as I slip off my helmet and pull it away from my face.

Caden looks pretty pleased with himself. “It’s pretty impressive right?”

“Yeah, it’s amazing. Look at that ocean.”

I stare at the pale yellow sand and the blue waves crashing lightly against the shoreline. It’s a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. I beam when Caden takes my hand and leads me into the massive lighthouse. The men find the biggest table and settle themselves in. A waitress comes over and greets them by name. I’m warmed by them; they aren’t what I expected them to be. Ok, they have dirty mouths and no doubt do some serious illegal junk, but here and now, they are pretty damn awesome.

“Do you do this often?” I ask.

“Every week,” Caden grins, pulling out my chair for me.

I raise my eyebrows in mock surprise.
“A gentleman?”

Bill snorts beside me, “Chief ain’t a gentleman.”

“Shut the fuck up Bill.” Caden laughs.

“Angel, don’t let him fool you, the man is a pocket rocket.”

I laugh, I was getting used to this whole ‘Angel’ thing. Bill grins and sits down beside me.

“Did Chief ever tell you how he beat the shit out of three men who picked on him because he was younger than them?”

I look at Caden, who rolls his eyes.

“No, he didn’t. Do tell.”

Bill launches into a story about how Caden was only sixteen and he hadn’t yet filled out. The men caught him on the way home from work one night, and they started a fight. Unassisted, handed the three of them their asses and since then he has been teased about being a pocket sized rocket. I giggle and stare at Caden, who is laughing alongside of us. I know, just by looking at him, that he packs one hell of a punch.

“He is a black belt in the arts,” Bill says, clearly proud of him.

“He is?”

“Sure is, and trust me when I say the man can fight.”

I flush and stare at Caden and he winks back at me. I feel quite comfortable around these men and, considering how nervous I was, I think it’s going rather well. We sit and eat, laughing and joking throughout the afternoon. By early evening, the men have far too much alcohol under their belts and are joking loudly. Caden stands and offers me his hand. I take it and he walks me outside and down to the beach.

We walk along the sand, not saying anything for a long, long moment. He finds a spot on the sand and drags me down until we are perched next to each other. I wiggle my toes through the soft grains and let loose a sigh of happiness. Caden takes my hand in his; his fingers tracing small circles over my palms. My heart flutters wildly and I know I’m falling far too quickly for him. There’s just something about him; an intense pull that I can’t run from.

“How are you enjoyin’ tonight?” He asks.

“I think those men are great, I can see why you love them.”

“It’s not always pretty.”

Although I don’t doubt that he speaks the truth, I find it hard to associate the fun-loving men I have seen all afternoon with hardened criminals. “I can’t see them being anything but nice.”

“You would do good to know that they aren’t always nice. Those men can go from nice to dangerous in a matter of seconds.”

“I don’t have to see that part if I don’t want to see it, right?”

Caden shakes his head. “No, most don’t see that part.”

“Do you?” I ask softly.

“Yeah, I do.”

We sit in silence for a while. There’s one question I’ve wanted to ask but I’m not sure I really want to know the answer.



“Have you ever…killed someone?”

“That ain’t a question I wish to answer so I’ll tell you this once and once only, don’t fuckin’ ask again.” He snarls; his face stern and sharp.

I look down, confused. “I’m sorry.”

“We should get back
,” he snaps.

He stands and walks off without helping me up. What happened? What deep, dark secret did I unlock in his heart that had him reacting that way? I get up and follow him back to the lighthouse; dodging the other people who have made their way down onto the sand. Mid-way to the car park, a man grips my arm. He’s drunk, and slurring.

“Hi there pretty lady, what is a nice girl like you doing out here all alone?”

“Oh, I’m not alone. I’m just with some friends.”

He smiles, it isn’t threatening in any way; at least, I don’t think it is.

“How’d you like the place?” He asks.

I smile back, “It’s very pretty.”

“It is, ain’t it? What’s your name sweetheart?”

His hand moves up my arm and he leans in to me but before I can do anything I feel his weight being pulled off me and he is tossed backwards on the sand. Caden puts his foot on his chest, pinning the man to the ground.

“She’s with someone, you fucking pervert.”

“I was just talking with her bro!”

“Don’t fuckin’ bro me you piece of shit!” He snarls.

He lets his boot off the man’s chest and turns to me.

Ass. Bike. NOW!”

My eyes widen. I begin walking with Caden when suddenly he lurches forward. I gasp and step back, only to see the man has leaped off the sand, swung Caden by his arm and is driving a fist into his face. Before I know it, the
man is flat on his back in the sand and Caden is driving punch after punch into his bloody face. My blood runs cold and I can see what Bill meant; Caden is pure steel and it’s scary. Caden grips the man by the shirt and raises his fist again, but the men are there quick as lightning, pulling him off.

Fuckin’ settle down man.” Bill snarls, holding him back.

“Fuckin’ little cunt tried to fuckin’ jump me.” Caden hisses.

I back up, terrified. I hurry up the sand and onto the road. I hide out in a nearby bus stop and pull out my phone. My hand is trembling and I can hear the sound of sirens in the distance.

“We gotta fuckin’ go, now,” I hear someone order.

“Where the fuck is she?” Caden bellows.

“Chief, we gotta’ fuckin’ move.
The cops are comin’,”

“Fuck, I can’t leave her.”

“She’s a bright girl – she’ll find a way home. Get movin’ now!” Bill snarls.

I peek through the gaps in the bus stop and see Caden looking around frantically. His lip is bloody, his knuckles are bleeding and he looks so wound up it frightens the hell out of me. Caden scares the shit out of me and yet, he stood up for me in a way no one ever has.

“MANDY?” He shouts.

“Chief, we gotta move. If the cops get you again, you’re done for.”

Again? If they get him again? What did he do?

“Fuck it, fuck!” Caden roars.

I hear the bikes start up and they disappear out of the car park as quickly as they arrived. When the sound of them dies down, I dial Jaxson with trembling fingers.

“Hey, how’s it going?” He asks.

I know my voice is shaking but I don’t care. “I need…Jaxson, I need you to come and get me.”

“Hey, Mandy, is everything ok?”

“No,” I whisper. “Please come.”

I give him my location and I hide out in that bus stop, ignoring Caden’s constant calls for two hours. By the time Jaxson arrives, I’m shaken, hurt and more confused than ever.



“Open the fuckin’ door.”

I hear the voice yelling from the hall. I clutch the blanket up to my chest and listen as Jaxson tries to send Caden away. It isn’t working out so well for him.

“I’m going to see her.”

“She doesn’t want to see you.”

“Fuckin’ move bud or I
move you.”

I know Jaxson is not match for Caden physically but I don’t doubt it’ll take a
lot for Caden to get pass him. “Don’t come in here on your massive power trip and tell me what to do. She. Doesn’t. Want. To. See. You. ” Jaxson shouts Caden down; every word a staccato.

“I need to see if she’s alright?”

“You mean after you left her alone in a strange place with a bunch of drunken men.”

“I had no fuckin’ choice.” Caden shouts. I can just imagine him running his hands through his hair; pacing the hallway.

I hear Jaxson humph in contempt. “Well, I think that is incorrect but that’s just me.”

“Let me in.”


“Fuck it, I won’t ask again.”

I hear shuffling and the sounds of Jaxson cursing and then suddenly my bedroom door is being swung open and standing is Caden wearing stained jeans, slung low on his hips, and an open button up shirt that shows off his dazzling body. Holy smokes - his body! I have never seen anything like it before in my life. I’m momentarily stunned. His chest is bronze and so perfectly smooth; it is covered in Celtic like tattoos. His muscles are bulging like he’s just been working out. I can see though, that he has just come from work, because he has those delicious grease stains covering his chest and jeans, making my blood boil hot. He gives me a look, and I can tell he is mega pissed, but boy is he hot. I grip the sheet tighter, and peer over at him with my best innocent expression.

“Why are you here?” I whisper.

He stops at the end of my bed and looks over at me.

“You fuckin’ ran off last night.”

I gape, “You beat some poor man nearly to death, what did you expect I would do?”

“He tried to jump me.”

“After you crushed him into the sand,” I point out.

“He was touching you.”

“Caden, I don’t belong to you; I hardly know you.”

“You gave me a chance, you said you would try. In my world that means you do belong to me.”

“No,” I whisper, as he kneels on the bed and crawls closer to me.

“Yes,” he murmurs, stopping just inches from my face.

“Why are you here?”

“I needed to see you.”

“So you come over half dressed?”

He smirks and I realized I’ve just let slip that I was checking him out. “I was at work; I’m on a break.”

Backing up the bed, I try to reason with him. “Caden, this isn’t a good idea. I realized that last night, you and me…”

“Are meant to try this.”

“I was going to say you and me are a disaster waiting to happen.”

He grips my face, and oh
God I can smell him. He smells amazing; like sweat and grease and man all mixed in one. That smell has my thighs clenching together with need.

“We aren’t a disaster.”

“We’re from two different worlds.”

You frighten me.”

“You frighten me.” He counters.

I feel my brows rise. “How?”

“Because I want you more than I have ever wanted anything in my life and that scares the fuck outta me.”


“I’m possessive; I don’t like other men touching what is mine. I would have walked away if he hadn’t come back at me. I gave him a warning, I didn’t hit him. He started the fight by getting up and punching me. Angel, I will always protect what is mine.”

“You beat him so badly.”

Caden nods. “He won’t do it again.”

I’m not sure how to respond to that so I change tack. “Caden, this is dangerous for me.”

Caden sits back on his heels and I hear him let go of a breath he has been holding. He runs his hands over his face, finally resting his cheeks in his palms. “If you really want me to leave, I will,” he murmurs.

I hesitate; guilt rushing through me as I watch him bare himself to me. “Please Caden…”

That moments’ hesitation was all he needed. Sudden he spring
s forward and grabs my chin; tilting my chin up to give him access to my lips. Slowly, and painfully, he runs his lips over the edges of my jaw. The feeling is pure pleasure and pain all in one.

“Say it Angel. If you really want me to get up and go, just say the words.”

His tongue snakes out and slides over my lips, and I feel my body come alive. It feels like the utmost betrayal right now but God he feels amazing! Feeling his hard body against mine, and knowing he wants me, has my blood rising a few degrees and my heart thudding rapidly.

“Well?” Caden questions. He knows he’s getting to me and it doesn’t bode well that he’s able to manipulate me so easily. I mean, we’re not even kissing and he already has my head spinning!

He pulls my lips into a kiss so fierce I’m sure my lips are bruised. I fall back onto the bed and he falls over me, his body presses into mine in ways I have never experienced. I can feel every rock hard inch of him. He slides his tongue into my mouth and I moan my response right back into his. I’m completely torn; my body versus my mind. I want to shove him off because a part of me is screaming that I’m going to put myself in a bad position but I the other part doesn’t want to stop; it can’t stop..

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