Christian Philosophy: Everyone Has a Philosophy. It's The Lens Through Which They View The World and Make Decisions. (25 page)

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1 Timothy 1:9-10

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Jude 1:7

And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly.

2 Peter 2:6

It simply is not possible to read the Bible and think that God approves of homosexuality. God forgives homosexuals because Jesus has already paid the debt, but the act of homosexuality is wrong. It’s one thing for a person to know that homosexuality is wrong and to persist in it anyway, but it’s something else to try to twist the Gospel into saying that homosexuality is normal behavior, or that it can’t be helped.

God would be unjust to command a person not to do something they are genetically disposed toward doing. God doesn’t make demands like that. When God tells you not to lie or steal, it’s because you have the ability to avoid those behaviors. It would be unreasonable for God to say, “Stop being a man.” You can’t help the way you were created. But God never created anybody to be a homosexual. Even pro-gay organizations like the APA are admitting that homosexuality is not genetic. Being gay is a choice, just like lying or stealing.

God has never made anyone to be different than the gender they were at birth. If you are a man, then God intends for you to have sexual relations with a woman, and if you are a woman, then God intends for you to have sexual relations with a man. He doesn’t make people any other way. The good news for anyone struggling with homosexuality is that you can be set free from the lies that have brought you to that place. You don’t have to live under that burden anymore. God loves you, and He has already paid the price to deliver you from that lifestyle.

Chapter 12
Facts and Statistics Regarding Homosexuality

he gay lobby tries to present homosexuality as a completely normal lifestyle. They want you to believe that homosexuals are just like everybody else—aside from their choice in sexual partners—but homosexuality is not normal.

One of the tactics the gay lobby has used to promote the normalcy of homosexuality is to claim a greater occurrence of homosexuality in the population than is true. The gay lobby used to claim that 10% of the population was homosexual. Those faulty figures were taken from a study published in 1948 by a zoologist named Alfred Kinsey, and his study has since been widely criticized for using an unbalanced number of college students and convicted sex offenders. More accurate studies have shown that only 1-2% of Americans claim to be gay, and according to the 2000 US Census Bureau, less than 1% of American households are homosexual—a far lower rate of occurrence than the gay lobby wants the public to believe.

Homosexuality isn’t just unusual and immoral—it’s harmful. Consider the following facts:

• 43% of white male homosexuals have sex with 500 or more partners in their lifetime.

• 28% of white male homosexuals have over 1,000 sex partners in their lifetime.

It is not normal to have sex with 500 to 1,000 different people, yet that is the case for almost half of the homosexuals in this study. This is a perversion by anyone’s standards. That kind of rampant promiscuity explains why homosexual males report far less sexual fidelity than do heterosexuals.

These statistics reveal that homosexuality is a sexual perversion; it’s a lifestyle that is directly linked to promiscuity and unfaithfulness. Gay couples aren’t just like heterosexual couples; the differences are vast. A study in the Netherlands, where gay marriage has been legal since 2001, revealed that “committed” male homosexual couples had eight sexual partners outside of their relationship every year.
Nobody would consider a heterosexual couple normal if they were sleeping with a new person every six weeks in addition to their spouse.

Somebody will object saying that they know a homosexual couple who has been faithfully committed for over 20 years, but that is far and away the rare exception—as these studies show.

On May 8, 2012, North Carolina passed a constitutional amendment that defined marriage solely as the union between a man and a woman. North Carolina’s amendment passed 61% to 39%, making them the 30
state to adopt that position. In spite of the majority of states and Americans showing their opposition to gay marriage, President Barack Obama came out the very next day in full support of gay marriage. He cited friends and members of his own staff, “who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together…”

It might be possible that the individuals the president was talking about were in monogamous homosexual relationships, but if that is true, it would certainly be the exception rather than the rule. This is comparable to endorsing drunk driving because someone you know did it and got home safely without hurting anyone. That does happen, but we justly have laws against driving while under the influence because it’s dangerous.

The average homosexual relationship lasts 1½ years, and 95% of the couples in a relationship lasting longer than five years have an open agreement to engage in outside sexual relationships.
By comparison, almost 50% of heterosexual marriages last more than 20 years.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2001 and the 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census

Partner violence is also much higher in homosexual relationships. Among lesbians, the partner abuse rate is 44 times greater than in heterosexual relationships. Among gay men, the rate at which males are abused by their partners is 300 times greater. Those rates of violence are extremely abnormal. It simply isn’t true that homosexual relationships are just like heterosexual marriages with the exception of being same-sex unions. Homosexuality is a vastly different lifestyle.

Sources: “Extent, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence,” U.S. Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs, July 2000, 30; “Intimate Partner Violence,” Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report,

In addition to being sexually and physically harmful, a study performed in England found that homosexuals are at least 50% more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
If it were anything else causing that kind of increased risk, the government would be trying to regulate or ban the behavior. I just don’t see how you can ignore the dangers associated with homosexuality. It is a destructive lifestyle.

A separate study published in the medical journal
BMC Psychiatry
noted that the risk of suicide jumped over 200% for individuals who had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle. Again, the logical thing to do when you identify a behavior that causes such a dramatic jump in suicides is to warn people not to engage in the behavior. But because the behavior we’re talking about is homosexuality, no one wants to say anything. It’s not politically correct. In fact, our schools are actually encouraging the behavior by teaching that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle alternative to traditional marriage.

In Massachusetts, the father of a kindergartner was arrested and taken to jail during a scheduled meeting with the elementary school principal and a member of the school board over objections to the homosexual curriculum being presented in his son’s
Even though Massachusetts has a law that allows parents to opt their children out of curriculum they don’t approve of, the education authorities in Lexington refused to allow parents to opt their kids out of the homosexual classes. In that school, the gay lobby interpreted the passage of the same-sex marriage law in Massachusetts as a go-ahead to indoctrinate vulnerable kids into their destructive worldview—regardless of whether or not the parents approved. Such propaganda has no place in the classroom of five-and six-year olds. It’s a case of the world calling evil good, and good (the father trying to protect his son) evil (Isaiah 5:20).

The homosexual community is pressing for recognition of their civil unions, claiming that not doing so is discrimination. But what about the religious rights of Christians like this father? If civil unions are legalized and granted protected status, then churches will be forced by law to violate their religious convictions and perform marriages between homosexuals, or be forced to hire homosexuals and grant spousal rights to their partners.

Someone might be yelling, “That’s not what would happen,” but it has already happened, as with this father in Massachusetts. Churches have already been sued for refusing to allow homosexual marriages in their facilities in states where homosexuals have been granted protected status.
Religious organizations have been forced to close rather than violate their moral convictions and treat homosexuality as normal behavior.

Many increased health risks are also associated with homosexuality. Males who adopt a homosexual lifestyle have a 30% greater
chance of dying or contracting HIV by age 30,
and the overall life expectancy of gay men is 20 years less than heterosexual men.
Data as of 1989 showed the rates of anal cancer in male homosexual practitioners to be 10 times that of heterosexual males, and growing.
For those with AIDS, the rates are doubled.

Lesbians are at higher risk for certain gynecologic cancers, and they are more than twice as likely as straight women to be obese—which is associated with higher rates of cancer and heart disease. Gay men are twice as likely to have been diagnosed with, and then survived, cancer, and they are at higher risk for anal, lung, testicular and immune-system cancers.
Experts also believe that lesbians are more likely to get breast cancer than heterosexual women. The list of health risks seems never-ending. Here is a summary of what we’ve mentioned so far:

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