Christmas From Hell (23 page)

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Authors: R. L. Mathewson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #rl mathewson, #fire fighter romance, #neighbor from hell, #enemy to lover romance, #contemporary series romance, #new york times best seller

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Trying not to panic, she quickly opened the door, shut it behind her and locked it. Not that it would save her, but it should buy her just enough time to do what she needed to do. As quietly as possible, she ran up the stairs and thanked God when she found the door leading directly to Duncan’s bedroom unlocked.


That’s my brownie, you son of a bitch!” she heard someone shout from the vicinity of the kitchen, letting her know that they were at least all still contained on the first floor.


Trying not to think about what would happen to her when they found her, she opened Duncan’s door, damn near cried in relief when she realized that the only person in the room was the man himself, sprawled out across the large bed in his boxers and making her thank God for small miracles.


When the shouting from downstairs suddenly became louder, she knew that she didn’t have much time so she didn’t waste any. She practically ran towards his bed, pausing every few seconds to pull off her clothes and kick off her shoes. By the time she reached his bed she was completely naked, trembling with fear and praying that this was enough to save her life.


Duncan!” she whispered, trying not to freak out, but it was difficult not to when she could hear the Bradford clan moving up to the second floor, letting her know that it was only a matter of time before they realized where she was and came after her, demanding more brownies that she wouldn’t be able to produce, because there had only been enough cocoa powder for one batch.


When he didn’t move, she tried not to panic, but it was difficult knowing just how close she was to being mauled by a bunch of hungry Bradfords. Telling herself that she had no other choice, she grabbed the waist of his boxers, yanked them down, pushed him onto his side, jumped into the bed and curled up in front of him as she grabbed the comforter folded at the end of the bed and yanked it up over them and closed her eyes just in time it seemed.


What the fuck?” someone said as the door was thrown open.


Oh, I don’t need to see this!” another one said as she laid there, trying to calm her breathing, but it was difficult knowing how close she was to being mauled for more brownies.


I thought you said that shit was going to knock him out for at least a day!”


Obviously I fucked up!” the familiar voice said, making her breathe a little easier, because clearly they were buying it.




He’s sleeping now so shut the fuck up!” someone snapped, making her wonder what they’d given him to knock him out and why.


Of course, when she felt the large, warm hand close over her breast and something very long and hard grind against her bottom, she had to agree that Aidan had definitely fucked up on the dosage.


Chapter 26


Sunday, December 13


This was probably the best way that he’d ever woken up, he had to admit as he weighed the large breast in his hand as he shifted with a sigh of pleasure when his dick, hard and ready to go rubbed against the smoothest ass that he’d ever had the pleasure of touching.


Then again, did it really count if it was his cock that was doing all the touching? he idly wondered as he pressed a kiss against Necie’s bare shoulder, loving the grumpy little growl she omitted at being disturbed. She was definitely an angry little thing when someone disturbed her sleep.


As he lay there, holding her breast and gently rubbing his cock against her ass that felt like silk simply because he just couldn’t seem to stop, he tried to figure out exactly how he’d ended up getting her in bed last night, because he was pretty sure that he’d gone to bed alone and really pissed off. He remembered something about his brothers ganging up on him, a few of his cousins and the bastards cornering him and bitching at him about being done watching him exhaust himself into an early grave.


Then he remembered the prick in his ass.


That little bastard, he thought, instantly calming thanks to the large breast that he was rubbing. It was actually rather soothing, he thought even as he thought of all the violent things that he was going to do to his little brother.


The next question of course was, how did she end up naked and in his bed? Since he knew without a doubt that they hadn’t had sex since his balls were throbbing for relief, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d managed to get her in his bed, naked. It wasn’t that he was complaining.


Far from it.


He was just curious, he told himself as he pressed another kiss to her bare shoulder while he tried to tell his cock that it should be happy with what it was getting now and stop being such a demanding little bastard. But, God, he wanted her. He wanted to lay her on her stomach, cover her body and slide his cock deep inside her.


He wouldn’t have to worry about making her wet, because he knew without a doubt that she’d already be wet and ready for him, but if she wasn’t, he would be more than happy to get her there with his mouth or fingers, whatever she needed. He would gladly give her whatever she needed and more.


He’d definitely use his tongue on her, he thought as he found his fingers teasing the small, hard nipple in his hand. He would lick her slit from top to bottom until her lips were swollen and open, revealing the pink little clit that would require all of his attention for a few minutes.


Just imagining how good her little clit would feel against his tongue had him returning his attention away from the nipple and to the large breast that needed his attention. He would lick her out, slide his tongue inside her and fuck her with his tongue until she demanded more, demanded that he fuck her raw and he would gladly fucking do it, too.


Unable to take another moment of torture, he gently rolled her onto her back, pressed his lips against hers and moved to-


Fucking hell!” he gasped out when the small leg with the surprisingly pointy knee slammed into his balls as the woman that he wanted more than his next fucking breath turned over in her sleep, yawned and fell back into a deep sleep while he laid there, cupping his balls and praying for a quick fucking death before she turned him into a eunuch.


The most frightening part of all this was that she wasn’t doing it on purpose. It was just another part of her that he adored and yes, it did terrify him that he’d adored this about her, but then again, as long as she was a jinx he would never have to worry about anyone hurting her, because she’d probably accidentally send them to the ICU if they tried. It was a comforting thought he told himself as he slowly rolled over onto his back, closed his eyes and breathed through the pain.


Perhaps he should start wearing a cup when he was around her, he wondered as he somehow managed to get off the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom where he’d most likely spend the next hour or two soaking in an ice cold bath to soothe his poor abused balls.




What the hell was wrong with her, she wondered with a cringe as she carefully climbed off the bed and tiptoed towards her clothes, hoping to get dressed and make her escape before the poor man that she’d unmanned, again, came out of the bathroom.


Not that she was running away, she told herself, because she wasn’t. It was ten o’clock and she was seven hours late for work. She needed to go in and help them catch up all while putting up with her grandfather’s pouts, glares and the knowledge that when he got that far-off expression on his face that he was probably fantasizing about all the ways that he could kill Duncan.


Yeah, she was probably going to have to do another weapons sweep of the house and bakery, she decided with a heavy sigh, because there was just no way that she would be able to make sure that her grandfather adhered to a strict diet behind bars. Knowing him, he’d probably beat the shit out of the biggest thug in there on the first day just to get it out of the way and then focus on having McDonalds smuggled in.


The man really had no self-control when it came to his health, she thought with a belated sigh as she bent over to pick up her panties and somehow found her eyes rolling back in her head and a moan escaping her lips as the most pleasurable sensation tore through her body.


Panting hard, and not exactly sure what that was, but praying that it never stopped, she reached out blindly and grabbed onto the edge of the antique desk as she felt what she thought might be a tongue trace her slit again, more slowly this time.


Oh, God,” she gasped, panting hard as her grip on the desk was the only thing holding her up.


Her entire body trembled, her head spun as her breaths came faster and faster to the point that she wasn’t sure that she could take anymore, but she knew that if he stopped doing whatever he was doing that she would be required to kill him.




Definitely going to hell, he decided, but really didn’t give a fuck as he tilted his head and slid his tongue between the softest lips that he’d ever had the good fortune of running his tongue over and found her core.


He growled in hunger as she rewarded him with a moan. He probably shouldn’t be doing this, he realized, but knowing that didn’t stop him from tilting his head back and sliding his tongue inside her as he used his hands to push her legs apart to give him better access.


Slowly, he slid his tongue in and out of her, fucking her in the way that he’d imagined while she stood bent over his desk. He was definitely going to hell for this one, but he didn’t fucking care. She tasted so damn good and she wasn’t telling him to stop.


In fact, he had a feeling that if he tried to stop that she might actually try to kill him. It was the way that she moaned and in the way that she spread her legs a little more as she held onto his desk and pushed back, demanding more that told him just how much she was loving this. Smiling, because there was nothing sexier than a woman who knew what she wanted, he slid his tongue slowly out and then back inside her sheath.


,” she moaned his name like a prayer and a plea.


He grabbed onto her hips, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs as he gave her exactly what she needed and what he was dying to give her. He kept licking her, only pausing every few seconds to flick his tongue over the hood of her little clit before sliding his tongue back inside her. When she reached back with one hand, grabbed a handful of his hair and cried his name, he realized something very important.


She was


Before she was done screaming his name, he was standing behind her, holding her still by her hips and entering her. She cried out his name and as he cursed out hers, because this one tiny woman had ruined him. Little by little over the past year, she’d destroyed him, annoyed him, made him secretly smile, and gave him something to look forward to every day.


He could tell himself that he only went to her family’s bakery because the food was so damn good, but that wouldn’t explain why he always watched her every move, absorbing every detail like she was the only thing that was keeping him going. He could tell himself that he watched her, because she was a jinx and he worried about her getting hurt, but that was bullshit. He wanted to see her, to be with her and he used her unfortunate luck with gravity as an excuse to go to her.


Wrapping his arms around her, he picked her up, careful not to pull out of her and carried her to his bed. Smiling, because he couldn’t believe his good fortune, he slid out of her, turned her over onto her back and kissed her. He kissed her slowly, savoring every touch and taste of her lips as he settled between her legs.


,” she pleaded against his lips as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, locking him in her embrace.


Not one to deny the woman that drove him out of his fucking mind, he shifted his hips and slid inside her. His eyes flickered closed in pleasure as he savored the way her silky, wet walls gripped him, dragging him further in and making him never want to leave.


She had him.


She fucking had him and there was nothing that he could do about it. She was always the one and on some level he’d always known, but he’d fucked up so many times with her that he was afraid that one more time would send her running and he couldn’t risk that.

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