Cloud Rebel: R-D 3 (7 page)

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Authors: Connie Suttle

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He'd waited for

I wanted to shiver and ask him to hold me at the same time.

Do not be concerned, my love. We will work this out between us
, he soothed.
We will select our surrogate father together, too


You may think of a surrogate as a godfather, only much more involved. He will help care for you and the child before and after he or she comes.

I need that much care?

You are Larentii, so that will likely be minimal. It is merely a precaution, Lara'Kayan. Non-Larentii mothers need constant attention
The child will need advanced instruction shortly after birth so he learns to control the power he has been given. It is a taxing job in many instances
Since many mothers are not Larentii, they are not equipped to handle those situations. Most mothers are returned to their races, without any memory of their pregnancy

And that's why they're called found mothers
, I grumped.

I see you have a problem with that concept.

I do

Yes-Father said you would. You must understand that long ago, the mother was not compensated in any way. After Saa Thalarr became mothers of Larentii, that changed because of their influence

I'm still not totally on board with grabbing unsuspecting women
, I grumped.

Then perhaps you should use your influence with Kalenegar to effect changes there.

Influence with him? Riiiiight.

You may have more than you realize. You must present your case in logical and achievable terms, however, to command his attention.

You mean a smack on the shoulder won't work?

I wouldn't anger the Head of the Larentii Council without just cause
my Cori
, Val cautioned.


"We probably should start looking for those responsible in the deaths of the employees from the Nevada facility," James said, breaking Val and me out of our private conversation. "Just to see who may now have possession of the drug."

"I shudder to think who may have it," Matt muttered. Well, he'd likely be able to imagine likely suspects, just as Val and I could. The drug in any hands could become a nightmare. This was the one ring-capable of corrupting whoever held it. In the wrong hands, it could spell doom for the entire planet.

"We should keep tabs on those idiots sent by the ASD, too," I pointed out. "I feel trouble may come from that direction, and in a way nobody will appreciate."

They cannot gate away from this world, now
, Val advised me.
Those have been closed against them.

Yeah, but they can cause too much havoc in other ways.


I'd like to kick Norian Keef's snaky butt for sending them
, I said.
Surely somebody better was available

I thought your Earth connections prevented you from speaking ill of the dead
, Val hid a smile.

Norian's not dead in the here and now
, I pointed out.
Besides, Hitler's dead. That doesn't stop me from saying what a colossal fuck he was

You're comparing Norian Keef to Hitler?

Only in the fact that they're both dead-one now, one in the future

I so enjoy our conversations. They are so fresh and challenging
, he grinned.

Well, conversation boy, what should we do about tracking the ass-hats who killed the folks from the Nevada facility? We need to sort that out and keep the folks here safe at the same time.

I may have a solution
, Val's grinned widened.

What's that?

"I here," a new voice announced, startling everyone except Val.

I blinked in astonishment. I knew already that Norian Keef was a lion snake shapeshifter-this lion snake shapeshifter was a thousand times better than Norian would ever be in his best moments, and like Val, he was from the future and quite powerful.

Bekzi, the reptanoid, had arrived to help.

"Who is this?" Auggie stood, silently asking me for a more detailed explanation.

"This is Bekzi," I said. "And you should just hand over all the medals you can give to him right now-that's how good he is."

"You make embarrassed," Bekzi gave me a blinding smile.

Somebody really is looking after you
, Matt informed me. He sounded grumpy, even in mindspeech.

"This is what you should do," Val said smoothly. "Bring Dr. Shaw here, to tend Katya and Sergei. At least one of us," he indicated himself, Bekzi and me, "will be here to protect them. The others can take Rafe wherever he needs to be and help him investigate the murders and drug disappearances. We will also look in on our ASD infiltrators from time to time, just to keep them out of trouble."

"I'd like to amend that and add Dr. Farrell and his new charges to the list of those staying here," Auggie breathed a sigh. "I think they'll need your protection as well as Leo's assistance."

"I agree," Rafe said. "Help from these three will be welcome," he nodded to me. "I would like to hear updates from the Dublin investigation, too."

"I can arrange that," Matt nodded.

"We want to be included in that loop," Sergei said. "We still have friends in Dublin, and they need a warning if we can get it to them."

"I'll ask Opal to look into it," Matt said. "I'll take any information you can give me in order to make that happen."

"We'll consider what information to give," Sergei said.

"Then give information to Rinnelar or Valegar," Matt said. "They can filter out anything I don't need to know."

"I will agree to that," Sergei said.

"I'd prefer that, too," Katya sided with her husband.

"Good. We're golden. Who's taking Colonel Hunter, James and me back to D.C.?" Matt didn't keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"I will do so," Val offered.

When will you let them know you can schlepp them around?
I sent to Matt.

Maybe never-it'll blow my cover. You know-the one you promised not to reveal?

Oh. Right.

Your sarcasm is showing.


Now it's full-blown

Then it's a good thing we're using mindspeech, isn't it?

You scare me
, he said before Val interrupted the conversation by disappearing with him, Auggie and James.

"Not bother-he dig own holes," Bekzi walked over and patted my shoulder.


* * *

Notes-Colonel Hunter

"Dr. Farrell, you're moving," I announced. Valegar had known to take us to the ugly building in Arlington. We found Farrell working (unsurprisingly) with Maye's clone.

"Where?" he asked, turning away from Jennifer. She looked identical to Maye, now, right down to the haircut. I wondered if Leo had made any inroads yet on Dr. Farrell's fixation and unwillingness to let Maye go.

"To the beach house in Port Aransas," I said. "Matt thought it a good idea, since we already have a team there to protect you and Rafe's family."

"Probably a good idea," he shrugged. "Although I'm hesitant to face-well, you know."

Farrell and I knew Corinne wanted to give him a tongue-lashing. Hell, I wanted to do the same. I wanted to yell at the President, too, but that would be disrespectful and hazardous to my position.

It was better to keep my mouth shut on that front. Perhaps Cori would do it for both of us. After all, we didn't own her, and I imagined that making enemies of the Larentii was something even Madam President would hesitate to do.

If the FBI, CIA or NSA wanted to make files on the Larentii race, Valegar would likely wipe them out the moment they were created. That made me smile.

You are correct
, Valegar's voice sounded in my head.
It is our duty to protect our race and especially the few females we have. You have no idea how precious Corinnelar is to us-and to me

"She is precious to me and those around me," I declared aloud. "After saving my ass more than once, I can't say otherwise. She's saved your ass, too, Farrell, so I'd suggest you listen to her when she gives you hell."

I rounded on Richard Farrell when I said his name; he went pale and still at my words. What I didn't expect was what spewed from him immediately after.

"You kept her out of that meeting, when she should have been there," Farrell shouted. "You know as well as I what that could have prevented."

"We probably should hold this shouting match later, at a neutral site," Leo Shaw strode into the room. I could tell he was upset, too. Likely it was because Jennifer was listening and Brett walked in right behind him. They didn't need to know why they existed-or whom they resembled-all because Richard Farrell couldn't let Maye go.

"I think you should both listen when Corinne gives you hell," Leo lowered his voice. "Besides, I think I'd like to be in that meeting when she does."

Brett and Jennifer were only now noticing the tall, blue man standing nearby. Jennifer gasped; Brett looked ready to pounce. Valegar held up a hand. "There is no need to fear," he said. "Larentii are a peaceful race, although my mate will, as Colonel Hunter so baldly stated, give someone hell for fucking things up."

"You've met Corinne already," Richard sighed before nodding to Jennifer and Brett. "She'll help protect us where we're going. Just be prepared-you're about to be transported in a way you never dreamed possible."

* * *


"Call her Rinnelar," Richard Farrell instructed when Valegar arrived with Jennifer, Leo and Brett at the beach house. "Trust me-it's for your own good."

"They will not forget," Valegar said. Only I saw the slight glow of power about him when he spoke the words-they wouldn't be able to forget, now.

"Want coffee or something to eat?" I asked Brett and Jennifer before giving Richard a look. He ducked his head-sometime soon, he and I would have a talk. He wasn't looking forward to it.

"I'd take a sandwich or something," Brett grinned. I had to remind myself that this wasn't Nick. Would never truly be Nick-even with Nick's face and talents. Richard's lecture grew longer in that moment.

"I think there's sliced ham and roast beef in the fridge," I said. "And a small grocery store in Port A if we don't have everything you need."

"I could eat," Leo declared before directing Richard toward the kitchen. Jennifer followed along, still confused by the fact that she'd gone sixteen hundred miles in less time than it took her to blink.

"Don't worry," I said, patting her shoulder. "We Larentii are powerful. You'll get used to it."

"I hope so," she mumbled. "I don't know whether to laugh or be sick right now."

"Then I'll hope for the laugh," I said. "Take a seat at the island. If you need your stomach settled, Val or I can take care of that for you."

"I can," Richard began.

"You-sit," I snapped, pointing a finger at him. He sat and kept his mouth shut.

Wise move

"I'm really a nice person," I assured Jennifer, who was now looking as if I might bite her head off next. "Under normal circumstances."

"I think I had a drill sergeant like you once," Jennifer sighed.

"Well, I've never been military," I said. "Much to Auggie's disappointment."


"She means Colonel Hunter," Leo Shaw suppressed a smile. "Nobody else will get away with calling him that, so don't try."

"Who am I to interfere with an alien and a superior's affairs?" Jennifer shrugged.

"You know-I think I'll make you some cocoa," I told her. "Because you're awesome."

"I love cocoa," she said.

"I know," I nodded. "One cup, coming right out."

"What is this?" Rafe walked into the kitchen, followed by Katya and Sergei.

"Food and cocoa. Want some?" I asked.

"Food, yes. Cocoa-I would prefer coffee."

"All right, but only because it's you."

"I think Rinnelar likes you better than Dr. Farrell," Brett offered Rafe a grin.

"I would have thought it to be the other way around," Rafe said, taking a seat at the island.

"How little you know," I said and set a cup of coffee in front of him. "Here. Make yourself useful and hand this cocoa to Jennifer, down there." I turned away and allowed my shoulders to droop. Before the obsession, I would have rubbed his back or allowed him to put an arm around my waist.

All that-gone. I'm sure Val was right and there were good Sirenali out there somewhere. I silently cursed their race anyway while I made ham and roast-beef sandwiches.

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