Christian Philosophy: Everyone Has a Philosophy. It's The Lens Through Which They View The World and Make Decisions. (19 page)

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I believe it’s because pure evolution promotes a completely godless philosophy or view of the earth and humanity. Satan has worked very hard and has been quite successful at keeping God out of our classrooms and other institutions. When humanists teach evolution as a fact and don’t allow any other viewpoints on the subject of creation, they close the door for any possible seeds to be planted in people’s minds—and hearts—that God exists.

Ironically, at the Scopes “Monkey Trial” in 1925, where evolutionists were granted the right to present evolution as a theory in American classrooms, it was said to be a travesty of justice that only one theory of life origin—which at that time was creationism—should be taught. Yet, that is exactly what is happening today, except the single theory now being taught is evolution.

Dr. Carl Baugh, the founder of the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas, is an ex-atheist who became a Christian and creationist. He also believes that evolution is a spiritual battleground. “It’s not only a battle for the minds of men; it’s a battle for their souls.”
Another atheist-turned-creationist, Dr. Grady McMurtry, who developed Creation Worldview Ministries, adds: “Without the doctrine of creation, there is no Christianity…. If you start with Genesis…then take a look at John chapter 1 and Revelation 14:6 and 7, it is creation which is the foundation of Christianity. Without [creation] there is no Christianity.”

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

John 1:1–5

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Revelation 14:6–7

Being totally pro-evolution allows people to deaden their heart to the voice of creation. According to Psalm 19, creation is shouting out to us:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

Psalm 19:1–4

Every day, people everywhere, even in the farthest reaches of this planet, are within shouting distance for creation to let them know there’s a Creator. But people want to believe in evolution because it eliminates that voice, therefore eliminating accountability to a Creator. If we evolved from slime and are nothing but evolved animals, then we can live like animals. And when we die, it’s over—period. We didn’t come from anywhere and aren’t going anywhere, so we can do whatever we want. People who think this way conclude they can do whatever they want as long as they don’t get caught or suffer any consequences. They simply establish their own morality.

However, the Bible is filled with details of God holding people accountable for their actions. God often pronounced judgment and punishment because people went against His commands. We, as His creation, are responsible to Him. One example is when the Lord became upset at mankind and wiped out everyone except Noah and his family (Genesis 6).

So many places in Scripture prove that we didn’t evolve and that God is not some disinterested person out “there” who just wound the earth up like a clock and let it run. He created everything we see. He created us. His fingerprints are everywhere, and all of creation screams that at us. I believe evolution is being so heavily pushed down people’s throats because it’s an attempt to drown out that voice of creation.

Dr. McMurtry believes, “According to evolutionists, we’re only thinking animals. …Evolution is absolutely a religion. It is not science. It’s a religion of convenience, meaning, if it’s not convenient, it doesn’t fit my religion…. [Evolutionists] want to believe it because it’s the only way in which they can intellectually justify that they can lead a sinless life without Jesus Christ….this is what justifies the homosexual lifestyle, abortion, euthanasia, racism, pornography, all of our social ills….These social issues are merely the branches. The tree trunk is secular humanism, and evolution is the tap root.”

It’s dangerous for anyone to fall into the evolution trap because it keeps that person from God. But it’s especially hard to understand a Christian falling for it. The fundamental problem with evolution, like any other secular philosophy, is that it violates the Word of God. If, as a Christian, you embrace evolution and believe it to be true, you are ultimately going to disbelieve God’s Word. Evolution is not compatible with the Bible.

I know there are Christians reading this who believe in evolution because that’s what you’ve been taught. You’ve drunk the Kool-Aid without ever questioning its content. It’s been reinforced millions and millions of times, and it seems like all of the movers and the shakers of our world believe it, so you should too. But at the same time, you’ll claim that you believe the Bible. You can’t have it both ways. If you truly believe in evolution, then you’re going to have to believe that the Word of God is not accurate. By believing in evolution, you lose confidence in the authority that God’s Word holds, which in turn will destroy your faith.

There is not one particular theory of evolution; there are many different theories. This is another problem with the whole evolution argument, because even among evolutionists, they can’t agree on which theory is correct. In general, there are two categories of theories: anti-theistic theories, which basically state that our universe is here by a random accident and not because an intelligent being created it; and theistic theories, which hold that God did create the universe, but evolution was still part of the equation. Yet another theory is intelligent design, which claims that there was some sort of being—not necessarily God—who created life.

Biblical creationism, which views creation as a literal six-day event, and anti-theistic evolution, are polar opposites of one another, while all these other theories create an evolution spectrum in between. Sadly, many Christians believe in one of the many non-biblical theories of evolution, holding creationism views that have subtly evolved away from the truth of Scripture.

One of Satan’s greatest tactics is to mix just enough truth with lies that we fall for the lies and into deception. Over time, he has masterfully created hybrids—theistic evolutionary theories—between evolution and creationism to the point where many Christians no longer have an untainted biblical view of how and when God formed the earth.

An example of theistic evolution is the thought that God was responsible for the Big Bang, but that living beings evolved from that point. Another is that God did form each creature, including humans, as individual and unique entities, but He did so millions of years ago. One version of this theory is called the gap theory, which states that there are actually millions of years of time between Genesis 1:1 (“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”)
and Genesis 1:2 (“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”).

I’ve got friends who love God and love His Word who have bought into this theory, but I can’t subscribe to it. They believe that prior to Genesis 1:2 there were hundreds of millions of years that existed, and during this time all of the dinosaurs were alive and there was an entire pre-Adamic civilization. They believe that what Genesis is explaining is actually a re-creation, not an original creation, of the earth.

Some Christians believe that there was a civilization in which Lucifer, who we now call Satan, populated this earth and ruled over it. Lucifer then rebelled against God, and God destroyed the demonic civilization, causing the earth to become vain and void (see Genesis 1:2). They believe that when God told Adam and Eve to replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28),
the word
indicates that
the earth was once vibrant; it was once full of life, but then it was destroyed. To those who believe this, Genesis 1:28 is describing the re-creation where Adam and Eve had to replenish—or refill—the earth.

I admit that the word
can mean to fill again, but this word is used a number of times in Scripture, and it’s not talking about filling again; it simply means “to fill.” In fact, all of the main translations of the Bible interpret this verse as “Be fruitful and fill the earth.” It doesn’t imply any of the meaning of refilling as some think.

Too many people, including Christians, won’t stand and speak against evolution because they’ve been told that it’s an established fact. They’re taught that evolution has been proven over and over, so often, people are afraid to stand up and say anything about it. I was shocked to read an article that showed only a slight majority of pastors believe in biblical creationism. But even among those who do believe it, the vast majority won’t teach it because they fear how their people will respond.

But there are currently thousands upon thousands of scientists who don’t buy into the lie of evolution. Some believe in intelligent design and others believe in biblical creationism. Even though we’re all told that evolution is an established fact, they understand that it’s not. It’s merely a theory—and one with many holes.

I believe in biblical creationism because I believe the Bible. The Word of God is sufficient for me to settle the issue of evolution versus creationism. But I realize that there are many Christians, even some of you reading this book, who may honor God’s Word to a degree, but you also—maybe even more so—honor the natural and secular views you’ve been taught through our educational system. For this reason, I also want to approach this topic from a place of logic and science, using experts in the field who’ve discovered evidence supporting biblical creationism, to showcase the multitude of problems surrounding the theory of evolution.

First, let me share some things from Scripture. I encourage you to read through Genesis 1 on your own. Do so with an open mind and an open heart, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through the scriptures. You’ll see in Genesis that the Bible clearly states how God created the heavens and the earth:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light… And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Genesis 1:1–3, 14–16

In verse 3, God spoke light into existence. He spoke light into existence before He created the sun, moon, or stars. That’s what the Bible says. In other words, He spoke light into existence before there was a place for light to come from (v. 16). This by itself, totally disproves the Big Bang theory. These verses refute that theory because there was light before there was the sun, moon, and stars. The earth existed before the sun existed. There wasn’t a bunch of matter that was just flung out in space. God created the earth, then on the third day He made the sun, moon, and stars and placed them in the heavens to give light to the earth. If you believe the Bible’s account of creation, there isn’t room to believe evolution.

Even if you believe there was a God who made the process of evolution happen, things didn’t happen in the sequence that evolutionists say they did. The earth was created first. It was totally covered by water, and God spoke light into existence. It wasn’t until the third day when He created the sun, moon, and stars. This is hard to understand because if you need light, you flip a light switch or grab a flashlight. The light comes from that source. But Romans 4:17 tells us that God “calleth those things which be not as though they were.”

God simply speaks things into existence. God spoke light into existence before He created a source for light. I know that’s hard for our brains to wrap around and understand, but it doesn’t disprove it. Just because we can’t understand how God did something and because it’s not the way we would’ve done it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Dr. Baugh once reported on a graduate project conducted at UCLA where the students used a flask of water and a boom box from which they could control the sound frequencies. They discovered that when they generated certain frequencies, a small bubble appeared in the center of a flask of water. They later found by experimentation that the bubble heated to a hundred thousand degrees, yet was self-insulating. As it heated, out the other side of the bubble, a full spectrum of light was emitted.

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