Chloe’s New Beginning (3 page)

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Authors: Alicia White

BOOK: Chloe’s New Beginning
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“Chloe…Chloe…are you awake? We just landed.” A man’s voice pulled her back to earth and out of the wonderful dream she was having. She smiled, thinking of Conner, and then her eyes sprang open. She threw the blanket off her and looked over, realizing that it was the man from the airport. Jacob Miller. He was smiling at her, offering his hand to help her get up. She unbuckled and stood up, stretching her sore muscles.

“Wow. That was fast. I’ve never slept through a whole plane ride before.” She was a little embarrassed.

“No worries. Is someone picking you up?” When she shook her head, he continued. “I could drive you, if you need a ride,” he offered.

“That won’t be necessary. I’m not staying here in Anchorage. I’m renting a car and driving straight to meet my husband’s family.” They filed off the plane, heading to baggage claim.

“Okay. If you’re sure. Be safe. It was nice meeting you, Chloe.” He gave her a smile and walked out of the terminal. He was a nice man. Maybe chivalry isn’t dead after all, she thought.

* * * *

Jacob walked out of the terminal, going straight to his truck in the parking lot. He moved quickly, wanting to make sure, he didn’t lose her along the way. He only had one job, to make sure that she arrived safely. When he got into his truck, he called Adam, knowing he’d be waiting for an update.

“Report.” Adam’s strong, demanding voice rang in his ear.

“She’s here, renting a car now. We should be at the gate in four hours if she doesn’t make any stops.” He gave his report quickly, not bothering to fill Adam in on any details. Adam only wanted facts anyway, so talking about listening to her cry wasn’t necessary. Although Jacob wanted to say more, he kept it to himself. His only goal was to get back home and see his mate. He wanted to hold her, to make sure that she was happy with their life. After feeling Chloe’s sorrow roll off in her in waves, he just needed to feel peace once more.

“Good. Stay on her. Jacob…she’d better arrive safe.” The phone clicked. Jacob shook his head. Chloe seemed so soft and fragile. How was she going to respond to their leader? Adam wasn’t a bad man. He was just a bit harsh sometimes, and he ruled with an iron fist. He was fair, but he ruled without hesitation.

* * * *

Adam sat back in his chair behind the large mahogany desk and looked at his brother, Brandon. “She’s here. Make sure everything is ready for her arrival.”

“Do you really plan on keeping her locked in Conner’s old room? Give the poor girl a break. She just lost him. She’s probably devastated. When Stan returned from seeing her, he said she sobbed the whole time he was there.” Brandon shook his head, clearly waiting for Adam to change his mind.

“This is all Conner’s fault. I told him to bring her here sooner.” Adam was angry about this whole situation. He spoke with Conner almost weekly, ordering him to bring her back home, but there was always an excuse. He knew his brother loved and cared about Chloe, but his excuses made waiting hard.

“He said she wasn’t ready. He was trying to prepare her. This is a huge issue, Adam.”

“Other mates haven’t had this problem. It’s been five years. We’ve been waiting for her for five long years. Conner did this to her, not us. Now we have to pick up the pieces. If she even tries to leave, I will personally lock her up.” He growled.

“Gentlemen, I don’t mean to interrupt, but she’s not what you’re expecting. She is innocent and fragile. I’m not sure what Conner was thinking, but if he believed that she was the one, then she is. It does take time. Believe me. I waited for a long time for Jacob to bring our mate home. It’s not easy.” Stan Miller interjected. He had been the clan attorney for as long as Adam could remember.

“I’m sure Conner chose well. It’s just too bad he’s not here for the ceremony.” Brandon sat back in the chair, looking almost helpless.

“Make sure everything is prepared. She’ll be in in four hours.” Adam got up and walked out of his office. He needed a long run to clear his mind. He wasn’t the only one that suffered from Conner’s choices. He had to remember that Brandon missed out and waited for five years as well. This whole situation was going to be rough. They were all dealing with Conner’s death. He needed to remember that.

* * * *

Chloe dragged her bag to the waiting SUV in the parking lot of the rental car place. Every vehicle they had here was made for this frigid, harsh weather. It was cold, and being a girl from Portland, she thought she’d be prepared. She threw her things in the car, starting the engine to warm up the car’s interior, and then she buckled Conner into the passenger seat. She took her time, programming the address into the navigation system before leaving the airport parking garage.

Once on the road, Chloe tried to look at the wonderful Alaskan landscape. Everything was so beautiful. When her stomach growled, she decided to pull off the road and grab some snacks. She didn’t want to start her four-hour drive on an empty stomach. At the first gas station she spotted, she ran in and bought a bottle of water, a couple bags of candy, and a pack of smokes. She didn’t normally smoke, unless of course, she was alone on a long car ride. Conner never approved, but she tried to hide her guilty pleasure from him.

She pulled back onto the highway, heading for the
Wrangell-St Elias National Park. How could there be someone there waiting for her? It made absolutely no sense. She let different scenarios play in her mind as she drove along the almost deserted road. She looked over at the urn next to her, and thought about Conner. Did he want her to spread his ashes here, near his family home, on their land?
I’m not doing it, Conner. You are stuck with me forever.

Chapter 3

The long drive had been brutal. She pulled over when she saw the sign to the North gate, and this was it. She stretched out her legs and arms, cracking her stiff back in the process. She pulled forward slowly, stopping when a man stepped out from a booth. He had a gun strapped to his upper thigh, and he was dressed all in black. He looked more like a military operative than a park ranger. She giggled to herself at that thought.

She rolled down her window and watched his eyes roam over her, inspecting her. “We’ve been waiting for you. I hope you had a nice drive.” His voice was gruff, and Chloe blinked several times before answering him.

“We’ve been waiting? Who…you and the other park rangers?” He threw his head back and laughed. She felt silly but at the same time a little lighthearted. She laughed a little to herself, waiting for an answer.

“I’m not a park ranger, I’m a sentry. I’ve never been compared to a park ranger.” He shook his head and gave another silent laugh that shook his broad shoulders. “The clan has been waiting to meet you. Most everyone is gathered at the Alpha’s home.”

“Okay. I didn’t understand half of what you just said.” She stared at him with a blank face until she noticed the truck that pulled up behind her and gave a beep of its horn. She squinted her eyes, trying to see through the windshield, but she couldn’t make out a face.

“You’ll understand everything soon enough. Just continue forward on this road about five miles, and then take a right off the main street. That will lead you straight to the front door. Drive safe.” He stepped back and waved her through. Chloe drove slowly, not wanting to miss the turn. Were there any signs? Couldn’t he have at least provided a street name or something?

She almost passed the street, but the vehicle behind her honked, and the driver put his hand out the window, gesturing her to turn. We must be going to the same place, she thought, and she turned the rental into a long driveway. The road curved back and forth. She enjoyed the magnificent view, and large trees lined the driveway, hiding the evening sky. It was breathtaking, and for the first time in a long time, she felt calm and content.

Conner had been right. She needed this trip. Her mind felt clear, and she smiled, feeling a little lighter. When she finally reached the end of the driveway, it widened out. Small rocks covered the ground, leading her to a parking area. There were multiple cars, parked in straight lines. The largest wood cabin she had ever seen stood before her. Smoke bellowed from multiple places, showing her that there was a fireplace in every room. The place stood out amongst the trees, but it also looked like it belonged. She shut the engine off and stared at the cabin for a long time, unsure of what to do or say at this point.

She had never met anyone in Conner’s family, had never even spoken to them over the phone. Her stomach cramped, and a nervous energy settled over her. She watched as a large man came out the front door. He was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved sweater. He stood on the porch looking at her. She cocked her head to the side, watching him closely, and then recognition set in. She opened the car door, stepped out and stared openly at him. It was Conner. He stood there, watching her, and then he slowly walked off the porch toward her.

Chloe couldn’t contain herself. Her heart pounding, she ran toward him, throwing herself in his arms. She crawled up his large body, finding the place she loved most, being held against his chest in his large arms. He didn’t stop her. He grabbed her, held her close, and wrapped his strong arms around her. “Conner…Oh, God, Conner. I’ve missed you much.” She pulled back, noticing the shocked look on his face, and before he could say anything, she smashed her lips against his. His lips stayed firm for only a moment before he opened his mouth and accepted her tongue. Chloe put everything she had in that kiss, all her love, all her sorrow.

He pulled back slowly, and she leaned her head against his broad shoulder, feeling whole once more. His arms tightened around her, and for the first time she felt peace. She breathed in his scent, and he smelt exactly the same. He smelt like pine, mint, and fresh air. She let his warmth seep into her. “Chloe.” She felt him take a deep breath and let it out. “Chloe, I–I’m not Conner, sweetie. I’m Brandon, his brother.”

Chloe went rigid in his arms. His words stung her, and she slid down his body and out of his embrace. All the adrenaline left her body at once. She started panting, black webs taking over her eyes. She looked at him, feeling sick and weak, and then the world went black.

* * * *

Brandon watched in terror as Chloe started shaking. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath, and then she was falling. He grabbed her before she hit the ground and lifted her up into his arms. She was so light, and he pulled her close against his chest, enjoying the weight of her. He leaned his head down and inhaled, enjoying her smell, honeysuckle.

He walked quickly into the house, not wanting her to get too cold. Her reaction to him had been so unexpected, and words couldn’t describe what feeling her in his arms did to him. When she arrived, he wasn’t able to contain his excitement. He needed to see her, to be close to her. The thought never crossed his mind that she might confuse him for Conner, the pain that entered her eyes. He never wanted her to be in pain again.

“Put her in Conner’s room.” Adam’s voice rang out above all the others when he walked into the house. People were moving around, clearing out so that he could walk straight to the bedroom. Everyone strained their necks to be able to get a peek of her. They had all been waiting so long to meet her. He tried to shield her with his body, not wanting anyone ogle her. He also didn’t like the idea of her waking up and getting scared.

He walked into Conner’s old room. He hadn’t been here in so long, ever since his brother left five years ago. They had the housekeeper clean it up for her to stay in. They wanted her to be comfortable. She moaned and twisted in his arms, snuggling closer to him. He laid her on the bed and pulled away slowly. He grabbed the blanket that lay at the bottom of the bed and pulled it up, hoping that she was comfortable.

“Brandon, what happened? The doctor should be here in a couple minutes. I called him right after you walked in.” Adam stood behind him. It looked like she affected him as well. The unbreakable Adam would be under her spell soon enough.

“I saw her sitting in the car. I wanted a closer look. I thought maybe I could talk her into coming inside, thought maybe she needed a helping hand. She stared at me and then ran and jumped into my arms. She kissed me. I–I was completely blown away. Then she called me Conner. I had no idea that we looked so alike in her eyes.” He looked back at Chloe lying motionless on the bed.

“We all have been waiting for her. I told you to stay inside. She needed to walk in the door. This is Conner’s fault, I told him to bring her here. He’s caused this mess.” Adam shoved his hand through his hair, looking angry and stressed out.

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