Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (19 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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“Fuck, you are fuckin’ hot.”

He steadies my hips with his hands and thrusts upwards; driving into me with force. I groan and hold his shoulders; my nails sinking into his skin. His dark hair is damp and sticks to his forehead, and his eyes are closed. I lean down and kiss him furiously, feeling my release building higher and higher. When I find it, I cry out and shudder around him.

“Need to come,” he rasps.


“I can’t pull out….”

I jump off him quickly and he thrusts his hips upwards. Water splashes over the side of the tub and on to the floor as I dive for his cock with my hands and mouth. I wrap one hand around him, using it to stroke his length, while my mouth sucks his greedily. He groans loudly and the sound echoes through the bathroom.

“Fuck, Angel…” he roars, as he begins spurting into my mouth.

I take all of him, and when he leans back, I lift my face and grin up at him. He gives me a shake of his head.

“You are killin’ me.”

We get out of the bath and dry ourselves. We climb into my bed together and he curls himself around the back of me; who would have guessed that Caden Williams liked to spoon? I smile as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep and I’m pretty sure that smile stays there the entire night.


Another month passes and everything is running smoothly. My Mother sold the house, and moved three States away to start again. I miss her like crazy but she promises she is happy and so I’m okay with it. My Father sold the apartment and purchased a small home near the beach, and he seems to be settling in well. Jaxson and Jamie are going well, and are surprisingly steady considering Jaxson’s tendency to become bored quickly.

We have had a few more minor incidents
with Dani but, thankfully, she seems to have finally gotten the message that Caden doesn’t want her around because she has backed off a bit. Caden said something about her finding a new obsession and torturing another poor man. I feel sorry for that man, and any woman he has in his life, because Dani is a nasty piece of work.

I am at the Doctor’s office one afternoon, having remembered to finally come in and get the pill. Caden doesn’t mind using condoms, but this needs to be done. When the Doctor calls me in, I follow her into a room and smile as I take a seat. She is a young, blonde woman with light grey eyes. She starts with my name and address, and then asks me what I am here for.

“I was hoping to get some birth control; preferably the pill,” I explain.

“Of course.
We are required to do a pregnancy test before you begin taking it, just to be safe.”

I flush, “Oh no, I wouldn’t be pregnant.”

She smiles kindly. “Are you sexually active, love?”

“Well yes but…”

“Then we should really be sure.”

I nod weakly, and hands me a cup to pee in. I walk off to the toilet and do as she asks, then bring it back out to her. She dips a little stick in, and waits a few moments.

“Oh,” she says.


Putting the test in the bin, she turns to me and takes my hand. “I imagine this is going to be a bit of a shock but the test is positive; you’re pregnant.”

“Excuse me?” I cry, feeling my pulse quicken.

“The test sweetheart; it’s positive.”

“That can’t be right!” I say, putting my head in my hands and trembling.

“I assure you the test is very accurate. Have you had unprotected sex?”

“Well, yes, but he pulled out and…”

“That isn’t a great form of birth control,” she offers gently.

By now my whole body is sweating and I feel dizzy and nauseous. “This can’t be happening.”

“There are options,” she offers.

“I don’t…oh

“Would you like a minute or would you like me to go over some with you now?”

“No, it’s fine.”

I grip my head and shake, my stomach turns violently and I think for a moment I might actually lose my breakfast. I’m hit with the thought that this is probably the beginnings of morning sickness.

“I don’t have an appointment immediately after you; if you like we can do a scan, to see how far along you are?” the Doctor offers.

I nod weakly, and lay on the table. She leaves the room to collect the ultrasound machine and then rubs cold gel over my stomach. I watch as she moves the probe around. Then, I can see it, a tiny little bud on the screen. My heart stops.

“There we are; heartbeat and all.”

She measures the baby, and smiles.

“I would say from your measurements, you are about six weeks along.”

“Oh,” I whisper, watching the tiny little heart throb on the screen.

“Would you like a picture?”

“Umm…Yes please.”

After cleaning me up and returning the ultrasound machine, the Doctor gives me a list of things I need to do. I promise to call to make another appointment in a few
weeks’ time and then I leave. I rush outside, desperate for fresh air. I hear the hum of motorbikes, and before I know it twenty are pulling up on the curb. Caden said he would come meet me when I was done. I watch him get off his bike and grin at me, and my stomach churns again.

“How did you go?” He asks.

“Um, it’s sorted,” I whisper.

He eyes me cautiously. “You okay?”


“Do you want to come still?”

I stare at the bikes, men and my stomach turns.

“Actually, I’m not feeling well…”

He narrows his eyes, “Are you sure everything is alright?”

it’s fine, I just…need to lie down.”


I wave him off, “Go, have fun….I will come by later okay?”

He nods and grips my face.

“You would tell me if something was wrong?”

I swallow,
God, my throat burns, “Of course.”

He kisses me softly, and then climbs back onto his bike. The men give me a brief wave, before they kick their bikes into gear and speed off. I walk slowly back to my car, my head is spinning. How did I not pick this up? I didn’t get a period, I have been feeling off. It all seems so obvious now. I get into my car and begin the slow drive home; going over all my options in my head.

I park in the driveway and head indoors with my head down. Jaxson is out thank God, so I just make my way into the room and fall onto the bed. Caden and I have only been together three months; and part of that time we were broken up. How could this be happening to us? Will it ruin what we have? Will this be the end of us?


“Want a drink?” Caden asks, handing me a beer.

“Oh, no, thanks.”

He narrows his eyes, “What is goin’ on, you’re quiet?”

I’m quick to dismiss his accusation.
“Just a lot on my mind.”

“What happened at the Doctor’s today? Did she say somethin’ to upset you?”

“It’s not that, look, it’s fine.” I can’t meet his gaze and I feel my eyes begin to well. Damn hormones.

He grips my arm, and pulls me closer so everyone can’t hear.

“Don’t lie to me Angel,” he growls, “I don’t like it.”

“Caden, please, not now.”

“When then? Something’s wrong; you’ve barely said two fuckin’ words to me since that appointment.”

I plead with him; I really don’t want to have this discussion in front of everyone else; heck, I’m not sure if I can have this conversation
at all
! “I need time,”

For what?” he roars. ”Tell me what the fuck is goin’ on right now!”

I lose my temper and shove him harshly.

“I am pregnant!” I scream.

Everyone stops talking, and Caden’s face falls.


“You heard me, I’m pregnant.”


“Even you aren’t that stupid,” I hiss.

“We used protection.”

Déjà vu hits me and I’m reminded of Caden and Dani having this exact conversation a few weeks ago. How could we be so careless?!

“No we didn’t, not always.”

His eyes widen.

“Fuckin’ hell! Fuck, this can’t be happening.”

I knew Caden would
be shocked but I hadn’t quite expected this reaction from him. “You knew I wasn’t on the pill, it wasn’t just

“Takes two to tango,” he hisses at me.

“Don’t!” I cry, “Don’t make this out to be on me.”

“We have been together three fuckin’ months,” he roars, “We were meant to date more, travel, f
uck, get married but this? No…” he throws his hands up in the air, exasperated. “I don’t fuckin’ want this.”

I am crushed; I grip my chest and back up.

“Settle down Chief,” Max says, touching his shoulder.

Don’t fuckin’ touch me!”

Shoving Max out of the way, he pushes past me.

“Don’t walk away from me Caden!” I yell.

He spins around, “What do you want me to do?” he spits, “what is it you expect of me?”

Tears thunder down my cheeks, “Obviously nothing.”

“Christ Amanda I’m a fuckin’ biker! I live a dangerous life; I can’t be a fuckin’ Dad.”

“I’m keeping it.” I whisper

“Fuck that! This isn’t just your choice.”

“No, you’re right, it isn’t. But you just made your choice when you decided you could be a Father! If you don’t want to be around, don’t want to be involved, then fine. But let me set you straight
, I don’t have to give my baby up because you don’t want to be a part of it. You don’t want this then I guess we end here.”

“Yeah,” he snarls, “I guess we fuckin’ do.”

I swallow, and nod weakly. I’m dying inside but I know that I have to put our…
baby first. I grip my car keys and I turn, hurrying down the drive way. I can hear Max and Bill trying to talk some sense into Caden but he’s having none of it.

“Don’t be a fuckin’ idiot Chief; go after her.”

“No, we are fuckin’ done.”

His words crush me, and it takes all my effort not to fall to my knees. I don’t know how I will deal with this one alone.



“How did the ultrasound go?” Jaxson asks.

“It was good, everything looks healthy.”

He smiles and pats my rounding belly.

“She is a trooper.”

I laugh at him. “How do you know it’s a she?”

“I just do.”

I shake my head and put my keys down; walking over to sit on the couch, I shift uncomfortably and rub my lower back. I have been suffering with back pain since I began growing, and while my stomach is only small, my back doesn’t seem to be dealing well with the change.

“Are you going to tell Caden?” Jaxson asks in a quiet voice. He knows I don’t like to talk about Caden so he doesn’t often bring him up in conversation.

My face hardens and my voice comes out harsher than I intend. “He wants nothing to do with this. He hasn’t spoken to me for three months, so no; he doesn’t deserve to know.”

“He tried…”

“He told me he wanted no part in it, I don’t care how much he tried.”

“Mands, your child needs him. I was happy in the beginning to hide you and not answer the door when he came around, but you two have to sort this out!”

I am adamant that Caden have nothing to do with the baby; he had his chance and he blew it. “No.”

“Ok,” he says, putting his hands up, “alright.”

“Hey, I don’t have plans for dinner tonight; you want to eat together?” I ask.

Knowing that this is my way of moving the conversation on and calling a truce, Jaxson smiles.
“What about fries on the beach?”

I rub my stomach and lick my lips.
“Sounds good to me.”

Four hours later we are sitting down on the beach, watching the sunset and munching on hot fries. I wiggle my toes in the sand and moan at the salty taste in my mouth.

“You look so hot with that wee belly,” Jaxson laughs.

“Shut up, it is so uncomfortable.”

“I bet.”

I hear the sound of motorcycles, and I tense. I do every time, it comes naturally. This time though, the noise comes closer and closer until a gang of bikers pull up at the beach.

“Oh no…” Jaxson mutters.

“What?” I strain my neck to try and catch a glimpse of whatever has him in such a knot.

“Um, don’t look now but your boy just rocked up with his club.”

My heart stops, I turn my head slightly to see Max, Caden, Bill and the club getting off their bikes and walking down onto the beach with packs of beer.

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