Close the Distance (3 page)

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

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Adrien nodded. “Thanks. I appreciate the input. I’ll have Sidney go through our different assets and see if there’s anything that will work.”

Robert stood. “If that’s all, I’m on my way to the club. Call me tomorrow.”

They shook hands, and Adrien watched his father leave as he pulled out his phone. He wasn’t looking forward to the conversation he was about to have, but like his parents, he realised it had to be done. Everyone had given Alain a great deal of leeway to go about his business without consequence. Well, the leash was about to get much shorter and he knew Alain wasn’t going to like it at all.

He dialled Alain’s number before walking over to the French doors leading out onto the veranda. Once there, he sat at the small wicker table his mother often had breakfast at. Staring out over the beach and water, he wished Ion was there. He had a feeling he was going to need to hear a friendly voice after he was finished with Alain.

“Hey, Adrien.” Alain sounded rushed.

“Hello, Alain. Do you have time to talk?” As much as he knew the conversation had to happen, Adrien wasn’t going to interrupt anything his brother was doing.

Alain’s laugh was strained. “Not at the moment. Can I call you back in an hour?”

Adrien wanted to say no, but he was willing to give Alain a little more playtime before he got yanked back home. “Sure. Please do call me back. It’s extremely important.”

“I will. I wanted to talk to you as well.” Alain hung up before Adrien could react to that statement.

After setting the phone on the table, he leant back in the chair. He steepled his fingers then pressed them against his lips as he thought.
What can Alain possibly want to talk to me about?
Alain rarely called him, not even for money. Usually when he needed something, he’d call their mother and she’d contact Adrien.

He picked up his phone then sent Ion a text.

How’s dinner going?

It vibrated in his hand when he received Ion’s text. He frowned when he read what Ion told him.

Wouldn’t know. Didn’t end up going.

Adrien didn’t like the sound of that.

What happened?

I don’t want to talk about it in a text.

He understood that.

I’ll be back tonight. Can I come over or maybe you could meet me at my place?

It took a while before Ion answered him.

Your place. I’ll bring stuff to spend the night.

Great. Just let yourself in. I’ll let you know when I leave here. Love you.

Love you too.

Returning the phone to the table, he shook his head. The day was starting to turn out far more complicated than he’d thought it would when he’d woken up that morning. He just hoped he could help Ion with his problem, because he had a feeling that the solution he’d come up with for his brother was going to be a battle.

“Sir, would you like a drink or something?” Mason stepped out onto the veranda.

“Yes, I’d love some coffee, please.” After standing, Adrien stuffed his phone in his pocket. “Just set it on the table. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Certainly.” Mason inclined his head slightly before going back into the house.

Adrien wandered through the gardens to the beach where he walked along the edge of sand and the water. One weekend, he and Ion would have to take his sailboat out for a trip down the coast. Maybe he could convince Ion to take a week off then they could go all the way down to the Outer Banks or Charleston.

After walking for about ten minutes and trying to relax, he returned to the table where he found a carafe of coffee and a cup. He poured it out before sitting. He’d just taken a sip when his phone rang. Swallowing quickly, Adrien retrieved his phone and answered.


“Hey, big bro. Are you somewhere you can talk?” Alain’s voice was upbeat, yet Adrien heard a hint of worry in it.

“I happen to be on the veranda at Mother and Father’s. It was Mother’s birthday yesterday and I came out to celebrate it with her.”

“Oh fuck. God damn it. And I didn’t even remember to wish her a happy birthday this morning when I called.” Alain growled under his breath.

“She’ll forgive you, but I suggest you call her as soon as we get done talking. That way you won’t have to grovel too much.” Adrien fidgeted with his cup. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Alain sighed. “I’m going to be in New York on Wednesday, and I wanted to know if we could meet up. What I need to discuss with you can’t be talked about over an open phone line like this.”

An open phone line? Sounds like spy talk.
He cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I’ll make sure my schedule is clear. Maybe we could meet for lunch at my place. That way what we have to say to each other doesn’t bother anyone else.” Adrien smiled when Alain laughed.

“Probably a good idea. I know you think I’m a worthless ass who blows through his allowance, spending it on women, drugs and gambling.”

He started to protest then closed his mouth. If he was honest, that really was what he thought about his brother. He’d just never imagined Alain would acknowledge it.

“And in some ways you’re right about me. There are other things I’m involved in that I need to talk to you about. You need to be read into the situation in case something happens.”

“Read in? You’re starting to sound like those spy shows Mother likes to watch.” Adrien shook his head. “You better not be into anything dangerous, Alain. Mother would lose her mind if you were hurt. She loves you best, you know.”

Alain chuckled. “I know, and I admit to using that love to my advantage from time to time. I have to go now, Adrien. I’ll text you when I get to the city on Wednesday.”

“Fine. Do you need money right now?” As much as he wanted to say no, he’d give Alain the cash if he were in trouble.

“No.” Alain huffed in annoyance. “I’m fine at the moment. I have enough to pay for stuff until I get in.”

Adrien relaxed a little. “All right. Call Mother soon. Take care, brother.”

“You too. Oh and congratulations on the new boyfriend. Mother was suitably impressed with him. So he must be a good one.” Alain hung up before Adrien could reply.

He finished his coffee before cleaning up. After carrying the tray to the kitchen, he went to find his mother. She was in the Pink Room, which she had claimed as her own office at the house—it was where she did all the paperwork for the charities on whose boards she served.

Checking to make sure she wasn’t on the phone, he found her typing on her keyboard while peering at the computer screen.

“You know, you should go and get reading glasses at least. If you wore them here, no one would comment on them.” He grinned as she glared at him. “Father would still love you even if you wore glasses.”

“Hush.” She gestured towards a chair. “Did you talk to Alain?”

“Yes. He should be calling you again soon. But I didn’t talk to him about the cut in his allowance or the job. He’s coming to New York on Wednesday and wants to meet with me. I thought I’d talk to him about it then.”

Her face lit up. “Alain’s coming home?”

Adrien hated bursting her happy bubble. “I don’t know if he planned on stopping by to visit you and Father. You’ll have to ask him about that. I just know he’ll be in the city and wants to talk to me. I figured it would be the best time to discuss his allowance and things then.”

Frowning, she leant back in her chair. “Why would he come without visiting? How much trouble is he in, Adrien?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t say anything about that. Just that he wanted to talk. I assume if he were in trouble, he would’ve let you know. I even asked if he needed more money and he said he was fine.”

He didn’t have to explain how odd it was, though he’d only admit to himself that it worried him. Alain wasn’t acting like the selfish prick he usually was, and Adrien wasn’t sure how to deal with it.

Her eyebrows shot up and she looked concerned. “I’ll see if I can get him to tell me what’s going on. I just hope he hasn’t upset anyone dangerous.”

Was it strange that both of them had come to that conclusion independently of each other? Of course, with as much gambling as Alain seemed to be doing, getting on the wrong side of a certain kind of people wouldn’t come as a surprise. His brother was the type of guy who would ask for help if he needed it. Hell, he’d never been shy about that.

“I don’t think he has, Mother. You know he’d have said something to us if he had.” Adrien sighed then stood. “I’m going to head home then, since you have everything in hand. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

His mother lifted her chin so he could place a kiss on her cheek. “Good. If Alain approves, your father and I will come in and we’ll all go to dinner on Wednesday. Will Ion be able to come with us?”

“I’ll have to check with him. He might have class that night.”

“You find out and let me know. I assume you’ll be bringing him down more often, so I’ll be seeing him again.” She smiled and Adrien laughed as he left.

“Daniel hasn’t arrived back, sir,” Mason informed him as he appeared in the hallway.

“I know. I told him to drop my bags off at my apartment then just go home for the night. Father won’t mind if I take one of the cars. Daniel can bring it back tomorrow, or Father can pick it up during the week.” Adrien grabbed a set of keys from where they were hanging by the garage door.

Mason lifted the corner of his mouth in a slight smile. “I’ll let him know. It was good to see you, sir, and to meet Mr Vasile.”

Adrien clapped Mason on the shoulder. “Thank you, Mason. I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of him from now on.”

“Wonderful, sir. Drive safely.”

He picked one of the sedans his father had purchased for his mother to drive if she was so inclined. It had been several years since she had driven herself anywhere, so he knew they wouldn’t miss it. When he turned it on, he shivered at the well-tuned purr of the engine. It might not get used very often, but his father made sure all of the cars were taken care of.

After he got the radio on the station he wanted to listen to, he pulled out of the garage then drove to the road. As much as he enjoyed having Daniel drive him places, there were times he liked being behind the wheel and in control of his own direction.

Usually he took his time driving back from the Hamptons, but he wanted to see Ion and hold him. Maybe even find out what had gone wrong with dinner.

Chapter Three

Ion glanced up when he heard a key in the door then he stood to make his way to the foyer, where Adrien was tossing his keys into the bowl on the table.

“You drove yourself?” He leaned on the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Adrien hang up his jacket.

“Daniel hadn’t made it back yet, and I didn’t want to wait around for him.” Adrien approached him to wrap his arms around Ion’s waist. “After getting your text about you not going to your parents, I wanted to get home to see you.”

Grimacing, Ion encircled Adrien’s shoulders before resting his forehead against Adrien’s. “I knew it wasn’t going to go well, so I shouldn’t have been upset about it.”

“Let’s go in the bedroom,” Adrien suggested as he stepped back.

Ion held on to Adrien’s hand while they strolled to the bedroom. Once they were lying on the comforter, he curled up into Adrien’s side, happy to have him there.

“Do you want to tell me about it?” Adrien ran his hand up and down Ion’s arm.

“There’s not much to tell. I was on my way to my parents’ and I called my mom to let her know that I’d be late.” He closed his eyes while breathing in Adrien’s familiar scent.

Adrien hummed, but didn’t say anything and Ion nuzzled closer.

“I told her that I had been in the Hamptons with my boyfriend and that was why I would be late. I informed her that you wouldn’t be able to come with me because of family issues. She didn’t say much. Just said we’d talk about it when I got there.”

He brushed a kiss over the underneath of Adrien’s jaw.

“She hung up on me. A minute or two later my brother called to interrogate me. He wanted to know why Mama was crying and all upset. I explained how I was going to bring you to dinner, but that you couldn’t come this time. He asked why I had to do that. Why couldn’t I just come to dinner without you? I should respect their beliefs and traditions.”

“Traditions?” Adrien eased over until he lay on his back with Ion covering him like a blanket. Ion began to unbutton his shirt, but it was obvious Adrien wanted to know the rest of the story.

“That marriage should be one man and one woman. I’ll be turned straight by the love of the right woman.” Ion snorted. “They don’t understand that it’s not a choice. I was born gay, yet they think I’m choosing to be this way to make their lives difficult. I think my brother leans that way as well.”

Adrien untucked Ion’s T-shirt from his jeans then ran his fingers over the small of his back. Ion shuddered, absorbing the warm, gentle care in his touch. He rocked against Adrien’s groin then groaned as Adrien grabbed his ass to press them tight together.

“You ended up not going then?”

Adrien sounded slightly breathless and Ion undulated again.

“No, I didn’t and I don’t plan on going until they can afford me the same courtesy as they do my brother and his wife. I’m their son. Shouldn’t they love me no matter who I love? To be honest, as much as I’d love for them to accept us unconditionally, I’m willing to let it just be the fact that they won’t ignore you exist. They don’t have to be comfortable with us, but you should to be able to come to dinner without comments or you being ignored. If they can’t do that, then I’m not going to dinner.”

He crushed their lips together, not wanting to talk about it anymore. Maybe he would change his mind in the next day or so when the anger and hurt faded a little. Adrien opened to him, letting Ion take control of how deep the kiss went. He swept his tongue in, running it over Adrien’s teeth.

Adrien sucked on him for a second then let him go. Easing down, Ion trailed kisses along the line of Adrien’s throat to his chest. He got his shirt unbuttoned and shoved apart so he could continue licking and sucking. Humming softly, he pinched one of Adrien’s nipples between his thumb and finger to give it a little twist.

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