Close the Distance

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Close the Distance
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Table of Contents

Legal Page

Title Page

Book Description


Trademarks Acknowledgement

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

New Excerpt

About the Author

Publisher Page

A Totally Bound Publication

Close the Distance


©Copyright T.A. Chase 2014

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2014

Edited by Rebecca Douglas

Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing,
Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
Totally Sizzling
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Rags to Riches


T.A. Chase

Book two in the Rags to Riches series

Being in love isn’t always roses and sunshine.

Ion Vasile and Adrien Bellamy start dating and fall in love quickly. As their relationship grows stronger, Ion discovers the fragility of his family ties. As his mother turns against him and his brother seems to be supporting her, Ion begins to lean more and more on Adrien.

Adrien wants nothing more than to be strong for Ion and share his own family with him. Yet he’s afraid they’re moving too fast. He doesn’t want to scare away the most marvellous man he’s ever met.

When tragedy strikes, they both realise life is too short to let fear rule their choices.


Being poor doesn’t always mean not having money. Sometimes it means not having love in your life.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Chanel No. 5: Chanel SA

Sons of Anarchy
: FX Productions

Formula One: The Formula One Group

Post-it: 3M

Gramercy Tavern: Gramercy Tavern

MetroCard: Metropolitan Transit Authority

Jaws of Life: Hurst Performance, Inc.

Sherlock: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

John’s of 12
Street: John’s of 12

Chapter One

“Do we have everything?”

Ion turned to look at Adrien as he wandered through their suite of rooms. “I think so, but if we don’t, it’s not like your mom can’t send them back to the city for us.”

Adrien frowned. “You’re right. I just feel like I’m forgetting something.”

Reaching out, Ion snagged Adrien then pulled him close, encircling his waist. He tugged on the blue silk tie his lover wore. “I told you not to get dressed up to meet my parents.”

“What do you mean?” Adrien glanced down at his white linen dress shirt, tie and tailored black pants. “This isn’t dressed up.”

For him, it wasn’t dressed up. Not when the man wore thousand dollar suits to the office every day. For Ion’s family, a tie like that was for church, weddings and funerals. He trailed his fingers through the curls at the nape of Adrien’s neck before taking the tie in hand to remove it.

“Trust me. You don’t need a tie for dinner.” He tossed it onto the bed then pressed open-mouthed kisses along Adrien’s jaw. “I’d suggest you change your whole outfit, but I don’t think you’d feel comfortable in anything else.”

“I do have jeans and T-shirts, Ion,” Adrien commented as he tipped his head, giving Ion more access to his neck. “I thought I’d try to make a good impression on them during our first meeting.”

Ion hummed, not interested in talking about his parents anymore. He brought their lips together while he started to unbutton Adrien’s shirt. Once he got it off, Ion let it drop to the floor then bent to lick one of the flat copper nipples covered with sparse hair.

Adrien cradled the back of his head, keeping him close. “We don’t have time for this. Not if we want to get to your parents’ before dinner.”

“I’m not worried about that. We can go next Sunday or the week after that,” he murmured, moving from one nipple to the other, sucking on it and using a little teeth. Ion worried the nub of flesh and drew a moan from Adrien.

He encouraged Adrien to ease back and, step by step, he moved them to the edge of the bed then he shoved. Laughing, he watched as Adrien tilted until he fell on the mattress.

“What the hell?” Adrien braced his hands on the comforter as he stared up at Ion.

“I’m feeling a little hungry,” Ion muttered before dropping to his knees. He unbuckled Adrien’s belt, fumbled with his zipper to get those crazy-expensive slacks open.

He tugged the fabric down while Adrien lifted his hips and his cock sprang out, hard and curved over his abs. Licking his lips, Ion studied the well-formed erection in front of him. Thicker and a little longer than his. The head was fleshy and purple and was shiny from pre-cum. It rose from a trimmed nest of dark curls and his balls hung heavy beneath it. Ion reached out to take them in hand. He fondled then rolled them in his fingers. Leaning in, he sucked one then the other. There was a salty taste to his skin along with the lingering scent of the soap they’d used earlier in the shower.

He pressed his tongue against the lightly furred sac before letting it slip from his mouth. Adrien gripped his head then directed his mouth to the tip of his shaft. Ion willingly opened, taking him without hesitation. He loved how it felt lying on his tongue.

When Adrien hit the back of his throat, Ion swallowed, massaging his length. His lover moaned and he smiled around the dick in his mouth. He loved knowing he could draw those sounds out and make Adrien lose control. After slipping his finger in beside Adrien’s cock, he got it wet then rubbed it over Adrien’s hole.

“Your mouth,” Adrien murmured. “I love the way it feels. Almost as good as your ass.”

Ion pushed just the tip of his finger inside and Adrien moaned. Arching, Adrien thrust into his mouth then impaled himself. It was what Ion wanted, his lover taking what he needed.

When they got back to the city, they were going to get tested. Once their negative results came back, he would finally get to feel what fucking bareback was like. Well, he’d get a chance to remember what it felt like. His first couple of times having sex had been non-condom times, and he’d been lucky not to catch anything.

One of his close friends had got HIV, and it had shaken Ion to his core. That was when he’d promised himself that he was never going to believe he was invincible again. He always carried condoms in his wallet.

But now, loving Adrien meant he could get rid of them and experience the amazing sensation of Adrien spilling inside him. A little tug on his hair brought his mind back to what he was doing. Ion went back to bobbing up and down, applying as much pressure as he could to draw another groan from Adrien.

He had two fingers inside Adrien and Ion twisted them to nail his gland. He gagged slightly when Adrien shoved his cock a little deeper than was comfortable for Ion. But he didn’t back off, working Adrien as best he could until he got a tap on the cheek, letting him know Adrien was close.

He upped the pressure and movement until Adrien tensed under him, and his mouth was flooded with salty bitterness. Drinking it down, Ion tried to get all of it.

When Adrien began to soften, Ion licked him clean then let him slide out. Adrien pulled him up before encouraging him to lean forward. Adrien lapped at the cum on Ion’s chin while working Ion’s jeans open.

“Oh, fuck me,” Ion whispered as the smooth skin of Adrien’s hand surrounded his heated flesh.

He was primed, so it only took three hard tugs and he climaxed, coating Adrien’s hand and his own pants. Working his cock, Adrien didn’t let up until Ion was so sensitive, he had to get away from his lover. After rolling to one side, Ion stared up at the ceiling while he tried to get his breathing under control.

“Do you think we’ll be able to get to your parents’ on time?” Adrien asked a few minutes later.

Ion chuckled. “I guess we can try, or I can call Mom and let her know we’ll be there next week. I’m just not sure what excuse I can give her, since usually I have to be on my death bed for her to let me off.”

A knock on the door brought a frown to Adrien’s face and they scrambled to get their clothes straightened. Ion grimaced at the mess he’d made in his underwear and jeans.

“I’m going to change. You answer that.”

Adrien left the bedroom and Ion pushed the door almost shut so he could hear what was going on in the living room of the suite, but no one could see him pulling on a clean pair of pants.

“Mrs Bellamy needs you to attend her in the drawing room, sir,” Mason told Adrien.

“What’s wrong? Mother knows we have to leave for the city soon.”

Ion didn’t bother with underwear, just got his pants on as quickly as possible. Once he got everything situated and his shoes back on, he joined them.

“I’m not sure, sir. Your mother didn’t confide in me, but I do know she received a phone call from your brother.” Mason frowned at Ion when he walked into the room.

Adrien shook his head. “God damn it. If anyone can ruin a good day, it would be him. I wonder what kind of trouble he got into now.”

“Tell you what, I’ll call a cab, and head back to the city. If I leave now and call my mom, she’ll delay dinner long enough for me to get there.” Ion encircled Adrien’s waist then placing a kiss on his cheek. “I know you’re going to have to deal with this, if only to comfort your mother.”

“I wish he’d grow up, Ion. This drives me crazy.” Frustration deepened Adrien’s voice then he sighed. “I’m sorry, Ion. I did want to meet them.”

Ion grinned. “Don’t be in such a hurry to get into that situation, love. I don’t have much faith that my family will react the same way yours did.”

“Still. It doesn’t seem very fair that you had to endure dinner and a party, then I get out of it because of my brother.”

Turning to look at Mason, Ion said, “Tell Alyssa that Adrien will be there in a few minutes.”

“Yes, sir.” Mason inclined his head to both of them before leaving.

Ion took Adrien’s hand then led him to the couch where he sat, tugging him down. He cradled Adrien’s face, holding him so he could gaze into his eyes. “You’ll eventually get a chance to meet my family. We aren’t breaking up any time soon. I love you, Adrien, and I can wait. You have to take care of your family first or at least, you have to ease your mother’s mind, even if you want to let your brother twist in the wind.”

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