Closing the Ring (109 page)

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Authors: Winston S. Churchill

Tags: #Great Britain, #Western, #British, #Europe, #History, #Military, #Non-Fiction, #Political Science, #War, #World War II

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assumes control of “Overlord” naval operations in the Channel, 619;
arranges for Churchill to see preliminary bombardment
, small U.S. carrier
Rapido River
Churchill’s messages to Wilson suggesting capture of
importance of
, ;
C.O.S. approves plan to capture
Hitler’s view of importance of
Ribbentrop, Joachim, meeting of, with Italian Foreign Minister
Ribbentrop-Molotov Line (1939 Line)
See also
“Anvil,” and Southern France
Roatta, General
Robertson, General Brian
Robertson, Sir Robert
Eockets, heavy long-range, German experiments on
, ;
manufacture concentrated underground
experimental stations transferred to Poland
first trial, $$, exploit of a Polish engineer in connection with
, Italian battleship, destroyed by German aircraft on her voyage of surrender
Rome, bombing of, by Americans
entry into, by IId U.S. Corps
Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin
Roosevelt, Elliott
, ;
behaviour of, at dinner given by Stalin in Teheran
Roosevelt, Franklin D., President of the United States, agrees with Churchill on Italian situation
sends draft of broadcast for General Eisenhower to make to Italians
on treating with House of Savoy and Badoglio
, on instrument of surrender;
Churchill his guest at Hyde Park
, ;
slights Hopkins
goes to Quebec
agrees that American officer should command “Overlord,”;
accepts C.O.S. plan for Italian campaign
approves language of Eden’s instructions to British representative at Tangier as to reply to Badoglio’s emissary, Signor Berio
joint instructions with Churchill to Eisenhower concerning surrender negotiations with Italians in Lisbon
, ;
joint message with Churchill to Stalin concerning Italian situation and surrender terms
joint message with Churchill to Eisenhower concerning announcement of Armistice
presides at formal Staff Conference at White House
invites Churchill to use White House for residence and conferences
congratulations from Stalin
message to Churchill on latter’s arrival home
anxiety about de Gaulle and his rivalry with Giraud
, ;
agrees with Church-ill on means of obtaining quick signing of Italian Armistice
agrees to text of joint declaration drafted by Churchill on Italian co-operation
, ;
on Sforza
, ;
instructs Eisenhower to put pressure on Italian Government to declare war on Germany
unfavourable opinion of Aegean plans of Churchill
, ;
instructs Eisenhower to act in sense of Churchill’s desire that unprejudiced consideration be given by Commanders’
Conference in Tunis to Aegean question after hearing point of view of Middle East Command
, ;
message to Churchill on German rocket activity
on C.O.S. authorisation to Eisenhower to retain certain L.S.T.s
sends joint message with Churchill to Stalin offering to meet the latter in Fairbanks, Alaska
, ;
approves tripartite
declaration on war-criminals drafted by Churchill, ;
is indeterminate about appointing Marshall as Supreme Commander of “Overlord,” ;
suggests Dill, Portal, or Brooke for British Deputy Commander
wishes to appoint the Supreme Commander of “Overlord” as Supreme Commander also of all operations in the Mediterranean
, ;
problem of going to Teheran
suggests other places
gives Stalin his reasons for not wishing to go to Teheran
, ;
views on forthcoming Cairo Conference
makes alternative proposal to Teheran Conference
suggests inviting Russian military representatives to Cairo Conference
hopes to meet Churchill in Cairo on Nov.
invites Chiang Kai-shek for Nov.
agrees to go to Teheran and so wires Stalin
, ;
still wishes presence of Molotov and Russian military representative at Cairo
suggests meeting Churchill at Khartoum instead of Cairo
promises Chiang Bay of Bengal operation
host at Thanksgiving Day dinner in Cairo
, ;
leaves Cairo with Churchill for Teheran
security and living arrangements at Teheran
, ;
remarks of, at opening meeting on Pacific and Burma theatres
on Europe
on timing of operations
interview with Stalin and Molotov on post-war world
theory of “Four Policemen,”;
will not agree to delay “Overlord” beyond May
intervention in incident at Stalin’s dinnerparty
announces date set for “Overlord,”;
on Baltic, Kiel Canal, and the Dardanelles
at Churchill’s birthday dinner
, ;
presents Churchill with Persian vase
expresses wish for resumption of relations between Russia and Poland
raises question of Finland
against large indemnities
plan for splitting Germany into five parts
, ;
initials document setting forth military conclusions of Triple Conference
sums up points of general agreement at first plenary meeting of second Cairo Conference
gives up Andaman Islands project
, ;
jointly with Churchill sends message to Stalin giving summary of decisions reached at Cairo
tells Churchill of his decision as to command of “Overlord,” ;
goes with Churchill to see the Sphinx
message to Churchill on latter’s illness
agrees to new appointments of Eisenhower, Tedder, Wilson, Eaker
agrees to Churchill’s proposal to delay departure of L.S.T.s in order to mount Anzio’s operation
, ;
laid up with influenza
, ;
states understanding of promises made at Teheran about “Overlord” and view concerning deferment
message to Churchill about Russian share of Italian ships and promises made at Teheran concerning
, ;
accepts Churchill’s alternative plan concerning Italian ships for Russia
directs State Department to take no action affecting any change in Italian Government for the time being, and so informs Churchill
further messages to Churchill on Italian political situation
, ;
on bombing of French railway centres
cables Churchill on Greek difficulties
congratulates Churchill’s success in handling Greek mutiny
, ;
sets forth Washington view on need for Upper Burma campaign
, ;
pleased at Wingate’s success
prefers Upper Burma operation to Sumatra-Malaya
on lack of need for British Fleet detachment in Pacific in
, ;
sends message to Churchill on eve of “Overlord,”;
Churchill’s messages to
, ,
Royal Air Force, selection of men from, for infantry
Royal Italian Government, declares war on Germany
Soviets send fully accredited Ambassador to
Royal Sovereign
, H.M.S.
Rundstedt, General Gerd von
Russian Front, operations on, in
, ;
maps, Operations in Russia, July–December
map, The Front in Russia, January–June
Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact
Sabang, attack at, by Admiral Sir James Somerville
St. John, quoted
St. Matthew, quoted
Salazar, Dr. Oliveira, Prime Minister of Portugal, on Portuguese neutrality
Salerno, Battle of
, ;
map, The Salerno Landing
Salween River
San Ambrogio
San Apollinare
Sandys, Duncan, reports on rocket experiments at Peenemünde
, ;
on rocket installations in Northwest France
, ;
on pilotless aircraft
minute to
Sangro River, Eighth Army crosses the
Santa Maria Infante
falls into Allied hands
“Saturn,” code-name for plan of operations in eventuality of Turkish entry into war
, Italian motor vessel
, German pocket battleship
in battle with convoy escorts and sunk
British and American air attacks on
Scoones, General Geoffrey
Selborne, Earl of, Minister of Economic Warfare, minute to
“Sextant,” code-name for Cairo Conference
See also
Sforza, Count Carlo, returns from exile on fall of Mussolini
President Roosevelt on
exchanges between Churchill and the President as to
, ;
conversation of Churchill with, in London
member of Badoglio’s Government
“Shingle,” code-name for Anzio operation
See also
Shipping, British, Allied, and Neutral, Churchill on losses in Cape area
table of monthly totals of losses by enemy action
sinkings in Feb.
Shwebo Monywa
Sicily, expedition to
, ;
proportion of British and American forces available for
appointments to various commands in connection with
, ;
details of plan of advance
, ;
Neurath reports to Hitler on attitude of population
, ;
map, The Conquest of Sicily
Simeto River
Simon, Viscount, Lord Chancellor, minute to
Sinclair, Sir Archibald, Secretary of State for Air, minutes to

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