Christian Philosophy: Everyone Has a Philosophy. It's The Lens Through Which They View The World and Make Decisions. (20 page)

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Commenting on these results, Dr. Baugh said, “What happened in this experiment totally verifies Scripture. God said in the presence of that sphere of water that He had just created, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light… from sound.”

We know that physicists have learned that at the base of every physical entity are cells made of atoms, which in turn are made of subatomic particles. All of these subatomic particles are vibrating. They have discovered that at the base of that vibration is sound. This confirms exactly what the Bible says! Everything we see was created by words, is maintained by words, and responds to words.

One big problem I’ve always had with the pro-evolution argument is that it’s based on the assumption that the universe goes from disorder to order and from simple to complex. But this is the exact opposite of what really happens in nature, as stated in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In fact, the popular evolutionist and anti-creationist Isaac Asimov admitted: “The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the amount of available work you can get out of the energy of the universe is constantly decreasing. …This is true for everything in general, the universe all over.
…Another way of stating the second law then is, ‘The universe is constantly getting more disorderly!’ Viewed that way we can see the second law all about us. …everything deteriorates, collapses, breaks down, wears out, all by itself—and that is what the second law is all about.”

This is totally contrary to the theory of evolution. In evolution, everything goes from very simple to incredibly complex and sophisticated. This is not observable anywhere in nature.

Dr. Baugh adds, “Basic life forms are more complicated than evolution can ever hope to address. Evolutionists like to say that changes take place over time. What they don’t say is that that change has boundaries. So they slip in the concept that a tadpole can ultimately become a monkey that can ultimately become a PhD. But that change has limitations, and that change never leads to a higher order. It never increases the complexity. It might isolate the gene pool to get a superior product temporarily, but you have not increased the complexity. You have only limited the viability….Change over time is limited, and the final product is always downhill.”

To put this concept in simple terms, you can breed dogs, horses, and cows and get changes within that species, but at the end of the day, they are still dogs, horses, and cows. Mankind, with all its intelligence, can’t breed a dog to become a cow or a monkey or a man. Change is limited to variations within that specific species. If it can’t be done on purpose with intelligent thought and design, then it certainly can’t happen accidentally.

Scripture backs this up. The Lord said in Genesis 1:11 that the grass and herbs were to bring forth “after their kind.” In Genesis 1:21, all the sea creatures and fowl of the air “brought forth after their kind.” Genesis 1:24-25 states:

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Scripture clearly teaches that each species reproduces after its own kind. According to the command of God, it’s impossible for one species to evolve into another species. For those who believe in the authority of the Bible, that kills evolution. But sadly, many Christians don’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe.

I believe in de-evolution. I can see in nature, and I see in the Bible, where humanity and other life forms have gone from complex to simple and from order to disorder. For instance, I believe that Adam was incredibly smart. It is said that people today only use about 10 percent of their brain. I have no way of knowing how they came to that conclusion. I think these people may use a lot less than 10 percent! But I do believe that Adam was hitting on all cylinders. God created man to be incredibly smart.

Adam was able to name every animal on earth. Their names are so descriptive of their function and how they live; this shows incredible intelligence on Adam’s part. I believe that Adam and Eve were super smart, and I believe that we’ve all evolved downward from there. Evolution says that people came from apes, and they started out as cavemen who had no sophistication. Yet if you look at the oldest skeletons we have of mankind, they show incredible sophistication.

I also believe that we used to have a much deeper revelation of God. Adam and Eve walked with God in perfection, and Adam lived to be 930 years old. Adam had an intimate relationship with God and saw the creation in its perfection. Then he began to see the animals start to cannibalize each other, where in the beginning they were all herbivorous. Enoch also walked with God and had such a close relationship with Him that he was literally caught up into the heavens (see Genesis 5:24). He never died. He lived for over 300 years. The revelation of God that Adam and Enoch passed on impacted people!

People started out knowing God. Cain, when he killed Abel, spoke directly to God (see Genesis 4:9–16). They were having an audible, face-to-face confrontation. People started out knowing that there was a God, but we have devolved. When people say there is no God, that’s reverse evolution. It’s foolish! It goes against their intuitive knowledge (Romans 1:18-20).

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Psalm 14:1–3

According to this scripture, which is repeated in Psalm 53, only a fool would say there is no God. Only a fool could look at creation and not figure out that this incredible complexity could not possibly evolve.

Take one of the simplest things in nature—a single blade of grass. If you pooled all the intellectual and financial resources of mankind, we could not produce a single, living, blade of grass. We could produce something that looks like grass; it might have the same texture and chemical makeup, but it couldn’t reproduce itself. It wouldn’t be alive.

If man, with all his intelligence can’t do that which is least, then how can anyone possibly believe that the incredible complexity of nature could happen randomly? That defies logic. The chances of evolution happening randomly are impossible.

The chances of a 747 jet being perfectly assembled and able to fly as the result of a bomb going off at the Boeing Aircraft factory are infinitely more probable than the chances of evolution. The chances of an explosion in a print shop creating perfectly printed, bound, and stacked Bibles are infinitely more probable than the chances of evolution.

If spacecraft discovered a house on Mars, I guarantee that people would see this as proof that there was once life on that planet. They wouldn’t think this house just evolved. Only an intelligent creature could create something like that. Yet, so-called “intellectuals” look at the complexity of nature and think it just evolved. That’s foolish.

Perhaps you’re reading this and acknowledging that you don’t fully believe in evolution to the point where you think the earth is here by accident, but you have bought into some of the other theistic theories of creation. In this case, you still have mixed truth with lies and have adopted a secular worldview of how our earth was made. This is damaging to your faith. If you can’t accept the Word at face value but instead mix other ingredients with it, your faith will become compromised. Satan can then easily get you to doubt the integrity of the rest of God’s Word. This puts everything you believe about the Bible at risk.

Biblical creationism, which follows the whole truth of Scripture, is also called the young earth theory by scientists. It holds that the earth and every living creature was made by a Creator in a period of six days, just as stated in Genesis 1. Based on these verses, creation covered a span of six days—literal days, because each had a morning and an evening and because this is the same type of day referred to in Exodus 20:8–11, where the Sabbath is discussed. Jesus confirmed that humans were created at the same time as the earth (without millions of years separating them) when He said, “From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6). Any other view of creation is, in some form, a compromise of what Scripture teaches.

Dr. Grady McMurtry wholeheartedly believes in a young earth theory. But this was not always the case. Dr. McMurtry grew up learning evolution in the public schools of Berkeley, California. He also spent time in the paleontology labs of University of California Berkeley, learning about dinosaur fossils and evolutionary theory as a child. He learned so much that when he was only eight years old, teachers started “borrowing” him from one classroom to another to teach other kids! He ultimately went on to earn a MS from State University of New York in evolutionary theory, which he later taught.

But when McMurtry was 27, the Holy Spirit guided him through Scripture and proved to him that Jesus was who He said He was, and he became a Christian. He immediately recognized that he couldn’t reconcile what he was reading in the Bible about creation with his evolution background.
After sixteen months of study and research, he came to the conclusion that there is not one law of science or one natural process that sufficiently supports evolution, whereas every natural law, every natural process, and all of the earth’s physical evidence supports creation.

Now, after decades of continued research, McMurtry travels the world educating people on the case for a young earth. “Whether you look in the earth, on the earth, or outside of the earth in space, there is plenty of evidence to show the earth is young,” he argues.
In fact, McMurtry states that there are over 270 geochronometers, or earth time clocks, that demonstrate a recent creation of the universe.

For example, minerals and gemstones found inside the earth are said by evolutionists to take millions of years to form. But Dr. McMurtry has found evidence of gold being formed in fewer than five hours, and states that in 2006 it was discovered how to produce flawless diamonds in fewer than twelve hours.
McMurtry also points to stalagmites, which supposedly take millions of years to grow, having formed on Mayan pottery made in AD 700, as evidence of a young earth.

My own study found that granite contains a radioactive particle called polonium 214, having a half-life of .000164 seconds. That means this radioactive particle dissipates in less than one-one thousandth of a second. If it took more than one-one thousandth of a second for granite to form, polonium 214 wouldn’t be trapped in the rock.

Dr. McMurtry also views the decay of the earth’s magnetic field as further evidence of a young earth. Earth’s decay has been measurable since the early 1800s. The earth decays in the same way that radioactive material does, meaning it has a half-life. The half-life of the earth’s magnetic field is 1400 years. So, every 1400 years, one half of the strength of the magnetic field decays. Going back in time 1400 years, the strength of this field would double. Our magnetic field bends the sun’s radiation at the poles, and without it everything on earth would die. Ten thousand years ago, the strength of the field would have killed all life on earth; therefore living beings couldn’t have been here millions of years ago, as old earth theorists claim.

Yet, the further we move ahead in time, the weaker the field becomes. Within 2000 years, our current magnetic field will be gone. As Dr. McMurtry put it, “We live in a very narrow band of time. This is why we know that Jesus is coming back soon, because when He comes there will still be people on earth. That means the field has to still be strong enough to shield the earth from the sun’s radiation. God never intended the earth to last a long time once it became flawed due to human sin.”

What absolutely convinces Dr. McMurtry of a young earth is the evidence he’s seen in the world’s rock formations, along with sediment that has formed in the mouths of rivers across the globe. He thoroughly believes these things point to a global event of catastrophic proportions that very quickly changed the face of the earth—an event that perfectly harmonizes with the Flood in the Bible. The following is taken from an interview I conducted with Dr. McMurtry where he explains his findings.


Let’s start with Day 3 of creation to show how Noah’s Flood is related to the way God made the earth. On Day 3, God caused the dry land to rise out of the water, and He gathered the seas, which are shallow—only up to a mile deep. He gathered the water into one place, and dry land appeared. There are separations of waters above and below, and in this firmament God made what we call the earth’s crust, but it’s more like an eggshell. Ten miles underneath is a layer of water one mile deep, which we found evidence of in 1909. We now know that there are large pockets of water down there that never came up the first time and that there is at least five to six times more water in the crust than on the crust. At ten miles of depth, the earth warms at 90 degrees per mile initially, so that water is 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

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