Christian Philosophy: Everyone Has a Philosophy. It's The Lens Through Which They View The World and Make Decisions. (21 page)

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At this temperature, the water is liquid steam, the same thing that causes volcanic eruptions. God put it down there, knowing He’d need it 1,656 years later. Genesis 7:11 says that the fountains of the great deep, or the springs of waters, burst forth or broke open. The actual Hebrew word used is
means “to come into a knife edge.” The waters knifed through from below to start the Flood. The World Ocean Floor Map shows the exact places where the waters knifed through. It also shows how the continents were separated by this water bursting forth. They floated rapidly because they’re on a layer of water. Although the continents are in one piece to start with, when they were knifed through, they broke into smaller pieces.

During earthquakes, land cracks open, presenting an opportunity for hot rock and hot water to come up from below. Initially the water is trapped, but when the earth breaks open, the waters knife through the crack. Caesarea Philippi is where the land crack of the Flood began. It started very, very tight, which is what will happen with tremendous pressure at one point. From there, the crack went down to what is now the Jordan River and then to the Red Sea. It continued underneath the ocean into the Indian Ocean, going around the world 40,000 miles, breaking all three continents from the others. This one continuous crack shows it was the result of one specific occurrence and not separate events.

The significance of the crack starting at Caesarea Philippi is beyond belief. This is where Jesus led His disciples and asked them, “Who do men say the Son of Man is?” Then He asked one of the two most important questions in the entire New Testament: “Who do
say that I am?” He asks that at the very spot where the crack starts and breaks off three continents. It’s the very place where the Jordan River starts as clear living water coming out of a rock. This is not a coincidence. Jesus knew exactly where He was. He was there before the crack was!

Evolutionists talk about Pangaea, or how all the continents used to fit together, which is a biblical concept. You can see on the Pangaea Globe—although you can tell better on a round globe—how the continental shelf of Greenland perfectly fits the continental shelf of Norway.

It’s like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Then there’s a crack going up the middle where the eruption of hot rock and hot water took place when the waters cleaved from below. You can also see how the western continental shelf of New Zealand perfectly fits the eastern continental shelf of Australia.

And, you can see stretch marks in the Indian Ocean which only happen when something occurs quickly, like a nine-month pregnancy.

If evolution was true and it took hundreds of millions of years, you wouldn’t see the stretch marks because there would be deep layers of mud due to years and years of rain washing sediment off the continents. But we do see stretch marks, and we have what are called abyssal plains, or flat sand bottoms, right up against the side of the continents. This proves that mud never came into the Atlantic in the first place, meaning this all formed in a short period of time.

Now, the mountains before the Flood were up to 5,000 feet high but were capable of being covered with one mile of water. The water eroded those mountains that existed from creation to the Flood and created the wet mud layers—the sedimentary rock layers—that were re-deposited. Seventy-five to eighty percent of the earth’s land surface is covered with dried-out mud layers, or sedimentary rock, containing trillions of dead plants and animals that all drowned. That should be proof enough of a worldwide flood, not a slow and gradual accumulation.

After the Flood ended, the layers eroded, and other layers were lifted and folded by tectonic forces, the moving of continents and so forth. This process occurs while the layers are still wet, and then only after they have been folded do they dry into hard rock. We see these folded layers all over the world, showing how everything was deposited very quickly and proving a rapid formation. We also know that fossilization is rapid, and to form a fossil something has to be buried rapidly, otherwise it would decay. Yet we have fossils all through these mud layers.

Experiments in Colorado State University’s sedimentation laboratory prove that all layers form at the same time and merely extend in the direction of water flow. With moving water, the bottom and top layers form at the same time but extend as the water flows in that direction. The layer in the bottom is the same age as the layer on the top, which totally disproves evolution.

The layers in the Rocky Mountains are easy to see. If evolution was true, these layers should be flat because water seeks its own level and lays down flat.

But instead of flat layers, there are undulations or wavelike layers, again showing a rapid formation. More evidence is the erosion material at the bottom. If those mountains are 300 million years old, there’s not nearly enough erosion material. The erosion material present only supports a formation time of a few thousand years.

In the Grand Canyon there are Redwall Limestone and Cambrian Muav layers interlaced. There’s one then another then another going back and forth, showing that the canyon was not clean cut like evolutionists say it should be if the layers have different ages.

Rather, it reflects water currents depositing layer after layer of material as they moved back and forth. We even have layers that are missing, according to evolutionary thinking. Sometimes there are smooth flat lines, but there are ten million years missing.

Also, if, as evolutionists claim, the layers were deposited at different times, there had to be some period during which each layer was exposed before the next layer was deposited. But there are no soil horizons, or places where rock eroded into soil, in between the layers. There also are no V-shape erosion marks, which occur when the layers are exposed to rain. Those erosion marks should be filled in by the next layer of mud, but evidence of that is not there. And there are no animal holes or root holes. The lack of these things shows that all these layers were deposited at one time in a really big flood, and they were not exposed one after another after another.

We can also look at the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 to show how the Grand Canyon was formed quickly. During the initial nine hours of eruption on May 18, twenty-five feet of ash was laid down in one layer. The second layer is actually comprised of several layers that formed during a second eruption over a period of five hours. Again, these layers are about twenty-five feet deep. The top layer, also about twenty-five feet, formed in fewer than twenty-four hours. There were three distinct events during the time of the eruptions from 1980 to 1982. But all three layers—a total of seventy-five feet—came into existence in fewer than three days. This shows that geological features form quite rapidly.

We have eyewitness documentation and photographic evidence to prove the time frame in which these layers developed. The ash formed a seventy-five-foot cliff with three separate “zones,” each twenty-five feet deep.

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