Close the Distance (4 page)

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Close the Distance
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“Oh, fuck.” Adrien groaned, threading his fingers into Ion’s hair. He didn’t seem interested in trying to take control. Just held Ion’s head gently.

Ion kept playing with the nub while he took the other in his mouth. Flicking it with his tongue, he felt Adrien jerk. Moving between the two, he played with them until they were red and probably ached. When he finished, he licked and nipped his way down to dip his tongue into Adrien’s belly button.

Chuckling, Adrien tried to shift away, but Ion pressed on his hips to keep him still. When Adrien’s cock hit his chin, he wiggled enough to lap at the flared head. He reached down to cup Adrien’s balls then squeezed.

“Oh, God,” Adrien muttered as he arched and Ion allowed more of his length to slip into his mouth.

Before it could go any further, Ion rose up onto his knees. “We need to change spots.”

Adrien blinked at him and Ion knew his lover was having trouble making sense of what Ion had said. Instead of waiting, he shifted them so that he was on his back and Adrien straddled his head. He wrapped one hand around Adrien’s shaft then positioned it at his mouth.

“Now fuck me,” he ordered before opening his mouth to take Adrien in.

Adrien started thrusting in and Ion applied suction while getting two of his fingers wet. Once that happened, he slid them around to rub over Adrien’s hole before pressing in.

As he moved between fingers and mouth, Adrien held onto the headboard and Ion encouraged him to thrust as deep as he wanted. When his cock hit the back of Ion’s throat, he swallowed and Adrien yelled.

“Fuck! I’m coming.”

Ion hummed, not worried about it. The first spurt warned him then Adrien’s cum flooded his mouth. He drank it down as fast as he could, but some of it trickled from the corners of his lips.

The moment Adrien’s softening penis fell from his lips, Ion urged him to reposition so that Ion’s dick was at his opening. Ion reached for the bottle of lube he’d set on the bed but Adrien seemed to be in a hurry. Without waiting for Ion to get the condom on and slick up, Adrien began pushing back.

“Wait, love. I don’t want you to hurt,” Ion protested.

Adrien’s grin seemed strained. “It’ll be okay. We’ll just take it slow. I don’t need the lube.”

Ion let the tube drop from his fingers before taking a hold of Adrien’s hips. He didn’t do anything except steady him while Adrien lowered himself. He winced as Adrien bit his bottom lip and wanted to stop him before he hurt himself.

But Adrien didn’t stop, just kept going until Ion was buried as deep inside him as he could get. Ion stayed still for a moment then when Adrien clenched his muscles around him, he began to move.

Together, they undulated and rocked, and Ion tried to hit Adrien’s gland every stroke in. He knew it wasn’t going to take long for him to climax. Giving Adrien head had primed him to the point where he wouldn’t last now that he was inside his lover.

He grunted when Adrien leant down to lick the drying cum off his face then gasped when he sat up to take him even deeper. Their movements grew rougher and Ion surged up, flipping them over so that Adrien was under him. It gave him more leverage to pound Adrien’s ass.

Adrien stared up at him and Ion got lost in them as he drove inside the man. Sweat dripped from his chin to pool on Adrien’s chest while he fucked him. Grunts and the sound of skin hitting skin filled the room, building Ion’s climax throughout his body. His balls drew tight and Ion threw back his head.

“Ah!” He yelled as he came, spilling into Adrien’s ass.

When his arms gave out, he collapsed into Adrien’s embrace. His chest heaved like bellows as he tried to calm down. Ion pressed his face where Adrien’s neck and shoulder came together, flicking his tongue out to taste the beads of sweat that trailed down Adrien’s throat.

Finally, he rolled to one side and Adrien winced as he slid out. Ion glared at him.

“See, that’s why you should’ve waited for me to get the lube. Now you’re going to be sore.” He stroked his hand over Adrien’s chest.

“Don’t worry. I like being able to feel you every time I sit, or move for that matter.” Adrien cradled his face. “I’m not fragile, honey. I can take getting my ass reamed by you.”

Ion sighed before he climbed off the bed. “Let’s go take a shower. We’ll clean up then figure out what we’re going to do for dinner, since I skipped out on mine.”

Yawning, he held out his hand for Adrien to take and Adrien laughed when he took it.

“Maybe we should take a nap and get something to eat afterwards,” Adrien suggested.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

After they showered and dried off, they changed the sheets on the bed before crawling in to snuggle close. Ion closed his eyes, letting his anger at his parents slide to the background. He’d deal with all of that later.

* * * *

Later on that night, Ion rested back against the couch and glanced over at Adrien. “How did the conversation with your brother go?”

Adrien looked up from his laptop where he’d been checking his emails. “It was kind of strange. He ended up calling me and asking that I meet him on Wednesday. He’s coming to New York for some reason.”

“Really? How long has it been since he’s been here? I know you haven’t seen him in a while.” Ion rested his hand on Adrien’s thigh.

“It’s been over a year since I’ve seen him face-to-face. I wasn’t able to make Mother’s party last year because I was out of town on business. Today, I decided to cut his allowance in half and force him to take a job at the New York office. I never got to mention that to him.”

Ion tightened his grip for a second then let go. “How do you think he’ll react when you tell him that?”

Adrien shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably not very happy, but my parents will support me, so I don’t care how he reacts. The weird thing is, he said he had something to talk to me about, which is why he wants to meet. I can’t imagine what he has to tell me.”

“Maybe he got a girl pregnant and needs you to take care of it,” Ion suggested as he picked up his coffee mug to take a sip.

“It could be, but to be honest, I’ve never got the feeling that Alain is that kind of guy. He’s a gambler and a bit of a flake, yet he doesn’t strike me as being that careless.” Adrien shut his computer down then glanced at him. “And while I’ve seen pictures of him with tons of different women, I’ve always got the feeling he leans more in our direction than the straight side.”

Ion shot Adrien a quick glance. “I guess I never noticed that. Just all those pictures of the women he escorted to parties and events. How could he hide something like being gay from the paparazzi?”

“How do any of the stars hide their secrets?” Adrien set his computer aside then stood. “Do you want some more coffee?”

“No. If I have any more, I won’t be sleeping tonight.”

As Adrien went into the kitchen, Ion’s phone rang. He checked the screen and grinned. “Hey, Patrick.”

“You’re not at home,” Patrick accused him.

“Umm…no. I’m over at Adrien’s. Why?”

“I stopped by to see if you wanted to grab some dinner, but of course you weren’t there.” Patrick sounded upset.

Ion glanced up to see Adrien motion that he’d be in his study. Nodding, Ion leant forward to brace his elbows on his knees.

“What’s wrong?”

Patrick huffed and Ion could practically hear his annoyance. “Nothing really. Just haven’t been in a good mood lately, and I feel like you’ve been more caught up in Adrien. Like you’re forgetting me.”

Ah…there was the real issue, and Ion understood how Patrick could think that. They hadn’t done much together since Ion had started seeing Adrien.

“Patrick, you’re my best friend and I’m never going to forget about you. Can you wait a sec?”


He set his phone down before going to Adrien. He found him reading some papers in his study.

“Would it be okay for Patrick to come over?” He leaned in the doorway to ask.

Adrien glanced up. “He’s more than welcome to come over any time you want him over. You can consider this your place, Ion.”

“Thanks.” He blew him a kiss before heading back to his phone. “Patrick, why don’t you come over to Adrien’s? We’ll have some ice cream and watch a movie or something.”

“Mr Bellamy won’t mind?” Patrick asked and Ion heard the curiosity in his friend’s voice.

“He said you were more than welcome to come over. In fact, he said I should treat his apartment like it’s my place.” And it was right then that it hit Ion. “Holy shit!”

Patrick chuckled. “That just hit you, huh?”

“Yeah. Are you coming over?”

“Hell yeah. I want to see how the other half lives, and also your future place of residency. I’ll pick up a carton of ice cream for us to share. Does Adrien want anything?”

“He’ll have some ice cream with us if he wants anything.” Ion flopped back into the cushions. “Just get your ass over here.”

“All right. Text me his address and I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Patrick hung up.

Ion sent his friend Adrien’s address then set his phone on the coffee table before he stood to go back to Adrien.

“Is Patrick coming over?” Adrien inquired when Ion entered the room.

“Yes. He’s stopping to get ice cream on the way.” Ion walked around the desk as Adrien pushed away from it so Ion could stand between his legs.

Adrien rested his hands on Ion’s hips and looked up at him. “What do you want to ask me?”

“How do you know I want to ask you anything?” Ion ran his fingers through Adrien’s hair.

“You just had this look on your face. Like you suddenly got thinking about something.” Adrien pressed his face to Ion’s stomach. “Are you trying not to freak out that I told you to treat my place like it’s yours?”

“Yes.” Ion wasn’t sure what he was thinking, except that it was a huge step.

Adrien kissed Ion’s abs before he straightened up to look at him. “I’m not asking you to move in with me. At least not yet. I know we’ve been moving really fast and you might want to get to know me better before we decide if we want to live together.”

Ion swallowed and Adrien grinned.

“I just want you to feel comfortable enough here that you wouldn’t think twice about inviting any of your friends over. I know Patrick is probably starting to feel neglected because I’ve been monopolising your time.”

“Yeah. That’s why I asked if he could come over. I don’t want him to resent you because I love you and I’m not giving you up, but I don’t want to give him up either.” Ion bent down to kiss Adrien.

“I love you too, Ion. We’re taking this a step at a time, and when we both feel it’s right, we’ll talk about our living situation. Though I have to ask you something.”

“Sure.” Ion braced his hands on the edge of the desk. “Ask away.”

“I’m meeting Alain here on Wednesday and I know you’re working during the day, but I wasn’t sure if you had class or not.”

Ion ran his schedule through his mind and nodded. “Yeah. I have class that night. So you don’t have to feel bad about asking me not to come over then.”

“It’s not so much not coming over. I just wanted to let you know that I’d be busy all day and probably won’t be able to see you that night. Well, I guess it depends on how long my meeting with Alain goes.” Adrien frowned.

“I’m sure it will go fine. Of course, he’ll probably be upset, but you have to do this or he’ll never learn his lesson.” Ion straightened then strolled towards the door. “You’re more than welcome to join Patrick and me for ice cream and movies if you want.”

Adrien snorted. “Maybe I will later. I need to go over the files Winston sent to me about that company.”

“Okay. I’m going to throw a frozen pizza in the oven. I know we already ate, but we like to snack while we gossip.”

“Can you put two in? I’ll grab some of that.” Adrien flipped open the file he had been reading when Ion came in.

“I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

After putting the food in the oven, Ion got out a book out that he had to read for one of his classes.
Might as well get a head start on this week’s homework.
He curled up on the couch to get comfortable.

The pizzas were ready to come out of the oven when Patrick knocked on the door. Ion glanced up to see Adrien making his way to let Patrick in. He set them on the counter to cool a little then went out to the foyer.

“Thanks for letting me come over, Mr Bellamy,” Patrick said as he stepped in.

“Patrick, we’re not at work, so you can call me Adrien. Besides you’re making me feel like Ion’s father, letting his friend come over to play.” Adrien took Patrick’s jacket from him then hung it up.

Ion took the bag Patrick held then led the way to the kitchen. “What kind did you get?”

“Superman of course.” Patrick glanced around and his eyes lit up when he saw the pizzas. “I’m shocked he has frozen food of any kind. I would’ve thought he would only have, like, gourmet pizzas delivered from the best joints in the city.”

“Usually I do, but sometimes I get hungry at two in the morning and don’t want to order anything. So I throw one in.” Adrien propped his shoulder against the doorframe.

They laughed when Patrick blushed, but Ion bumped his hip into Patrick’s.

“See what happens when you assume. Now you get the wine open and poured. I’ll cut them and Adrien, grab some plates.”

Within minutes, Adrien was back in his study while Ion and Patrick were sitting on the leather couch, getting ready to watch the episode of
Sons of Anarchy
they had missed the week before.

Once the episode was over, Ion took their plates to the kitchen then dished out bowls of ice cream. He took one out to Patrick before taking the other one to Adrien.

“Here’s dessert,” he said as he walked in.

Adrien looked up from where he stood. He was on the phone so Ion mouthed an apology as he set the bowl on the desk. Adrien smiled at him then turned away. He went back to Patrick and they snuggled together on the couch while eating.

“So did you freak out a little when he told you to treat his apartment like it was yours?” Patrick poked him in the side.

Ion nodded. “A little. I mean, we’ve already said we loved each other and I realise that moving in together is a natural next step. I just wasn’t ready to do it so soon.”

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