Class Trip

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Authors: Rachel Burns

BOOK: Class Trip
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Rachel Burns

Copyright © 2014 by Rachel Burns

Rights Reserved

is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and
dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead,
events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Books By Rachel Burns

Man To Guide Her

Part I, II & III




Sweetheart Part I, II & III

A Heart Part I, II & III

Cooking Spanker Wanted


of the House



In Me

Worlds Collide

Birthday (a short story)

Still (a short story)

Men Mean Business (a short story)

Dress Code (a short story)

There was a darkness


was swallowing all the light,

me blind.

you appeared,

a dim light started to glow.

got stronger,

you moved closer to my heart.

could see dark spots,

every sun has,

mostly you glowed.

went to your light,

thrived in it.

Rachel Burns

Dear Reader,

In this book
slavery is seen from a very light side. In reality, it still exists
today. I, in no way, promote slavery. It is something very terrible
and no one should have to suffer from it.

This book is a
work of fiction. I guess I like the idea of a man seeing a woman and
falling instantly in love with her. Perhaps he goes a little crazy
and steals her away because he doesn't want to share her with the
world, or risk losing her, something that would break his heart.

In the real
world men work to get a woman to love them back. They are proud of
her achievements and realize that her successes don't make him less
of a man. He is proud to show her off to the world and he doesn't do
anything to harm her physically or mentally.


Chapter 1

I walked into my
history class and sat down. Our normal teacher had been sick and we
had had a free hour during this time up until now. They had finally
found a replacement.

There was curious
talk about the teacher. Apparently, one of the girls had seen him
already. She told us that he was young and cute. The rest of what she
was saying I couldn't understand.

I was in a
boarding school in Switzerland. Not because my parents had gone
through with a threat after I had pulled something, but because my
mother had a busy job and she was often gone for weeks at a time. I
was a foreign exchange student.

My boarding
school back in the states had this program and because my mother had
to work in Europe a lot we decided that I should try for it.

I still couldn't
believe that I had been accepted. Lots of girls had wanted to come.
They all felt that it would be so cool.

It wasn't as cool
as I imagined it. It was the same thing as at home. School all day
and then homework. The only difference was that I didn't understand
everything. That was so frustrating. I was learning the language and
the school year was almost over.

I felt I spoke
the language well enough, but the other girls all spoke a dialect too
that I just couldn't keep up with.

This was my last
year of school. I had already gotten a place at the local college in
my hometown.

I didn't have a
father. Well, maybe I did but I had never met him. He hadn't been
interested in a family. My mom said that she was okay with that
because she didn't want to share me anyway. I often dreamed that he
would change his mind about me and want me someday. I had already
turned eighteen so that was getting less and less likely.

The teacher came
in and everybody sat up really straight. He really was young, tall
dark and handsome. I guessed him to be in his late twenties or early
thirties. He looked like he worked out every day. His haircut was
stylish and cool too. He was by far the best looking man I had ever
seen in real life. He had a combination of dark hair and blue eyes
that I loved. It was the Elisabeth Taylor combination, my definition
of true beauty.

He set down his
bag and looked over the class. “Stand up,” he barked.

That crush had
ended quickly, I thought as I stood next to my desk.

“I expect you
to stand and say good morning when I enter the classroom. Has no one
taught you girls any manners?” He continued to lecture but I wasn't
really paying attention. I didn't understand everything and my mind
tended to shut down in such incidences.

I sat when
everyone else sat down. I moved my hands to my bottom, making sure
that my skirt didn't wrinkle when I sat on it. We all had uniforms
on. A white blouse with slightly puffed sleeves and a thick
ribbon-like tie in green and navy blazer with the school emblem on it
that went well with my dark hair. The skirt was plaid with dark blues
and greens. Knee high white stockings and navy blue ballerinas with a
thin piece of leather that went over the bridge of our feet and
fasten with a small buckle.

The reason that
we all had the same shoes was a little odd. This way we couldn't kick
them off during a punishment thus causing danger to others. At this
school they still believed in corporal punishment. My school had been
private too, and when needed, girls had been paddled by the principal
in his office. Here they did it in front of the whole class, as soon
as someone acted up.

It didn't happen
often, but it certainly scared the crap out of me the first time it
did. I didn't understand what had happened. The teacher was talking
to one of the students and then she stood and went to the front of
the classroom and leaned over the teacher's desk. The teacher paddled
her to tears with everyone watching. I was in shock. I had been
afraid that I would be next.

I had managed to
never be punished, ever. I had never been spanked in all of my life
and a paddling really wouldn't be the way to start that sort of

But now we had
less than a month left of school. I had a relaxed feeling that I
would never have to worry about that.

The teacher had
us get out our books and read aloud. I hated that. I had improved,
but still, I was a lot worse than the other girls. It was almost my
turn to read. I was about to out myself as the foreign exchange
student when I saw a couple of girls passing notes out of the corner
of my eye. Hannah and Larissa were giggling.

The teacher had
his book open and he was walking up and down the aisle. He had had
his back to them but he moved to their desks and snapped his book
shut and looked down at them.

They both looked
up at him scared. Like I said he looked like he worked out. If he
punished them it would hurt. Twenty from him would be like forty from
Frau Meier.

“Give me the
piece of paper,” he demanded.

Larissa slowly
handed it to him. She turned a very dark red while he read it.

He rolled his
eyes and made a motion to her to go to the front of the class.
Larissa shook her head no and he packed her by her ear and moved her
to the front of the class. He didn't let go until she was over his
desk. He lifted her skirt up and went over to the cabinet, the one
with the paddle. Only he didn't get out the paddle. He got out the

I had heard that
they were allowed to do that too but I had never seen it. It was
supposed to be the very worst of the punishments.

He waved it in
the air and Larissa started to beg and cry. I was crying right along
with her. He was a terrible person. She had just received the note
and not written it.

He told her a few
things that I couldn't hear. I felt the hands of the girl sitting
behind me on my shoulders. I reached back and we held each other's
hands tightly. He let the cane whip down across her backside and she
screamed out.

I hoped another
teacher would hear her and come to stop him.

He whipped her
quickly again. Ten times he had whipped her with all of his might.
She had screamed out the entire time. It had at least gone quickly.

He barked at her
to go and sit down again.

I didn't want to
look at her and increase her shame but I couldn't look away either. I
saw her face as she turned to go back to her seat. It was still all
red but now it was all wet and puckered up. She was shaking and
sniffling. Her hands were on her opposite elbows.

My eyes followed
her as she walked back to her seat. She looked at the chair for a
second, afraid to sit down on it.

“Sit or I will
have another go at you.” He was so mean. “Now who sent you that
note?” His eyes rested on Hannah.

Hannah was
sinking down in her seat. Her eyes were darting everywhere. She
really wanted to get out of all of this. But I figured that that
wasn't going to happen.

“Admit it.
Stand up and admit it.” He was so mad and staring right at her. It
was obvious that he already knew the truth.

Hannah was
gripping on to the edge of her desk as if for dear life. All eyes
were on her but she must still be hoping for divine intervention
because she said nothing.

The teacher
walked back to Larissa. He stared her down. She was shrinking down in
her seat in fear. “Who passed you that note?”

Larissa kept eye
contact with him and just pointed over at Hannah, who started to cry.

He turned to her,
“Go to the front.”

Hannah shook her
head no in fear, and slipped down further in her chair. She was still
gripping her chair.

He went for her
ear but she covered it up still crying
. He reached for her
arm and tried to pull her out of her desk but she wouldn't let go.
“You just earned yourself another spanking at bedtime. Do I need to
visit you every night this week? According to your note you would
like that.”

Hannah actually
managed to turn even redder.

He yanked her out
of her desk and it tipped to the side and fell to the floor with a
loud bang. Her papers slowly sailed to the floor. Her pen rolled off

He tried to pull
her to the front of the classroom. She tried to hold onto more desks
on her way up. She was so frightened and he was just getting more and
more mad. She looked like a trapped animal in a cage trying
desperately to get out.

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