Closer (21 page)

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Authors: Sarah Greyson

BOOK: Closer
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Tony placed the scrambled eggs and bacon on the table. Michael served Emma bacon and she looked at him coyly from hooded lashes. Then he served himself. Although it was difficult for Michael to eat, he managed to get the food over his lips and into his stomach.




« Chapter Twenty-Five »



It was 0800 when Tony announced, “All the arrangements have been made. Her parents are driving down today, but they are staying at the Hampton Inn in town.”

“Good. There isn’t enough room at my house, and I can’t bear the thought of having to face them right now,” Rob replied. “I am having a hard enough time making it through the day, and it just started.”

Rob hadn’t cried since his mother arrived the day before. Having her there helped him a great deal. She cooked and cleaned and took care of him just like she did when he was younger. Of course, he was her baby. He could always lean on her, and lean on her he did.

“It’s only been two days, man. Cut yourself some slack. You suffered a great loss. I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel,” Tony said.

“I feel empty,” Rob offered. “I feel like I have no reason to live.”

“Don’t talk like that. You have your mother and five brothers who will kick your ass for even hearing you say that,” Tony countered.

“I know man. I just don’t know how I am going to get through tomorrow.”

“We will all be there with you. You’re not alone,” Tony assured him.

“I’m sorry, Tony, but you have no idea how this feels,” Rob said, so obviously dejected.

Tony walked across the room to Rob and threw his arms around the man. He held him close and tight like the tough son-of-a-bitch Tony knew him to be. Tony lent him his strength, and Rob soaked up every ounce.

Upstairs, Emma wriggled closer to Michael’s back. He had his arm draped around her mid-section careful not to touch her healing wound. Michael himself had healed a great deal in the last two days. He had a few cuts on his eyebrow and lip, but they were closed and healing. He had some nasty looking bruises on his face that, in all honesty, looked a lot worse than they felt. Unless someone touched them, he could forget about them.

Emma was rewarded with his stiff erection pressed against her butt. She pushed in closer. It felt like forever since the last time they’d been intimate with each other. The last two days had been about healing, physically, and helping Rob cope with his loss. Now she craved Michael. She hungered for him with an ache deep in her core. She needed to feel him enter her and possess her again. She rolled in his arms until she was facing him. She pressed up against his hard body and was rewarded with a low growl that escaped his throat. He rubbed up against her belly with his erection. She met him with equal force. Without saying a word, she gently stroked his eyebrow and ran her finger down his face. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his sensitive neck. She felt him shudder at her touch. He pulled her closer to him until every part of her touched him. She tangled her legs with his and nipped at his neck. He hummed his approval in her ear. He nibbled at her earlobe causing her to purr in satisfaction. She ran her fingers through his chest hair down to his happy trail. She wanted to make love to Michael. She didn’t want him to take her fast and hard. This time she wanted slow and strong.

She traced the center line of his chest lazily with her nails causing chills to spread throughout his body. He coveted her with the deepest part of his being. He wanted to feel her tight core sheath his hungry member. He leaned up on his elbow and cradled the back of her head with his hand. He brought her mouth closer to his and kissed her with a passion he had never known. She moaned into his mouth at the feel of his lips pressed against hers, so soft and inviting. She could easily get lost in his kiss. She felt a tingle start at the top of her spine and spread downward. Chill bumps raised on her skin. She felt lightheaded; he left her breathless.

He removed his boxer briefs while lying down and tossed them onto the floor. He then helped her wiggle out of her panties, pulling them down her legs trailing with his fingertips as he went. He wanted to do more than please her. He wanted her to remember this morning for the rest of her life. He slowly dragged his fingertips back up her legs in a methodical manner. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he parted the hair that protected her entrance and gently applied pressure to her throbbing nub while he leaned in to nip and then kiss her neck. She leaned her head back to allow him greater access. She ran her hands up and down every place she could reach. She palmed the large muscles in his arms and then trailed her fingertips up and down them. She placed her open palm against his face gently caressing it as he made love to her with his mouth. She arched under his touch. She was aching from the gift he was bestowing upon her with his fingers. He dipped his hand lower and slightly crooked two fingers. He pushed inside her entrance and she moaned loudly at the intrusion. She was so wet, he longed to taste her juices, but this morning was all about her. He easily and slowly slid two fingers in and out of her rubbing this thumb against her clit as he did. He applied just the right amount of pressure to her nub and was stroking with his fingers. He took his time, exploring her body. She had never had anyone take this kind of time learning her body before. He was worshipping at his temple, learning everything he could. He would always bring her pleasure before he sought his own.

She reached the edge of her orgasm as he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her body. She climbed higher until she reached the height of pleasure. Her orgasm overtook her. She shuddered, and her legs trembled. She burst into tiny shards of light as she arched her head back and called out his name.

Hearing his name torn from her lips was more than Michael could bear. He was close, just watching her receive his pleasure. The way her body responded to his amazed him. He had never been with a woman who was so responsive to his every touch. The way she trembled told him she had achieved her orgasm. He lay on top of her, bracing himself with his forearms so he could look into her beautiful, electric eyes. “Keep your eyes open. I want to watch you,” he said as he positioned himself at her entrance.

He was careful to work her back up, rubbing the head against her nub. He moved back and forth against her, applying pressure. In no time, she was begging for him to enter her. “Michael, please. I want to feel you inside me,” she begged.

He leaned forward and kissed her gently as he slid into her. They both moaned at the feeling of him inside her. He pulled out slowly and drove back into her while he kissed her shoulder and then her neck, finally making his way back to her lips. She parted her lips and opened her mouth to allow his tongue access. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth with the same controlled movements he was making into her core. She sucked on his tongue the same way her body sucked at his cock. He was in a state of bliss. He drove into her slow and steady, just the way she needed. Her hands roamed his back, massaging his muscles. He caressed her face with his hand, gently stroking her cheek. He gazed into her eyes as he entered her. Their eyes connected, communicating all of the love and trust neither one could voice. His strong and steady thrusts brought her closer to the edge. She met each thrust rubbing her pelvis against his pubic bone. The stimulation was too much.

He had to hold on. He picked up the pace, still going slow and steady, but he was driving into her harder and harder with each thrust.

“I’m there,” she moaned.

“Stay with me, Baby. Come with me,” he admonished as he thrust into her again, this time harder than the last.

They shattered into pieces together. His hot liquid pulsated into her tight center as her pulsating labia sucked greedily at his member.

Falling from grace, he rested himself against her body. Flesh to flesh, nothing stood between them but unspoken words. When should he tell her how he felt? Would she reciprocate the feelings? He was in love with her. He needed to convince her he was worthy of her love before he confessed. Unrequited love was not an option. He had to find a way to get to her heart. He had to enmesh himself as deeply in her heart as she was in his.

“Stay right there. I want to clean you up,” he commanded as he peeked out of the door making sure the coast was clear for his naked body.

He went into the bathroom and wet a wash cloth with warm water. He returned to Emma as quickly as possible. He dipped the washcloth between her legs and cleaned the mixture of juices from between her thighs.

“I would like nothing more than to stay in here all day with you,” he said, smiling at her lovely face.

“I would like that too,” she said, returning his smile.

“But, we have to be there for Rob. We’ll have plenty of time, just you and I, once the funeral is over,” he reassured her.

She was taken aback by his plans. He planned on keeping her around after the funeral, and she was out of danger. Her smile brightened reaching her eyes.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of that smile?” he said, a quizzical look upon his face.

“You said ‘after the funeral’. I thought we wouldn’t be together after the funeral. You know, you’d go your way. I’d go mine,” she responded.

Michael immediately tensed. She thought she was leaving him after the funeral. That couldn’t happen. Surely her smile was not an ‘I’m happy to see you go’ kind of smile. It was now or never.

“Do you like what just happened between us?” he questioned, tensing, waiting for her response.

“Michael, what I just experienced was mind blowing. I have never had a lover like you,” she replied, a Cheshire cat grin still on her face.

“Is that all you think we are, lovers?” he asked, dreading her answer.

“What are you trying to say?” she questioned. She wasn’t going to make a fool out of herself and say anything before he said something first. This was the first ‘Where are we going’ conversation they had. She wasn’t going to be the one to ruin it.

“I can’t speak for you, Emma. But I have told you, on more than one occasion, that you’re mine,” he stated, trying to gauge her reaction.

She had thought he said that in the throes of pleasure. She could see now he really meant it. She felt a wave of relief wash over her body. She visibly relaxed into the bed. He moved closer to her, needing to caress her face as he said the next words. He cupped her face in his hands and looked directly into her eyes. “I want to find out where this can take us because I am not letting you go. Not now. Not ever,” he alleged.

She was dumbstruck. He was talking forever. What did he mean? Surely not
, forever.
What was she, in eighth grade like Bethany?

“I want to see where we can go too, Michael,” she said as she watched him noticeably exhale. “I was afraid to say anything because I thought this was all about the adrenaline rush for you. I thought once everything was over, we would go back to our separate lives.”

“Let me make myself perfectly clear, so there is no room for confusion. You. Are. Mine. We do not have separate lives any longer. I want to be with you every day, in every way. We don’t have to rush anything. We have all the time in the world. I want you comfortable with the fact that I am not letting you go anytime soon, unless of course, that is what you want. Is that what you want?” he questioned, sadness clouding his eyes.

“Of course not, Michael. I want to be yours. I love the way that sounds, and more importantly, I love the way that feels,” she reassured him taking his face into her hands.

She brought her lips to his, but this time, she did the taking. She brought her mouth over his in a reverent kiss. She didn’t want any doubts left in that gorgeous head of his.

“You don’t mean to control me, do you, Michael,” she asked afraid of the answer.

“Only to keep you safe. And in the bedroom,” he said with a devilish grin.

She grinned back gazing into his light eyes, which were now so full of life. She never remembered a time when his eyes shined the way they did at that exact moment. He had said it to her after having sex, which meant he wasn’t just trying to charm his way into her bed. He had said it, and he had meant it.

“I will be going back to work, Michael. My career is very important to me, and I have to finish what I started,” she said, determined not to budge on this issue.

“Of course, you are. I would never want to keep you from anything that made you happy. Because, Emma, that’s all I want, a happy you,” he said, leaning in to kiss her once more.

“Good. You make me so happy, Michael,” she admitted with a wink hoping to lighten the serious mood which had enveloped them.

“We probably should get downstairs and have some breakfast. You can give a man an appetite,” he bantered.

“I know what you mean.” She winked.




« Chapter Twenty-Six »



Emma sat on the couch waiting for the guys to share two bathrooms. Today was the day of the funeral. It was a good day for a funeral. The skies were dark overcast on the verge of rain; however, the weatherman said the chance of rain was only twenty percent.

“I just got an email of the autopsy report,” Rob said handing the printed paper to Michael. “I can’t read it. Will you read it to me?” Rob whispered.

“Do you want to go into another room, someplace private?” Michael asked, cognizant of Rob’s need for privacy.

Rob looked determined. “Nope. You can read it to everyone here. Everyone here had a hand in attempting to save Lizzie. Everyone here can know.”

“Immediate cause of death - due to internal bleeding from repeated physical and sexual trauma, and dehydration,” Michael read from the report. “Manner of death – Homicide. Remarks – Decedent presented as homicide victim. Presence of ante mortem bruising on lower abdomen and back consistent with internal examination and indicative of internal bleeding from trauma to reproductive organs. Lab values showed hypernatremia indicative of dehydration in addition to hypovolemia from trauma.”

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