Chloe’s New Beginning (4 page)

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Authors: Alicia White

BOOK: Chloe’s New Beginning
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“We both told him it was time. If he didn’t bring her sooner, then it makes me wonder how weak she is. She’s beyond beautiful, though.” Brandon stood up and walked over to where Adam stood in the doorway. “Do you think that she’s going to be ready?”

“We don’t have a choice. Conner’s job as the youngest brother was to find a mate all of us could share. She’s the one. When you walked in the door, I knew. She smelled perfect, like honeysuckle.” Adam looked over at the bed once more and shook his head. This was going to be harder than either of them had first imagined.

They both walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind them. “Brandon, clear everyone out. Tell them to go home and tell mom and dads they should go home, too. She won’t be ready for a party when she wakes up. Tell me when the doctor gets here. I’m going to my office.” Adam left, heading in the opposite direction.

* * * *

Adam Novikov walked into his office and closed the door. He needed a few minutes to himself, away from the rest of the clan. The clan had been here in Alaska hidden away from prying eyes for over a hundred years. They had many old traditions that everyone followed still to this day. They all led simple lives, the main goal being to find a mate and populate their dwindling community. The youngest brother’s job was to find a mate, prepare her, and then to bring her back home. A ceremony followed on the next full moon, uniting the brothers with their intended mate. It helped make a bond stronger with multiple brothers tying themselves to one woman. In the harsh environment, each woman needed multiple protectors.

For years, he’d been demanding that Conner bring Chloe back home, and for years Conner had told him that she wasn’t ready. Adam had been a part of so many ceremonies that each one made him more restless and angry. The next full moon was in one week. They were running out of time, and he was running out of patience.

Adam had been the Alpha of the clan since his father handed down the job to him around the same time Conner left, five years ago. Since then, he’d seen the clan grow and become more financially stable. The only thing missing from his life at this point was a mate. He knew that his brother, Brandon, felt the same way. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she was theirs. Right when Brandon had walked in the door with her in his arms, he recognized her. Conner had found her.

A knock at the door pulled Adam from his thoughts of the beauty sleeping in the next room. His only goal was to convince her to participate in the bonding ceremony, and she would, even if he had to lock her away and force her. He hated that harsh thought but he had been waiting for so long to have her be near him. The empty feeling in his heart was beginning to fill. The pain started to lessen, since the moment she was on the plane.

“Yeah, come in.” The words came out more on a growl, and he took a deep breath to calm down. Just having her here was making him more tense than usual.

Brandon opened the door and peeked inside. “The doc’s here.”

Adam got up and walked to the door and out to the main hall to meet with the doctor. He hoped that she was going to be fine.

“Alpha, I got here as quickly as I could.” The clan doctor, Thomas Kincaid, nodded his head in respect, even though he was older than Adam by at least ten years.

“I’m glad you got here so quickly. I’ll take you to where Chloe is.” He led the doctor down the hall. “She fainted when she saw Brandon. Other than that she should be fine. I thought it better to be safe than sorry.” He opened the door, and the light from the hall outlined her body. She was lying in the same position they had left her in. She looked like a perfect angel, her long, golden hair framing her heart-shaped face. Adam couldn’t move. He just stared at her, memorizing her features, wanting to touch her.

Adam moved slightly, allowing the doctor to pass. When Thomas reached the bed and touched Chloe’s cheek, Adam couldn’t contain his growl. Immediately, the doctor pulled back. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I meant no disrespect. I was just touching her face to see if she was overly hot. I need to do a quick exam. It might be best if you step out for a minute, maybe send Brandon in here to observe, or one of the sentries.”

“No. I’m staying here. I need to know if she’s okay.” Adam took a deep breath and stepped back. He wanted to watch, to make sure that she was healthy, but his polar bear was pacing and clawing to get out. He didn’t want anyone touching her. “Brandon…”

“Yeah.” Brandon came up behind him. Adam could feel him at his back.

“I need you to hold on to me. I don’t want to attack the doc, but watching him touch her is upsetting my bear.” He hated admitting that his control was close to snapping. He knew logically that Thomas wasn’t overly touching her, just listening to her heart, just sitting on the side of the bed to get closer to her.

Brandon stepped in front of Adam, putting his body between Adam and the bedroom. Adam could still see Chloe and what was happening, but now he felt a tad safer that he wouldn’t do anything stupid. It was easy to lose control. Being a shifter, having that power, killing was almost too easy. He had been without his mate for too long, and seeing another man near her was causing some anxiety.

The doctor finished the quick exam and stood. “She’s fine, just sleeping peacefully now. Heart rate is normal, temperature is normal, and her breathing is steady. I’m sure she’ll wake up soon.”

“Thanks. We’ve both been worried. When do you think she might wake up?” Brandon asked. Concern laced his words, and Adam calmed down a little, understanding exactly what he was feeling.

“I’d say tomorrow morning. I don’t want to wake her, but I’ll leave that decision to the both of you.” Thomas walked to the door, slapped both Adam and Brandon on the back, nodded his head, and left. Adam and Brandon both stared at Chloe, both unable to look away.

“Let’s leave her to rest. She’s gonna have enough to deal with when she does finally wake up.” Adam walked back, unable to take his eyes off her until the door closed on a soft click. He walked back to his office. There was always work to do, e-mails to check, and arguments to mediate. They had been waiting a long time for her. His whole life he had been dreaming and hoping that he would one day be with his mate. Conner hadn’t done his job. He was supposed to find her and bring her back home. He would still be alive if he had just listened.

It was a horrible accident, but had he just followed the rules, they wouldn’t be in this position now, with a woman who was mourning. They didn’t have long to complete the ceremony, especially now that she was finally here. Time was ticking, and if the ceremony didn’t get complete by the full moon, both Adam and Brandon would be doomed to a life of solidarity. That was the worst thing that could happen, because slowly over time he would turn completely into his bear form, and his humanity would be gone forever.

* * * *

Chloe stretched her muscles and moaned deep in her throat. She pulled her blanket up over her face to block the sun. She was so tired, and the idea of getting out of bed was more than she could stand. Her eyes flickered open, and she stared at the blue blanket. It reminded her of Conner’s eyes, and her heart felt painful in her chest. It became hard to breathe, and she bit her lower lip hard, trying to get her mind on something else.

She reached her hand out of the blanket and felt around, trying to locate the urn. She needed to hold him. When her hand didn’t hit it, in the normal place she kept it next to her, she threw the blanket back. She gasped, realizing that she wasn’t at home in her own bed. She found her shoes on the floor and quickly put them on, surveying the room. She was fully clothed, and she found herself in a very masculine room. A picture on the wall drew her attention, and she walked over, seeing Conner’s smiling face. He was standing in between two larger men. They all shared the same midnight-black hair, deep-blue eyes, and perfect smiles.

She put her hand up to the glass and touched him. These other men must be his brothers. They all looked so alike, the similarities obvious to her. She looked around the room once more, searching for the urn. The memories washed through her, and she realized that Conner was in the car. She had made it to his family’s home. She covered her lips when she remembered kissing his brother, and she started to feel ill.

Chloe opened the bedroom door, looking out into the hall, listening to see if she could hear anyone else in the house. She wasn’t ready to see anyone, but she needed to get Conner out of the car. It was freezing outside. Photos lined the walls in the hall, and everywhere she looked, she could see Conner’s beautiful face. He looked so happy, and his family looked like they loved each other. She walked down the hallway as quietly as she could, not wanting to gain any unwanted attention.

When she reached the front door, she let out the breath she’d been holding. She turned the knob and, looking behind her, she walked out the front door and straight into a wall. Chloe turned her head and found her face against a large chest.

“Going somewhere?” a dark voice whispered to her. Chloe felt her stomach do a somersault, and she shivered. She closed her eyes, wanting to hear him talk to her more. His voice did something to her. Her insides turned liquid, and her pussy contracted, pulling with excitement.

“Talk more,” she said back to him, needing to hear him, loving being close to him.

She could tell that he was smiling, and she wanted to look up and see him, but she couldn’t move, she was frozen in place. “You slept for twelve hours. We were starting to worry. I’m glad you’re awake. Now…I want you to tell me where you’re going.”

Chloe leaned her head against his chest and nuzzled her nose against his shirt, smelling a wonderful pine scent. He smelled like the outdoors after a rainstorm, fresh and wonderful. “You smell so good.” She shivered, getting closer to him.

* * * *

Adam wrapped his arms around Chloe’s slight body and pulled her closer to him. She felt amazing in his arms, and he wanted to howl with joy. He heard her walking down the hall and thought that she might try to escape, that she was going to get to the rental car and drive away. His plan had been to stop her, to talk to her, or at least to force her back into the house.

He’d been checking on her every hour since he woke up, concerned that she might sleep for days. His heart jolted when he heard her shallow breathing as she made her way to the front door. Now, holding her in his arms, she was as affected as he was, and a thrill of excitement shot through him.

“Chloe…where were you going?” He needed an answer. If she thought she was going to run from him, that wouldn’t be a good decision. His bear would hunt her down.

“I was going to the car. It’s cold out here. I needed to get Conner.” After she spoke, her muscles flexed, and she tried to pull away from him almost immediately. He closed his eyes and then slowly let go, allowing her to step back to look at him.

“I brought in all your things. I put them in the living room, the urn is there, go ahead.” He gestured for her to go back inside. He didn’t want her getting cold. The pain that flashed in her eyes was easy to read. She looked defeated. He wanted to see happiness and fire in her eyes. Her face was so expressive, and her beautiful brown eyes looked empty. This wasn’t the woman Conner talked to him about. This woman looked lost, and Adam wanted to protect her.

“Come inside, Chloe, it’s going to be okay.” He shut the door behind them, leaving the cold outside. He put his hand on her lower back and guided her to the living room.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know your name. I know you aren’t the man I kissed. It’s amazing how much you both look like Conner. How close are you in age?”

“I’m Adam, you already met Brandon. He felt horrible for surprising you the way he did. I’m the oldest, thirty-seven, then Brandon, he’s thirty-five, and of course Conner, he was the youngest at thirty.” He showed her to the living room, and all her things were on the table in the center of the room. She rushed over, grabbed the urn off the table, and held it close to her chest. A sigh of relief crossed her lips and she looked up at him finally.

“Your eyes, they’re identical. You look just like Conner, except your hair is longer.” She reached up and touched his face, running her fingertips along his jaw. She closed her eyes, stood up on her toes, and pushed her fingers through his hair. He didn’t move. He couldn’t, to have her this close was a test. He wanted her to be comfortable with them.

Chapter 4

Chloe shut her eyes and touched Adam, knowing that he wasn’t Conner but pretending that he was. It felt good to be near him, to touch him, and his smell was intoxicating. It lulled her and comforted her. She smiled, and it surprised her that she was able to feel again. Her heart hammered in her chest and she wanted to throw herself in his strong arms. Emotions were warring within her, and she held onto the joy she felt in this moment, wanting it to last longer.

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