Christmas From Hell (32 page)

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Authors: R. L. Mathewson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #rl mathewson, #fire fighter romance, #neighbor from hell, #enemy to lover romance, #contemporary series romance, #new york times best seller

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He might have to acknowledge them and refrain from killing them when they annoyed the shit out of him, but he didn't have to let them in his restaurant no matter how much they bitched and God, did they bitch.


I'll be back for the lunch rush,” the thorn in his side said, reminding him that he was supposed to live out his fantasy and he would.


There was no way in hell that he was allowing her to ruin this for him. He'd dreamed of doing this and now he was going to savor every second of it.


You're fired,” he said, taking perverse satisfaction in letting those words roll off his tongue.


I had John go through the refrigerator this morning and clean it out today instead of tomorrow since we’re getting our delivery early this week,” she said with a little frown that he refused to find adorable as she absently reached down, grabbed his coffee and took a sip before he could grab it.


Didn't you hear what I just said?” he asked with a glare as the frustrating woman took the cup out of his and took another sip before handing it back to him, leaving him sitting there, glaring at the frustrating woman that refused to leave.


I also had to let go of Jeremy this morning,” she said, grabbing his attention in a big way.


You did what?” he snapped, taking note of the time and absently noting that she'd set a new record for making him yell.


I fired him,” she said with a shrug as though it was no big deal.


It was a big fucking deal!


Who the hell do you think you are firing one of my employ-.” He started to demand only to get cut off and left speeches by the little brat as she tossed him her clipboard, hopped off his desk and headed for the door.


He was calling hookers from the business line and using petty cash to pay them. Well, I'll be back in a few hours!” She said cheerfully as he sat there, staring at the door long after she left, wondering how'd she managed to keep doing this to him.


It wouldn't happen again, he promised himself as he grabbed his keys and decided to have a word with the piece of shit that had gotten off way too fucking easily.


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This book is more than just to show you how to annoy a Bradford, but to show you that anything is possible…


About the Author


Writer, Facebook stalker, mother of two and hot cocoa addict, R.L. Mathewson lives life to its fullest.


When she’s not chauffeuring her children to and from school or their various activities, she runs a Lego Club for a bunch of chocolate addicted children, blasts Sirius XM’s The Highway, writes, edits, cooks, cleans and oh yeah, she even watches movies on Netflix.


It’s safe to say that she does it all…………..




Of course you are.


If you would like to know more about this author, her latest books or information on the latest methods to stalk people on Facebook, visit her site:


Or you can email her directly at,
[email protected]


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